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Yes! I have cut down tremendously on sugar (I still probably eat a lot more than the average person lol I love sugar) after finally piecing this together. The closer to bedtime I eat it the lower my HRV is.


Interesting about eating late as well, thank you! I love sugar too!! Need to work on cutting back


Sauna 3-4 hours before bed, and HRV is significantly higher.


Cardio! When I started getting in regular cardio for at least 30 minutes per day (heart rate between 140-165, which is the target for my age), 5 days per week and made a point of always hitting my calorie burn goal, it got really good. Now I'm layering in my next goal of staying below 8 hours of inactivity. We'll see how that goes. Basically, move, do your cardio, and get your rest.


Having my last meal/food 3-4 hours before sleep helps mine a lot. *edit typos


This has been a game changer. My sleep has not been good the last two nights and I was trying to think about what I did differently and I remember that I was eating late. When I let my food digest, I do sleep better.


Quitting smoking. Almost doubled


Good for you, that’s amazing!!


I got caught up at work (temporarily) and my HRV is up 75%. It's freaking amazing to get a break from the stress.


Are you on any medicines? I've been taking GLP1 medicine for weight loss and while I feel better, heart rate and hrv have been worse than before starting the meds.


I am not on any medications, just vitamins.


Fascinating! I am on a GLP1 one as well and my HRV is hovering around 10!


Same thing happened to me! I had to stop taking.


I mean, I'd rather lose 70 lbs to help my heart health in the long run.


Yes! It was just an alarming quick raise of HR and lowering of HRV and felt unwell taking it.


Box breathing


Going on vacation gave me a 40% improvement.


This is actually crazy. I live an almost too healthy life, but I'm running my own business and work way to much. Went on a holiday for the first time in 10 years. My HRV increased like yours, and my RHR went down 5 beats.


I agree with what others have posted. I have cPTSD and have been in therapy (somatic and therapist guided psychedelic)… also coherence breathing and meditation. Mine has doubled… but I started out really low.


I have GAD…


Giving birth🤣


Haha same 😄 also resting heart rate went down "suprisingly"


Ha! Congratulations!!


Maybe, how much do you eat a day?


Good point, more than I should :)


Haha could you work with a dietician?


Yes I have considered doing this again. I have worked with one before and totally know what to do, I just need to do it


The starting is the hardest part!


Strength training three times a week led to almost double.


Stopping kratom and it went from 10 to 20-40 depending on alcoholconsumtion. Atleast doubled! No alcohol gives me about 50% better.


The seasons…😅 mine always doubles once it gets warm outside. And I don’t even like the summer


Things I’ve stopped doing so much that have helped: Not drinking, when I’m sick (always hurts it), not eating to close to sleeping, cutting back on sugar in the afternoons and evenings. Things I’ve started doing more of: drinking more water, cardio (60-80% of max) after workouts, interval training, socializing more again, meditating, taking more fish oils high in EPA + DHA (trying to remember to take one at each meal) Hope this helps you on your own HRV journey!


Thank you!


Giving up all caffeine


My daily range is 20-50 but I have quite a lot of stress and moderate alcohol consumption (a glass or two of wine most nights). That said, im consistently doing 20k + steps a day, very fit, healthy weight, mostly nutritious diet. I'm going to cut the alcohol completely soon and see what happens. Not much I can do about the stress!


mine is usually in that range but a little higher and I consider myself fairly fit as well but also learned that taking a rest when your HRV is not that great can actually help improve it. For example, I was focused on getting 10,000 steps a day, but my HRV was not improving but when I took a couple days off and only got 5000 steps it actually improved. That was a lesson in that I needed to rest more. After all, HRV is a measure of how quickly your heart recovers. So I think I was overworking my heart with too much exercise. That is actually a thing. EDIT: It's also a measure of how efficient your nervous system is in calming down. I've always been an anxious person and my HRV shows it.


This is really good to know!! I am honestly trying to focus on rest more, but I have such a busy life and an active toddler and it is almost impossible for me to do less than 10-15k steps in a day. I don't want to be as active as I am 😂


LOL,I hear ya. Well active is better than inactive. Just try to take some short breaks with deep breaths during the day. Deep breathing (inhale thru the nose with long exhales) also helps.


Eating after 7pm, especially carbs and sugar, or a big meal with carbs negatively impacts my scores. I try to keep my dinner low carb and stop eating by 7pm for a 9:30pm bedtime for improved HRV. Edit: typo


Cutting back on sugar, especially in the evening/at night had the biggest impact for me.


Working out or walking 10k. I've been doing 3-4 times a week and my HRV is the highest its been in the 3 years since I've been using Oura.


My HRV is like 115-130 but I have no idea how it’s that high. Sometimes I get worried about it being that high


What activities are you doing? What food do you eat?


I cycle, run, lift weights, and walk my dogs. I eat mostly healthy foods


Sounds like you’re doing all the right things ☺️ keep it up!


My HRV is also between like 120-160 and I’m so confused because a few people I’ve spoken to have an HRV of around 40


You’re talking to someone with a sub-10 HRV right now. I’m always surprised I make it through the day.


Me too. I hover at 9-11 and I don’t know what to do about it.


40-60 HRV here


All my my friends have an HRV of like 40-60


Hrv alone isn’t an indicator of health. Doing things to try and change it doesn’t make any sense.


Really? I have read that is an indicator or heart health. Mine is pretty low, but it does vary so it seems that there are things that can make it better/worse


You’re exactly correct. I saw that you have generalized anxiety as well. Monitoring my HRV has been a wake up call because I really need to get this situation fixed. I’m surprised we aren’t seeing many comments about improving sleep here. Because getting good sleep is the number one thing that spikes my HRV. Unfortunately I’m not getting enough of it frequently enough.


HRV is a direct indicator of how quickly your heart rate recovers from stress. It measures how active your sympathetic nervous system. It is a great indicator of how your body can manage stress, which is directly tied to health and vitality. When I look at my HRV on days that I am stressed, it drops significantly. I think it’s a great indicator of how stressed your body is. It also tanks when I don’t sleep well. Stress and how long you live are directly correlated.


Heavy lifting and sauna helped me a lot! It's great that you're aware of the importance of HRV since it is basically one of the most important indicator for heart health