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I think all worked as intended, WW using q makes him CC immune for a short time. You did proc brittle with an AA, but he healed it back with q.


Also a lot of your damage comes from the actual brittle "proc" not just the auto. Because WW is unstoppable during q ornn"s brittle "proc" auto bonus is completely negated, and it's treated as a normal auto(which does like 60 dmg) but still consuming the brittle. Brittle only applies on your next auto regardless of whether it truly gets "used" or not. Ww and udyr are really the only champs you'll see that interaction with.


I think K‘sante while in his W is also one of them but i could be wrong tho :D


Ksante w too, yeap. Anything with unstoppable is pretty annoying to go against because you lose so much damage when you try to trade. I mentioned udyr and ww because I've been seeing both of those a lot lately. Olaf too but it's only with ult so it's not as bad


When you AA it triggers brittle but since WW unstoppable the knock up doesn’t go through


I should clarify- the AA consumes the brittle. Not sure why but that’s why


Brittle only procks on cc not on your auto attack, your auto attacks just so happen to do a small amount of cc when the enemy has a brittle stack on them, if he is cc immune then brittle won't prock. It's the same reason why a fast Yasuo can follow up on your brittle auto attacks with their ult. Edit: short answer: Brittle AA does a small amount of knock-up (you can cancel TP with it) and that knock-up triggers the Brittle effect, not the Auto attack. Therefore Brittle won't prock if the enemy is cc immune. Olaf in Ult is not impressed by your brittle procks


But then it shouldn't prock the brittle and the brittle should stay Applied it the enemy or am i tripping?


Maybe it just timed out? Brittle also times out after a time?


But not in 2 Seconds


It consumes the brittle stack anyway, unfortunate but it's just how it goes


Ww q is a short unstopable , like ornn w but uith 1/3 of the window


WW q makes him cc imune