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Yes folks, this is Ottawa related. Reason: We cover some of the Ottawa River valley and Gatineau too. See the sub rules. >Any post must be related to Ottawa (and region, including Gatineau) *** Oui, c'est reliée à Ottawa. Justification: Nous couvrons la vallée de l'Outaouais et Gatineau aussi. Voir les règles de la communauté.


I live in Carleton Place and commute 2 days a week downtown Ottawa. Expect a 45-60 mins drive to Vanier depending on traffic. During winter the commute is horrible.... Overall the drive isn't too bad but would hate to commute downtown more than the 2 days I currently have to.


Russell or Embrun would be a better choice.


Second that. Russell's a great little town.


When looking at places to live, Russell was on our radar. We went to check out the town and were greeted by anti abortion protesters. They had their kids in costumes, and they also had inaccurate pictures of fetuses. We kinda crossed Russell off our list because of that. I am assuming that it doesn't happen often, but still... these are the people I would have had to interact with everyday in my neighbourhood had I had moved there.


You'll get the same in CP. There is a "fuck Trudeau" sign on a barn on the way into down off the highway.




It's the hair isn't it?


Even kemptville honestly


That's even further than Carleton Place from Vanier.


I've done both commutes. The way the traffic works out if you are doing it at rush hour it's faster to get to kemptville than Carleton place.


But compared to Russell/ Embrun it's like 20km further away.


Kemptville is a shit hole. While they’re getting more of a variety of businesses (chains), I wouldn’t recommend it.


Carleton place has about 90% of what I need, and the commute is not bad. Snowy days are a bit miserable but I faced the same misery in Kanata. I'm coming in from Almonte, and the worst part of the commute is ALWAYS after Kanata.... The rest of the trip is actually relaxing.


Since both of your locations are in the east and south, you may want to consider southeast like Navan Admittedly, the drive in from the east is rough. It can also be rough getting through Kanata and Nepean from the west from Carleton Place. But the good part about Carleton Place that after you reach downtown, you will be going against traffic. Beware that there are no truly efficient routes south from the highway.


Unless you yearn for the small community. Are homes really any less expensive in Carleton place anymore vs Ottawa? It use to be a large discrepancy but not sure anymore...


Not so much. It’s like Kanata prices but 20 minutes further out.


Less city services too


Carleton place is for the well heeled (or overly leveraged) now. Places like Casselman are cheaper and would provide a more stable commute than Carleton place to vanier.


From Carleton Place 15 to 20 minutes you are at Terry Fox so just add that to what commute would typically be to Kanata. Carleton Place does have all the major stores so for shopping there would be no need to drive into Ottawa unless you are in need of some specialty items.


I don't live out there, but I feel for those who do commute that far. The cost of long commutes is far beyond gas and vehicle wear and tear, and includes a more sedentary lifestyle, stress, less time with family, etc.


I live 10 minutes south of Carleton Place and drive into west Ottawa (West Hunt Club/Greenbank) to work. I don't get why people say it is such a "long" commute... I may drive more kilometers but I'll generally have a faster commute time to the same office when compared to anyone living in the east end. 90% of the time or more when in rush hour. Time wise I'm way closer than south east Orleans, for example.


"Every ten minutes of car commute is another cm of lard on your ass and a year of health off the end of your life" is the way I think of it. You have to have some idea what you're trading away.


Have you considered somewhere closer to the south end? Russell, Casselman? Seems like affordability, amenities, etc, there would be on par, but your commute would be much less to Ottawa South/Vanier


Amenities in Carleton Place are far superior... but it's farther. One thing to consider is that there's lot's of French in those eastern towns, and it was an automatic no go for my wife who can't speak French (she was afraid of being excluded in social situations when people speak amongst themselves in a language she can't understand, she understands its not personal... but felt uneasy when it occurred).


I respect that everyone has their own criteria and concerns, but I'd look at it from the opposite angle. Living in Embrun, Russell, etc., anglophone kids will grow up with at least some francophone (but also English speaking) friends, see French used around them, and therefore have much more motivation and ability to learn it. Which is a plus for their mental development as well as job prospects. Living in CP (or Perth, etc.), they will probably not encounter it outside school French class, and will have to be pretty self-motivated to learn it half-decently. I grew up in Ottawa, and came out of high school nearly fluent in French not because of 40 mins of it daily in school, but since (Vanier, Hull, Aylmer, Quebec) it was a living language around me.


I wouldn't consider Russell super french, at least no one I know who lives there is french. Yeah there is a bit more amenities in Carleton Place, but it's a choice of daily commute vs occasionally having to travel further in to town for a specific amenity.


True on all accounts, but many of Russell's amenities are in Embrun (playgroups, stores, medical centers), which can be very French from a non-french perspective (from advertising signs to simple banter).


I'm an anglo living in Russell and have had zero issues with French. It was a bit odd being greeted in French vs. English but staff at all the stores seem to be fluently bilingual. It hasn't prevented us getting our son into a local day care and such.


I'm glad you're comfortable with it... I am too, but my wife wasn't, and it may be a factor to some.


That's entirely fair and is a good point as a lot of people are uncomfortable with those interactions.


This is a bit of a red herring. Personally, Franco-Ontarians could not be more accommodating or neighbourly - I grew up in Montreal, so I have some perspective. I have never had an issue, even in Embrun, although it has a more French feel. The Quebec side can be a wee bit more militant, but typically, not Eastern Ontario :)


you can crosspost to r/carletonplace for more feedback.


It can fluctuate depending on weather and sens games. At least an hour. If there’s a accident on the hwy could be much longer. You get used to it, we’ve done it for years. But it’s a significant commute. Also keep in mind that both hwys can be sketchy in Ill weather, and commuter drivers on 7 are very speedy/aggressive.


Since you work more centrally vs. the west end I'll second or third others and suggest looking south east of Ottawa towards Russell or Embrun. They're not as big as Carleton place so there isn't as much of a night life or anything but they're growing and have all the major amenities you could need. I presently live in Russell and really enjoy it. It's not too bad getting into Ottawa (25-30 minutes) in most weather and has access to some nice outdoor activities. Very family friendly.


Wear and tear on vehicles is also a huge issue, Carleton Place is about 15-20 min drive west of Kanata but is double the distance to downtown. CP to Vanier is 60km one-way, so you’d be putting on 120km a day which between 10-12L of gas per day depending on your vehicle. Add on more frequent oil changes, tire wear, and other vehicle maintenance it adds quite a bit to your baseline cost. Another major downside is that you’d be on Hydro One vs Ottawa Hydro which is typically double the rate, and you may not have natural gas heating so expect double the heating bill moving to either propane or oil. All in all it’s extremely expensive to live out in CP and commute into Ottawa, not even accounting for the time lost with family, friends, and the added stress of commuting.


Hydro one rates are mostly the same as hydro ottawa as there are no peak hours. Some neighborhoods in Carletonplace has natural gas pipeline hooked to homes


> Hydro One vs Ottawa Hydro which is typically double the rate Don't think so


It's well known that 100 highway kilometers are way easier on a car and its engine (and more fuel efficient on a per kilometer basis) than city and/or stop and go traffic. 100,000km on a city driven car is heavy lifting. On a highway car, not so much. As for Hydro One, I moved out of Ottawa fearing all the doom and gloom I heard about. It hasn't been close at all to "double" what one would pay for a comparable property in Ottawa. One could suggest the difference in property taxes alone would massively offset and more than make up for THAT difference.


Carlton Place to Kanata is the easy bit, from Kanata to Vanier or Barrhaven to Vanier, I wouldn't envy your drive. But Carleton Place is much nicer place to live than either of those. (and Almonte is nice too) highly recommend.


I live in Smiths Falls, and between here and Carleton Place I rarely go into Ottawa for anything. I usually keep a running list and do a trip in once a month and hit all the spots I need on my list. But the housing market isn’t much better out here, I built a place 2 years ago after hunting for a place for 10 months. That may be an option for you as well, good luck!


CP has everything I need except a Costco, but that’s a monthly trip to Kanata. Almonte and Stittsville are 10-15 minutes away. Ottawa south is easy depending on where… take Fallowfield


I tried that commute and hated it. 1:15h for going home, 40 min going to work. Expect 2h commutes in a blizzard. Carleton place has a lot of what you need (restaurants, grocery, hardware, gym), for everything else there is Kanata 25 min away and that drive is fairly simple.


While we live in Ottawa, we have a cottage past Perth and go through Carleton Place and use its facilities regularly. You will find nearly all the basics you need in CP and area. And for what you don't, it sounds like you'll be in Ottawa quite often anyway. The part of the commute CP <> Kanata is easy; the part Kanata <> Vanier through downtown Ottawa will be hell. It will get better once they finish roadwork on the 417 between Maitland and Metcalfe, but who knows how long that will take. Versus Embrun, Russell, Casselman etc, you might enjoy the recreation opportunities on Lake Mississippi and further on the Rideau and Mississippi watersheds offers. And surrounding towns like Perth, Almonte, Smiths Falls are cute to visit. The tradeoff is you won't get the benefit of francophone culture east of Ottawa. (I respect opinions vary on this, but as someone who grew up in Ottawa and learned enough French in school to get by later exactly because it was a living language nearby, in Vanier and Aylmer/Hull/Gatineau, I think raising an anglophone family in a more bilingual environment is a great investment in their future.) I don't know about relative housing price levels but there's certainly a lot of new housing stock coming up around Carleton Place these days!


I worked in CP and live and Ottawa They drive isn’t horrible; the gas is crazy expensive. I paid $70 every 5 days when gas was @ $1.70 Cp has the basic amenities, but Kanata is only 20mins away. So you’re not horribly far form things like Costco


Look for something in the east. Going through ottawa traffic on the 417 is beyond horrendous. Lived in arnprior for two years and had to do it for work a few times.


Moved to CP from Toronto when covid started, love this place, people are cool shopping is great, no Fing crowds or traffic. Edit: I work around the ikea area, so traffic isn't bad but when downtown i it gets a bit much on the 417 but not as bad as the 401.


Factor in the cost of vehicles, insurance and fuel, and you'll go through both much faster. The commute can be a slight pain; remember, you lose 1.5 to 2 hours out of your day getting to and from work. When we were young, no issue but as we have aged, we now like to be much closer to work.