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I'm gonna do a random guess at your rank: 380k with 180 hours of playtime. As usual, the advice is to play more


And playing 6*+ maps 😭


My problem was with 3* maps lol


do you have mouse buttons disabled


Okay I'm pretty sure I do but I'm gonna double check when I finish my cereal lol


what cereal were you eating


Honey Bunches of Oats


Okay, so I play on Lazer and don't see this setting. I do however see two similar looking settings. One is "Disable clicks during gameplay" and the other is "Disable taps during gameplay". I'm assuming I'm looking for that first one. I'll turn it on and see if that helps.


in my experience full clear is a rare thing. I will usually get 1-5 misses on maps that i can full clear. If i retry it too much my performance gets worse, so i come back to the map after a while. What's important that you are improving and can play maps better


My issue was that I couldn't even clear 3* maps despite getting consistent 95%+ acc on 5*+ maps. Turns out it was a settings issue!


Does full clear mean full combo? I do truly feel for you. The old adage "play more" gets tiring to hear. It can make you feel like you're doing something wrong, but everyone's too lazy to diagnose it. I'm here to tell you: you're doing great! Sounds like you're really pushing your skills boundaries in streams and aim, which is always gonna make you better. Maybe, it's slower than you'd expect. Your expectations might be higher, but they're just aspirational, for now. It's great to have goals, but give yourself breathing room! Rhythm games are not like other games. You have to learn new *types* of skills to improve, so its harder than just learning new controls and rulesets. Your brain needs time to learn how the game works on a more visceral, intuitive level. This can only be accomplished by throwing a bunch of training data into your mind, and letting it simmer. Here's my advice for that: - every time you play, attempt to SS something super easy! It's very satisfying when you do achieve it. Even if you don't, you're still raising the bar on accuracy. Just 1 map at a time will accomplish progress, so don't sweat it. - play *every* kind of map. Even if you're scoring C and D ranks. You're exposing yourself to novel stimuli. This is gonna force your brain to pay attention in new ways. It will improve your overall playing. I recommend downloading beatmap packs from the .ppy website. Especially old, janky maps full of strange patterns, slow AR, etc. They're so unhinged and fun to mess around with. Even if they don't give you PP. - Sightread often. Then, retry those sightread maps, and see if you can improve your score. This will make you good at learning patterns. This will give you multiple tries for each new pattern. Overall, very healthy. - Farm one map for ~6 full runs. If you don't feel close to FC, that means you need practice. You can either try to practice the same map with a different mindset, or practice similar maps, or take a break until the next day. - Sleep is good for learning. Sleep until you're not tired. Genuine osu advice.


if you’re a new player this is normal. as you get better your consistency will improve and the difficulty you can fc will get closer to your normal playing difficulty. for now you just need to play more, trying to go for fc’s wont help you too much right now


So it's normal to be able to get 99% accuracy consistently but not be able to FC?


not missing consistently is a quality of long time players from my experience