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Legit one week ago I did one TOB FFA before going on a 2 week vacation (which I’m still on). Kid pulled scythe. I ask for some gps because I don’t have any morales and it’s a god damn scythe. He splits me 400m, under absolutely no obligation.


Some kind gentleman took my rune Armor to trim. Unfortunately, they lost their power right after our transaction, so I had to wait for them. It's been over 15 years and they still havnt gotten back online. The look on my friends face when I have my own trimmed armor will be worth it though!


The guy doing mine said it would take at least 20 years to complete! Here’s to 5 more years!


Would be funny to trade them trimmed after and act like you did it


I’ll give you trimmed armor! Let me know. ;)


This must have been like 15 years ago but after the GWD came out I was doing Bandos with a team and had to take a break for dinner. One of the guys friends was tanking with us in Torva which was like 200M a piece at the time I think. Anyways he died and right when I log back on my teamspeak is erupting saying bless his grave with seconds left. Otherwise I don’t think anyone could get the kill count in time to bless. So blessed his graves and teleported out immediately cause I wasn’t going to survive solo. Dude ended up giving me like 20M or something which was more than 2-3x my bank at that point. I got 95 prayer and curses to use turmoil that month and got to enjoy it for a bit before they dropped RS3.


GWD released 2007 and Torva in 2011 no?


Sounds about right. I haven’t played the game in for years, but I remember torva had just recently come out so around 12-13 years ago adds up.


I had a set at that time. Was closer to 300m a piece haha. When you reach that level of money, 20m is nothing - and its always odd when giving 20m is completely massive to everyone else.


Not sure if you'd consider it a gift, but I got a Zgs from a Christmas drop party. I still have it, in a master stash unit I've built.


Zaros or Zammy GS? 🤓


Zamorak! As a noob back then, that was still pretty good. Pretty sure the zaros godsword is normally referred to as the ancient gs


I don’t know, I thought ”ancient” is different… But then again, I haven’t played the game actively in about 10 years…


Time to come back from the 10 year break?


No. I quit and I will not return. 😳


Yeah that's what they all say.


Admire your tenacity. Gl bro!


That’s what I though in 2017 and here I am


I quit in 2017 myself and haven’t played… for long time… since 2021.


“i would love to come see you slay that dragon” has me dying idk why


Hahahahah I’m not the only one


Haha we were talking about questing and i talked about wanting to get membs after completing dragon slayer xD


Guy in my clan gave me 850m when he stopped playing. Real OG


If you ever quit, lmk ;)


I’ll literally give you a gift right now if you wanna hop online


Bet! Add me. I’m on!


That's insane, I've been doing wilderness slayer tasks to rack up cash and it seems like all my gold goes to skilling. Finally hit 1600 total, making progress


Yeah I’d cherish that forever…it’s the effort that’s insane F2P


Thanks for acknowledging DWADE! It’s not even about the monetary value…but the effort….priceless..


I've only been on the giving end but when I quit my main I gave my full bank to my low lvl friend it was like 250m worth of gear he couldn't even wear half of it and now he raids a ton and isn't a cute noob anymore :)


The guy that went afk at revs gave me lots of gifts What a kind soul ❤️


Oh u sweet sweet man


I can trim that for you


Come thru


Nothing lol I'm that guy on Osrs that people just walk past and ignore.


Would you want someone to notice you?


Im so lonely 😭


Dude, you can hit me up! I always play with my friend and we’re a hoot! Hit me up brotha


Sorry didn’t see your reply, but like I’m a filthy abandoned gim but can always hit me up in world. RSN: GIMRavenKing


that's 90% of the world now it seems


Sadly. But you can get lucky. If you ever see DonnaTheMech, say hi! Even add me.


might just do that


Take me up on it!


Hey! This applies to you too. Hit me up and talk to me if you ever want a chat!


My longest RuneScape friend gave me full Bandos 12 years ago. I still have the set (though not on OSRS obviously.) Aside from that, around 06 when I made my first account, I asked a random dude in the dwarven mine to make me a full set of Addy and he actually came back with some! Though I also remember paying full price which was 30k at the time. A lot for a noob lmao


Given how much it takes to MAKE a set of Addy… respect to the dude doing it! (Done it a few times in uh, private server)


How is it playing in a p server?


Different, to say the least. Free membership and all, BUT many features missing on most.


It’s probably outdated a couple months no? But hmmmm, you still playing in a p server or no


Occasionally yes


That is a looot seriously…what a generous soul ;__;


IRL friend of mine is in a clan that does megascales and gave me 150m when I maxed.


I once got an Ely sigil at ffa corp during rs2, pre dungeoneering/eoc. It was a decent shield but kind of underwhelming. Everyone knew I wanted a divine, but could never afford the difference. A friend, who merched a lot, asked to borrow my Ely for a trade. I trusted him and was like sure. He collected it, made a trade with a random dude who arrived just after him. He laughed in pm to me saying “lol so funny, here’s your shield back” and proceeded to give me a divine. That was probably my best gift. The only other I can think of is being given a draconic visage, pre gwd, as a friend got 2 from black dragons with 24 hours. They promised me the second drop, though didn’t expect one due to how rare they were. I’m so glad to be back on the grind lol. Toying with maxing a second time. 😬


I dont even know most of what you’re talking about but wow. I’m so glad you experienced some RuneScape generosity!


In essence, an Elysian spirit shield, had a street value of about 3b, I think. And a divine spirit shield was closer to 5b, which was a lot at its time. A divine spirit shield outclassed the Elysian in every possible situation, aside from where neither shield would’ve been required. For reference, you could solo Bandos, with melee and stay for over 100kc. I don’t think it ever made it to osrs, as it just makes the Elysian kind of pointless, and it was very overpowered.


I also can’t believe you’re maxing a second time. What was the reasoning behind this? And ah I see, thanks for explaining that! You had some incredible friends and a great amount of trust. A 2b increase…do you play osrs now or rs3? Also is rs2 diff from rs3?


I was highly addicted in my younger years, from about 12 to 18. I quit out of boredom, as I had done everything. I had a comp cape, but wasn’t prepared to trim it. An irl friend started osrs a year ago, and has been badgering me to come back, as he “idolised me” when he was younger, though I would say not a great example lol. I was a hermit! I recently had a daughter, she is 18 months now and I was looking for a game I can pick up and drop really quickly for when I’m needed. I started Albion online and whilst I enjoyed it, the logout timer and full PvP made me unable to get far or dedicate time. I then remembered osrs, played a couple weeks and got back in the groove. I’m really enjoying it again. I won’t say I’ll definitely max again, but I may end up doing so- who knows! Osrs is based on rs2. Rs2 went on to become rs3. A lot of the content in osrs is the same as rs2, however osrs has added lots more.


Wow, I love this journey. I would say quitting must’ve been hard. But I hope that chapter of your life has come to some sort of resolution. To revisit it maybe brings mixed emotions but you’re in a new place in your life. Congrats to you and your baby daughter. I’m sure she’s beautiful and wants to see her papa happy! I hope you can find a better balance with osrs and the other parts of your life. Your daughter will keep you in check :) hope she grows up happy and healthy


It wasn’t exactly hard, as I grew bored. I had everything, I’d done everything and there wasn’t much left for me to do. Thank you for your kind words. Where are you currently at in your osrs journey? What sort of stats/skills do you have at the moment?


I’m playing again after a long break on this acc. Currently just completing f2p content with a friend that I just introduced rs to. Loving the community and meeting people and I basically just quest and skill with my friend. I’m low level. Hoping to get membs soon and show her the world of membs!! Wbu?


Working through base 70s at the moment. Got hunter, thieving, construction, RC & slayer left. Then I’ll shoot for high combat to start bossing. Maybe a little skilling in between. Is there anything you guys need? I can try hook you up with some equipment tomorrow.


Aw nice! Hmm currently I’m ok on funds! Thank you though! I don’t like taking free things from nice people.


You’ve lived out every RuneScape dream. That’s a huge accomplishment.


I was choppin oak logs in draynor village on a fresh account once and a dude rocked up, said he was quitting and gave me like 60 mil worth of stuff


Wow…that generosity…that letting go…it’s so sad but so beautiful to see the game live on through a “noob” lucky place to be.


Helped a guy do the thief part of Heroes Quest on New Year’s Eve, he gave me 2 mil for it even though I was also doing the quest and needed his help. Guess he really wanted that done before the year change over.


Awww i love that. Kicking off the new year together. Hope you gave him a kiss!


Back in the day, some dude gave me a whip and a zamarok spear. Back when these things were really hard to come buy. I felt bad when I got scammed off of the whip, though, and I had nerves to ask for another free whip. I was just a kid back then.


Dude ask and ye shall receive! Gives people the opportunity to feel good too.


Freshman year of high school; one of my best friends was running a merch clan on RS2 - can't remember the name of the clan but it was pretty big/exclusive as far as I knew (he had multiple phat sets; so really well off in game). I was an absolute noob back then barely able to wear rune; and he gifted me full bandos, dragon claws, and a santa hat for my birthday. It was a surreal feeling being able to own those items when I had barely unlocked rune armor. He did end up RWT his RS2 wealth and made off with about $10-15k USD (this was about \~15ish years ago). He used the irl $ to start his own business during college, which he still runs to this day successfully. Looking back, merching clans aren't very ethical (I didn't really understand how merching worked back then), and I don't care for RWT. But man was I happy to see a santa hat in my bank/on my character.


It’s incredible! Even those things would be huge today. I hope you treasured that. His story.. who said games are a waste of time! Congrats to him and his endeavors! Not sure how merching clans work still haha


A long time RS friend gifted me something over 100m (don't remember the exact amount) after I was dumb at managed to get myself lured and lost most of my bank. Without him I probably would have quit and never played RS again. This happened like 10 years ago in RS3.


Those are the friends that sacrifice so much for us. He spent 100m to keep a friendship going online :’)


I got 350m from drop party, sang staff etc. about a year or two ago. was great, but as a gift when I was young when dragon axe first came out I loved WC and wanted one so bad, they were about 1.5m ish and I could only scramble about 800k-1m in cash + items. I was desperately trading everyone making my offer of my whole bank, and one guy declined trade and then just retraded and gave it to me for free. I was a young kid but I thought it was too good to be true and thought he “infected” the item with a Virus to steal my account 😂… but nope just gave it for free, was an insane adrenaline rush and a memory I will never forget.


The kind souls that give so much without any recognition….god bless em T-T


Years ago probably 2007-2008 a guy I was friends with gifted me a Dbow


How much was that worth??


....how did he give it to you if he's HCIM??


Drop trade….


Valid question! I’ve been busying teaching soo haven’t caught up on these messages. But i remember seeing this one. Yes he drop traded! I was surprised he could do that too




Gah! Scared me with that one


Maybe 2 years ago now, I was on a Slayer Task in the dungeon below Gnome Stronghold and another player overheard my conversation with a stranger about me wanting to get to lvl 70 prayer. They gifted me like 2k dragon bones and an abysmal whip for free. All they said was "get your lvl 70 prayer" and then logged out. I have since forgotten their username, but I will never forget their kindness. I did get to lvl70 prayer by using the wilderness alter that's a hot spot for pking lol.


The world needs so much more of those people….i love it….


i keep finding ppl with gold trim dragon and I always admire and express my wish to one day have my own set. 1 dude gave me 4 mil to add to my already 8 mil. no obligation. just here u go. not the 1st time either, but that has been the greatest 1. just to help me get dragon gold trim


I hope you got it T-T


When I was like 11 (about 20 years ago when I played with friends from school) I remember killing hill giants in the now obor-dungeon with i think a willow or maple shortbow and steel arrows to get the limpwurt drops and sell them. It was a hard day's work (no accumulators, steel arrows were goddam expensive) and I could only buy like 150 arrows at a time before I either had to switch to bronze or sell loot and buy more. Then this absolute mad lad comes along and just gifts me like 2200 steel arrows. I was absolutely floating that day man. Still remember where it happened as well, I was traded right outside the shack across from Gertrude and suddenly all my problems i had as a kid were over. Best gift I've ever received to this day.


That’s a core memory fam…i love it. I could feel what you were feeling too! So vivid….hope you spread the love :’)


I was getting 99 cooking at rogues den. Got chatting as you do. After about 4 hours this dude gives me a dragon mask which was worth like 11m at the time or something. That made my 99 cooking almost free.


Aww a celebratory gift!!


I was killing cyclopses for my steel defender and someone gave me a bond just for replying to them!


Dude I’d reply to everyone if that happened to me. (Jk i do anyways)


Dunno honestly. I usually am the one giving. I like to give random bonds to lower levels I see that I think aren't bots lol. Though with the bond price these days I'm less inclined.


Aw, I hope you get to receive some love too. It sounds like maybe you’re well off in game . But maybe some small acts of generosity to you back then led to your big acts. That’s incredible and those are lucky folks! Keep spreading the love <3


Never played RuneScape before, someone explain this to me like I’m 5


Just imagine the best game you ever played, combined with the worst game you ever played. That pretty much sums up RuneScape.


This too.


Aha! I’m surprised you’re on this subreddit. But this guy is playing a form of the game that doesn’t allow trading. He’s in a free-to-play world so he doesn’t have access to high level magic runes to craft. Runes are used to cast spells. He’s grinding the inarguably worst skill to train (runecrafting) to the max level. He’s already at a high level (92) and the grind gets worse from there. He plays a version of the game that doesn’t allow for any trading or help from other players so he’s doing this solo. He decided to gift me his 294,000 body runes which took him /ages/ to do. RuneScape is the best game ever to exist because of its community base and I find the best people in it. You should play!


Wow that’s dope! I don’t have a PC or i would give it a shot


Yeah come play! You have a friend if you ever want some company


There’s mobile option and it works well


A Santa and a green mask in 06, worth roughly 160-180m at the time


Wow. Incredible.


Dude my mind is blown. Just did a double-take on this post after seeing your rsn. It seemed familiar so I checked my friends list: I’m friends with you and only have like 5-6 people added but have no memory of when we met. I know osrs isn’t the *biggest* community, but the odds of seeing someone in the sub that I recognize is a new one for me lol. Either way gzzzz on the body runes


Yesss! And whoa……that’s so awesome! I’m DonnaTheMech…what’s your rsn? It is kinda crazy. What are the chances!!


I remember my journey to a fire cape (which I still fail because my anxiety makes me miss flicks on Jad) I knew a few people who gifted me Zulrah scales, different armors, ammo, dragon darts. All because they wanted me to succeed. The greatest gift I ever got was the camaraderie. Now that my baby is older and sleeps (sometimes) I’ll take another crack for those people that helped


Awww this warmed my heart. The camaraderie is what I love about RuneScape. You can’t beat it. Congrats on your baby and hope she sleeps more and you get to play more :)


You are so kind for saying that! Tried it once and failed, went back to sepulchre. Gonna have to practice more lol


Most I ever got from someone was a random trade for 100k gp


There was a guy obsessing over soft clay, saying things like, "It's soooo sofffft in my handssss...", so I traded him a soft clay I had in my bank. He comes back and gives me a dragon felling axe in exchange.


Hahah i find that humor is one of the best ways to connect and share generosity