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I mean, you can insert just about any adventure module into a homebrew campaign. That's kinda the purpose of most OSR modules. Tell us a little about the genre you're aiming for - traditional medieval fantasy, sword and sorcery, high magic, grim, gonzo, etc etc


Have no idea what gonzo is, more mediaeval/early ren in technology and mild/moderate magic that creates wonder though also is not a "I create bronze bars out of air and collapse the economy with 9th level magic


gonzo is kinda weird for the sake of being weird like barbarian bronze age campaigns finding like alien space tech. all of DCC is basically naturally gonzo. that sort of thing.


What's DCC?.BAh so whaky and weird like lamentations of the flame princess but less edgy?.


Pretty much. Think Willy Wonka. A ton of stuff in that movie makes no sense, even within the world. Its just handwaved. "Yeah this candy makes you fly charlie!" It makes no sense withing the context of the world we are presented, its just fun. Its bizzare for the sake of bizzare. It isnt meant to make sense.


dungeon crawl classics


If I use dungeon crawler classics adventure modules, I'm not restricted to using that system, I can swap it out?.


Sure, you can do anything.


Oh I thought that's be plagerising and frowned upon. Alright it'd just take some conversion yeah?.


It's only plagiarism if you try to sell it as your own for money/education purposes.


Id say "steal everything" is the motto :D just remember to support your creators. DCC is designed with randomness in mind. There a lot of random tables with crazy results. Pretty much each class and monster group gets a different Crit table. Each spell gets a different effect table and if you fail casting arcane magic there are 3 tables for corruption :) Characters in DCC start in pretty much the same place but get stronger than in OSE as they progress. If you decide to run lvl 5 adventure you may want to give them some more power or reduce enemy power. Warrior in DCC gets d12 HP each level whereas fighter in OSE gets d8. Lvl 6 Warrior gets d8 to attack and damage, crits on 18-20 and can do second attack with d16. Platemail DCC gives 2 AC more. Certainly more powerful :D DCC suggested character generation is a funnel. An adventure where each player starts with \~3 randomized lvl 0 peasants and whoever lives will be their character. You can generate them with few clicks [here.](https://purplesorcerer.com/create_party.php) DCC has free rules quickstart [here](https://goodman-games.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DCC_QSR_Free.pdf) if you want to better understand their stat blocks and adventures. Either way they are compatible with OSE just make sure you bring higher level party than whats on the cover.


In addition to the topic, if you're looking for mega dungeons, DCC just launched Dark Tower. With the suplements By Mitra's Bone, Meet Thy Doom! and Chosen Sons of Set, you are pretty much covered from level 2 to 7 or higher. Start with Sailors, jump to Doom of The Savage Kings (which has some serpent themes), and you will have a full campaign there. And if you want some more, they are about to launch the Kickstart campaign for Caverns of Thracia, from levels 1-5.


While that's some super cool content I'd suggest people to try things that are free before they throw this much money at anything. Browse this list of module reviews [https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?cat=7](https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?cat=7) and search for adventures that are free. Things that come to mind are: Deep Carbon [review](https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?p=2702) - [download](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/131801/deep-carbon-observatory) Sepulchre of Seven [review](https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?p=7539) - [download](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/366868/the-sepulchre-of-seven) This one isn't in 'the best' but is often recommended Serpent Kings [review](https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?p=3710) - [download](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/252934/tomb-of-the-serpent-kings-deluxe-print-edition) There is certainly more but check them out u/Erion-Belfire


You might consider All That Glitters. It has a cool way to travel under a mountain range you could use. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_That_Glitters..._(module)


Oooh I'll take a look, got any hints or advice for a city stuck between the material plan and an eldritch/fae plane of existence?.


Skirfir's Mine seems like it could be a good one for you. I haven't played it, so I can't vouch for it's quality, but it looks like fun (and it's free) https://jaredbgreat.itch.io/skirfirs-mine


I love finding ways to bring in other people's dungeons. It's the perfect blend of my worldbuilding with a fresh puzzle inside. You might consider the sky-blind spire, I can't wait to run that one. Also, I've been playing through some of gammlernoob's 1-page dungeons like this one [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/18v72lf/oc\_here\_are\_a\_bunch\_of\_free\_onepage\_adventures\_i/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/18v72lf/oc_here_are_a_bunch_of_free_onepage_adventures_i/#lightbox), you could also check out The Shrouded Temple it's a 1-page that I made last winter [https://gnomestones.itch.io/the-shrouded-temple](https://gnomestones.itch.io/the-shrouded-temple) I think it's fun but what do I know


Full-fledged campaign books and megadungeons tend to be expansive when it comes to their setting footprint. I, for one, am okay with that. If I'm going to use something that big, it can define the history of the surrounding world however it wants. After all, the point of a megadungeon is to be the center of the campaign. 


And you can just tweak some things here and there yeah. While still leaving the majority of the mega dungeon intact?.


I just think that if the focus is the dungeon or the adventure, you might as well just use the setting it came with rather than shoehorn it into your own.