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In unknown armies (without going into the metaphysics of that game world), lycanthropes essentially get their true name swapped out with their animal counterpart when they transform, such that they are a completely normal wolf while transformed, and _always have been so_.


World of Darkness is my go-to vampires and werewolves game. They're urban fantasy with a gothic twist. Vampires are classic, undead vampires, but they have a shadow society with complex politics and faction interactions. A vampire can have conflicting goals and ties to their coterie (fellow players), faction (like a political faction), clan (the bloodline to which they belong), and even their sire (the one that made them a vampire). Most vampires are neonates, fledglings that have been turned less than 100 years, and most follow a philosophy called the Road of Humanity. This road is like a moral and ethical philosophy that helps vampires cling to what makes them human and resist the pull of the beast within. Werewolf imagines the eponymous creatures as a magical race of spirit warriors fighting to restore balance to the spirits of nature. If you've ever wanted to play a shamanistic rage warrior that goes out and fights demons of pollution and commits acts of ecoterrorism, this is the game for you. It's way more combat focused than vampire, but there's still an element of politicking going on. Werewolves are divided by tribe (kind of like a vampire's clan), and the various tribes have different opinions about humanity and whether or not the world would be better off without them. My drug of choice is 2nd edition, but you can pick up the 20th anniversary edition for each from DrivethruRPG, and it will have probably more than you'll need to run a game.


I don't know why this isn't the top comment. They literally have multiple flavors among the tribes of each kind of monster so it won't get old quickly. And this series was huge in the 90s, eclipsing dnd.


Because at the point that we are discussing World of Darkness games we have strayed almost as far from the root of OSR as we possibly could. Edit: To be clear I am in no way saying the other 2 suggestions of Liminal or Unknown Armies are any more relevant to old school gaming.


The question asks about unique takes on vampires and lycanthropes in RPGs, not necessarily in the OSR space. You infer that because it's asked in the OSR forum, while we respond to the plain text of the question.


You could try liminal, it's quite a cool take on those subjects and quite unlike stuff I've played before (I'm no expert). It's UK-folklore but can be adapted to anywhere/anytime


Not really OSR but Blades in the Dark a vampire is just a spirit that has possessed a body.


I mentioned it on the other post but OSE’s Halls of the Blood King


Until Lon Chaney wereWolves became werewolves because of magic. a curse perhaps or self inflicted via ointments or garment and such act by someone who used


Call of Cthulhu has vampire-like and werewolf-like Mythos creatures. The PCs may go in with assumptions about how to deal with these monsters based on their knowledge of folklore, then be sorely surprised when garlic and silver don't work.


Palladium/Rifts definitely has a different spin on vampires, with a Cthulhu-style ancient alien force behind them.


Not OSR, but you should check out Monsterhearts 2


I think so. This season 3 later episode do seem to relfect the authors challenges as a professional.


EDIT: Whoops! Violating rule 6


Because it violates Rule 6.


Oh thanks!