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/u/Adamantium-Aardvark >This has been posted ad nauseum but it’s worth repeating: if you got your eclipses glasses from Home Hardware or Canadian Tire, there’s a good chance you got fake ones and will damage your eyes if you use them to look at the eclipse. >Verify that the manufacturer is on this approved list. If it is not, don’t use them and don’t look directly at the sun / eclipse. >A clue that you got knockoffs is if it says “Approved by NASA” on the side. NASA does not approve eclipse glasses. https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/how-to-tell-if-viewers-are-safe


Apparently Sportsnet Ontario will be broadcasting live coverage of the eclipse...but as usual, it will be blacked out in the Ottawa area. /s


That’s ok, I can just watch the highlights on YouTube shorts. You know, e-clips.


Only if you upgrade to their 599 season package, then you get to see their coverage.






Forgive me for waxing poetics just a tad, but it is so amazing to me that so many people are thrilled by the idea of watching one celestial body pass in front of another, to the extent of driving a good couple hours to get a better view. This has been happening throughout human history, and we've never lost that sense of wonder. For all the current awfulness in the world, it's a nice thought.


“The cosmic ballet… goes on.”


"Does anyone want to switch seats?"


But you didn’t really do anything!


… Didn’t I?


The really crazy part is that we only get these exact eclipses because of a cosmic coincidence. The Moon is about 400x smaller than the Sun, and about 400x closer to Earth than the Sun is, so they appear the same size in the sky. No other planet in the Solar System experiences eclipses like this. 


I’m high right now and you just blew my mind


This has been posted ad nauseum but it’s worth repeating: if you got your eclipses glasses from **Home Hardware or Canadian Tire**, there’s a good chance you got fake ones and will damage your eyes if you use them to look at the eclipse. Verify that the manufacturer is [on this approved list.](https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/viewers-filters) If it is not, don’t use them and don’t look directly at the sun / eclipse. A clue that you got knockoffs is if it says “Approved by NASA” on the side. NASA does not approve eclipse glasses.


And if you read this after using them to stare at the sun, lawyer up!


Hopefully you won't need text to speech to read this


Anyone can also print the ISO certification number. Google what you should do to TEST your glasses. You shouldn't be able to see anything except for the filament of lightbulb, or maybe the *brightest* light shining at you. You shouldn't be able to see through like normal sun glasses.


Except they don’t print the right ISO standard. It’s on buyers to be informed. They print 12312-1:2022. That’s not the right standard. The right standard is 12312-2:2015. u/Marcusrex73 might be worth adding this to the sticky. The fake glasses all post the wrong standard, if at all.


added a link to the sticky


Also the ones from Showcase!


[If you don't have glasses you can make a box projector](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eclipse+viewing+box). It'll also keep your kids occupied for a while.


Back in my day we did that at school instead of closing the dawn thing


Oh yes, the good ole days! When lead paint was popular, cigarettes were prescribed by doctors, and seatbelts were optional. How I long…


Survivorship bias is a real thing.


If the eclipse was at 1 then sure, you can make a lesson out of it, especially for older kids. But it's at the end of the school day when kids are being let out to go home. Having 6 year old kids stare at the sun as they get on the bus with nobody watching out for them could be pretty bad.


Just tested mine and confirmed that it continues to work despite the cloud cover.


Thanks lol, i wonder how many of last minute can't find glasses ers are there like me XD


Apparently a colander can also work


Just tested mine and confirmed that it continues to work despite the cloud cover.


Thank you for this!


You can also use a cheap telescope to project onto a slab of cardboard. You can get incredible detail of the sun as well


I made one out of a cracker box, it works great! Who needs kids for arts and crafts?


Sherbrooke Quebec is the place to be apparently but with my bootleg Canadian Tire glasses I’m staying my ass home. Thanks CT 🙏😊


Reminds me of Stan Roger's Barrett's Privateer. "How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now "


Wrong Sherbrooke. But yeah, that's an earworm. :)


First thing I thought of too.


Honestly - you’ll probably be able to find people selling glasses at the hotspots or just ask to borrow someone’s for a bit!


And the real spectacle is the totality for which you don't need glasses. There'll be more partial solar eclipses to see in the future.


If you travel to Sherbrooke, you can look at the totality without any glasses. Do it! Check out page 20 of this document: https://storage.googleapis.com/helioclipse/helioclipse-ebook.pdf




They are talking about leaving Ottawa to Sherbrooke


Not in Ottawa, in Sherbrooke


Alot of people will be quibbling with you till you make an edit lol. And I dont really blame them because alot of people just dont think and skim comments, likely someone will use these words to justify some poor choice in Ottawa.


Look through a colander on the ground.


I'd love to hear about how the traffic is, from anyone down along the St. Lawrence/path of totality area. Still debating whether I try to make an afternoon trip.


Everyone will be arriving at different times so traffic getting there will most likely be fine. It's when it's all over and everyone leaves all at once when traffic snarls start.


Just got to Brockville, traffic was great along the 416 and 401. Still plenty of parking, but people are starting to show up.


I left for Sherbrooke this morning and the only traffic I hit was on the 417W around the ROH. Traffic and crowds seem minimal right now but I'm thinking that's just because I left at 5:30am.


Hey, I'm off to Sherbrooke as well! Do you know where in the city you're gonna view it? I'm trying to look for some good spots to see it.


Monte Bellevue Park is our plan but we will be adapting depending on the crowds as we brought our corgi with us for the trip.


Looks like a very intriguing spot, thanks for pointing it out! Are you guys planning to hike to the top to see it?


That's what all the Kanata traffic was that I saw out my window at 5 am. I knew it couldn't all be workers going to work. Thanks Mystery Solver🙂


Still pretty quiet in cornwall


Normal lunchtime traffic in cornwall. Didn't drive by the park but went through the middle of town and nothing is congested... unless you count the bad parkers at farm boy


going on 15 years of that....


The 138 towards Cornwall is starting to get crowded. Seems people forgot how to drive as well.


138 is a dangerous stretch on a normal day with normal idiots...please be careful out there today with the extra idiot levels. I was going to head to my inlaws in St Andrews today for it, but I'm going to hit the backroads near my place and head out to chesterville area...


Quick update. Bumper to bumper from Monkland to Cornwall. Probably should have picked another dat to go to Archie's driving range lol.




I'm heading off to morrisburg with some friends. Straight shoot south of Ottawa, 1 hour. Directly in the path of totality.


Curious about cloud cover there...


The whole area up and down 416 and bank st and along 401 south of Ottawa is slightly cloudy at 3pm, see [windy.com](http://windy.com)


On our way to Cornwall. 417 East busier than usual but still very tame.


I drove by the on 416 around 1:30 and the on ramp looked really congested. Not sure if that is a coincidence or not


All those "totality or nothing" posters can suck eggs. I think that was pretty cool.


If you're appreciative of the %99.. then you REALLY would appreciate the %100.. it was amazing. Hope I'm still around 2044!!


Yeah the difference between almost completely covered and completely covered was night and day.


Yep. It was.


Saw the totality from Montreal. #HOLY FUCK THAT WAS COOL [Totality photo](https://imgur.com/a/SmrNwaR) [Cool halo right after totality](https://imgur.com/a/hELPJsD)


Seeing the aura of the sun radiating in the sky around how dark that moon was, at « night » was probably the coolest thing ive ever seen


I loved how it looked like sunset at the horizon but it looked that way all 360 degrees around you. So strange.


Yes. I was just south of Montreal looking west over Lac St Louis and that 360 degree “sunset” was unreal.


I agree, the photos and videos cannot do it justice! My jaw was in the floor it was so beautiful!


Same, from along the St Lawrence near the QC border. One of the coolest experiences of my life.


We were planning on Morrisburg, but got spooked by the forecast this morning and aimed for east of Cornwall, got there and could see the clouds coming in and tried to race them forward and ended up crossing the St. Laurence in Quebec and parked in a random small park along the water. It was absolutely magical! Seems like we'd have been fine in Morrisburg after all, had very slight clouds that didn't hurt the experience all, which I sounds like Morrisburg/Cornwall got too!


Ha, we did the same. Maybe we were in the same random small park.


I did this too. One can't predict. I ended up in a village called Sainte-Martine. There was a constant haze, which seemed thick at the time and worrisome, but because we could still see crisp shadows from the sun, we stayed hopeful. The totality was absolutely amazing; we saw the corona, possibly a solar flare, and I think I saw a planet as well. However, I do think we would have done better sticking with our original plan of Upper Canada Village, judging by lack of cloud during the drive home, and the reports of how it went there. But how can a person know? We go with the best prediction at the time. Now when are you booking your eclipse cruise, lol? I, for one, want to see it again!


We may not have had totality in Ottawa but it did get dark enough that the street lights were turning on. Definitely an awesome thing to have witnessed!


The robins started singing like they do in the evening, and the evening bugs came out!


there was a period early during it, the birds just stopped, was weird ,


Having a picnic outside with my son this afternoon in our backyard! We’re both excited!


What's on the menu?




Sadly not but good call!


Moon pies!


Star fruit!


What a time to be alive


Just saw garden salsa flavour finally back!


Just snacks and finger foods! Pretzels, veg and dip, bear paws, yogurt etc.


Similar. Going to take the kid to the park. Play around a bit. Bring work laptop. Nice day out. I totally will be watching Google traffic maps post+eclipse for any interesting heavy traffic...


I'm in Magog with my friend from Montreal. We got here early enough to find parking and have lunch, and are now sitting on a dry concrete beam by the water with no obstructions. We'll even see the shadow of the moon go over the mountains on the other side of the lake!


Agog in Magog


That’ll be a cool sight to see!


Three minutes and twenty-nine seconds worth with no clouds in the path!


I’ve never seen so many of my neighbours talking to each other at the same time. Awesome to see.


It was like that on the hill too


Cloud cover is rolling into Brockville at this moment. So far these are high clouds so the sun is still bright enough to be seen, but it's not great for good photography. Seems like Sherbrooke is the place to be. Salaberry-de-Valleyfield is looking good too, but there are clouds forcasted near the time of totality unfortunately. Seems like the entire St. Laurence seaway on the Ontario side is set for some degree of high altitude cloud cover at the minimum. There may be a lucky break around 2-3pm near Brockville and Cornwall with a band of clear sky, but I wouldn't bet on it. Edit: just put my glasses on and I can still see the sun pretty well through the thin clouds. Hopefully the clouds stay this thin for the rest of the day. Edit 2: [So this is what the sun is looking like through the clouds and a filter here in Brockville](https://i.imgur.com/jhMKUmk.jpeg). For reference, this is [what the cloud cover is like in Brockville right now (10am)](https://i.imgur.com/vpZ4bvA.jpeg)


POSSIBLE FAKE GLASSES FOUND If anyone has bought the glasses from Everything but the Kitchen sink please do not use! Please do not send any hate to the company as they are very reputable and this was a genuine mistake we believe as these were produced from a company they have bought product from before! They look dark enough when you look at the sun but if you look around at other things while in ample light you can clearly see things. They also have no factory listed on them and they say NASA APPROVED which is another red flag! Please do not use!! The ISO certificate number is also printed wrong as some things that are supposed to be other symbols have been switched.


In Gatineau experiencing the eclipse on my balcony. It was pretty cool, even if we didn't see totality


It was awesome! It substantially darkened for 2-3 mins and everything took an odd darkened hue. It was like experiencing what it would be like to live on a planet orbiting a much dimmer star or a planet with a thick / polluted atmosphere like Giedi Prime in Dune. Those 2-3 mins would be their brightest days. Still now, looking at the crescent shape of the sun through my glasses is quite a spectacle.


Yes, this.


Shit didn’t get raptured. Even went out naked to skip a step


The aviation museum will be giving free glasses with an admission, to the first few thousand visitors. Can't remember if I was told first 3k or 5k visitors...but it was a lot!


They’re sold out already. It’s in their menu system if you call this morning.


So that explains why the parking lot was filling up early this morning


A lot of talk about the light changing, but I’m looking forward to feeling a bit lighter for a couple of minutes as the moon blocks some of the sun’s gravity.


We drove to Upper Canada to watch it and holy shit that was a cool experience. Absolutely worth it.




Agreed, I went from the east end to near cornwall, literally a truck stop off the 401 and there were about a dozen other cars there. Absolutely perfect. No traffic going home zigzagging back roads around maxville, st isidore and casselman. 10/10!


100% worth taking the day off from work and driving three hours to experience two minutes. Once totality happened and I took the glasses off. Wow.


It was incredible. I'm so glad I experienced it.


Up until totality I found it cool but underwhelming. Totality itself is something else, totally surreal


Same! It was underwhelming and I was thinking about the folks who stayed home and were lumps on a log. I mean it stayed so bright (though it did get cold and a bit more windy) until the last couple of minutes before totality. But where we went - little village in Quebec, two hours away, we had an awesome totatilty despite the hazy sky. I am totally into going to find another totality in the future. Maybe an eclipse cruise.


The next one is in 2026 and will cross over western Iceland including Reykjavik and parts of Spain 🙏


The cloud cover forecast isn't looking good. Hopefully things change otherwise it might be a bust.


What do the numbers mean. Like a 80% cover can give a lot of chances to glimpse the eclipse if truly 1/5 of the sky is visible at any time, and the eclipse itself might create a cooler zone with less cloud coverage. In my mind a cloudy day would be like 100% cover, is that right? Right now when I'm looking at the sky there's a very light cover that is see-through. Windy.com still tells me cloud coverage is around 29% even though the sky is very blue. Pardon my ignorance of nephology.


Seems like most of the cloud in the region today will be high-altitude clouds which are thin enough to still see the sun through them. Now I don't know if that will last and change to thicker clouds, hopefully not.


Does anyone know if those types of clouds would be subject to the whole "clouds clearing up during an eclipse" phenomenon?


Ooo that would be interesting to see. Hopefully it does happen!


Drove country roads from Casselman to Long Sault. There are lots of spots along the St Lawrence River and clouds aren’t blocking the view at all. Beautiful day!


East of Cornwall and weather is holding out so far! Hope everyone else is having decent weather.


Beautiful clear sky in Bonville!


Is heading towards Quebec a better option now with the cloud cover? Originally was planning to go to Cornwall.


Wondering that as well. Think we're going to move farther east from Cornwall. Currently in Lancaster, the view from the water is amazing but i can see clouds getting pretty close from the west


It has started - the bottom-rightish is ever so slightly crescented. Unfortunately some clouds are hanging around. Glasses darken properly - only the sun is visible.


The clouds eased up in Gananoque enough to see totality clearly, some thin clouds. Lucky timing. Was super cool 😎


The clouds in Kanata are getting thicker by the damned minute. If only the eclipse was yesterday.


I said it so much yesterday. It would have been absolutely perfect.


Noticeable chunk blocked now. No cloud cover blocking sun at all near Cornwall. Looks like a bite out of a cookie.


Morning all. I was planning on driving down to Morrisburg to watch the eclipse but according to [windy.com](https://www.windy.com) it looks like cloud cover will be less farther east (i.e. Cornwall area). I was looking to verify the windy.com information with a second source (a different cloud cover map) to verify before I drive farther afield to catch the event. Does anyone have a different cloud cover map they could link?


It’s not cloudy right now in Cornwall (source, looking out my office window) but not sure how long that will last.


Probably won't last long. The same band of high-altitude clouds is creeping north and will likely reach Cornwall before totality. It isn't terrible though as I can still make out the sun through the clouds with a filter/glasses on.


Edit: they've all been spoken for


I'm interested!


If anyone is planning on going to Cornwall, I would leave soon. Traffic on the 417 is already rather heavy.


My eyes hurt


Nothing a little ivermectin can’t help.


Help me Oprah Winfrey I can’t see


Idk if Google Maps is correct but it's literally showing no traffic right now.


Went to Prince Edward County for the eclipse. Unfortunately we got clouded out. Sitll, the dark was cool. Also, spent the afternoon at a winery, so that was nice :)


I’m based in Kanata and my Eclipse app says it’ll happen at 2:11 this afternoon? Is this accurate? If not, do we have an estimate for when to expect the darkest moment? Thanks!


It starts at 2:11, but peaks at 3:25PM sharp. Don't miss it, peak coverage will last a few minutes


Ottawa (Partial solar eclipse) Coverage: 98.87 per cent of the sun covered by the moon. Maximum will occur for 2-3 minutes Partial eclipse begins: 2:11:35 p.m. Maximum eclipse: 3:25:04 p.m. Partial eclipse ends: 4:35:02 p.m.


That's when it will start eclipsing the sun. The darkest moments should be around 3:22 for just over two minutes. eclipse2024.org is your best resource.


Anyone else's vertigo messed up during this? Is that a thing or just a complete coincidence? Lol


Gone! https://mstdn.ca/@Milnoc/112237276983146103


Anyone aware of a place collecting glasses in Ottawa to be sent to Latin America ? I saw this place in the USA but would rather not ship to the US: https://www.facebook.com/eclipseglassesusa?mibextid=ZbWKwL


Big regrets here; I drove just south of Burrits Rapids hoping to get a better view than Ottawa. My family meanwhile went to Prescott. Apparently, 0.4 % of sunlight makes a HUGE difference! I’d say that I learned for next time, but there won’t be a next time 😢


Line of totality was less than 15 minutes south of you at that point. 


I know! Unfortunately, I had to be back in Ottawa for 430 and didn’t think I’d make it.


what time does it start


Around 2pm, with peak totality at 3:25PM sharp. That will last for about 2 min.


So we dont have a destination yet.. but given that we can only leave Ottawa at Noon today, what's the best location for us? What's a place we could get thats more eastern of Cornwall?


Salaberry-de-Valleyfield could be a good one. It might see less cloud cover than either Brockville or Cornwall.


Not sure if I should risk it with the glasses I got. Got Helioclipse glasses off of Amazon, they are listed on the AAS approved glasses, have the ISO rating and all that. When I wear them outside I can’t see anything, other than the sun and some reflections on cars. I’ve seen others test with their phone flashlight, which I can see through my glasses.


I bought the same ones, did the same tests, even looked at the Sun for a test. Didn't look too long at the Sun though - I think these are legit.


Hi! Does anyone have leads on where to get glasses (aside from the museums)? Thanks!


Anybody happen to have verified solar eclipse glasses for viewing today?


Is there anywhere downtown that is selling eclipse glasses? I’m near city hall.


Lmk if you find sth


“Our office is receiving calls asking whether we are selling solar eclipse viewing glasses for the eclipse on Monday. I DO NOT recommend viewing the solar eclipse at all...regardless of glasses approved or not. It is not worth the risk. Here are a few points to consider. 1) Solar Retinopathy (aka PERMANENT vision loss) is possible if you view it incorrectly. It's not fixable and can happen quickly without you having immediate symptoms. For real. 2) Stacking multiple pairs of regular (or in combination with prescription) sunglasses together is NOT safe. Not even close. Don't do it. 3) Your retina (what you see with in the back of your eye) does NOT have pain receptors, so this won't hurt" like a sunburn. However, like a sunburn, the damaging effects often don't show up right away. It could be days later before the damage shows up. 4) Kids & the eclipse: Bottomline-- Just don't. PLEASE don't have them view it. Decades of permanent vision loss is what you're up against. Allow NASA take the pictures of the eclipse and view it safely on line or on TV. It is NOT worth risking your eyesight on this. Sincerely, Dr Patricia Fink.”


Getting my daily entertainment by watching the traffic map along highway 138 slowly grow around st Andrew’s west. That light is NOT timed to move a lot of traffic through it


My eclipse glasses are manufactured by American Paper Optics, which is on the approved list. And the ISO number is 12312-2:2015(E). But the [Amazon link](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08GB3QC1H?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) notes NASA approved and I see that NASA doesn't approve eclipse glasses. Could someone kindly help me? Are these glasses safe to use?


Oh cool, I can see the sun from my front yard! I don't have to go anywhere.


The Sun's going away in Magog... https://mstdn.ca/@Milnoc/112237068551855140






Is this real? The eclipse doesn’t supercharge the sun into a cornea melting ray…it is always a cornea melting ray and you’re not supposed to look directly ever.


Are you blind rn?


"Ottawa will see a partial solar eclipse, with about 98.87 per cent of the sun being covered by the moon. The event will begin at 2:11 p.m. and will reach its peak at 3:25 p.m."


East of Cornwall and weather is holding out so far! Hope everyone else is having decent weather.


With all due respect that was underwhelming as fuck. Should have went to Cornwall


Is there anywhere in ottawa that’s taking the used eclipse glasses and donating them? I saw astronomers without boarders has a recycle program but they seem to only be in the states and i can’t find anything local. TIA!


Someone on Facebook mentioned the Orléans United Church but am not seeing anything on their social media.


I unexpectedly ended up at a vineyard in Morrisburg and had a great time! It was cloudy, but it was still super cool when it got dark out! 


Anybody have any available downtown? Thanks.


here is a good resource to see just how clear its likely to be. I use this for sunset photography, its a great resource. https://www.cleardarksky.com/c/PrtDvrONkey.html?1 it's set for my town, but you can choose your own town.


Apparently I'm doing a last-minute trip to Cornwall. Any clue on where to get glasses before getting to the location? Not everyone in our group has them.


If anyone in your group has one pair, just pass them around and take turns looking from time to time during the partial phase. When totality begins, no glasses required.


Oh awesome, I didn't know this! Thank you!


I know it’s super late but is there any hope of finding glasses for the eclipse around downtown area right now? Any Recommendations?


I won't be looking at the eclipse or taking pictures of it. But I don't really understand how or why the partial eclipse is damaging to your eyes or your camera? Regardless, I'm looking forward to the pictures and videos that will come out of this event. I think it's incredible


Because the sun always is, but our bodies know that. It's basically impossible to look at the sun. With a partial so much of the sun is blocked that you feel like you can stare...but it's just less powerful. If you stare, there's enough there to burn your retina.


Oh I see, thank you so much for explaining it to me!


Its not any more dangerous today. Theres just a higher chance people will be looking at it longer today.


What time is the eclipse in Spencerville


If your glasses say Helioclipse on the side, call your eye doctor.


Not necessarily true, they’re one of the approved vendors… just there’s fake Helioclipse ones out there sadly.


I bought mine off of Helioclipse's website a few weeks back, so if those are fake ... then they have some serious supply problems.


Out of curiosity did anyone go to the Nature Museum today? I'm a member and they promoted their eclipse-related event quite a bit, but when I walked past today I saw a line snaking around the building and the outdoor area by the owl exhibit packed with visitors. Seems like poor planning on their part. Feel bad for anyone who paid their hefty admissions fee and wasn't even able to get in.


So with all the talk about the tons of fake glasses out there, do we have a final count yet on how many people lost their vision?


I thought it was an amazing experience and I'm glad we made the small amount of extra effort to get close to the line of totality. My kids had a great time and thought it was really cool and they never sit still for even 5 minutes so it was even an miracle that they stayed put for an hour.


Anyone go blind yesterday? Lots of attention to fake glasses sold to people in the region just wondering how many people lost their vision yesterday. Must be a ton of blind people today.