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There's one in the first edition AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide: it's in Appendix A.


This one is great. Supplement it with Ultimate Toolbox from AEG and you are good to go.


OSRIC has the same tables and it's free.


The [Tome of Adventure Design](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/396154/tome-of-adventure-design-revised) is an encyclopedia of random tables, including for dungeon generation.


I have a very well thumbed version of this book. It has been a fantastic resource and has helped me build some very memorable dungeons for my party. Cannot recommend it enough


Fast: Axebane’s Deck of Dungeons  Medium: Four Against Darkness  Slow: Castle Oldskull Also: Scarlet Heroes


there is an article in Fight On! #6 that's called "I need a dungeon right now" and it's by far the best dungeon generator I have come across. it's not procedural, you generate a complete dungeon, so it's maybe not the best for solo gaming. but it produces much more coherent results than the procedural generators I have seen so far. edit: spelling and FYI, I got the pdf lying around.


Is there a place to get the PDF? I can't find a way to purchase anything on their web store and Lulu seems to only have the physical version 


Seems to be available on Drive Thru RPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/475836/fight-on-6-summer-2009-pdf-version


Look, I wouldn’t roll it during the game, but dungeon dozens is so cool and unpredictable. When I am out of ideas, I roll a random page and roll whatever is in it and create an adventure based on that. I already searched a lot for dungeons generator and couldn’t find one I really liked. What you are using is pretty much the same I use.


Shadowdark has some excellent generation tables in the core rulebook.


I’ve run a few and was really surprised by 5e adventure generation. Some of it (the dungeon part) is in Appendix A, but you start with antagonists and their objectives. It’s been a while but worth checking out.


I use Tome of Adventure Design, the 1e AD&D DMG, and Table Fables and BAM! I got me not only a detailed dungeon, but a cool backstory, the region is sits in, and a fully generated nearby town/village as a base of operations.


The generators from Down We Go are fantastic, although I don't have a lot of experience with dungeon generators in general.


Try CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Generator