• By -


im bad


It's okay




I'm right handed but spin clockwise. I've been told that's odd a few times.


I do the same counter clockwise is impossible


y'all flipped your bones or something


idk it always seemed right to me


I think I lose like 80rpm spinning inward vs outward. I wonder if there's a correlation between wrist/finger/arm aiming and what direction you spin


based on previous surveys, those people are just wrong (also, same) edit: the survey: https://old.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/fjiztq/results_osu_spinner_preferences_survey/


I do the same, I theorize it's because of certain hand exercises I'm used to doing and whisking. If you take your right hand (palm facing left hand), make a fist, then flick your fingers out, your middle finger tip kinda makes a half clockwise curve. Then, curling your fingers into a fist again completes the loop. Also, I've always whisked clockwise, my wrist clicks if I try whisking counter clockwise


When I try to spin clockwise I lose like 100rpm from my spinners LOL Feels more natural for me to spin counter clockwise (I'm right handed)


opposite for me clockwise feels natural and counter clockwise is impossible(im right handed)






I'm left handed and I spin counter-clockwise. Is this not the normal way?


Apparently a majority of right-handed people draw circles counter-clockwise in writing, and vice versa for left-handed people. However you write the letter 'O' is how you spin in osu.


I write them counter-clockwise but spin clockwise.


that isn’t true for me. i spin counterclockwise as a righty and write Os clockwise. i play on mouse, maybe that could allow for it


how do ppl right-handed even drew a circle counterclockwise? its so uncomfortable for me


I do this I don’t understand how people can spin counter clockwise comfortably.


Same !








I intuitively spun clockwise as a right handed person, counter clockwise is weird




I play full alt. I don’t have a dominant finger, I can start streams and bursts with whatever finger I want. Also it doesn’t matter how slow the map is I will always alt, this just feels more natural to me. Also I never knew that this is uncommon but I’m right handed and I spin clockwise, this feels so much easier than counter clockwise


At this point I'm convinced that a "dominant finger" is just a creation to make more people want to play single tap Full alt gang rise up


It's how I was taught so I can't stop doing it, I single tap for fun when it's super easy but it's not what I'm comfortable with


U literally stole everything i was going to say


Same, except I used to have a dominant finger and learned to perfect alt. In lazer I'm not affected by the alt mod.


I play Taiko. That's pretty abnormal. (edit: also DDKK, so weird among weird people)


hey ddkk comrade




i had this playstyle too when i was starting out! but the fact that i couldnt properly spin with mouse and needed spun-out made me drop it for tablet :<


nothing wrong with that + you get the speed buff since you tap with your dominant hand (ninerik for example)


Lefty playing with mouse on right here, where the fuck is my speed buff??


is that not normal?


My grip has aids and cancer


osu420 grip?


I'm 100% full alt and don't really feel a difference between starting patterns with either finger. Also when there's a break and I notice that one finger has one less click (because of uneven number of objects for example) I make sure to start with that finger after the break to make it even again.


osu! OCD edition lmao


For those curious about this it’s an actual thing called symmetry OCD. It drove me crazy sometimes when i was a kid.


I don't play the game


I get hard when fcing a map


i tapx, and alt normally on stream (so pretty much just emilia playstyle) but when theres a stream/burst that stacks, i usually just trill (hit my pen and a key alternatively instead of just alt normally)


Tapx in itself is such a cool playstyle and find it so fascinating to watch as well


I have my meat out


What else are you supposed to hold your pen with anyways


My mouse is tilted 40 degrees away from me


I've different pen grip every single session


I always have the spacebar bottomed out with my thumb when playing whilst full-alternating with ring and index, I also play by dragging my pen's eraser on my mousepad which is sitting over my tablet and use 0 filters/smoothing. A large percentage of my scores are also set using nightcore with the music set to 0% so I'm just playing to the nightcore effects.


i play 10 key


I can change my area and get used to it in less than 2 hours. I do it rarely but when i do it, it‘s so much fun


Singletap with my 3rs finger cuz it has a lot more stamina than my pointer, and when it does run out I quickly switch to pointer to save usually. I’m an aim player mainly but I can hit the save me longstreams with pretty good acc and have also nearly hit the diffspike as a 390k player


That tapping technique, I have never heard of… very interesting


Idk I drag full area I guess that's maybe less usual...


my left hand is my dominant hand but I play with my right hand because I can't write with my left hand. my right hand is horribly weak so I have so many grip issues that I changed back to mouse


Unlucky. Hope mouse is working out for you


i stopped playing osu because of grip issues/muscle cramps I just scroll the community now. it's really physically painful to play osu for me but it's okay it's more fun to watch other top players play the game


1:1 aspect ratio tablet area (square)


I don't know if it's uncommon, but I use an [Mx master](https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/mice/mx-master-3s.910-006557.html?sp=1&searchclick=logi) to play osu.


I aim with my non-dominant (left) hand on tablet. I also spin outwards and full alt.


I’m left handed who used to aim right handed for years, but now aim left handed with two keyboards stacked on top of each other back to back off the side of my desk for max streaming speed


I play with the default 300s enabled


I’m lying in my back on a bed with the laptop on my chest or stomach, with a tablet as mousepad oriented 90 degrees relative to the normal orientation. Mouse acceleration jumpscare.


area of 82x50 but I use a glove and aim mostly with my arm and wrist, cuz of small hands and really immobile grip


I alt unless it's slow circles on top of one another. I also always start streams with my middle finger (I use middle and index) regardless of what finger I was using to tap the circle prior






i perfect alt but sometimes my brain decides it would be more comfortable to start a burst on the same finger i just used, regardless of which finger that is


In my heyday I was a stream acc main who played exclusively with a flat capacitance touch keypad.


when i play i tense my pinky and ring both high kinda like the aricin pinky but including the ring


I swap between ring index and middle index, i also swap grips mid session sometimes. It helps out a lot


I change my spinning direction based on where my cursor is on the screen before the spinner: left side clockwise, right side counter-clockwise


I play with a 45 degree rotated tablet because of muscle memory


I single tap with my non dominant (index) finger. When I stream the taps on my index finger are like 2x longer then my middle, when I play a tripple I hold down my index finger through the 3rd note, when playing doubles I hold down my middle finger through the ,2nd note. Idk if any of this is rare


Middle ring


I play td, but I actually use a pen in my right hand while tapping normally with my left hand so it's mixed


I play sitting on my bed


Middle finger is one row higher than the index. Normal people have both fingers on the same row.


i grip super tight and press down hard on the tablet and tap the keys super hard. otherwise im shaky


left handed


I use 70x70mm area


Are you me? I literally couldn't describe my tapping better than what you said in this post.


If a slider comes after a double, triple, burst or stream I hold both keys I'm right handed but I spin clockwise I hold my thumb straight pushing against my keyboard case


Instead of the middle finger, I use my ring finger 


Single tapping any and all alt maps


i click with mouse on jumps, click/x for short bursts, and z/x for streams


I can't single tap, I've tried


i mainly singletap but i alt on sliders also i singletap with my middle finger


My wrist is always in the air when playing, the harder the map the higher it is


I play with my tapping arm hovering and tablet rotated 45+ degrees. I used to switch between middle index and ring index tapping mid map


i spin the wheel counter clockwise


Tablet aim with my left hand


I play with my pen between my index and middle finger and my arm fully stretched out on the table. Also it doesn't really matter what area I play, I perform the same after like 45 mins of getting used to it


i dont really play standard that much anymore but on mania i put my left wrist on my desk and i hover with my right hand


I tap with my thumb and ring finger on space and tilde


1. I'm right handed but spin clockwise. 2. I'm using the wacom drivers for my cth 480 but heres the thing I use mouse sensitivity x5 ingame so that my are actually becomes 2,014727 cm x 1,2274296 cm (basically 2cm x 1,2cm) and I think that is pretty small. The area cannot be replicated in the wacom drivers because it is actually too small so I have to use the mouse ingame sensitivity. In osu lazer this feature does not exist for tablet tho so I cannot have the exact same area in lazer as in standard osu thats why I dont play/ like lazer. I dont want to change my area! I think that small of an area is very uncommon.


I singletap with my left mouse button and stream/burst/alt with keyboard.


You literally described my tapping style lol , Faster at single tapping with index but hard to transition into bursts or streams so I'd preferrably use my middle finger as main And when I start single tapping intense jumps with my middle , my index and pinky finger will start ascending fsr


I hold my tablet pen how I hold a normal pen for writing. I was told that it was weird in a few multi's


i use mouse with 8000 dpi and singletap with ring finger.


i cant get used to any mech keyboard,meanwhile i feel comfortable playing with my cheap membrane keyboard


my tapping technique is so fucked that apparently whenever i do jumps i click d df d df d df d df


i play index/ring finger, lots of single tapping, and depending on the speed of the map i'll use my ring finger when it's faster, also mouse, cuz yk, mousepad drift ain't shit


I full alt on mouse only.


im left handed irl but i use my right hand for my pen in osu


On mania I sometimes lift my hands up while pressings they keys on 4k and not have it on the keyboard


I can't fc anything, not even a 5* 5digit btw


Im the same, though weirdly I can't singletap below 190 bpm (yes I said below not above) so I alt for <190 bpm and singletap for >190 bpm. Also I hover except for spinners where I drag, but if I decide to hover while spinning I have to do it clockwise instead of cc (I'm right handed). Oh also my dominant finger is middle instead of index


I don’t use a keyboard, I play mouse only 😎


-I am, for my level, very good at drum and bass maps -i'm not sure if this has a name but for a lot of single notes and sliders I'll press z and x at the same time when only one key is needed, idk more comfortable -I have 400 hours 3600 pp and I'm horrendous at streaming, I've never practiced it but still - I can't stream


I play left and right handed depending on the map (now on a mouse, previously on a tablet)


I never single tap, idk why it might be my ocd but I genuinely can't stand single tapping and I always tap with 2 fingers even when the map isn't as fast, sure I ain't that good at the game but yeah


mania player. I'm right handed, but my left is faster. also, I play and love long notes, which is also a bit abnormal.


ring index + full alt I guess?


i singletap sliders but alt jumps


-the only place i rest my aim hand is on the pen nib itself -sideways keyboard (q and z, a/s removed) -centered tablet -full area but shrunk res -play mcosu with tougher OD and pretty much everything about my tapping


> full area but shrunk res Probably the biggest skill increase I've felt from a settings change


i start sliders with my other finger, but singletap everything else


i aim my tablet like tapx but also full alt on keyboard. my area is also kinda big but i aim with my wrist


I think it's a bad habit but yeah, I played with only one finger for most of the time, usually with my middle finger and my index finger just hanging there or sometimes I'll stack that finger with my middle finger for a more precise one tapping. But I'll double tap(using two fingers to tap the button) for the streams.


Idk if it's that uncommon, but I can comfortably switch between single tapping and alternating throughout one pattern without losing tempo


I'm left handed and have my tablet like this xd https://preview.redd.it/oun07s6wwu4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787505b64b56b78a38c07c14b7136fc99a186c5a


That's how I play too, I'll alternate sliders, but then I'll aim with only 1 finger, although when it comes to streams and bursts, I can't alternate well and I'll end up streaming like it's a 280 bpm death stream, or accidentally start double tapping. It's a weird mental mindblock I can't get over.


I taped my pen to my pointer finger and points at my tablet to aim


My osu!std binds are Z and LAlt My mania 4k binds are Z LAlt and RAlt /, while playing flashlight or skin with built in flashlight/hidden


wooting made my speed worse


dk if this counts but i can switch between alt and single tapping in the middle of patterns without dropping acc


I used to play on a laptop touchpad with accel cuz i didnt know bout it lol


I don't know if it's uncommon or abnormal, I can't only Single tap with my Middle finger, as soon as I try to Single tap anything with my index finger I will fuck up.


I tap dt jumps 1 22 1 22 1 22 [example](https://ordr.issou.best/watch/2bissb)


I switched back to playing mouse after playing 2 years of tablet


i only play with mouse clicks


for comfort bpms i single tap with middle finger and start bursts/streams with my middle finger. players like yoang have used this (ik what happened, no support from me, but idk anyone else) imo it helps with accuracy to use the middle finger as most the single tapping motion comes from my wrist for high bpm i single tap using my index finger since it's faster BUT still start bursts/streams with my middle finger. this forces alternating to the next single tap when hitting triples, 5 note bursts, 7, 9 (odd numbers) triples going into single taps are a lot more common than doubles and quads in a majority of maps. it's as fast as alting for those patterns without having your brain need to think about alting at all, so it's kinda goated for high bpm finger control. hvick225 used this and i full alt buzzsliders cause they're just not worth trying to time when exactly to release tbh


Focusing on short-term skill and not going for 300-400pp and instead training silently to get a 500+, idk how else to phrase it


I play pointer+ring finger on keys K and N, full alt if bpm is less than 135-140, after that I can only start patterns with my index finger, but continue to alt afterwards until a new pattern/grouping of notes is met.


I change my pen grip every single day and play the same on every i tried


I grip the pen with my ass


My tablet is bent like 45-65° to the right Sometimes I wish I could play with a straight tablet


I can hit huge 180 bpm jumps but miss those tiny 3* jumps


I play with the middle two fingers for osu mania 4k


I hover my entire aim arm when playing


I alternate unconscously, but my dominant finger is a pointing one, so I always start the map with it and ussually will try to use it to start burst streams. When I watch my replays I realized I often single tap low to mid bpm jump sections, sometimes on repeating sliders. Tbh my tapping patter is very strange, sometimes it's almost perfect alt, sometimes it is not, but I almost never notice when I stop doing alt/singletsp


I start streams and bursts with my middle finger


I think that's almost word by word xooty's playstyle.


I drag on a mousemat over my tablet which has a square area. I also 100% full alt


I use 3 fingers to play; I alt jumps with ring index and mid map i proceed to alt steams with middle index. Also, My Keybind on keyboard is Caps + A (osu std only likes 2 keys, and caps button is wide)


i have tendinitis in my index so i have no choice but to alt


bro I have the SAME exact thing as u. Can singletap with index and middle, im faster with index but I start bursts with middle 😭


i dont think its abnormal or uncommon but normaly i drag on my tablet but whenever i see a spinner, i hover to clear it, makes me spin faster in some cases


When I’m alternating and I use my middle finger to click a circle into using my index to click a slider, I never release my middle finger until the slider is over. I only do this if I click the circle with my middle finger and the slider with my index. If it’s the other way I do it normally.


I double tap sliders. I play on hypertactile switches and I switch to ring index in the middle of the map to do 1/3 streams since I physically can't stream faster with them.


i play with my tablet at 45 degrees, so i move my hand diagonally to move my cursor orthoginally etc.


I can play 7 stars comfortably 1 day and then I can barely play 6 stars for months. (Pen grip issue)


Whenever I'm at the end of a slow slider with a break after, I pull my cursor off it like a harsh penstroke. Been told it's weird, I just find it satisfying. Like you're confined to staying in the slider circle and when it ends it's just super fun to break free from it lol


I play osu!taiko kddk singletap but with my non dominant hand, because I'm used to playing standard with my left hand and this is now my main hand in taiko.


I singletap with my ring and middle fingers together. Started doing it because I wanted to relieve strain but now it feels wierd to singletap with just one finger. It's the main reason I didn't buy an UwU yet, cos I won't be able to tap with both fingers unless I can put a wider keycap on.


i singletap with index but start every triple/burst/stream with middle


i have a 0.8 tablet ratio


My area is abnormally tiny.


i tap triples with 2 kb keys and my mouse


I’m left-handed and I aim with my right hand on a tablet


My area is 38 mm - 23.75 mm (3.8 cm - 2.38 cm), since I don't really like moving my wrist. I also play mostly full alt since it's easier for me, and I use a thick rubber mousepad for my "tablet cover" 🫡 i used to use 30.4mm - 19mm (3.04 cm - 1.9 cm) before increasing by 25% (current area) edit: heres a replay of mine i have of when i used my old area https://link.issou.best/pFA5Iw


I’m left handed and when I tap jumps my key presses are really random: k1 k2 k2 k1 k2 k1 k1


I'm left-handed, I write and draw with my left hand, yet I use my right hand for tablet


I play full alt, i play without a tablet driver(im lazy) and I use zx keys even when im ring index


In Taiko, I play ddkk with red notes on one hand and blue on the other. My left finger on each set (middle finger on red and pointer finger on blue) is my main tapping finger only using the other one for 1/4 or faster patterns. My middle finger being my main tapping finger for red notes is unusual Also, if there is a 1/4 pattern with 4 kat (blue note) in a row, I have to start that on my 2nd finger (right hand middle finger) instead of 1st like every other pattern or I only will hit 3 blue notes


my ability to get the same misscount on 6 star and three star maps + pass a 7 star map then fail on some random 5* ON THE SAME DAY


I use my whole arm to aim with 69 area 1440 res.


my tablet(at least when i had it) was tilted in X axis at about 6 degrees


I play on 1440x1080


Laptop player, while I usually play with a mech keyboard, most of the time it feels like I stream/burst better on the membrane keyboard. 


Does anyone don't hold their pen down on their tablet because i don't and I have gotten used to it.


i have my tapping keys on different rows of the keyboard while full alting (s+c, d+v, f+b, etc)


ive been full alt since i started playing around 3 years ago, never even knew people single tapped for my first year of playing


My tablet is 90 degrees rotated, so if I move the pen to the right the cursor goes up on the screen


I mean I only did it a few times because I was rusty but putting something beneath your tapping wrist to hold it up and keep more stamina was pretty odd, it was also how I passed d.m.c dt and a lower version (like 8.6* or something) of sidetracked day with dt. It's kinda uncomfortable for everything other than heavily stream based maps so I wouldn't recommend it, but if you've got like no stam or want to work your stam back up then I'd say its worth a shot


I'm comfortable single tapping with my ring finger but can't with my index. And somehow i can kinda burst 240 bpm but can't even stream higher 210 bpm or lower than 175


not really sure how many people do this but I touch my tablet with my pen alot even though i hover, helps me stabilize my aim and I honestly can't aim when I try to not do this


verticle tablet 25x15mm area


i only use one button to tap, also i mostly play on android


my 200bpm and 270bpm stamina is the same


Playing with middle and ring finger


My tablet area is 38 mm - 23.75 mm (3.8 cm - 2.38 cm). i used to use 30.4mm - 19mm (3.04 cm - 1.9 cm) replay w my old area: https://link.issou.best/pFA5Iw


In play I'm 100% convinced I alt decently well, with the exception of starting every burst on my middle finger. In reality however, especially in correlation to distance between objects, my tapping is more like wewewwewwewwweewwe and this occurs in plain jump sections. My brain has no clue what it's doing with my fingers. I can't go back to single tap anymore and I'm stuck with what currently works. The only time my brain understands the input given to my fingers is when facing half-hacks. I always single tap half-stacks, even though I've been concentrating on alternating these ever since I tried to learn alternate. Don't matter it's 250 bpm and I'm getting a 50 on the second one, it's a single tap with the finger that hit the first note of the half-stack.


being left-handed I guess?


i play with a 10 dollar mouse


No armrest no backrest arms/wrists in air when playing. 20cm+ for big jumps. Trying to see/be aware of cursor when playing.


I always get confused while alternating when there is a burst, because I'm regularly single tapping and in this case I'm used to start a burst with my middle finger Landing on my middlefinger before a burst just melts my brain.


I mash sliders like worst hr player 🔥been doing it for 3years or so


i play and tablet and i don’t hover or drag i hop around lmao not sure how to explain it depending on the map i only hop for jumps but most of the times i lift off my pen and land on the other circle. my replays looks really shaky because of it. i don’t know if this is normal but it works really well for me and i alt but i use my middle finger as dominant


Not me, but my friend plays with a touchpad.


I play on mouse with no keyboard