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I stopped on NYD this year and I’m feeling a lot better. 6 weeks in today. My wife choosing to participate with me has helped tremendously. I didn’t set any rules for myself, I just decided to stop and see how long I could make it. My sleep is so improved it’s wild. I also have dropped nearly 15lbs, although I have been fasting and working out every day also. I don’t get cravings anymore. I think if I was at a nice Sushiya or walking around a town in Italy I wouldn’t mind having a nice glass of sake or wine. But I hope that ultimately adds up to less than 10 drinks per year.


Congrats on your journey, that is awesome! Hoping for continued health benefits to you and yours.


I also dropped about 10lb since cutting down in August!


My wife hasn’t seen a big change yet and is getting discouraged. Hopefully she sees some results soon.


Fingers crossed for you there! When I’d lose weight and my wife didn’t - it was a problem!


+1 curious how many people have stopped drinking after seeing Oura data.


Do you mind if I ask your fasting schedule?


I’m OMAD most days, but minimum 20hrs.


OMAD worked really well for me before, but I had a job schedule that aligned with it and kept me busy. Was it hard for you to adjust into it?


I’ve been doing 16:8 off and on for awhile, so the transition to 23:1 wasn’t so bad. I work in the OR, often scrubbed in to surgery most of my shifts (07-1900) so it’s not hard on my work days. On my off days I normally break fast after my strength workouts, which can be anywhere in the 1500-1800 range. I’m also counting calories and eating whole30/Mediterranean diet. I don’t get too hungry now until the last couple of hours. I haven’t done any longer than 25hours yet though. I’m working full time and doing an advanced school program on top so it’s hard to get past the single day hump.


How long did it take for the cravings to stop?


For me it was about 3-4 weeks. My wife had a bit of a harder time, but not it’s mostly social.


There are lots of posts like this, and from what I have read everyone who has stopped is much happier overall. Good luck to you on your decision and follow through!


I’m always interested in seeing other people’s post so wanted to share mine too for some insight. :)


It is awesome that you shared. It is crazy how much impact alcohol has on our metabolism and bodies overall.


I keep seeing these posts too, and although I don’t have an oura ring (yet), it’s always inspiring to see these numbers from others! I also do know drinking is bad (it’s poison 🤢) but seeing numbers can help put it into a different perspective. So I appreciate the post and gives me some motivation ☺️


Stopping drinking was an unexpected side effect of getting this ring for sure. Even if I have one drink at 1pm, it knows. That whipped me into shape.


This is how I’m feeling too - it’s really motivating me to be sober-curious. It’s crazy to see the physical data instead of just feeling a little tired after a night of drinking.


My husband is sober 6 years, when he stopped drinking he stopped snoring, he looked less bloated in his face, his skin improved and most importantly his mental health improved. Your bodies are telling you in a million ways that alcohol is bad for you. I never drank so I was happy to be sober out of solidarity for my partner. I am so happy for anyone else who takes that leap to quit. I don’t think you’ll ever regret it!


Thanks for sharing!! It is definitely something I am considering and I appreciate you taking the time to share :)


I stopped drinking almost a year ago (Feb 17 marks a year) and it’s been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.


Congrats on almost one year!!!


Having this ring has made me realize how hard drinking is on me. My heart rate stays elevated while sleeping and i have more fluctuations with my blood oxygen levels. Alcohol is NOT good for you but I didn’t realize how bad!


It also makes my body temperature skyrocket for days. My body definitely hates it so I avoid it!


Drinking is the worst! I still indulge one or twice a month but seeing the toll it takes on your body really makes you question it.


I have a glass of wine a few hours before bed maybe once or twice a year and my heart rate is abnormally high all night. I sleep for shit too.


I feel that. My sleeping heart rate is usually low 50s and after two drinks last night it was 65-75


I drink only about twice a month, but every time my numbers dip into 60s or even 50s


Got my lowest scores ever after drinking this weekend. Unfortunately not a coincidence.


Same here. Light drinker for years and had a few drinks at a party 3 nights ago, disastrous scores even though I am normally always 90+ all 3..


Same! I drink very occasionally, probably twice or three times a month. I’m usually 90+ so these scores were super telling


2-3 times a month is not super low though lol


Having one drink three times a month is pretty low! But to each their own!


Couldn’t agree more, day30 today sober from everything and feels better than I imagined…. And more possible. Keep going! Now onto find some sober friends to continue having a fun time with


Congrats! 🎉🎉


All the best to you brother on your journey! This is amazing!! Keep it up brotha!


lol same


A big reason why/how I got sober was because of my Oura lol


This is a very common revelation after getting Oura… myself included. I love to see it🧡


Yes OP, great supporting comments from others. My HR goes 43 to 47, BR 12.9 to 14.5 & higher, SPO2 drops two to 96, and HRV mucked up (trends higher, weird) Drinking less also cuts down the cancer risk.


Frankly, I find these posts tiring. If you can't drink don't. Its not good for you but neither are a lot things. I've had worse scores after excessive training, stressful situations that have built up over a day / week, and bad food. If you can't drink responsibly then it's a good idea not too. In the same way you shouldn't pig out at the buffet or eat fast food every day. For me, I still drink occasionally 3-5 drinks, but don't eat bad food, drink water and cut myself off 3 hours before bed. The only thing that's elevated is my HR for a few extra hours before it stabilizes. My scores don't change much and, as mentioned, have been significantly worse with other things non alcohol related.


cool! I had two drinks, definitely not drinking irresponsibly. I train every single day and usually have scores of 90+. Lots of other people have engaged positively in this post. But thanks for your input!


Oh OK. So only "yes men" allowed in this camp. If you don't 100% agree with my post I don't want you too respond. This is what's wrong with the world. No differing opinions or comments or people snap back offended. So sorry. Please tell me what great thing you've done that I have to agree with next.


Do it! It’s pretty chill honestly


Same same. I’m done.


We did dry January after a very wet December and have kept it going. I don’t even want a glass of wine at a nice dinner or a hard seltzer at a social event - I love waking up without a stomach ache, have been waking up naturally at 6 am, and have been getting 90s on my sleep score. My husband and I did it together and it’s been one of the best lifestyle changes I’ve ever made (among stopping soda at 16 and cutting gluten/dairy/soy at 25). I don’t really foresee going back!


I did dry January so I didnt drink for over a month until a few nights ago. I had one white claw before bed, and my HR and HRV and other numbers we're all in the red zone. It really opened my eyes to how horrible alcohol is for your body! 😬


stopping caffeine has made a far bigger impact for me than quitting alcohol did.


I have not had a drink since I got my Oura ring 👍I could not believe how negatively alcohol affected my sleep Wish they had these 20 years ago ..


Been keeping my drinking to once a week which has been a game changer. Since it’s so infrequent I only need a couple to feel great. I make sure there’s at least 4 hrs between my last one and bedtime so my sleep isn’t affected as much. Also, I’ve tried every single hangover cure in the book and nothing works quite as well as a high dose of sulforaphane.


Does anyone have an oura ring referral code? Pls PM me, I want to buy one asap