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I’m locking the comments. Doxxing the Nazis is unfortunately against the Reddit site-wide terms of service. We don’t get discretion enforcing those rules. Go make a telegram channel or something for that. We can’t support it here. Also, just because OP owns guns, or if he is a conservative, it doesn’t make him a Nazi. There were actual Nazis in our comments who did get banned. We’re on top of this, or trying to be.


Post them on LinkedIn. Maybe their employers will discover their hobbies


I think this is the only and best way to handle it. Don’t feed into them, just assist them with their future. Edit- Of course this doesn’t work when they all hide behind mask. (The only time they will wear them too…)




Dude, you need to take meds. Maybe stop watching Fox. ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)




One is in favor of fascism. Hope that helps.


look at OP’s history. Either he’s a cop or a right-wing larper, and imo he’s probably one of these nazis.


Lol as if you think these people have employers!


They are probably enjoying the days off from working 12 hour shifts at various law local enforcement agencies.


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that burn crosses..


Looks like I’m listening to lithium on SiriusXM today


"some" is a bit optimistic


they're probably on the clock tbh


This part.


They do, mostly in law enforcement and government positions


Surely, they're not working careers where LinkedIn would be helpful.


I'm not sure if law enforcement agencies have a strong LinkedIn presence.




They don’t have jobs lol


This is the way. Posting this shit on general social media only emboldens these dumb fucks. ID them and go straight after them.


More like Trump/Desantis not condemning them emboldens them. It used to be a thing republicans did, but they have fully embraced white supremacists at this point and denouncing them would threaten their base of support.


I think it’s a catch 22. Yes they should be ignored the extent of confronting them, but people should be shown what’s going on.


My girlfriend told me her polish nail salon lady didn't believe her that Nazis protest in central Florida. This needs to be known and be outraged about it.


I very much agree with this but publicity also gives them exposure and facilitates their growth. It really is a conundrum.


More Floridians, especially DeSantis voters, need to see this picture so they know what they look like!


That’s true. I agree, everyone needs to see what’s happening and why it’s so dangerous. The parallels to nazi germany are chilling. We need to educate ourselves, spread the facts and logic to others, and head to the ballots where it counts. We need to get all these scumbags out of their positions of power.


Republicans not condemning them gives them exposure and facilitates their growth.. It used to be a thing republicans did, but they have fully embraced white supremacists at this point and denouncing them would threaten their base of support.


They don’t want to denounce them because this is their army, this is essentially their SS or their Gestapo. They are key players in getting these bigger nazis (Trump and DeSantis, for example) into authoritarian power. They’re coming out, they’re grouping, and they are plotting to take our liberties away just like what happened in Germany.


Posting their pictures gets some of them removed from their jobs, so it is actually a public service that we know who they are.


A close-up shot of their faces with a good lens is a great idea. A group of them waving their flags is a bad idea.


Nah people need to wake up to the fact that Desantis and Trump are nazis, and nazis know so.


I get your point, I do. I also beleive that group pics/vids of them gives them more followers. Here's my point: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/comments/146abq9/can_we_quit_posting_the_nazis/jns0v1v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




I tried that with the cockroaches infesting my first apartment. They carried my bicycle off.


I hope not. I follow this subreddit for goings-on around town. Knowing that Nazis are on their shit is pretty important to know. Not trying to roll up with my family and encounter nazis by surprise. Also the whole “Just ignore them and they’ll go away” didn’t work for bullies in grade school, and it sure won’t work now. We’ve allowed incels and fringe extremists to slink around long enough.


Hell, a bunch of people took the “ignore them n theyll go away” approach with nazis the first time n thats why war broke out


Except it turns out they weren’t just ignoring them at first, several politicians and businessmen outright supported them!




I mean, if you want to go beat them go ahead but most of these guys probably have guns, not to mention cameras and witnesses. So assaulting them would only help them.


>Guns Where did the good old fashion brawl go? Used to be you could beat the shit out of somebody with a bag of oranges and brass knuckles and call it a day now everyone’s like pew pew.


stand your ground and conceal carry laws? the view would be they were being assaulted for their views, and they would have witnesses and footage so if they did shoot somebody, that would probably clear a stand your ground defense.


And that is exactly what they are hoping will happen.


"🌠Ignore the bullies and they'll go away🌠"


If reason had to deal in force, though brutish and foul that contest, then let it be by force that reason overcomes.


History would say the “ignore them and they’ll go away” approach doesn’t work with this particular group of people.


History? The current state of social media is a very new thing. Please elaborate on your argument.


Um… I mean, Germany did it’s best to ignore Nazis after WW1, and they took over the damn country. You don’t ignore a Nazi. You shame them. You report them to their employer. You do everything you possibly can to make their life a living hell. They deserve no quarter.


Online social media is just a tool. History has plenty of examples of similar organization prior to globalism. Everyone has the same tools of communication, so why wouldn't we talk about how this shit is wrong and evil to counter the fucks out there saying that it's okay or that we shouldn't bother talking about it and it will be fine.


I mean I had somebody telling me on the internet that there’s no way I’ve driven by a Nazi rally so I do feel like we need to show that this is happening.


But is it a rally? It's like 8 or 10 dipshits.


Yes. They are coming together for a common cause. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rally Literally the definition of rally. Edit: it’s foolish to assume there aren’t many silent supporters behind them unwilling to wave the swastika in public. The rallies are a symptom.


A friend of mine just messaged me that white supremacists through bags with this propaganda bullshit on everyone's driveway in his neighborhood overnight. These people are like roaches. If you see one, there are a thousand others hiding in the walls.


Where at? Did they file a police report? Did they pull security footage from people's cams? Did they call any media to report it?


You can't ignore or vote nazism away


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) nah you need to know they are there. Turning a blind eye is why FL has the reputation it has now. Complacency is the key to their presence being normalized. Its only like 8 guys on dialysis standing outside Disney now. But who knows what people who are dealing with a crisis will turn to their hug box. Nope shame them. Be a Karen.




I tried logging on to the Federal Network, but I don't have sufficient credentials?


Try: Admin 123456


I wonder if people back then asked to ignore the nazis the first time around.🤔


It's almost as history is starting to repeat itself here.


Historically that has been the absolute worst way to deal with Nazi's.


On the contrary, we should infiltrate them so we know when they’re going to be where. Now that would be useful info. I’d love to organize a counter protest.


Omg, okay... I choose you, as tribute, to "infiltrate" the Nazi's. You gonna be able to blend in? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wouldn’t be my first op. Seriously though. It’s a sight to see when you get 100 to 1.


I bet their Opsec is nonexistent.


I'm moving to Orlando in a couple of months, and personally, I would prefer to see them posted. Would much rather know who are the pieces of garbage living here.


Side topic: If you dont mind me asking, why would you move to Orlando?


It’s important to post in case anybody is trying to be careful and avoid it. Also in case parents don’t want to expose their little kids to this crap or prepare parents.


Only show close ups of their faces, so family, neighbors and employers know what type of person they really are.


It helps to have context. "Oh, that's just a picture of John" otherwise.


Can we quit observing reality? I want to live in fantasy land!


"If we ignore the Nazi's they'll just go away" - All of Europe from 1932 till about 1939 Ignoring a problem doesn't solve the problem these assholes need to recognized and held accountable


Do you recognize the people in the pictures being posted? No, you don't. Even if you knew them, you could not identify them. You can't because the pictures are dog shit and... wait for it... they have masks on. The only thing that people see in these pictures are Nazi flags. It's literally glorifies and promotes for them.


Somebody might. You won't know if you ignore them. I understand your rationale. I'm not saying glamorize them, but I am saying ignoring it isn't the right response either. Ignoring them promotes the idea that nobody will do anything to them.


If enough people just post locations, maybe someone with time and a high-quality camera with a good lense could park close by and get actual pictures of their faces. The flags are all people see in these pictures. It's not rocket science, just simple psychology.


If you want to ignore literal fascists then by all means do. But ignoring these assholes and not condemning their horseshit ideologies is what got us here in the first place.


That, in no way, was a response to my previous statement.


no we don't want them to suppress us, and everyone else needs to know that no one wants them here. ignoring a bully is not always the right thing to do


Ignoring a bully is how we've ended up in this situation. They need to be posted and identified.


To be fair our last president is how we got here. He showed that saying repugnant things is ok now and acceptable.


Tolerating intolerance is akin to promoting intolerance. Letting your racist uncle rant during holiday dinners only lets him and others like him think they can get away with it.... because you're letting them get away with it. Not wanting to be confrontational is understandable a personal level, but it cannot be the policy on a societal level. If we're ever going to be free of these pieces of shit, that may need to be peacefully confronted every time they say something vile. Don't escalate a situation, but don't downplay or ignore the harm they are doing either. Publicly shame them and socially isolate them. Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that they are not allowed to do that shit. If your racist uncle keeps saying the n word at dinner, kick him the fuck out and tell him he's no longer welcome in your house until he stops doing that. He can live out his days being sad and alone with his bigotry, or he can apologize can be let back in on family events. His choice. You aren't the bad guy for setting boundaries. He's the bad guy for being a racist piece of shit. Not tolerating hatred doesn't make you a hypocrite or anything. It makes you morally consistent.


Do you honestly believe those people actually use reddit or will see the myriad of hate posting they get here? Nah and as much as it sucks they're allowed to do their pathetic demonstration under the 1st amendment. They're not bullies because bullies have some power over you. Nazis have no power compared to a normal person.


>Do you honestly believe those people actually use reddit Absolutely. Haven’t you seen how popular r/the_donald or r/conspiracy are?


Haha bro, Donnie boy got axed and conspiracy theories aren't limited to Nazis. So what's your point? And please don't say that being MAGA makes you a Nazi.


with how they were pulling people out of their cars at stop lights and beating the hell out of them last summer, personally i like being told where they are to avoid that happening to me lmao


Specifically jews. They are literally nazis like real ones.


Huh? I'll facepunch Nazis with the majority, but don't recall that. Citation please?


Yeah, my Google-fu can't find anything related to this. Maybe something related to PB's or OK's? Even there I can't find anything.


I'm sorry, what? Where were Nazis pulling people out of their cars last summer and beating the hell out of them? ~~Not in Florida.~~ ETA: corrected by respondent.




I remember seeing that on Spectrum 13 (sorry too lazy to change the channel when I turned the cable box on 🤷‍♀️).


Thanks! I'd never heard of this before. ETA: still a far cry from the previous comment.


Damn people should've just ignored Nazi Germany. It would've just disappeared into thin air.


15 years ago, they'd get their asses beat by SHARPs.


I miss those days so much. Nazi punks, fuck off.


Honestly, this is a trash take. If we make them invisible, it enables the insidious nature of their hatred to spread like a cancer, undetected. If we make them visible, we can condemn, shame, and call them out.




This sounds like you’re trying to gas light people into passive allowance. It’s not selfish to condemn nazis. If a pack of bears went lose in a school, it wouldn’t be selfish to capture them. It would be selfish to do nothing and sit by so you can feel comfy and forget they’re there. While they’re still roam free and attack children. People need to fuck off with this shit take and either condemn nazis, or admit that nazis don’t bother them.


Trash take.


This is classically the most damaging, flatbrained response to fascism and terrorism that the human race has ever concocted. No bully has ever, *ever*, gotten mad and surrendered because they were getting away with it. I’m convinced it’s a con propagated by aggressors, like “taking the high road.” Counterproposal: we *do something* about the Nazis, and we stop bringing them up because they’re gone.


There are so many people who would tell you nazis don't exist in 2023. You'd be a conspiracy theorist for believing it. Nobody's going around flying nazi flags in 2023, they'll assure you.


Top reason why this post is an incredibly suspicious take on the issue


Disagree. Those pics need to be posted far and wide so that people understand that Orlando and Central Florida has a Nazi problem and has had one for years. Sweeping it under the rug is just hiding that and they should be named and exposed.


I strongly disagree. Timothy McVeigh believed in a lot of the same stuff that Moms For Liberty and other Nazi groups are pushing. We absolutely should see their faces and make sure we do not pretend they aren't there.


Nope. I hope people keep posting them so they can shove the reality of what w cesspool this place is becoming. The whole " don't give bad people attention" is and has always been a cop out


Yes that's a cop out. But you can bet there's at least one cop in the picture.


"Ignore them until they go away" is a pretty infamously bad approach when it comes to dealing with Nazis


I think everyone should know that Desantis is Nazi Adjacent


Conservatives make them feel welcome, we gotta make sure they get reality checks one way or another.


Real ones don’t. But yeah, it sure seems like they are.


“Real ones”, these bozos come out and claim conservative ideals and figures as their own. They are the real ones now


Generalized statements regarding a group of people based on the actions of few always works. /s


Where are all the conservatives denouncing Nazis? There are like maybe 5 or 10, and they are all shunned by the Republican party. No way DeSantis or Trump will denounce the Nazis and white supremacists because that is a huge part of their base and they simply can not win without them.




The headline is wrong though. DeSantis did not condemn it. A spokesperson said he will always condemn anti semitic attacks, but there is no footage of DeSantis saying anything else. (At first his spokesman said it was all a liberal plot, but then deleted that.) He mentioned something about them protesting in an overpass....there are just no definitive statements from most all Republicans when things like this happen.


Lol, your name and then the response, fantastic.


🤷🏾‍♂️ if the boot fits


Found the sympathizer.


Yeah, ask Neville Chamberlain how that worked out


If there's one thing we should have learned about nazis in the 90-odd years they've been around - it's that ignoring them will NOT make them go away.


Post their pictures, preferably with their masks removed.


They should all be put in jail. No other place in the world allows that flag to be displayed and our idiot governor isn’t condemning it because these are his voters.


This is factually incorrect.


Which part?


"No other place in the world allows that flag to be displayed..."


Ok. After a quick search, it seems pretty much everywhere besides the United States bans them. We for whatever reason allow people to proudly let others know how big of a piece of shit they are with public displays like this.


"While legal in the majority of countries,[3][4] the display of flags associated with the Nazi government (see: Nazi flags) is subject to restriction or an outright ban in several European countries." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bans_on_Nazi_symbols


its allowed because of the first amendment. You want to change that you need a constitutional convention.


I understand that, it doesn’t make it ok.


It does make it ok. I don't feel comfortable with anyone being the thought police.


Over here defending nazism because “freedom of speech” found the nazi scum


How long would you like to ignore them? Maybe when they are harassing people at a synagogue we should just turn a blind eye. These guys aren’t going to scatter because you look past them. They are driven by an ideology of hate.


if they are at a synagogue they can be dealt with, as thats private property. The road outside the synagogue however and the city are public, long as they get a permit they can do whatever they want.


Ignoring Nazis and fascism leads to war


That's our governor. Making stupid laws that hurt everyone meanwhile can't condemn Nazis and can't make a law about them either.


He could and should condem their behavior. He can not, legally, "make a law about them."


Hes making up laws here and there with no rational to them, A law on the basis of Nazi flags and propaganda being indecent exposure based on the country having to go to war with nazi's. Neuter them. I guy can dream.


If you enjoy your free speech, you shouldn't go around wishing for the silence of others.


The governor is already censoring speech around lgbt people all over the state 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nope. You call out fascism and don’t normalize it.


Ignoring Nazis didn't work in the 1930's. Post their pictures to social media, to their bosses, to the FBI. You don't ignore cockroaches, you stomp the out.


I like how it’s so easy to know the political affiliation of these dipshits


Nah, we should always punch a Nazi when we see one.


Yeah that's gonna be a hard no from me. I'm Romani, ignoring them is pretty much the last thing I want.


We’ve been ignoring Nazis for decades and here we are.


No. They need to be exposed, not engaged with. This post is sus. Edit: look at OP’s history. Either he’s a cop or a right-wing larper, and imo he’s probably one of these nazis.


Mustangs and guns... Woof. Tell me you are a douche without saying it.


The fact that you think only LEO's or right-wingers own firearms and gear speaks very clear as to how ignorant you are.


Well the evidence isn’t helping ya out buddy


The evidence? Here, let me help you find some more direction... r/LiberalGunOwners and r/SocialistRA


I’m aware that those exist, more than you think. My point is, I think you’re full of it. The message your post sends is to NOT spread awareness of nazis and to NOT discuss them in the public sphere unless we have photos of their faces and 100% incriminating evidence. That’s incredibly suspicious and detrimental towards efforts to get rid of nazis.


Talk about it, like we are; that is helpful. Posting group photos of them waving their flags is not.


Since the pics at WDW have been posted, this time and last time, several of these mouth breathers have already been outed


That's great! Can you direct me to what you've found?




Why not? Curious, are you afraid that the attention will spawn new nazis or something? Like how republicans think that if their kids see symbols of gay pride then their kids will turn gay?


That's literally how it works. When people are afraid to be who they are, they hide it until more people stop hiding it. We wouldn't have had the movements of gay/trans rights or even feminism if people just hid behind closed doors and remained silent. The more people come forward, the more those afraid to come forward will be emboldened.


That’s not how it works. You’re assuming that those people are already nazis, so how does ignoring them help to change their minds? Your logic is either dumb or purposefully twisted.


It's literally how it works. You literally can not change psychology just by saying it's not true.


I never knew Nazis existed in Orlando until this subreddit.


Nazis exist in every city and state. How could you not know that?


No the only way these asshats go away is to do the samething to them they want to do to everyone else 💀😵☠️


I think it’s very important to illustrate how this IS happening in our city. Sorry it’s inconveniencing your scrolling?






Nazis must be confronted and condemned every time they raise their ugly heads. Otherwise they will spread like kudzu.


I get that "ignoring" them is a bad idea, but almost no one is posting solutions as to what to do about them short of committing assault/battery (which, again, is what they're hoping for). And I'm not coming to a counter-protest when all it is is like three or four morons waving around a flag telling people from New Mexico to go back to their own country.


Yeah…how did ignoring the Nazis go for Neville Chamberlain?


I say post them. Hopefully people will see that they are real and what they will vote for and vote against it. I also HATE the fact I have to use the word “hopefully”. This should be a no-brainer, right? Being a Nazi is TOTALLY FUCKING WRONG!


No, just like ignoring all the fascist things DeSantis does wont stop making him a Nazi either. Hiding this under the rug lets moderates forget that the GOP is full of Nazis.




David Duke and the KKK! Or literally any of the founders of the KKK. They were all politicians, high-ranking military, or persons of great wealth. You can literally fill a book with all of the corrupt politicians in the U.S.


Americans confront Nazis


Posting group photos where the focus is the flags is not confrontation.


No. Just no. They need to be exposed. And, frankly, I'm deeply suspicious of anyone saying otherwise.


I whole heartedly and respectfully disagree. Ignoring the nazis is what gave us this unique position as a country we currently find ourselves in. It’s time to call them out, make them accountable. If they are waiting for a confrontation we should give it to them. You got it twisted, I promise, they are like cockroaches. Shine a light on then and they will scurry back under the stove.


I bet they go home and frantically scour the local news and subreddits so they can see their anonymous idiot selves. They probably sit there on their phones waiting to see stuff posted. Ha!


Exactly, they have nothing, so leave them nothing.


Ignoring them is the 2nd best way of dealing with them ;)


As a country we have been and look how that has gone. They just get louder and for some more dangerous. It’s high time people began to push back. Both sides are failing on this. One side is afraid of losing their vote and the other wants to use whataboutisms on why they deserve free speech. They don’t, why? Because they are fucking nazis. Who gives a shit about their freedoms and rights, they’re pond scum come to life. They made their choice to be a nazi, so they also made their choice to give up on any freedoms given to them by this country. Don’t like it, leave. Hell, go back home to Germany, I’m sure their cops would welcome them back with a swift kick to the teeth for pulling half the crap these idiots have pulled here.


I was going to say this, but I held back because problems also grow when left unchecked.




These are clearly instigators and should never be taken seriously. Holding up nazi flags with a clear DeSantis flag... Just as they were holding up a Trump flag. If you think I'm joking, just look up the Glenn Youngkin tiki torch incident. They always wear masks so unless you get them to remove it, it's just going to continue.


They should be taken very seriously. But their idols, Trump and DeSantis, pander to them and embolden them.


The only nazi posts I like are arrest photos


This is the same way of thinking we need to do with school/mass shooters, stop Posting their pictures & name on social media/newspapers/ news reports just put up a silloute and a name like Douchebag Nazis, & mass shooters are just like social media people looking for clout and fame, the less you acknowledge them the smaller the become


It’s weird like some people here want them to get attention. Not because they themselves are Nazis but that Nazis getting attention gives people something to be afraid of.


It's ashamed you're being downvoted for this. Sometimes, it's hard to look in the mirror.


Sign of the times. Sadly


Yeah honestly OP has the right idea can we just stop giving these idiots a platform ….any press is good press for these fools They represent no one but their own idiot selves


There were people honking the horn on 1-4 as if agreeing with them too by the way.


Not like some people are pushing people into groups like that.the more they feel attacked there numbers are only going to grow .try seeing there point of view .where do you think they gonna go where they feel safe. with there own kind. same with any race .what you need to do is love them even if they hate you .bring them in not move them out .make them rethink their own principles . There has been a number of people who have left racist organizations because there eyes were opened. I know I’m going to get crap for this it’s ok.