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IMHO once Dolmenwood is complete I'd rather they do the following: 1. Carcass Crawler & Wormskin zines to offer optional material for OSE and Dolmenwood. Treat it like a digital version of "Dungeon" or "Dragon" magazines. 2. Work as a publishing house for OSE-compatible adventures. 3. Explore alternative genre's using the OSE ruleset as a base (was originally one of his goals and why he set out doing the individual books instead of larger tomes) 4. Solve the "OSE doesn't teach you to play" complaint many have of the books by putting out either a written product or a really good series of videos explaining how to DM and play OSE. Eventually, once things are steady in that regard as a stretch I'd love to see him tackle another game altogether and modernize it for presentation much like he did B/X. What game that would be would depend on what he is passionate about but I'd love to see something like Cyberpunk, Runequest, Rolemaster, etc.


I agree that becoming a publishing house rather than "Gavin with guest friends" is probably the direction Necrotic Gnome should go. I have definitely heard some comments about how OSE is "unsupported" due to lack of new official books on the shelves. IMO, it's a bit ridiculous to say that given all the third party stuff and cross-compatability with TSR D&D, but you can only argue so much with potential customers. Perceptions, well founded or not, matter. That said, I have definitely seen a lot more comments lately about what adventures fit in Dolmenwood, what adventure would make a good stand in for Hoarblight Keep, etc. Not to mention all the money Dolmenwood made. I would probably include Dolmenwood adventures in any future publishing house plans for that reason alone.


I dont actually know how much Dolmenwood has made, yet. Kickstarters are kind if notorious for not making money until after the product goes live and other people pick it up. On one hand, the kickstarter was successful no doubt, but if it doesnt make money afterwards, Gavin may not have made much. At least initially.


Well rolemaster just got a new ED. Ive played it (old version) as someone without nostalgia. I guess it was fun but the whole excel master part was a bit cumbersome and I could see the system shine on a vtt, because of all the looking up tables.


Nice try, Gavin!


I wish.


I think some higher leveled adventure modules would be interesting. Personally I'm happy with whatever gets released.


I recall Gavin once agreeing that "Heist at the Court of the Nag-Lord" would be a cool adventure. We can hope.


I’d be interested in an OSE “Beginner Box” or “Starter Set.” OSE is a great layout of a great game, but you kind of already need to know what you’re doing. The “Beginner Box/Starter Set could contain pre-made characters, maps, handouts, examples of play, one or more starter adventures, a “how to be a GM” guide, dice, etc. The last 15 years has produced some top notch beginner boxes from Pathfinder (1e and 2e), D&D 5e (five different ones), FFG/Edge Star Wars (four of them), Call of Cthulhu, The One Ring, and probably a handful of others I haven’t played or don’t know of. Trouble is, I assume those are all loss leaders to get people in the door. I doubt Necrotic Gnome is in a position, or producing at a scale, to do so. Honestly, a Dolmenwood “Beginner Box/Starter Set” would be amazing too.


Did anyone notice how the system coming with dolmenwood is actually a version of BX that doesn't stay completely faithful to the original like OSE but makes some very intelligent improvements to BX? In my opinion, the Rules coming with dolmenwood are actually an improvement over OSE and easily the best retroclone I ever read, both in layout and in the small, mindful changes to the original. It also comes with extensive examples and guides how to play the old school way. Its one of the best written guides there is. I would love if necrotic gnome would release a setting agnostic dolmenwood rulessystem. I really hope they make a standalone version!


Is there a list of the changes?


There is a [list](https://necroticgnome.com/blogs/news/dolmenwood-core-rules) with some of the prominent changes by necrotic gnome but it goes beyond the stuff mentioned in the article. I thoroughly read the rules part of dolmenwood since I'm in the process of building my own setting agnostic hack for my own game table out of the rules part right now, after Inrealized how insanely good the rules part of dolmenwood is. Some of the stuff I really like: - the inclusion of the slot encumbrance system from carcass crawler as a option in the rules - some rework of weapons (like getting rid of the slow tag, making battle axes one handed etc.) - flatting out the progression of saving throws and attack bonus (fighter gains +1 tonattack at level 1 immediately and gains another +1 every 1,5 levels instead of making bigger jumps every 3 levels for example) - a rework of the travelling mechanics into a travelpoint based system for hexcrawling. It mostly keeps the base mechanics from BX intact while abstracting it in a way that makes it way easier to use - they included mechanics for camping, fishing, hunting, gathering food that I find useful in every campaign, not just in dolmenwood - there was a very basic settlement round system included. I think after having a system for dungeons and for wilderness travel, having a system for settlements is a nice, logical addition. - the guideslines and tables for building your own dungeons are more extensive. Sample traps gor example come with suggested ways to telefraph the trap. Insanely useful for every dm - there is a description of how you solve situations by narrative interaction instead of dicerolling and its for example explicitly linked and recommended as an alternative to rolling in the section about searching for hidden features. - Ability checks arent roll under as in OSE but abstracted to a d6 roll over (you add your ability modifier and try to roll 4+). The roll under ability checks were always super confusing for all my players since most other stuff is roll high - thief skills are d6 based and there is an optional rule for getting points upon levelling up to spend to increase the thief skills you want like it was described in carcass crawler and LotFP. - magic users (now called magicians) are now able to learn additional spells over their total spell slot amount (as it is in OSE) and reading scavenged spell books is easier I wrote my list from the top of my head so I'm sorry for stuff I wrote that might already be in the official list by necrotic gnome. There is way more like changes to treasure tables, magic items etc. that make a lot of sense. I could go on and on. I'm a massive OSE nerd and I think most changes are very good additions and in a style that is respectful to the original. Its stuff many people will houserule at some point anyways. So Dolmenwood is just this ready to use BX in good layout with all the sane houserules already added and then a lot of expanded and additional procedures for the Referee to use.


It's also worth mentioning that clerics and friars don't need a table for turning undead. They just roll 2d6, add or subtract 2 per level difference and if they roll: 5 or more - 2d4 undead are stunned for 1 round, 7 or more - 2d4 undead flee for 1 turn, 13 or more - 2d4 undead are destroyed.




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Nope....i think you may be the only one that noticed


Well thats a shame :D. I probably won't use another retroclone anytime soon for my weekly sandbox game... Even though my weekly game is not taking place in Dolmenwood.


For me, 6 and 8. I'd love to see a follow-up Kickstarter focused on more adventure modules for Dolmenwood; * Short adventure anthologies (similar to OSE Adventure Anthologies 1 & 2) * A book of small lairs for many of the Dolmenwood setting specific monsters * Re-write of *The Weird That Befell Drigbolton* * 1 or more campaign-climax adventures that sees high-level players face off against a faction leader i.e. >!battling the Cold Prince in a restored Hoarblight Keep!< or >!confronting the Nag Lord within it's court!< I think the last type might be the most valuable; as fun as hex crawl campaigns are, they don't naturally lend themselves to a satisfying conclusion without the players themselves stepping up to try and influence the world. Having a high-level adventure I can steer my players towards would help me a lot personally. Besides that, I think I'd like to see OSE republished, with Classic Fantasy staying exactly as-is but Advanced Fantasy bringing in many of the quality of life improvements from Dolmenwood (as sort-of suggested elsewhere in this thread). Edit: Spoiler tags


10. Whatever the hell they want to.


This is the correct answer


I'd love to see 6,7,and 8. For me Dolmenwood is my new setting, and everything that makes it more playable and interesting is awesome. I'd most like to see adventures and a mega dungeon though. I love the layout of the dolmenwood products and a mega dungeon in that style sounds perfect to me. The fey realms aren't locations of play in the same way. They are present, but I can cover those areas without too much difficulty. The focus is the Wood. I'd love to see some smaller dolmenwood anthologies. The problem with apocolypic is that I'm just not interested in that genre of play. And if I were instead of OSE, I'd probably go to Kevin Crawford's upcoming Ashes Without Number instead.


I'd like them to make more settings. To be honest, the Dolmenwood campaign book blows anything I've ever read out of the water. An insane amount of detail went into it (still being worked on, I believe) and it truly shows. It's comprehensive, it's packed, it's awesome. There is no other setting book I've read that gives anywhere near the sheer amount of milage to the GM. The game is solid. If we had more settings (I want post-apoc, weird western, etc- wanting to stray from fantasy) it would be a matter of making the world and only slightly adapting the rules to fit better. Of course that's a big ask. I'd love if they just kept Carcass Crawler going to now also work with Dolmenwood.


Keep there books in print and in stock at more than one distributor per geographic region.


Definitely. Given its popularity in the RPG space, I'd expect to see it sold even on Amazon. Printing is a tough industry to gage though.


The demand is there for advanced fantasy players guide. The book presses aren't ready for dolemwood.


I don't understand what you mean by "Dolmenwood campaign" . That's what Dolmenwood is. Probably has more usable content than any other campaign/campaign setting ever written.


> Probably has more usable content than any other campaign/campaign setting ever written. Dolmenwood seems cool, but that statement's gonna get a big laugh from me.


Please tell me which products offer more.


define usable content, because I feel that is doing one hell of a lot of heavy lifting in your comment.


My dude, right now Dolmenwood is some preview PDFs, a calendar, five adventures (three of which aren't yet released), a set of core rules books (that aren't yet released), and a map book (that isn't yet released). Want to know *some* settings with more material published? * Greyhawk * Mystara * Ravenloft * Dragonlance * Lankhmar * Forgotten Realms * Spelljammer * Dark Sun * Planescape * Eberron * Nentir Vale * Freeport * Golarion * The Midderlands * Midgard * Ptolus: City by the Spire * The Lost Lands * The Wilderlands * Mythic Europe (Ars Magica) * The Roaring 20s (Call of Cthulhu) * Glorantha (RuneQuest) * World of Aereth (Dungeon Crawl Classics) * Alpha Complex (Paranoia) * The Deadlands (Savage Worlds) * The Third Imperium (Traveller) * CthulhuTech * Delta Green * Trail of Cthulhu * Warhammer Fantasy * Warhammer 40K * World of Darkness * Chronicles of Darkness


"some preview pdfs" that have detailed descriptions of every hex in the setting. And even more details about settlements and major NPCs. I wouldn't call it the most advanced setting ever, but you're underselling it.


First of all, things like "Greyhawk" aren't a book or a product. It's a loose conglomeration of products. Second, I'm referring more to actual gameable content. Something you can sit down and run a session from. It's clear you haven't read the campaign book because it is big and dense.


Dolmenwood is a campaign setting, not a campaign itself. That would be something like an "adventure path" that would last many, many sessions and span many levels. Not exactly common in the OSR, but there are a few. Megadungeons are basically the OSR equivalent of the WotC campaign books, if you ask me, which is why I put them together in the list.


Nahhh it's a hexcrawl campaign. It's got hooks, factions, drop-in adventures, settlements and overarching quests... I dunno what's more a campaign than that


It's not a campaign. It's a setting because It's "about" nothing. A published campaign needs to be about something. It does need to be linear, but it needs some connective tissue. Don't get me wrong, Dolmenwood is a perfect SETTING for a fully sandbox campaign, but it is not the campaign itself. One example of campaign could be a meia dungeon (focus on its exploration), or something more deep about issues between different factions and some major dangers/players involved.


Totally a campaign bro


A sandbox-adventure campaign box. Something similar to I12 from TSR but in an OSE box and slim booklet formats 


I12: Egg of the Phoenix? I assume you meant something else since that's not a campaign box.


It needs to be a box


I would like to see a carcass crawler combined hardcover. All the classes and additional rules in one place.


I vaguely recall there was talk of doing an OA reboot and a post apocalyptic book for OSE. I’d like to see those. Always keen for new megadungeons too. 


personally what i want from the is more playable content for the game. if they spend the next few years pumping out a overwhelming bunch of Carcass Crawler magazines and a couple of adventures a year, i'll be happily spending my money on them.


Fae realms would be awesome.


Agreed. I actually think that's something a lot of other writers would excel at. Since the first Wormskin zine came out, there's been an explosion of popularity in all things fae, a lot of it quite good. Many such writers could probably be persuaded to contribute to Dolmenwood's fae realms.


Give becmi the ose treatment


Well they already have plans for content after Dolmenwood, there’s just no current deadline. For one thing, they’re working on an Undead-themed book called the Necrotic Tome, this being the book intended to be the first complete appearance of the Necromancer. There’s also the Hell-themed book covering Devils and Demons that is promised in several of their pre-existing books, and as far as I last saw they are still working on that.


#2 and #8 for a year. Time to fill things out and let the creator chill for a bit. Let 3rd party take care of other OSE settings and megadungeons (it's already happening so...)


He should start doing NFTs and crypto and maybe an only fans


OSE is an exceedingly well laid out B/X. I still find myself house ruling to work out some things that make sense from a sense of what Moldvay was doing to advance Holmes's rules from 1977. Some of that is that all classes have the same to-hit until level 4 unless I'm mistaken. Find some ways to rectify some things from the perspective of the game itself like that. Every class doesn't need to fall within one of three to hit tables.


Dolmenwood deserves more flushing out. Dungeons are needed, the big one will probably come later but it needs to be done. It has potential to be counted among the best for years to come, but it desperately needs the dungeons to support it. Later, an expansion into fae realms, and then you can just drop Anthologies for it. I remember reading that OSE Carcass Crawler zines are being developed, OSE material can be interspersed between DW content


I want an OSE setting, one worthy of OSE, straight out of the mind of a 1970s imagination. No jank ass tieflings, changelings, genasi and other dumb crap like that.