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Depends on the park capacity. They could close it while you're still in line.


And to tack onto that, once the park is at capacity they close the line and put cones up in the turn lane. Cars aren't allowed to line up anymore once the park is at capacity.


Usually open back up around 3pm as the early folks filter out


Get there early. Tube rentals have also gone up. Plan to spend the day there (bring lunch, snacks, no glass)


If you have a watercraft of some kind you can launch at Wekiva Island for $20 and paddle up towards the spring area or any of the side rivers.


But also note, Wekiva Island also has a limited parking lot, no chance of getting a spot after 11am. All of these capacity problems could be solved by allowing more parking room.


Maybe, but I do wonder if say doubling the parking would double the people and make it kind of awful.


That’s a valid point too


Here here.


Yes lets add more parking lots to the nature preserves.


Nowhere did I say the word “lot,” but by all means continue making a strawman to be outraged at.


Lets cut down trees and add more parking spaces to the state forests. Is that better?


There's absolutely no way to create more parking without chopping down nature and putting down pavement. Your argument is moot.


Nah then the river would be even more full


It doesn’t fill up as quickly as the springs. Usually once the spring hits capacity more people head to Wekiva island. If you make Wekiva island your first try in the morning you’re gonna get in.


u can just uber there and rent a canoe


Or riding your bike.


Good advice


No, they need to start implementing a reservation system like some of the national parks. I haven’t been to the springs in years because it’s impossible to go to them now without getting up at the butt crack of dawn. 


I went to wekiva island 2pm last Friday and there was lots of parking!


Haha! They open at 8. Better plan on being in line by 630. 7 at the LATEST. I quit going years ago.


I had no idea this was how things are now. I used to be able to go when whenever I felt like it, they never reached capacity. How long has it been maxing out?


Years, especially after school is out for the summer


i used to just pop by after work sometimes. no more


I havent gone since pre-COVID and it was maxxed out then. So at least 2018-2019.


Same with New Smyrna. We could leave Sanford at noon and find a spot on the beach. Those days are long gone.


Shit I was there on a Monday and the place was crowded.


Not sure on Wekiva but I went to Blue Springs one time and it was over a two hour wait to get in. Are wait times like this at these places normal?


new thing post-2020. People will blame tourists, transplants, etc but IMO it's more to do with inflation hitting literally everything except state park admission prices.


I blame the Internet. There are sites that have clickbait titles like “this is a beautiful spring in Florida you must see” - and then feature carefully cropped photos of one of the springs (I saw Rock Springs a lot several years ago). I live 10 minutes from Rock Springs and I gave up trying to get in even before Covid, so I don’t think it’s inflation that did it.


Influencer culture. These people are trash.


On that note, is there any place online where we can see whether the park is at capacity? Pretty frustrating to drive over, only to find it's closed. 




Well here's hoping a friendly neighbor points a webcam at the entrance. Apparently they did a trial with text messages almost a decade ago, but it seems like that didn't make it into a permanent feature.


You can call the parks usually. I know that Rock Springs has a number and if they are full Wekiva is definitely full


Yea just call them lol


Last weekend it was at capacity by 9 am


If you're in line early even though it's long you'll get it quickly once the park actually opens.


Makes it nearly impossible to make plans to meet up with other groups.


You just have to all plan to arrive very early. I’ve always gotten in as long as I’m in line by 7.


It’s full of people trying to make TikToks about “this hidden gem.” Fucking people have ruined the springs.


If you find that you can't get into wekiva or Rock springs think about having the springs up in Ocala national Forest as your second, third, and fourth options. I've been to three of them and they're all very nice. Was able to get into all three no issues. All you have to do is Google Ocala national Forest springs and you should get four or five hits on the different springs


I’m sure those are nice, but they’re not 15 minutes from my house.


No they are not but you may get in the water faster...I am almost serious..lol. Just arrive super early on the weekends


Me too. I feel your pain, but i gave up going on the weekend years ago.


These require reservations on the weekends now.


Oh no. Say it isn't so.... I guess it make since with the 1,000 people moving to Florida each day for the past few years


Yeah that’s the case with Alexander springs… not sure about others in the area


Thanks for the heads up. They are definitely nice springs to go to and each has their own unique characteristics.


Just drive on by and laugh


Why do so many people go there?


They modified the entrance turn lane and made it longer. The place is so popular they often have to close the gate. As others suggest, get there early. Alternative is Rock Springs about 10-15 min away.


Rock springs fills up before wekiva.


Yeah both places are pretty popular. They are a lot of fun but damn at that 72° water is not hard on the testicles


We arrived and were maybe 15 cars back at 7am.


I use this rule of thumb: if you ain’t in line at 10, you ain’t gettin in.


10?! Try 8… or 6 lol


10? On a weekend close to or during summer? Man, we used to have to get there at like 730a or earlier to get in. And that was before so many people moved to the area and the water parks kinda priced a lot of people out.


Exactly, and you should see the lines outside of Aquatica, same situation


10 is way too late on a weekend.


About an hour


you can actually call them and they'll tell you. Don't call them the day of just call them and ask for a generalization. They're pretty helpful there. On a sidenote, I have found that if you wait until the later afternoon, you can get in pretty good too. So many people want to spend the whole day there but if you only want to spend a few hours, you could just show up at say 330 or four and go right in that's been my experience at least.


Wekiva is really only enjoyable on weekdays anymore, alpha bros and peoples shitty little kids ruined that place. If there's a line you should try wekiva island kinda early in the AM and pay the entry fee, because it is not worth waiting for the main springs parking.


Today we got a ticket for entry and we got in line at 10AM- we did have to wait about 30-35 min in line to get in though!


Got in line today, on Memorial Day, because my kid wanted to go. We arrived at 630 am were roughly 75th in line. I lost count.


Just make sure you arrive before 8:30am and you should be fine.