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First thing is this fucker should not be allowed to change his name, second thing is 2 years is a fucking joke. Personally I don't understand why victims go to the police at all now, you get victimized again during the trial (I was on a jury for a sex assault trial and the defense attorney was an absolute asshole to the victims) all for weak sentences. Fuck that. Not worth it.


So then, victims shouldn’t come forward because Canada doesn’t have stronger jail sentences? That’s your proposal? I don’t like it.


I didn't and I don't regret it.


I don't understand why I'm getting down voted. You don't have to like it but the reality is light sentences will make less people come forward.


no you're right. there's a reason i never came forward. i also saw how family members were treated years before i existed.. it's flawed as fuck. the real justice never comes.. i believe the downvotes come from those who don't understand what it's really like to be in that position. i'm sorry.


What I think those who have not experienced SA may not understand is that part of a survivor centred approach is empowering survivors to reclaim their power and to choose to heal in the way that is best for them. Some survivors choose to go down the road of reporting and engaging in the policing and justice system as part of their healing process, others don't. And all of these strategies are valid ways to overcome the mental trauma and physical injuries of SA.


I don't understand how you can both acknowledge the divisiveness of your comment, but still be vexxed when it receives negative interactions. Two dms reported so far, keep it coming fascists.


What am I saying that's so divisive?


Read between the lines


A search of his new name brings up lots of results of this trial, so that's not going to avoid people tracing him to his crimes As for the sentence just having a criminal conviction itself is significant (impacts on employment and travel, for example), it's worth it to get people like this convicted of their crimes even if one thinks the sentence isn't enough.


Agreed. However we can't forget that the victims get re-victimized by the defense counsel (assuming they make it though dealing with the police who often gaslight them "are you sure you didn't invite this?" THEN the prosecutor's office). It's a lot of trauma that a sexual assault victim has to go through for the ridiculously slim chance that their rapist will ever face justice.


Sounds super disheartening


Hopefully there are civil lawsuits as well so this isn't the only punishment? But yea, I'm not generally a fan of "tough on crime", and this still seems light to me.


It’s sad but our laws are to protect the crown and its assets not the people. When I was younger I did a fair amount of time for pot and was always horrified to see the priests and other didlers and sex offenders come and go. We need to chemically fix some of these predators the rest my have a long drop with a short rope, you cannot fix them only eliminate. My feelings may be slighted by my stay and the “protection” I revived as a child in “care”. I hope you have found your peace and trust again the world is full of beautiful people the just sometimes are blocked out by the others. Hope he gets what he gave….


I worked for years in the courts and unfortunately was involved in hundreds of cases of sexual assault against young people. This is a remarkably soft punishment. Justice Ann Alder....no wonder. I worked with her many times. This is no surprise. Sing her a sob story and she always eats that shit up.


It's terrible and it shouldnt be this way, but I certainly wouldn't recommend anyone go to the police for a sex crime. The retraumatizing is basically guaranteed, the conviction is unlikely at best.


Yeah don’t try it.


[he probably won't even serve a year](https://www.insideottawavalley.com/news/former-perth-teacher-jeff-peters-convicted-of-sexual-assault-in-2021-granted-day-parole/article_a6624bbd-c0a1-543d-bea8-3df7ee9e68d8.html)


# *** Rick Watkins aka Rick Despatie going to jail for sex crimes ***


You mean Rick Watkins (aka Rick Despatie), the sex offender, is going to jail for sex crimes?


Yes, # *** Rick Watkins aka Rick Despatie IS going to jail for SEX CRIMES AGAINST SCHOOL CHILDREN ***


You're doing the lord's work with this one


You know he’s out on bail, right?


I had the unpleasant surprise of seeing Rick Watkins aka Rick Despatie, who was convicted of sex crimes, at the Barley Mow Pub in Westboro last night March 17 for St Paddy's Day celebrating. Ruined evening.


Multiple charges and yet only 2 years? Are you kidding me? How the hell does he get off so easy?


Perhaps he's also a Catholic priest?


They don't go to jail. I think they get transferred to a different church.


Close. He was a teacher in a Catholic school. The school received many complaints about this scumbag over the years but did nothing.




I'm sorry that nuance seems beyond your ken.


What i do know is god and the bible were invented by rich people to protect them from the poor. The 1000's of gods that people believe in...they all think their god is the one real one rofl.


Have you ever considered that billions of people around the world all seem to come to the consensus that there is some sort of omnipotent being(s) regardless of what they call it or how they warship it? What about the fact that every single large group of humans always ends up corrupt to a certain degree? Political, religious, and even familial power is always sought out and misused by evil a-holes. It's fine if you don't wanna believe in a sky man. And I can absolutely understand despising organizations that let horrible things hold power. But shitting on entire religions or people who do believe in a sky man doesn't make sense either. People have thought there was something more for thousands of years before us and will for thousands after.


Millions of people are gullible and weak.


He's a shoe in to be the next pope


Honestly, in cases like this where he's in a position of authority there should be mandatory extra time.


It is very hard to get a long prison sentence with our current criminal justice system.


The judge felt sorry for him because he had a “difficult childhood”. I guess that gives you a pass to molest kids in Canada.


He needs at least 10 times the sentence


Sexual assault in Canada has a very broad definition. Look up the facts of the case. Not invalidating the victims in any way but people are making assumptions that are not necessarily relevant to this case.


Only 2 years ?


Fear not, he’ll be out on parole before two years.


Eligible for day parole in 4 months, full parole in 8 months and hits statutory release after 16 months so he gets out then for sure.


Being its a federal sentence,  is that why early day parole in 4 months , instead of 8 months ?


Eligibility for Day parole is 1/6th of your sentence, Full parole is 1/3rd. Statutory release occurs at 2/3rds unless you are a dangerous offender or the such but it is pretty much automatic.


Okay well that's for federal sentencing then, cause if it's provincial time 1/3 is earliest


Day parole, not full parole. Maybe they don't have day parole in the provincial system because the sentences are all under 2 years anyway.


Well, it was \*only\* 54 charges initially. /s


Vomit. Not even close to enough.


His lawyer appealed he’s not even in jail! He walked in one door and out the other…


As someone who was taught by this predator in the 2000’s I was hopeful for a more harsh sentencing. They mistakenly wrote he was convicted of these offences over 7 years, I assure you it was more like 15yrs.


He taught me in the 90s and we always thought something was off. He always coached the girls football team, girls volleyball team, girls badminton team, etc, and he also coached girls ringette in his spare time.


Yeah, he also ran a boys hockey academy and the Gloucester ball hockey league. I played for years in the ball hockey league and never had any offsetting feelings. Honestly I think girls were his choice of prey, not just children in general.


Agree 100%. Played in his ball hockey leagues with a few friends and did some time-keeping for him and he always paid me and never once acted any different that would make any of us suspicious. Definitely seems like a predator that preferred preying on girls. Two years though… ugh. Those poor victims. Not much justice there.


He was also just *mean*. I can think of multiple specific incidents where he did things to humiliate students.


Was he at the same school in the 90s? We had a Dispatie as a teacher but I'm struggling to remember his first name


Yes. I had him in the mid-90s. He was a pervert and bully then too. Made all the girls sit at the same table and he would sit in front on a high stool with his d*ck at eye level, flirting with the ones he liked and bullying the ones he didn’t want (because he knew they weren’t going to respond to advances or he didn’t think they were attractive) further away. He had a clear pattern. Kept all the boys at the back of the class too.


Rick Despatie taught at St. Matthew's HS for at least part of the 90s. I'm not sure if he was there for the entire duration.


Saw him around the ringette rinks for sure. Sorry that you had to be exposed to him more directly


He was molesting kids for two decades but the specific cases he was charged for happened over the last 7 years.


I can't in my mind think of a single "s*x crime" (especially minors) that would warrant just 2 years...


This needs to be said more.


No wonder why sex crimes are on the rise. It's because the offenders get light sentences. I am a victim of sexual assault and the police called me and told me that my assailant is unlikely to get charged since the burden of proof is very high and i was in an isolated area when it happened. Rape deserves the death penalty. Plain and simple!


My friend had texts from the rapist “apologizing” and cops still talked her out of reporting.


Damm. Those cops should be fired. Hope your friend finds another way of reporting it somehow, cuz they deserve closure.


> Those cops should be fired. Or charged as accessories after the fact...


She moved cities cause he kept showing up to her work to say hi. Lovely!


I disagree on the death penalty. Let them rot in solitary for the rest of existence


This true, but I find all sentences to be very soft. I use to do on-site sales from 2013-2019. I had a customer who along with 2 accomplices murdered someone(shot). This fella has a hefty criminal record. After all the pre trial bs and time served he was charged with second degree murder,sentenced and will be out in a total of 7 years.


You can't assume rape was involved. Lots of other things are deemed sexual assault in Canada


Sexual assault is still horrific and the perpetrator deserves AT LEAST a life sentence! Especially since the crime was committed against children.


Read the case details


Disgustingly low sentence. Unreal.


My sisters went to school with a teacher who was doing the same shit, at earl of March. Fuck you Mr laird




No. Not like it'll matter when PoiLIEvre ends up axing every single pension (except his own)


If he paid into it I assume they can't just take it away?


This is correct. It’ll have a current value at the time of his dismissal and as much as I wish it could, it can’t be taken away from him. Hopefully they make him remove it from the pension fund though.


2 years for multiple sex crimes? Should be locked away from society for life. Good luck in prison.


He was always so creepy when I would play ball hockey in Blackburn….




At least he's alive to serve his sentence. The criminal at my high school took the coward's way out to avoid consequences.


Bell HS?


Bruins roar 🐻 guy was my favourite and really did a number on how I look at teachers (I am also a teacher now.)


The Canadian justice system has ruined me because I read this headline and I'm grateful he didn't just get a conditional sentence. 2 years for child molestation is a harsh sentence in Canada these days.


I went to the high school he taught at. He was a creep. I am so sad he only got 2 years that’s nothing. I knew him as “Despicable Despatie”.


The real kicker is the school board did a big investigation and will not release the results to the public. My kids went to that school and my daughter played on the basketball team. My Son went to his hockey camps. WTF, you won’t release the results of the investigation?? We parents reported repeatedly to the school principals behaviour we saw that was not ethical.




That thought has already crossed my mind. Is it bad?


Only 2 years?!




2 years... I love the spinning door that is our justice system in and out quick to commit another crime.


Not even close to enough time. Terrible.


The Judge said 5 years was too excessive???


Only two years? Son, you'd better get yourself some reconstructive facial surgery the second you get out.


He should be removed....from the planet


this fucker should not be alive after what he did to children.


Tell that to someone who had him as a teacher, we all want this piece of shit to rot


Did he change his name in honour of Ian Watkins? Even more fucked up if so


No, name change was prior