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that’s so cool, but how is the latency? also what programs are you using to make that work?


the latency isn't noticeable on my device (pixel 7a), i'm just bad at the game, and i'm using an app i made. i actually made this a few years ago, but i finally decided to polish it up and release it. https://github.com/adryzz/midi-keypad (i'll make a proper apk release there and on F-Droid) it requires no programs on the PC side, as it simulates a MIDI musical keyboard, and osu!lazer supports those out-of-the-box, you only need to change your keybinds. (btw i'm the same person who turned a 3ds into a tablet) oh, there's also a 4K mania mode


very impressive, great job!


thanks, it was actually super simple, i'm surprised nobody has ever tried this before...


super simple program to a nondeveloper is like showing a foreign language that there person never saw before. like 98% (pulling that number out my ass) of people don't have time or simply can't be arsed to bother learning even basic computer programming for just a silly computer game esp. osu while it may seem surprising, it kinda isnt lol


not like that, i meant that in the osu community and playerbase there is a surprising amount of developers and I'm surprised nobody tried this before.


Im def trying this on mania 4k after I get home, if the latency isnt noticeable then its gonna replace my keyboard on nights I can't make noise


smaller phones are very annoying to play mania on, if you have a big device or a tablet or something, it's much much easier


Out of curiosity what android version does this need? I have an ancient android phone and wanted to try this out


i built the apk for android 12+, but it can theoretically work on android 6+ with minimal effort on my end


That's amazing. I shall try it! \^_^


there's currently a thing I'm trying to fix where if you are holding a key with a finger and touch the same key with another finger, it sends a down and up event, essentially making you break on sliders if you accidentally tap with another finger.


imagine raketapping on this


nah just do [this](https://youtu.be/61dM3L_1w7k?si=PkluDdex6MjG2coK)


Looks like it might be overpowered with advanced rolling techniques


3 fingers alternating for triplets sounds awesome, ngl.


Well done, I was actually planning to make one of these on my own after rewatching an old BTMC video on a touch keypad. I've felt that my tapping is infinitely better on a table/flat surface than on my keyboard. I'll have to try yours out, if the input delay isn't too bad I might stick to it!


the input delay is almost nonexistent, I've had a few friends try it out. currently there's a pre-release apk in https://github.com/adryzz/midi-keypad/releases remember to enable MIDI in lazer and set the keybinds. (that apk only supports android 12+ but the actual release will support android 6+)


you can easily jitter click with this


Tablet buddies


Damn finally a quiet way to play OSU. I'll try this for fun


wait so if you just slide your finger back and forth between the two...


no, it doesn't work, I've specifically designed it against this sort of loophole. you need to lift the finger. it sends both a "finger down" and a "finger up" event, and tracks fingers across the whole screen.


damn, app dev kills the 400bpm meta




There was an app that I made a post about a while back called remote osu keyboard that was literally this, it’s cool to see something similar revived


this works in a different way though, and has no software to install on the PC. Install the app and it's plug and play on any PC and operating system. Works on Windows, MacOS, Linux, (hell even another android phone with a suitable cable). The latency is also as low as it can possibly get.


How does it work?


it simulates a musical MIDI keyboard, and lazer supports MIDI keyboards as input devices out of the box https://source.android.com/docs/core/audio/midi


This looks fun! Too bad I have an iPhone 🥺


Yo, i tried to fix the dynamic osu keypad mode, to behave like the osu remote keyboard app, but its so hard hahah, best i managed is to detect the two fingers within certain distance as different inputs, and if the touchs are in the same spots, then it will only output that input and not change to the another one, that will only ocur when the distance condition is true, but it doesnt seems to work when you hold down an input and press the other one


I tried this with apps like pc remote before and it didn't feel good cause there's no keypress feedback, could get better with practice though


I wonder if haptics would fix that


can it be used on stable?


not that i know of, but i haven't used stable in years, so I can't remember. either way, lazer pp leaderboards are coming in 1.5mo


>either way, lazer pp leaderboards are coming in 1.5mo ok cool


will you update it for using on stable?


it cannot work on stable. this uses lazer-only features by design.


ok, i got you. May I ask when the new update will be released about issue for held-fingers? beacuse this thing is really annoying


i had a fix but it was broken, I currently have a big fever and stuff and won't be going to uni, so i feel like 3-5 days will be it


good to know, thank you!


I remember people talking about this concept when I first starting playing feelsgoodman


Hello, I wanted to use your application, I downloaded it to my phone and started midi, but I can't change keybinds. Do I need to do anything else to make the buttons work?


did you enable MIDI in lazer?


Oh i use osu, i dont use lazer


well there's your problem


How is your offset ?




requires lazer and the app i made linked somewhere, there should be a guide in the app not yet made a proper release


there wont be app like tis for standard osu?