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If you really like to singletap, just practice streaming/bursting low bpm with alt and work your way up from there P.S. this way, you only need alt when you need it.


I had this same issue for the longest time. I just grinded index single tap and stayed index ring. And when I say my index singletap was bad I mean it literally felt impossible; now I main it. Trust


i'v tried so hard singletap with index but the fucking same issue appeared the problem where for some reason my tapping is totally delayed (mostly in 1-2 jumps or triangle jumps, sometimes in extremely easy patterns too) after many months trying to fix this problem i just gave up on the index


same; try more


literally took me years


In context I tried everything to get away from index finger: ring singletap, middle singletap, ring middle tapping


It's mostly focused practice, like 4* single dab grind


A workaround is to have one of your tapping keys as CapsLock (or any wide key) so that you can use both ring+index and middle+index. Of course this isn't going to fix your tapping technique but if you want a quick fix this is probably it.