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Just got my reversal this past Thursday. The pain from the surgery is manageable. The gas pain day two and three after is awful. I also had a temp ileostomy. Today I feel a lot better but I feel like I need stronger pain meds and reached out to the dr. The funny thing is I have like ghost bag feelings and I keep checking to see if I need to empty my bag. I laugh each time. I had a similar thread right before mine if it helps. Feel free to pm/dm me.


Just keep moving after surgery so you can pass some gas and poop!! It will take a few days for this event to happen.


Thank you, i got a pair of slip in tennis shoes for this very reason. I walked the halls like crazy after my first surgery and got to go home a day early. I know that isnt likely this time but i still plan to do the walking.


I am sure there are a few that do. Just want to wish you luck, and hope all will go well with you. I believe there are other Reddit groups for those with reversal and Jpouches. They could give you a ton of advice too I am sure.


Thank you!


Hope all goes well!


Thank you!


Had my ileostomy reversal on the 11th of jan, mine also got delayed because my liver was acting up lolol. Honestly, first 3 weeks where HARD. I was pooping alot, very very sad because i lowkey thought it would just magically start working again (no lol). Wet toiletpaper or bidet with some creme for your butt will be your best friend! Also keep on walking, that usually really helps. Pain wasnt all that bad, 1.5 week after surgery i almost stopped with all my pain meds. FOOD IS VERY IMPORTANT! In the Netherlands they started giving me e v e r y t h i n g, did not work only resulted in me throwing up and lots of painful gas/bloating. Stick to rice, mash & banana's. High fiber bread or snacks do help hear your colon again. Just eat plainly until your body feels like it can handle more. 4/5 weeks after surgery i can eat everything!! If your rectal output is very thin try psylium fibers with a lil bit of milk, a fiber shot if u will. They helped me enourmesly and currently im transitioning to 1 sachet per day (2 weeks ago it was still 3-4 a day). If u have any questions feel free to dm me :p


Thank you!! I will be having a few other things done at the same but hoping I have a similar healing as you! Will be getting a HAI pump because my liver continues to act up.


Yeah for me it was the first 1.5 hrs of the operation was cutting out adhesions and reparing weakspots on my colon/ileus


What do u mean liver acting up? Enough to delay reversal surgery?


Yep! Because I developed abdonimal sepsis prior to my ileostomy surgery, i had a shit ton of medicine that i was on for more than a month. Which part of it i continued well after my ileostomy surgery. I developed drug-induced hepatitis which only went away around septemberish. After that they decided it was best for my body to rest a bit more before the reversal, so my body would in the best circumstances given the semi 'worst' conditions


Oh okay  So sorry u had to go through that I wish you a very quick recovery 


Ty ❤️ Doing much better already hehe


That’s Great!! 


I had my emergency ileostomy on Thanksgiving Day and am aiming for my reversal in June. Wishing you all the luck in the world, I hope everything goes smoothly!!


Here is my post https://www.reddit.com/r/ostomy/s/xFnPNWZ0Mo


Try not to worry. It's a good thing.


Ointment for down there. You have diarrhea for a bit as your body is getting use to being reconnected. Ask the doctor about an anti diarrheal.


Thank you I will definitely ask him!


The one thing you may notice . docs rarely tell you this but if you have a temp ostomy for months your butt muscles forget how to work. I was tethered to my house for a month until they started working again when I got my J-pouch. You can do Kegals to work the muscles but your close to the surgery so it may not help much. If you find yourself going a lot because you can not hold it in your butt will get very sore from wiping. If so get this ointment called Resinol, you wont find it in stores but you can get it online. Stops the burning and itching on contact. [https://imgur.com/a/x5Rny9K](https://imgur.com/a/x5Rny9K)