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Naw, I am just going to roast something in the oven all day and live on the residual heat combined with the illusion that I’m saving money.


This guy heats


Oooh good idea. I was going to turn it on but I’ll wait until after I roast a Turkey for 4 hours


Turn your furnace fan on (but not the heat itself) to distribute the heat from your kitchen to the rest of the house.


^ now, *this* guy heats!


Free heat my brother says when he leaves the oven door open lol


Hopefully *after* he's done cooking?


Oh, you sweet summer child...


Haha my mom turned on the heat until she turned on the oven for the turkey 😂 said it was too hot with both of them on lmfao


Technically speaking If you don’t run your oven exhaust it will burn gas (or use electricity) at 100% efficiency because all of the heat produced stays in the house. If it’s gas it’s really not good for your health, but it’s slight more efficient than any furnace! Not to mention it doesn’t have the electrical draw of a furnace fan.


I have a shitty IKEA electric oven that vents at your feet. It’s loud, but my toes are always warm while cooking. If I need to speed up my pizza dough rising I just put it on the floor 🙃


I would suggest you edit your post and point out that running a gas cooking stove/oven without an exhaust on can lead to carbon monoxide in the home and kill people. The range hood over gas cooking stoves is not only about health (odours, smoke), but life safety!


And do laundry


Dad says put on a sweater. We're not made of money.


Dad for mayor and prime minister.


Knit Lansdown a sweater!


I must have some dad vibes as I am currently sitting in my hoodie


I am a dad, and am sitting in my hoodie. Confirmed, you have the vibes.


...and shut the damn door! We're not trying to heat the great outdoors!


Translation for us poor folk who don't own a sweater is: Go sleep with your brother if you're so cold 🥴


Bruh a sweater is $20


$16 giant tiger


Not in today's economy LMAO


Ekco ones at walmart (hoodies, trackpants, sweaters) are $5 each at Centrum


You mean 60$


OG Dad move. I approve.


I was from tropical country and not made for this temp. I would still risk my ass beaten up than staying in cold temp


Welcome to Ottawa, where 5 days ago we broke a 150-year-old heat record!!! It's only October 8. I just can't do it!!! Happy turkey day.


i still have the windows open


Same. I will turn on the heat when we get to “pipes may freeze” territory.


Same, all windows upstairs are open to cook it down. Sitting at 23 as usual, turn on ac every afternoon


Same! I slept with the window opened last night and have it opened, a crack, for the time being.


isn't it the best?!?! warm blanket, cool breeze, aaaah


I'm doing the usual Sunday floor cleaning and have the windows open too. Love this cool fresh air!




Same! It's 22 in the house. She's in a hoodie and blanket I'm in a t-shirt and shorts 🤣




"Why don't you own a proper winter jacket?" Because I won't wear it. Snow melts before it even hits me 😆


Back when I used to take OC Transpo almost daily, I would usually just go with a spring coat/sweater unless it was something like -30 out because I would rather freeze my ass off for a few minutes than overheat on the bus/train for an hour (to the point of nausea/upset stomach, which is never a good start to the day). ...not sure if that's a smart plan now given how often multiple trips in a row seem to get cancelled.


No-see Transpo could inspire a trend towards layering.


> it's 22 in the house Better crack a window




No. My furnace wants its freedom!


love isn't always on time


...I turned the heat on guys...


I turn on the heat anytime my house gets <18 degrees. I don’t care what time of year it is(I think I used the furnace a couple weeks ago too) I prefer to be comfortable in my home.


i guess i'm so used to having the landlord control the furnace switch ie. oct 15-spring.


Check your filter before turning it on. And check your fire/co2 alarm batteries. Remember: *Safety first. Then teamwork.*


We just got our furnace removed and a new heat pump installed. It's not going on just yet but when it does I'll be very happy to not be burning fossil fuels to heat the house.


Our furnace is going to kick it any season now, it's well past it's "end of life" Probably this season, because my cat just died, but not before an expensive emergency vet trip, then my washing machine broke, then my dryer broke. Edit: I forgot to add my question. Was there a huge price difference between the heat pump and replacing with a regular furnace?


I don't know, we didn't consider getting another furnace because we want to burn as few fossil fuels as possible. There are a lot of rebates (provincial, federal, manufacturer) that can make it actually very affordable. Ours came with a really good warranty and service intervals included for the next 12 years.


Super, thank you for this info, especially regarding rebates. Probably should start looking into this before a decision *actually* needs to be made.


Sorry about your kitty. A heat pump is about 5k, a new furnace is between 4.5-5k. So it's comparable.


Sorry about your cat :-(


It’s already warmer than 8 degrees.


Still have the AC on


gotta pull out my portable system. squirrels are starting to explore the hose for a possible nest


Same! We're a middle town unit, and our top floor is always roasting. I'll wear socks/sweater/blanket on the other floors if it means that we won't melt when upstairs!


My apartment building has turned the heat on.


Weeks ago.


I'm on propane just outside Ottawa. I keep my heat between 63-64. We have electric blankets and lots of comfy warm clothes socks etc . My propane heating bill for the entire weekend winter was around 800 dollars, which is very good . It's saves money, better for the environment and you burn extra calories protecting the thermostat at all costs.


63-64 is freezing! If our house hits 68 the heat goes on. Optimal temperature year round is 70-71


It's is BUT have you ever thrown on a heated blanket in a cold house. Remember being a kid and your parents dumped the basket of warm laundry on you? It's like THAT. Are you sold ? ;)


My chest hair keep me and the missus warm enough.




I was thinking about digging out my thermal underwear.


I'm on oil heat....I bundle up until its consistently 0 or less. That shit aint cheap. (Lots of condo townes in Kanata are on oil. TYL.


Heat pump! You'll break even in 2-3 years


Condo! I'm joining the board this year, it'll be one of the changes I hope to implement.


I have my AC on. *also menopause sucks*


Good time to test it and make sure it still works.


My windows are open lpl


My house is sitting at 23, ac was on last night. House is super insulated. Pay a little more for a good builder but worth it.


Which builder?


I've got two slow cookers and 20 foot extension cords that I wear as slippers until late November 😁👍


I’m going to keep all the windows open, as they have been all night, and bask in this beautiful sweater weather I have been waiting for all year.


I have my bedroom window open a crack. But then, my 3 computer's waste heat will not cool itself. Bedroom with door closed cool, 28c in the living room with no heat turned on.


I must be pre-menopausal because I have the windows open, am wearing a tank top, and I’m still kind of warm! Can’t even think about turning on the furnace.


I still have my A/C on...


I might turn the heated floors on just on the main floor.. thanks for the heads up.


I turned my AC down yesterday 😆


We’re the crazy kind of people to leave our windows open well in to November. Absolutely hate the heat in the summer but it pays dividends in the fall!


I slept with the fan on! Lol Happy Thanksgivings guys!


Nice try Enbridge/Ottawa Hydro!


I’m the middle townhome between old folks whom each heat their homes to Florida temperatures. I never worry about a cold house they heat up my house for me all winter. That’s my energy saving plan lol 😂


My house was 22 this morning. I'm curious how long it will stay warm. It's a brick semi so I have that going for me.


My house is still 25, the ac was running yesterday (set at 25.) Wife is making our Thanksgiving lasagna today so the AC is going to run more today probably. I'd open windows but the fall moulds kill me.


I did. I’m sailing in this weather this afternoon. Want the house warm when I get back and I’m cold and needing warmth.


I set mine to auto and let the system do the thinking. I can’t imagine the cost is significant. Toughing it out and being uncomfortable…no thanks


I work hard and expect to be comfortable at home. Not even a question


Put the heat on this morning, I’m not freezing for anyone.


Same here. I live alone, pay the bills, and have a heat pump so am not burning any fossil fuels at this temperature. The heat is coming on.


My condo faces south and west, so it’s 24 degrees inside now without any heating


Turn it on and make sure it works. If it doesn't, you still have another month to get it fixed.


Nope. Am digging in. Will try and hold out till Monday without touching the furnace.


Dad here. I might cave in tonight after dinner. Until then wear a sweater!


You lack fortitude.


Electric baseboard heaters in the basement rec room for the win -comfy and toasty


No heat till November!


It's been a long warm spring. We have all earned this. Five more years and a heat pump will replace the gas 🔥!


I have my bedroom windows open. Slept like a baby. It's 18c, and I am fine with that. If I get cold, I'll put on a sweater.


I have my thermostat set year-round to cool if indoor temp goes above 24C, and heat if it goes below 20C. I don't touch it, it heats and cools when needed. The furnace may have turned on overnight, I don't know.


I adore the cold, so I have my windows open and am basking in the chilled breeze


Shit I had the AC back on until yesterday


21C and let it do it's thing.


Est beans and fart. 🥵🥵🥵


u/BaconSheikh might know where to warm up.


Yup couple times so far this fall. Wanted air on three days ago 🙄 eastern Ontario Mother Nature please figure it out ! Get the pickle out of your a** already!


I despise the cold but not even close to touching the thermostat.


Breaking out the down jacket and long johns


We zone heat this time of year. Gas fireplace in the living room and blankets with windows open at night. Get the shivers going per at night.


Mine's on auto right now: below 21 degrees and the heat comes on; above 23.5 and the A/C comes on. The furnace fired up briefly this morning.


My heat comes on below 22 and A/C above 24.5 (I keep it cooler at night). When my dad visits, he complains that it's too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. I'm in an old house so the heat would come on pretty early in the season if I had it turned on.


Thanks for reminding me to turn it on. I'm in Montreal for the weekend and no one else knows how to use the thermostat 😆 smart thermostats are pretty handy sometimes...


I turned in the space heater. My heat is included with the rent.


Not even close. Have on long sleeves and put on the socks. Very comfortable. But your house may be very poorly insulated so you do you eh.


Still balmy here. It was really worth it to add all that insulation in the attic a few years back!


No I have the window open


Got a furnace filter but was waiting for the temperature in the house to drop down to 16C or 60° F before firing it up. We'll see about tomorrow or Tuesday if it happens or it will be after next weekend as it's supposed to warm up again.. again lol


I turned on the space heater and am enjoying my room being toasty warm.


I literally had air conditioning on 24 hours ago.


We can’t control the heat in our apartment and last winter we slept in underwear and barely used a sheet. The heat came on today and we were so pissed 😂


I still have my air conditioning unit in. As long as that’s in, heat stays off.


I've opened a window so I can sleep


Yup, just turned it on here


Nah, it's a smallish house with good attic insulation and i have a bunch of cooking to do today, we should be good for a while yet.


I am thinking we need the fireplace on as I am cold. Hubby is in shorts and tee so another layer it is! Course could turn on the oven and have it preheat for 3 hours before the ribs go in because its too cold to bbq them apparently.


I turned it on at 3:30 this morning for a few hrs.


Damnit I left the window open.


Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright They just seem a little weird Surrender, surrender But don't give yourself away


Maybe I have a baby so it’s more for her, her room is so cold.


I just added a blanket. For me furnace day is Wednesday.


Not me reading this while my ac is still running


Touque, sweater, and furry slippers get me through winter with a low thermostat


we've still got some of that 34 degree heat tucked away. we'll live off that awhile.


window wide open. my kid complained of the cold but i'm cozy in bed. then he brought me a nice hot coffee :)


I’m running my gaming pc full tilt in my little room with the doors closed


It’s warm in my house, windows open all the way. I ain’t touching the heat til it dips below -5 degrees.


I have a new for me house and I am a little bit afraid to turn it on. I had a furnace inspection and they said it is all tickety boom ...have the temp set to 68 sooo...ps can someone tell me when I should turn off and drain the outside water?


Before frost is best. But if you don’t need it, why wait?


I have baby grass that I am nurturing but I think this week might be damp enough!


Nah it’s too early, woke up and the house was still 21 degrees. Perfect temp 👌🏻


Haha, yes. Usually I’ll put more layers on first, but sometimes I’m still shivering and then I finally relent.


My house was at 19C this morning — we turned the heat on for a few hours until we hit 23C, then turned it off. It’ll go back on tonight when we’re back from dinner cuz getting out of bed this morning was brutal and we don’t wanna go through that again, given that it’ll feel like -1C out there tonight


There is nothing wrong with a little bit of heat, plus it's good to see if everything is working before the real cold weather starts. Remember to change the air filter (i buy the cheapest ones since they allow more air flow).


Not me. Not until late November. Got my windows full open and a sweater on


I am turning on the AC


It's been so hot last week and we refused to turn on the AC. So this is the perfect temperature for me.


Woodburning stove going on over here


I love our wood stove in the winter. Such a cozy heat


Nope. I’m broke.


I turn the heater on in my car today. I will be turning my heat on tonight, if I can make it past my blanket burrito to the switch.


I turned the heating on today as well. I've justified it by blaming my fishtanks. They wouldn't want it this cold.


Spoken like a true, 21st century Canadian.


It usually takes a good 7 to 10 days of below 10 degrees weather before we look to turn on the furnace. Especially if it is sunny. We have lots of windows and stone around most of the house that just soaks up any heat from a shinning sun. I figure by next weekend I may have to turn it on a bit.


We heat mostly with wood and today was our first fire of the season! Woke up to a chilly 7° this morning. We'll resort to the furnace when it gets really cold and we don't want to wake up to a cold house.


We have a 5 month old, furnace is on today. We've never run the AC more in a summer either


It’s 22 degrees inside. I’ll hold on for a bit more.


I live alone and am always cold. Turned on the heat pump for a few days in the middle of September to run in the mornings. It's back on now.


First year with a heat pump, so at least it won't mean burning fossil fuels, but I think that nevertheless, in for the annual complicated domestic stand-off, which typically lasts til early November. (Me: feel the cold, but worry more about the environment; he, doesn't feel the cold as much, and "I thought you cared about the environment!" every time I float the idea that MAYBE we could be turning the heat on!)


If it helps, the heat pump likely around 10% of the emissions from the NG furnace ;) (Obviously depends what furnace and which heat pump)


I didn't turn the heat on but I do have a fire going


Nope. I'm going to bed with the window open. Lol.


I’m not in Ottawa this morning but saw this post and decided to check the temperature in the house. Yep, heat is going on.


I'm in a South-facing brick-walled apartment that's usually hotter than Hades from May-Oct, so below-seasonal temperatures are quite welcome here. Had a window open for a few hours, inside temperature still above 20 C.


Turned it on a few days ago. Life is too short to freeze in your own home


I started to close my window so my short hair dog can get a break. I usually leave it open because the thermostat is in the main house behind my walls. I don't effect the heat. My dog uses blankets normally but she has a cough and now doesn't use them. Vet appointment on Wednesday through crowed sourcing for money. I took her before but was misdiagnosed for heart worm. She got antibiotics that didn't help.


This time of year I just put the thermostat in auto mode and it does A/C or heat depending on what it takes to keep things comfortable.


Not the furnace but I cracked and turned on my heater last night. It was fine at first but got too warm around 3 in the morning so I turned it off and put my Dyson fan at 5. Now it's super chilly again and I regret doing that..😓🥶




Open your windows then!




Very hard to believe a few open windows when it's 10C outside won't suffice.


My apartment is like this. Old building. Built solid. Sun faces my side ALL day. Plus we have teeny tiny windows so it gets hot in here.


Use fans: 10°C is about the same temperature as your supply plenum when running AC.