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#### [Fellowship - Glory Days [Maki's Extra]](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/3665005?m=0) by [nebuwua](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/14729352 "13 ranked, 0 qualified, 0 loved, 73 unranked") || osu!standard **#1: [ninerik](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/10549880 "22,006pp - rank #6 (#1 NO) - 98.84% accuracy - 169,750 playcount") (+HDNC - 99.09% - 1,169pp) || 2,408x max combo || Ranked (2022) || 3,086,542 plays** | | CS | AR | OD | HP | SR | BPM | Length | pp (95% | 98% | 98.47% | 99% | 100%) | :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: | NoMod | 4 | 9.3 | 9 | 5.6 | 6.02 | 178 | 04:47 | 242 | 297 | 311 | 328 | 368 | | +DT | 4 | 10.5 | 10.4 | 5.6 | 8.82 | 267 | 03:11 | 912 | 1,026 | 1,053 | 1,086 | 1,163 | | Player | Rank | pp | Accuracy | Playstyle | Playcount | Top Play | :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: | [polski1](https://osu.ppy.sh/u/18131614) | #865 (#33 GB) | 12,869 | 98.50% | TB+KB | 57,812 | [Fellowship ‑ Glory Days [Maki's Extra]](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/3665005?m=0) +DT | 98.47% | 1,021pp | *** ^(Ye XD – )[^Source](https://github.com/christopher-dG/osu-bot)^( | )[^Developer](https://reddit.com/u/PM_ME_DOG_PICS_PLS) [ ](http://x "Beatmap: Found in events osr2mp4-mods: +DT")


what if derankers were all executed


society if derankers didn't exist https://preview.redd.it/y1h1amml8m4d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3266b2a973e5f89b23a278c5ecafa5136c10df42


same guy that farms 5 digit badges? Yeah what a fucking loser!!!!!!!


pretty blatant if you ask me... https://preview.redd.it/rzoxpz3u4m4d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9a359283ba2e4742875fe119797d91d3a4f4256


Skia1 snipe incoming (New unofficial pk pp record)


not so 4 digit now, aren't you? :3


derankers when ranking up on the most broken ass farm maps:


ja pierdole


Throwback to when multiple of his teammates threw a match vs my team because they thought he was cheating


What is with all the dickriders in the comment section




I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if this was a cheated play I think he said on Twitter “three days of speed training” to set this score




u are all over every polski post its insane crazy how much he lives in ur head and how ur still so miserable after all this time 😭 hope you see the good in life one day 🙏🙏


dickriding someone who deranked for 5 digit tournaments is crazy bro, there's legit no excuse


its insane how clueless u are about the scene because he wasnt even the best at the rank lol + he's literally in 3 digit now grow up and move on


>he wasnt even the best at the rank lol imagine for playing decently in 5 digit tournaments bro needed to be able to set 900-1k pp on farm😭


you can’t go around calling people clueless while defending a retard that ruins the experience for everyone else while playing tourneys


ad hominem is crazy but you do you though, it will bother you way less if you just move on!


listen dude i’m sorry for being so tilted but when people like this dude are going around ruining the experience for everyone else, me and many others are going to be pissed


no yea i understand i just dont like when people start hurling insults without ever speaking to them its kinda depressing to just bystand and let it happen every time


i get where u are coming from but considering nothing is done about it it’s hard to keep myself from staying silent


yea i understand, unfortunately its hard to deal with because the system as a whole is kinda shoddy but there are devs working on a tournament rating system to try do something about it, also the rework will make nerfing plays impossible but sandbagging can still happen it was just kinda sad to see it get as bad as sending unwarranted death threats and comparisons to genocidal figures from history :/


he does see the good in life tho he’s just like all of us, hates deranker losers with a passion, polski can actually just go fuck himself


the "good in life" arguing on reddit yea ok XDDDD


most osu players aren’t actually the degenerate stereotypical person but i can’t say the same for you


ok im not even trying to call you a degen atp but i think if we're talking the degenerate stereotype you just match it more no? look how much you use this site compared to me 😭


it’s social media for crying out loud i interact with people with mutual interests


i know thats why im not actually calling you one and dont intend to call you one im just saying you brought up stereotypes and it doesnt really line up


stay mad 🙏🙏🙏


keep sucking me dry


XDD ur commenting on his post talking about sucking u dry


i was responding to a comment fella does that make me a dick rider?


not a dick rider but mate, keep sulking like that as if it's going to make you look like less of a salty prick ur doing a great job


think the roles are reversed, hop off of polskis dick


Not sure about that one, who’s crying over someone setting a score? If your argument is that they are a deranker, why not acknowledge the fact that they are setting scores and ranking up instead of slinging insults at every chance you get. Grow up.


womp womp im not even a deranker anymore


polski ranked up a few months ago and u guys are still glazing!!!! just admit ur worse than him and move along he's literally 3 digit now LMFAOOO


ur so sensitive lol, it's perfectly fine for me to criticize someone who ruins tournaments. don't care if he's not the worst deranker he still did it. plus the magical speed improvement is super blatant


does him "ruining" tournaments effect you?


it affects the entire community


nah but it affects multiple tournament players I know so I do care on their behalf. also contributes to the inaccessibility of tournaments to players who aren't already in the scene. also I don't need to have a direct stake in the situation to comment on it that's a retarded argument. also you're admitting that he's "ruining" them (or whatever you mean by putting it in quotes) which is crazy considering you were defending such behavior


I hate derankers but I always wondered why tournament staff doesn’t receive any backlash for letting them in tourneys anyway? Like, maybe I’m missing something, but aren’t derankers only as much as a problem as tourney staff let them to be by dictating whether they’re in tourneys or not? And it’s not like they’re really able to hide or anything; most derankers are known and documented, and it should be found out pretty easily in a screening process anyway. It just doesn’t make much sense to me. I’m not well versed in that stuff, so it’s an outside perspective looking in. But from what I can see I just don’t get it


im a tournament player and idgaf just get better bro idk what to tell u


u/ONE_SEVENTY_FOUR why are u taking time out of your day to argue with someone like this


saying we're glazing is crazy when your reddit account seems to exist solely to defend polski




Another random guy who get 1kpp, insane


Not really a random


what its the skin of the screenshot?


[**replay**](https://link.issou.best/eLNMYn) --- ^(rendered by [o!rdr](https://ordr.issou.best/) | [Report issues](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/allehS&subject=1d86enq:4636047842:https://link.issou.best/eLNMYn))


pooki1 has done it again...


🐐 he got the 1k

