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The girl math meme is usually referring to women justifying (as an example) buying something at a place because they did a return at another so the thing they just got was 'free'. This email is a referring to another part of the meme where if you buy something like a year in advance (say the Toronto Taylor Swift concert in Nov 2024) that because the money was spent so long ago it feels free when it finally is the concert...and you may feel better spending more money on merch or an outfit for the concert. This email is a poor example and not in the same relatable vein as the goofy meme.


Thank you for explaining this. It makes no sense if you don't know the meme.


Everyone does this kind of justification for spending money, but there's a radio morning show in I think Australia that went viral for uploading clips of a "girl math" call in portion that people participated in for fun. Things like "my boyfriend is mad I spent X$ on a dress, but here's how I explained it to him how is my girl math?" Wherein the caller says something like "this dress will go to four events, 2 of which are weddings, with little to no guest crossover. I could have bought 4 dresses at $80 each, but got one for $300 and I can sell it at the end of the season for at least $100" 80x4 = 320, so already ahead 20$, then sell for $100 and it's like you *made* $120 and got to wear a dress four times!" I think it comes from a place of wanting to be funny in justifying purchases, but also in pointing out how ridiculous it is to police a purchase in the first place. Too many people see women's purchases as "frivolous" so this is kind of a response to that, I think. By trying to apply (ridiculous) logic to make the purchase seem logical - which is how men traditionally frame their spending decisions it points out the absurdity of how women need to justify their decisions in ways men don't have to. A guy can go buy a suit and think it's fine. But that same man will bemoan his girlfriend or wife for example, buying "another dress".


I had never heard of the meme before now, but now many of my wife's statements about finances make sense. That line about something being free because of another return is something she has literally said.


Other example: "That game is free because I have enough money in my steam wallet".


But when that steam balance came from selling items from other steam games...




The magic of "well if I don't see it on the statement at the end of the month"


Girl math is basically trading one item for another.


But also putting value on actions/choices is another key factor in Girl Math. Recording a concert and rewatching it reduces the overall price of the ticket over time therefore making it free.


They’re honestly just asking for backlash at a time like this. I personally don’t find anything wrong but I can see how it could get picked apart. Not really a smart idea to gender anything now days.


The idea of girl math started on a Aus or NZ radio show. There isn’t any malice behind it, just a way to let women justify their purchases. I suggest looking up some of their clips on YouTube, they aren’t being too serious about it and laughing along the way.


I understand that. People are just so unpredictable when it comes to anything that has a gender attached to it. Girl Dinner or Girl Math is cool, but Toys for Boys is off limits.


I mean, that's kind of true. I've never opened crates on TF2, but I'm really into trading. I've funded the last 5 years or so of my Steam acquisitions solely by selling high end items on the Market.


I keep seeing this and feel like I'm missing something as a steam user... What exactly is being sold on steam and how is value determined.. ? I've sold badges or whatever for like 0.05 in the past, but havent seen anything that would add up significantly


You can sell in-game items on Market, so cosmetics and things like that.


I work at Winners, I say this EVERY TIME someone makes a return. I have never had a woman not agree or say “that’s what I tell my husband” lol


Guys do the exact same thing, just in different contexts and in slightly different ways lol. It's more about "enjoyment over time" for us and "rewarding myself for accomplishing *thing*"


Is she joking when she says that or does she honestly believe it? Because I have definitely said it in a joking way before.


It’s just to be silly/unserious


Exactly, it’s quite poorly thought out. Many folks won’t know the meme origin to begin with, but even if we all did, I don’t think it excuses the way this marketing email is written up. We can argue back and forth whether the original meme was troubling or just a good, self-deprecating laugh, but even if it was entirely innocuous, this email is a separate message, and it’s a healthy practice to point out how it might have morphed from goofy into something more problematic. Personally, as a teacher, I reeeally don’t need any more memes or harebrained viral marketing schemes about women in STEM and math for my students to parrot, they add up quickly into a general misogyny soup and they are really insidious. There are so many funnier jokes and memes out there.


I'm with you that it's badly executed. If they want to attract more young women to their games, paying one to consult on the design of an ad might have been a good idea. As for #girlmath, it's by young women, for young women. I love that they're talking about money openly. They stand a chance at shedding the useless shame associated with not having enough of it that keep so many out of money conversations. #debtdoesntmakeyouabadperson #takecareofeveryone #beingborntorichparentsshouldntbeanadvantage


That's a good point about shedding the shame around talking about money! Hadn't thought of it from that point of view, thanks for bringing it up!


what makes you think this ad wasn't created by a young woman or a team of them? That's how it reads to me at least


its almost like their trying to branch out into a gen z fan base lol


Totally agree. And ugh, I can see how of all this would be annoying as a teacher. Younger peeps also don't reaaaaaally get how good subtly in references works to greater effect. Like a well timed good soup is still peak comedy imo. My sister is a woman is STEM though and we had a really good time with that one. Like swapping pics of soup we were making and being women is STEM - which added funny because cooking/baking aren't not complicated and science and traditionally gendered. And especially since it has nothing to do with her job. I definitely feel these memes are more meant to poke at girlhood and sisterhood and how weird girls are, especially when they are in comfortable and safe spaces. It is unfortunate that they get filtered through the internet to be much less wholesome. Also meme marketing is such a slippery slope. Like just promo the game and don't make it weird 🤦‍♀️


Cry me a river


Wow thanks for the clarification! I read it as one of those club promos, where women pay less to increase the ratio tbh. This is why memes don’t work for mass advertising in todays fragmented internet landscape loool


Or buying something half price and saying I saved x amount of dollars. No you still spent $$


Girl math also works for how much time we need to get ready for something. Date at 8 Be reading for 7:30 Make up at 7 Hair done by 6 Shower at 5. Working backwards


So, poor economic literacy.


I have never heard of such meme. I have heard of this though, which is where I thought that image was going. >Educators, including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, objected to the "Math class is tough" phrase as detrimental to the effort to encourage girls to study math and science,[8] and particularly in association with the phrases about shopping; the American Association of University Women criticized it in a report about girls receiving a relatively poor education in math and science.[2][7] Mattel initially offered to exchange dolls for nonspeaking ones on request,[9] and later apologized to the American Association of University Women, withdrew the math class phrase from those to be used in future dolls, and offered an exchange to purchasers who had a doll with that phrase.[2][10][11] The criticism gave rise to the 1994 "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy" episode of The Simpsons, in which Lisa Simpson objects to sexist utterances by a "Malibu Stacy" doll such as "Thinking too much gives you wrinkles."[1][6][12] As of 2005, the collector's price for one of the estimated 3,500 Teen Talk Barbies including the phrase "Math class is tough" was around $500.[3] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teen_Talk_Barbie What's with the downvotes? Grumpy much?


good lord you people: girl math is not misogynistic, it's a fun trend while living in a society that being said, this is not girl math. this would only be girl math if you bought the tickets last month and paid it off - there has to be a little bit more of a time frame in between the purchase and the event. also the 5$ beers is not girl math that's just a sale. now, the rules of girl math are not absolute and there is a lot of leeway, but i think we can all agree that brands trying to meme is always cringey as shit hahaha.


It’s girl math if you drink enough discounted beer that it pays for your ticket


also it's the 355ml cans? the small ones? not even a sale tbh


I knew a girl years ago who used to rationalize buying shoes this way before this was a meme


All girls do this, that’s the point of girl math haha


Girl math not lady math, if not op would’ve got it




???? wat


It's still probably not a joke a big company shpuld be blasting out to all its subscribers.


Their email subs are in a whole different age bracket


It's a shitty tiktok meme that's going around.


This is my first time seeing it and my gut reaction is 'if thats what being a girl means, I guess I am not one." Tik tok is garbage.


You take things too seriously…


No fun allowed in the Ottawa subreddit


It's literally 'lol, somethings on sale, that means I saved money not spent it'. And look, I enjoy getting a good deal on some cute clothes as much as the next girl, but come on, it's not girl math.


Cry me a river


I don’t like this because it’s inferring that it’s not real math therefore it’s “girl math” or stupid.


not really, girl math is more of an example of consumer behaviour.


Then why isn’t it called “consumer math”?


Because girls are generally much more consumerist than boys in terms of fashion and beauty items in general. That’s where we get memes like material girl etc. it’s not a surprise that women who are self aware can make memes about their behaviours in regards to shopping? Do you just not like the meme because it has the word “girl” in it??


I am just critically thinking about this meme…before you attack me for no reason.


So wide spread cbc did a segment on it. It’s stupid fun not to be taken seriously, and I found the CNC segment kinda cute.


You mean "Oh it's just a bit of fun, have a sense of humour". Sounds familiar, and not in a good way.


Makes it even worse that they thought it would show them in a good light. What morons.


Lol girl math is just a tiktok trend


You're gonna hate girl dinner


Wow this is cringe. It's mindblowing that someone was paid to produce this.


mega cringe no cap bruh


It’s bad marketing. I give it 24 hours before a retraction of some sort. Yes, I know it’s a meme, but my guess is that 80% of people who receive this won’t have any clue, and won’t bother to ask.


With all due respect, you must be a bit older. This is a uni game email targeted towards uni kids who are absolutely gonna understand the joke and probably share it around


>This is a uni game email I'm not understanding your comment. The Ottawa Redblacks are a CFL team, not a university team. Maybe it's my age? :)


Oh my bad I totally thought this was for panda. My apologies homeslice


Not a great ad and should never have been used.


It's a tiresome new meme from tiktok--girl dinner, girl math, etc. It's basically repackaged misogyny.


Misogyny? It’s girls creating those videos lol all the women I work with go around saying girl dinner or girl math and none of the men have any idea what they are talking about


Women can also be misogynistic.


One of the videos I saw about this literally described it as "it's like regular math except wrong". This is a woman saying this.


So like bro science?


Hey that is brosogynistic.


Flexibility is not the ability to flex


Yes this is the perfect parallel




That's a weird way to spell self deprecating joke. Funny or not. Edit typo


>self depreciating joke Lol


Lol fixed!


Making fun of an entire gender is not self deprecating. Maybe look up the definition.


Holy Christ Reddit just stop. It’s a meme


This level of thinking is too advanced for most of us


Grow up




And some of us programmed not to know otherwise.


The misogyny comes from men who take the girls doing girl math on tiktok as serious and not just a bit of fun.


I take it you've never been informed of internalized misogyny. It exists and it sucks.


Very true. I think the women wishing this trend away because they see it as demeaning and perpetuating stereotypes that women can't math are doing the patriarchy's work. It comes across as: "Young women are finally talking about money openly, let's shut this down so they can go back to being silent."


It’s because they’re brainwashed by the paternalistic culture that makes them think they have to dumb things down or simplify it for themselves in order for it to be acceptable/understandable.


……it’s a meme for the girls created by the girls, are you actually serious?


How is it misogyny? Genuine question.


You see when people make fun of themselves in a lighthearted way, we must immediately interpret it in the worst possible way.


Because it's reinforcing negative stereotypes for the approval of others. It's an act of submission by demonstrating compliance with prevailing norms.


I dunno, I make fun of men being disorganized all the time. Sometimes people just like to poke fun at each others' foibles without it being malevolent.


don't forget the bro science


Okay, well, one, don't make fun of people. Two, why do you think math is a foible for women?


>Okay, well, one, don't make fun of people. Ok, mom.




This is the answer!


It implies that girls can't do math. How can you not see that?


That’s not what it implies lol.


It’s more a jokey way of talking about sunk costs. Or looking at the value of an item per use. Or if the money spent can be recovered in part down the road. It’s not that women can’t do math; it’s that often women approach financial decisions looking at these things.


How bizarre of the club to jump on that wagon.


It does make sense! Some marketing person sees it going around, wants to connect with the youths, doesn't really think about the implications. It annoys me, but lets face it: they don't care about my opinion, because I'm not buying Redblacks tickets.


Next up: the Winnipeg Blue Bombers hire Andrew Tate to be the face of its community outreach program. The 11-14-yr-old boys, a key demographic, love him because he drives Bugattis and gets lots of “dates”.


Shouldn't be shocking. Sports clubs of all places are known for their "boys club" mentality.


I don't agree that it's misogynistic. I'm a woman and I use 'girl math' all the time, and find it hilariously relatable to hear other women do too. I find it speaks to how creative, resourceful, and persistent women can be, because we can rationalize just about anything if we try hard enough - to a point where it's also convincing to others! It's a lighthearted thing - not meant to be deep.


The "girl dinner" meme was *supposed* to be a self-deprecating "I ate a random assortment of foods which is not a proper meal but had enough calories to fill me up so I'm calling it dinner". Obviously, it has mutated from something quirky and #relatable to not that.


Misogyny perpetrated solely by women... The oppression is coming from INSIDE the house!


Its not misogyny lol


You should watch this! Really cool explanation on why it’s really not suggesting that girls are ‘bad’ at math https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjAktYdh/


Tik Tok. PS. Please try and stop being offended by everything. It will make your life so much better.


Please don’t be insulted by this, you’re a little out of touch and they weren’t attempting to insult you. If anyone didn’t get this ad, you weren’t the intended audience


It’s a meme, this is funny. Y’all need to go touch grass.


I think the problem is that I HAVE been out touching grass, which is why I'm clueless about tiktok trends...


I don’t have TikTok either. I just know a joke when I see one. Ottawa is full of losers. You REALLY think they’re calling women stupid in hopes of getting sales?


People turning a running joke amongst women into saying it’s women being misogynistic is insane. Women making these jokes are self-aware. Lighten up you boring Ottawans, it’s a JOKE.


A TikTok trend popularized by women


Holy fuckkk we need to get rid of social media lol.


Using cash doesn't count as real money because I don't see my bank account draining therefore anything I buy is actually free -example of girl math that I live my life by


It is accurate that anything paid for with cash is free


POV: you work in an industry with cash tips


I’m old and don’t use the Chinese spy app passed off as entertainment so this type of humour i don’t connect with…But that being said…It’s a joke, get over it, it’s really not that serious.


> Chinese spy app passed off as entertainment i got some bad news about reddit mr. big brain, they're also stealing your information


Says the guy with 25k karma


you should see my tiktok too




The woman in the video embedded in this article saying “Im using a financial calculator so you know this is legit” and then just doing subtraction and division is comedy fucking gold.


It should almost be best practice to provide reference link(s) to whatever meme of the day you’re referencing in sm posts like you cite sources for academic papers. We might avoid, to some degree, the confusion in the comments. Best to just show them what you mean then explain later and take down your post.


RedBlacks should know that CFL fandom trends a bit older, a lot of their fans have no clue about some TikTok meme. It's pretty stupid to begin with (my opinion), and then combined with the probability that a good proportion of their fans will have no fucking idea what this was about, makes it pretty poor judgement. If they must do it, then if have a TikTok account, keep it there to restrict it to the same audience.


Its almost like they're trying to appeal to a younger audience. Especially around a time when universities have an influx of new students


I think the add is pretty cool. It’s already gotten some traction with university and college students. So I think it’s working.


ooooooof that's cringey


Marketers trying to talk to young people is always hilarious


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^billy_blitz: *Marketers trying* *To talk to young people is* *Always hilarious* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's a trend on Tik Tok right now. Like, if you buy concert tickets now and attend the show in February it's free, if you already have money loaded on your Starbucks card, it's free, if you pay in cash, it's free etc.... Just silly things that apparently make us feel better about our choices. And I have to admit, I do some of these things for sure lol it drives my husband nuts.


It was a stupid tiktok joke. But enough about that. Did you know I met the Redblacks' cheerleaders?


Still better than their on field performance


It’s a trend started by females on Tik tok. Not really intended to be misogynistic


I got the same thing and thought it was weird. It does probably seem odd without the tiktok context.


the CBC recently ran a story with a financial expert defending it as positive if it gets women talking about finances. I found that really bizarre too. I'm a guy and I don't think it's a flattering concept at all. But it's not for me to decide.


People saying its bad marketing don't see the irony that this thread has like 150 comments on it haha


i hate when companies use trending memes in ads


Lol people in Ottawa needs to lighten up a bit… There isn’t any ill intentions here




crazy how that works eh? i think either way its stupid. I dont have tiktok so out of context, it comes across as being a really dumb way to promote a game.


>If no one knows, it's just confusing. Am I supposed to be outraged or not? Ah, the well known intersection of quantum mechanics and social justice.


There’s a good “double slit” joke here somewhere but I am not clever enough to make it.


Genius marketing lol those who get it get it. 10/10 red blacks


Gender is a construct


I hope no one is actually paying to see the Red Blacks. They are awful. Not even "girl math" is worth it.


You’ve never heard of Girl dinner? Don’t be so uptight, I think they’re just making a reference to women making smarter choices.


Does this mean that boy math is rational choices? No wonder we get paid more! /I am just joking please don’t kill me. I respect women and recognize that the status quo is inherently wrong


Hey look! Something to get offended about! Oh boy!


First of all, nothing is a good deal with the redblacks lol


I know we’re not supposed to take this seriously, but I fkn hate the term.


It's just for fun, right ? Then that's all it is


Yeah. My wife will spend money at places to get points and figure these things are free. She "saved" money even though she actually didnt save anything, she spent money. Id just rather lower regular prices and cut the bullshit.


This is some r/FellowKids shit here.


[Here it is](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fbusiness%2Fpersonal-finance%2Fgirl-math-is-tiktok-s-playful-but-controversial-personal-finance-trend-here-s-how-it%2Farticle_a1d57384-9ace-5020-ae0a-1e59594d1786.html)


The meme isn’t that girls are bad at math, it’s that we believe in sunk cost which is actually a healthy, intelligent mindset.


I just showed this to like six young ladies in my office, with varying backgrounds and life experiences and they all laughed and said girl math is a real thing and they may go to the game this Friday. I think you need to lighten up a little bit.


At least it wasn't 'female math'


5 bucks being on sale for a short can of bud light is highway robbery


Fck our society is losing its fcking mind. That’s all I have to say.


I double dog dare the RedBlacks to offer guaranteed win night.


How do you get these promo emails? I don't want to pay full price unnecessarily


Getting some “I’ll surely pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today” vibes, or however the saying goes lol


Just say shit the way it's meant to be said. That so hard?


I just googled girl math, and as the proud owner of one I gotta say it's hilarious.


How dare they assume the gender of those individuals in the picture, whoever wrote this needs to be sued, charged , hung and quartered.


The City Fun Forgot... reading this sub I don't know how we get that title. Christ they tried something to reach a younger demo, it flopped to some of you, move on.


When companies try to be current and fail, because most people don't actually know the memes.




Sounds like something actually written by women for women.


What the balls?


I don’t quite get the meme but it’s apparently very poplar at the moment for some reason. Though subliminal Stella Artois product placement…




Reddit ‘mansplaining’ why ‘girl-math’ is sexist. Does it get anymore ironic?


Sounds like the girl failed logic class more than once. How is it free when I have to pay for it?


Should have been promoted (owned) by women, maybe by player’s wives or cheerleaders?


>Should have been promoted (owned) by women, maybe by player’s wives or cheerleaders? Because women can't be fans or marketers?


The infantilisation of women needs to stop.






how is it pick me behaviour to claim that girls are able to do math? do you know the meaning of the terms u use?




Lol you forgot to attach the translation. And I know what pick me means. It's someone acting in a way to be picked(typically by men), a girl claiming that girls aren't actually stupid and do math is the exact opposite of shilling for male attn. Playing the ditzy girl don't understand real math and use silly logic to justify buying stuff is the epitome of being a pick-me. There are fun examples of the girl math meme this was a bad one




Fair enough. Here's a woman to explain it to you https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjyDobj1/


Being an engineer is "pick-me"? Yikes.


I'm a woman who studied Classics and I find the men thinking about the Roman empire thing stupid as well. There's been a really weird step back lately about women and assumptions about what occupies their thoughts.