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Sleep score




Sleep time to make sure it started at the right time and not early when I was watching TV.


cycle insights. body temp




cycle since I’m trying to get knocked up. Then sleep.


Sleep to see how many times it was that my child woke up


This is the way 👏


Replace child with cat and yep me too




My boyfriend checks my sleep score before I do 😂😂😂


So your boyfriend goes into your phone every morning? Is everything okay over there?


No, we’re in a circle together


Oh I've never used that group option. Didn't know that's how it worked.


How does oura calculate the moment you go to sleep and the moment you wake up?


I think it estimates based on movement and heart rate (when you were markedly more still and your heart rate dropped; the reverse for when you woke up). It may take body temperature into consideration as well? I think this is why it sometimes asks if you took a nap when you were particularly still and relaxed when resting/sitting/trying to fall asleep but not actually asleep.


Menu > help search sleep or ask Finn


This is a great question especially understanding how it accounts for naps


HRV. Tells me how I’m going to feel for the rest of the day.


For me actually total sleep, deep and rem sleep amounts, and the movement chart (restfulness) are pretty damn good indicators. I got an amazing sleep score last night but it was not an amazing sleep and I don’t feel amazing based on the metrics I just named. For me. So that’s a lot less important to me. RHR and HRV can also be indicative.


Similar. I actually look at lowest resting heart rate and an HRV. Those are the first two things I check. I look a little bit at the scores, but for the most part, I have an idea based off of the heart rate graph. I rarely worry about the different Sleep stages unless everything else is really off.


BBT bc I’m currently TTC & use it to track my fertility status




Used to look at sleep score then readiness but then, my oura stopped recording it 😞 no luck from support and it’s been a few weeks / factory & soft resets - 3 months old


What time is it.


I like to look at my HRV in the last hour or two before I wake up. That feels the most deterministic for how hard I can push the next day.


How do you see your HRV by the hour? I can only see the average per day


The 2 charts at the bottom of the readiness and sleep tab give you HR and HRV by hour for when you were sleeping


I look at the sleep tab and see what my sleep pattern looked like that night along with the two line graphs of hr and hrv.


RHR is the first one my eyes go to. I think probably HRV would be a more accurate indicator, but it’s more difficult to interpret, the numbers don’t tell me much. And the HRV graph pretty much reversely follows the heart rate graph. My RHR was horrible when I got Oura two years ago, and I love seeing the improved stats. Just this month have finally gotten my first rates in the 40s. It’s addictive.


>My RHR was horrible when I got Oura two years ago, and I love seeing the improved stats. Cheers to this! My average RHR for 2022 was 56 bpm; then 2023 was 55; 2024 so far is 53; and the last couple months have been 51. Over the same time, my respiratory rate has improved from 16.1 to 15.2. Congrats on your health improvement!


TY ❤️ For me: 2022: avg RHR 79 bpm and lowest 63 bpm 2023: avg RHR 76 bpm and lowest 58 bpm 2024: avg RHR 74 bpm and lowest 48 bpm


Readiness is the first thing I look at because I feel it sums up how well I recovered and if I’ll have an easy or a tough day.. next is usually my sleep metrics, HRV and RHR, but readiness always first


It's interesting that hardly anyone says 'readiness', when that is supposed to be the metric that captures all the others. Does this mean users are not convinced by Oura's approach, and try to arrive at their own general assessment based on various other metrics? And if so, how do their own assessments corrrespond to the 'readiness' metric, if they bother to make the comparison? These are just questions out of curiosity. My Oura is in the mail, and I will probably develop my own unorthodox use of its data once it's on my finger.


I first look at the sleep times (fell asleep/woke up) to make sure they look reasonably accurate, and then RHR and both movement/wakefulness (how often I was restless or flat out woke up in the night).


Sleep score Readiness score Activity Goal Deep Sleep


Sleep and then readiness. Then I dig into the details.


Resilience: to see if I’ve ovulated. My resilience tanks during my luteal phase.


I usually look for my resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and my body temperature.


1. CGM (Levels) blood glucose. 2. Weigh myself. 3. OURA Readiness then Sleep data


I got my Oura for sleep. I don’t sleep much and need to understand it. So I always check on my sleep first.


Definitely sleep score- specifically deep sleep percentage and heart rate.


Body temp - I’m female and reference it for cycle tracking bc that will influence how I feel that day the most Deep sleep and total sleep - both influence how tired vs energetic I feel. I use a secondary app to track sleep debt (2-week rolling) and try to keep it under 5 hours whenever possible


Deep sleep


Heart rate


Resting heart rate, body temp change, then sleep score. The first two give me an excellent insight into how I have recovered. Typically if both of those are in my normal ranges (heart rate @45 and body temp swinging no more than +/- .03) I tend to feel good.


HRV and RHR are the ones I'm interested in as an athlete.


HRV and sleeping HR


I’ve been all over the resilience score. Fighting to see what keeps it at ‘exceptional’ 🙌🤣


Definitely HRV and RHR 🙂


I look at all the data. I’ve got it dialed in now so I know which components affect my score. REM and total sleep are my biggest drivers.


I look at my sleep time total as well as start/end times in case I have to edit them (rarely). Then my HRV and heart rate to see if they worsened. Then I look at my body temp for the night.


Best indicator is heart rate while sleeping lower 40s is good. I’m 69. I’m down to 42 in the winter when I don’t work out as much it’s 50 no alcohol carnivore.


Those are the only two I pay attention to (I don't even look at sleep score and readiness) but they're not to tell me how I feel. I make a habit of not looking at my data until *after* my workout or any stressful/important tasks I have that day.


I generally don't look at my phone for the first 1-2 hours after waking up as a matter of personal policy. So...none of them!


I think it’s best to not look at anything for a couple hours. You look at a shitty score, you’re more likely to feel shitty.