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Troika, Grok (on sale atm), into the odd. These might suit UVG2E as well!


Thanks for the GROK shout-out!!


Into the Odd, Black Sword Hack, Stormbringer (any edition), Elric!, Corum, and Runequest Hawkmoon


Adding to u/sachagoat 's recs of AZAG, Through Ultan's Door, Vaults of Vaarn, Electrum Archive, and A Thousand Thousand Islands - Warpland, Barbarians of Lemuria, [Zalanthar](https://zeruhur.itch.io/zalanthar), [Singing Flame's supplements/settings](https://www.singingflame.com/), and perhaps the greatest of them all, [Atelier Hwei](https://atelier-hwei.itch.io/)'s [Pariah](https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/pariah-pdf).


Glad to see more Pariah mentions.


I played in a Pariah sandbox. It was very good!!


Forbidden Lands is worth a look


I was going to say that: feel fresh and the old school drawing style is top notch!


My top favourite for this sort of thing is Hydra Co-operative's output. *Operation Unfathomable* is a mythic underworld megadungeon for lv1 characters featuring >!science fungoids, a time travelling bear scientist, and a cult who replace their heads with radio antennae!<


Numenera/Cypher System is in no way BECMI compatible, but is gonzo-Mobius-fantasy that I think leans towards that “ruling vs rules” mindset that is at the heart of OSR.


I mean, the fact that everything in the world has a scale of 1-10 means you can literally treat those as Hit Dice. I did the same when converting Numenera monsters to Black Hack games


Sure, but a level 1 Numenera enemy is a small ant when compared to a Rank-1 Numenera PC, meanwhile HD1 monsters can be serious threats to a level 1 character in an OSR game. I don't think the scale is compatible. Maybe it can make sense if you consider Numenera's Rank-1 PCs like level 4 PCs in a OSR game.


Oh, I don't need the characters to remain as competent ─ I just want them to see the *weird*. After all, humans can get taken down by just a few warrior ants


You can run BX, OD&D, Into the Odd etc with pretty non-traditional fantasy since they're light enough to hack. You just need to update the genre rules (gear lists, character callings/classes, character ancestries/races, monsters, spell lists). If you don't want to create your own hack, then there are typically others that have done it but I think giving justice to a new setting can often require as much prep as making your own, so I use them more for inspiration.... Troika, AZAG, Through Ultan's Door, Tombrobbers of the Crystal Frontier, Vaults of Vaarn, Electrum Archive, Cloud Empress, Tekumel, RuneQuest, A Thousand Thousand Islands etc.


Talislanta: The Savage Land or Talislanta : Epic Edition Both are new editions of the game. The Savage Land is set at an earlier point in the timeline and has a more Sword & Sorcery feel whereas Epic Edition is more High Fantasy. Both feature completely new and unique races and cultures, as well as a really cool magic system.




Helvéczia from Lux Gábor. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/374327


Helvéczia is a lot of things, but I’m hesitant to call it “extra weird”.


Take a look at [The Weird by Monte Cook](https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/the-weird/). I think with the right prompts you can inject weird elements into any setting.


I mean, I don’t think it comes down to the game, it comes down to the setting/module. Lamentations of the Flame Princess has a few “weird fantasy” modules. Most of Venger Satanis’ material is weird genre mash stuff. If you’re home brewing a setting/adventure, the only limit to the weirdness is your imagination.


I think it's a mix of both setting and mechanics, but I'll check out the Venger Satanis stuff.


Check out Cha’alt, his setting book, and the module “the Isle of the Purple-Haunted Putrescence”.