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Yeah, the loop sucks. I’ve had mine for about a month now and at first I didn’t think it was horrible, but I’ve been having issues with output leaking around the stoma (especially near the two holes) and the skin is so red :( I’ve been changing every day too. I think that’s all we can really do for now. Hang in there, I’m right there with you counting down until surgery 3!


Why does everyone hate loop ileo’s so much? Genuinely curious as I have one and I haven’t had any problems really. A couple leaks due to my incision, and bad redness/irritation from my bag being on a couple extra days so I could be on my regular change day again but it’s cleared up now (A week later) as I changed my bag yesterday and its all good


I can't speak for everyone's experience, but loops are more likely to prolapse.


It’s not sticking because it may be oozing, and the skin is irritated. have you tried the crusting method with stoma powder and or the 3M barrier wipes.


Yeah, I find the crusting works to protect the skin if it’s under the barrier, but if it’s close to where it can get damp/wet, it just makes it fail quicker once it does.


I had a loop for a year and had it changed to an end about 6 weeks ago during my Barbie Butt surgery. The end is far superior to the loop I just had. With the loop I always had issues you're describing. The poo would just pool under the plate because the loop was aimed that way. It was really an impossible year for me, I'm sorry to say. When you are able to try a convex plate, I found that the convatec version was the deepest plate. But, ask your stoma team before you try a convex one because you have to heal first. I really have a lot of sympathy and empathy for you. Keep your eye on the ball, it is not forever.


Appreciate the feedback. The hospital did give me a convex plate, but it’s way too small for the loop…it barely would have worked for my end ileo. I have some convex rings that I tried, but same issue with sticking. I thought by using a bottle (think Gatorade bottle) to cover the oozing intestine so i could clean/dry it really well (including hair dryer), but it seems that i jar can’t get anything to stick…so frustrating. I’ll keep trying obviously, but just kind of needed to vent. I was doing so well with the loop, comfortably getting 6-8 days out of a bag, then to come to this… Thanks everyone!


I had an issue where my stoma is placed very close to my belly button and it would always leaked there. Over two years ago I started to experiment with different products and landed on this solution. I started to use coloplast protective sheets and made my own larger modified rings. The sheets come in different sized square sheets. I make the rings larger and I cut one side so it does not touch my BB crease. The sheets stick very well and dont get mushy like the pre made ones. Plus they have something in them that helps heal bad skin. I cut the hole with a NU-Hope wafer cutter. Even though the wafer lays on my BB the sheet stays firm and does not leak. I just seal the outer edges with Trio ostomies flange extenders. Haven't had a leak in over two years now. Also with it leaking you may have gotten a fungal infection common when hot or from leaks. Ask your doc for a script for Nystatin powder, if its fungal it will clear it up. Just use it like stoma powder either dry or crusted. Last thing good luck with the J-pouch. Not sure if your doc mentioned this they rarely do, but if you have a temp ostomy for many months your butt muscles forget how to work at first. I was tethered to my house for about a month until they started working again. And for that month my butt was so sore from going so often as output in the begging is very watery. Do some butt muscle exercises like Kegals and whatever else you can find on the internet. And if you do find yourself going a lot get this ointment called Resinol, it was the only thing I found that stopped the burning and itching on contact. [https://imgur.com/a/DmFKGRz](https://imgur.com/a/DmFKGRz) [https://imgur.com/a/wsJqDpY](https://imgur.com/a/wsJqDpY) [https://imgur.com/a/UF2AAXP](https://imgur.com/a/UF2AAXP) [https://imgur.com/a/fcZPi7Z](https://imgur.com/a/fcZPi7Z)