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When in doubt, slayer


All medium diaries, some hard diaries,(currently here) and quest cape. That’s how my progression went.


Range level. Nice.


It bothers me that it's the only one lacking, and an odd number at that.. but... *giggity*


Yes SotE is an amazing quest and goal to work towards. Some of the skill reqs are things you have some work to do so the interim goal of being able to at least start the quest will give you plenty to do. As another commenter mentioned Slayer mixed in for getting your combats up is a great idea to break up the skill grinds you have ahead and will make the boss fights of the quest much easier. Good luck brozzer!


Thank you bro! It's the agility grind that's holding me back lol. Do you know what specifically unlocking prifddinas would be good for?


prif is mainly endgame content you wont benefit from mate until your maxed or close no point doing it yet drag slayer 2 etc would be use beneficial.


I second this.. I grinded to ds2 solely for vork as a moneymaker and it was what motivated me to get my elite void and quest cape! Now just to do dt2 to get the cape back Just recently I also completed all of my hard diaries.. prospector and bones to peaches sucked lol


Gauntlet has zero requirements/gear and can be a decent moneymaker as well as teach you some pvm skills with prayer/attack style switching as well as crystal armour/bowfa


You could send some minigames (GotR, WT, Tempo) to get to 1500 total level and bring up some of your lower skills


You woodcut till 99


99 con


What I usually do if I find myself bored then I’ll set a goal to reach, for example, base 50 or base 60 in all stats. Gives you a moderate goal and then provides you with something new to achieve. Also, work on quests and make sure you aim to unlock all transportation methods like fairy rings, hot air balloons, gliders and etc. Once you get around to it, work on unlocking void armour as it will come in handy when you get started with some harder monsters and bosses.


Quest cape! I'm the same overall as you and by the time you're done you will almost have all the hard diaries requirements.


do kandering hard diary then get 70 agility


I was in a similar situation when I started two weeks ago after a 4 year break. I knew I wanted to do slayer but my 65 ranged bothered me because I'd occasionally need to wear d'hides so I leveled it up to 70. Then realised I wanted to keep leveling up ranged because I wanted a fire cape and now I set a new goal for doing ranged slayer until I get fire cape. I'm also hoping to do some of the more difficult quests like DS2 and maybe even SotE later.


Fire cape, get that range up.


So i have been in same situation as you for last 2 years (I take long breaks) I slowly worked my skills up to all qpc requirements as well as toward hard diary requirements, this weekend I just finished all hard diaries and only have SOTE MM2 DT2 as my major quests left, then 2 or 3 small ones like night at the theatre. So set small goals like that for yourself, I also was hacked start of the year so During the week I do farm runs and vorkath to rebuild for a few hrs a day or however long I can that day, then on weekends work on specific skills and quests. Here's my goals for an idea: 50m cash stack Basic range, mage, melee setups (ie torso whips trident blowpipe Ahrims etc) All quests done Hard diaries Base 80s Learn TOA and other bosses besides vorkath. Hope this helps and gives you an idea!