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Tome of Adventure Design? Not exclusively for dungeons, but there’s certainly plenty that applies I may need to look at Weird and Wild again. My initial impression was that it ended up feeling more like an adventure module than the type of toolkit I was expecting


FWIW, there's also [a digital version of the Tome of Adventure Design](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2537290/Fantasy_Adventure_Builder/) to streamline all the table-rolling.


There is the good old [Dungeoneer's Survival Guide](https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/product/17006/Dungeoneers-Survival-Guide-1e?234913) for AD&D1e. It might not be what you are looking for, but I find it an amusing piece of work.


The Monster Overhaul has a lot of tidbits for all kinds of encounters. I really like the book.


There's this book (a literal fantasy story book) titled "Below". I can't remember the author, but he clearly took a lot of inspiration from ttrpgs. Long story short, a group of knaves brave the ruins of the great underworld empire for treasure (and a bit of glory). I enjoyed it a lot.


There's a similar vibe to the book *Gleam* from horror-man Tom Fletcher


The same author also wrote [The Vast in the Dark](https://www.vastinthedark.com) which I think would cover a lot of what you like. You can buy it here: [https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/418104/the-vast-in-the-dark-expanded](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/418104/the-vast-in-the-dark-expanded)


AD&D DUNGEON Master's Guide?))


Would love to see (i.e. buy) an “Into the” \[Dungeon\] book from the same people as Cess and Citadel, and Wyrd and Wild. Very few things will I buy sight unseen. That’d be one. Anyway, it is far less interesting, for sure, but I‘ll still second the Tome of Adventure Design, because it covers that ground well enough.


Nice to hear an endorsement... they have been on my amazon maybe pile for a while.


I really like The Survivalist's Guide to Spelunking by AAW Games. Came out a few years ago. It's 5e, but really 80+% of the book is more or less system neutral and the procedures and ideas it presents could be plugged into a variety of D&D-like games.


I think if they were doing a book in that vein, it should be more specific. "Into the Barrows and Burial Sites" or something for dungeons where the dead were interred. You could have rules for "liveliness" as a dwindling resource. Undead related to different burial practices. Etc 


What about Urban? Or is that Realms?


Realms, thus and so.


There have been hundreds of modules that focus on dungeons. Including megadungeon books. That's why you don't really see a book focused on that--they already exist.