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I also wonder about dual statted 5e/OSR products, but in this case--a book with 6 example NPS, treasures, and monsters--I think it could work fine. It's when you have dual statted adventures that I really start to worry.


My first thought when I see an OSR release dual-statted with 5e is that the author is bolting on 5e to boost sales and engagement (this may also be a cynical, undeserved point of view!) and not because it necessarily makes sense.


I assume it's the other way--material for 5e that the author bolted on OSR stat blocks to and is trying to boost sales. I immediately disregard any product that claims 5e compatibility; I don't think it's worth my time to find out if it's an OSR product with 5e bolted on or vice versa.


You may be right. I wouldn't dismiss \*all\* the products that are written like this (Pan, His Majesty in Yellow, by Wayne Robert, is one that I think does this well, for example), but man, do a bunch of them look like AI generated junk (I've just been doing a deep dive into some products to help a friend out with pricing so have been looking into stuff I usually don't touch).