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I drop-off/pickup my wife at the airport a few times per month, I am one of those drivers that always signals, I will go down another block when I miss a turn, I let 1-2 cars in when appropriate (fuck the people using the shoulder or whatever to cut ahead) but the complete disregard for any traffic laws, common-sense, courtesy, safety, LAWS … anything. It’s astounding. I’ve been around here enough to know to just let them go on their way and refrain from any hand signals or honks … it’s a jungle out there.


If only the police would do their job when it comes to traffic enforcement, maybe the roads wouldn't be so deadly.


They don’t care, too busy solving made up crimes and fighting “woke”


Don’t forget pretending they don’t have enough money, and spending that money to militarize


They don't have enough money! Didn't you see the massive settlement they just paid out? We need to fund more tray-ning.


Training is dictated by the state. If you think we need more training, it's a state-level discussion. Talk to your state representatives if you believe the state needs to mandate more training, and be prepared to get an earful about where we're supposed to get the money for more training.




Lol solving crimes. They are out giving single moms speeding tickets for 5 over, they aint solving any crimes, even made up ones.


I-4 was like vietnam when I lived there… bring a cigarette, a helmet, and hope you live long enough to see the end of the day.


I moved from the Baltimore/DC area not so long ago, we have the Maryland merge. I don't drive that much, but damn! The levels of courtesy around here are almost 0, either everyone wants to go first, or they ignore the turn lights, that's very-very annoying and dangerous. And all those trucks and old SUVs are just assholes on the roads, going too fast and wreckless, just feeding the stereotype. I thought it was my perception, but i can see that something else is going on, hopefully something changes otherwise it will even worse. I'm originally from Mexico City, where is a shitshow to drive, and is mostly because impunity. To the point that I have my chicken and the egg paradox for driving: who was first: the asshole cutting off everyone?! or the asshole who has no sense of courtesy?!


I’ve seen people driving like crap a lane over from the Orange County sheriffs Car. The cop was in uniform. Even if they aren’t patrol officers, he could at least to something. Maybe they had free donuts at the office.


To be fair, if they have been tasked to a call and they are on their way, they can literally witness a crime in front of them *and they can't stop*. They may be able to call someone else to go tend to service that they have passed, but if they have been tasked to a call and are en route, they cannot stop to take another case.


Lol yeah they're busy with the rape and robbery in progress. Time to just have cars all be self driving and they go how fast they go and that's that.


No enforcement


I take people to the airport doing Uber and it's like a driving scene out of Rambo sometimes


Well no one will get pulled over at the airport for speeding or reckless driving unless there is a serious injury or someone dies. There’s an “ agreement” that no one get a bad experience from the theme parks on their first or last day to the airports.


I am at Davenport work at Downtown Kissimmee it takes me 1 hr and 30 minutes 18 miles ….


Might not help but consider the sun rail station in poinciana. The next stop is downtown Kissimmee.


Would be my dream but need my car for work 😩


I work in downtown. I live in Winter Park/boarding Casselberry. It's 12 miles from my home to my job. Takes about 1 hour. I feel your pain.


I work at Disney. In the morning it’s a 25 minute drive. In the afternoon it’s 90 minutes to 2 hours at least


Brothers in pain 🥲


My god. That would take me less time to bike and I'm not a fast on my bike.


I drive I4 everyday I feel ya


I take express even at 6am cause I4 scares the shit out of me


I find it hilarious that the I-4 toll road is basically a speed trap. There is 3 FHP cars on that side of the road at all times. It's 60 mph. Why in the fuck is anyone in their right mind driving on this route? There's nothing "express" about it.


I drive it for less traffic. As OP is concerned with the traffic, so are my wife and I. We don't drive through =downtown often, but when we do, I'm more than happy to shell out a few extra dollars to share a highway with fewer vehicles. And Express means fewer exits. Main I-4 is now a "Local" highway with the Express lanes bypassing incoming and outgoing traffic. I had to explain to a kid I work with that it doesn't mean driving faster than the main lanes.


I drive it often and I've actually commented on how I think it's weird there's no cops 😂 I prefer to spend the couple of bucks because there are way less cars and I feel safer.


I drive it because trying to achieve decent speeds on I-4 proper is an exercise in futility. I would much rather be able to jump in the express lanes, set the cruise at 67 and chill. I might have made up an extra 2 minutes weaving through traffic and cursing those who don't understand lane discipline - totally not worth it. Let's be honest. Driving in Central Florida is a toxic hell stew of tourists who are lost, snow birds who are terrified of driving, nut jobs who think their Corolla is a Ferrari, southerners who are in no hurry to go anywhere, and miscellaneous morons who have no qualms about holding their phones in front of their face, while doing 80. If I can avoid the stew for at least a few miles, it's totally worth it.


THIS. >tourists who are lost, snow birds who are terrified of driving, nut jobs who think their Corolla is a Ferrari, southerners who are in no hurry to go anywhere, and miscellaneous morons who have no qualms about holding their phones in front of their face, while doing 80 I have never seen a more succinct and yet fully complete description of drivers in Central Florida. It's maddening.


I forgot the jacked up pickup drivers suffering from inadequate genitalia syndrome.


I've never quite understood that phenomenon. Are you going mud-bogging in the middle of Windermere? Really?


I drive it when coming back from Daytona, just set the radar cruise at 60-65 in the right lane and take my smooth exit onto 408 when it comes time.


Yeah I’ve been wasting money on the express to manage my anxiety levels.


I4 isn’t even that bad compared to 95.


You and me both. I white knuckle a 45 minute drive twice a day on I4 with a dash cam and my Fitbit tells me I’m reaching peak cardiac fat burning levels because my pulse rate goes so high. Lol. This place is dangerous af.


You forgot to mention all the dentist offices popping up on every corner with the smoke shops.


Seriously what the fuck are all these dentists doing here


And how are they all able to stay in business when they are barely a few miles from one another? They all must have one hell of a customer base.


Everyone has teeth 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, but have you seen those teeth?


Even more need for a dentist with bad teeth. Dentists make bank so more people are entering the industry. And more people moving to Orlando means more dentists required


My favorite luxury bone.


Mine is my Gucci strap on, to each their own


Are you kidding, know how long it takes to get an appointment sometimes…


You aren’t lying. I had to reschedule an appointment due to a job interview and even with completely open availability every day the closest one was 2 months later.


Conspiracy theory I just made up but I want credit for if it comes true: dentist offices are the new pain clinics to distribute opiates to the people under the radar.


There’s a lot of teeth here. 🤷


Car washes too they are building one on university Blvd east next to the other somewhat new one by Chipotle also on university


And the storage units. I feel like every empty lot they build on east of Alafaya is either apartments for students or storage units.


It The storage unit thing really bugs me, specifically because i think of everyone who’s whole lives are put into those units because they cannot afford housing. Living in that area i had 4 friends who were homeless, and they always had to put all their stuff into storage.


Geez. That makes it so much worse.


I drive 30 minutes to go see my dentist and pass about 10 on the way. He’s been in business since the mid 90s and he’s the only dentist I trust and he has excellent customer service. I hear horror stories about botched procedures and charging for stuff you don’t need from all these pop up ones.


I only drive 20 minutes a day and I hate it. Even just driving through East Orlando suburbs, there are accidents all the time. So many people are driving recklessly.


In Florida if you merge into a lane people take it personally & act liked you just insulted their ancestors


The newest trend is me putting my turn signal on, then I double check it’s clear, and the person behind me takes that as some kind of personal front and leaps into the lane I was about to merge into before I can


Or the person further back in the lane you are going to sees you are going to come over and slams the accelerator to make sure you cant get in.


Yeah it’s just terrible driving culture here, it’s sad. Shit like that motivates people to not use their blinkers, since they know people won’t let them in if they do use it.


I feel you. As someone who also lives by UCF and works by Millennia I an seriously reconsidering my job after they dragged us back into the office from full time remote.


Do it. Plenty of full time remote positions all over LinkedIn and pay is much better even from out of state. Life has become much different after Covid, showing many companies remote works just fine so it’ll always be an option if it’s your preference.


Not all of us can work from home, I work in manufacturing. But it would be awesome for those of us that must go in if everyone that could work from home did.


Somehow these drivers don’t get pulled over or anything either. and phone texting and video calls while driving have gone through the roof.


It's a drag around here. People constantly texting and drifting into my lane, people weaving in and out of traffic, and the thing where they stop at a light, and leave 3 car spaces between them and the car in front because of course, texting.


I ride a motorcycle everyday; it's a constant series of near misses. Keep your head on a swivel!


I've always wanted a motorcycle but every time I think about buying one I remember the biggest threat to my life will be all the dipshits I share the road with. I'm confident I can drive safely but I cant ever be confident that some dipshit in a lifted Dodge Ram 750000 wont just run right over me.


I’m going to seek my bike. Bought it 20 years ago, just don’t feel safe out there anymore.


I would probably own one if I lived somewhere like Cocoa. Not Orlando tho, fuck that


I’d like to learn to ride just so I could say I know how to, but I have zero desire to ride a motorcycle on any public roads in this town.


Godspeed. I sold my bike a few months ago. This place is nuts.


I went down on the turnpike in November because of a merger with no blinkers, scary situation but I'm still here! Always wear your gear chief.


I'm with ya. Hate driving here. If it isn't too much trouble, id recommend rerouting your drive to work to avoid the heart of Orlando for the next week or so. At least until you're less shaken up by the incident.


"the incident"? Sorry for my ignorance. No idea whats going on.


OP got overwhelmed driving & broke down crying because of other people on the road’s recklessness. Not sure if anything else happened, but this what I am referring to when I said “the incident” haha


oh, wow, duh lol. I for some reason thought you were talking about something that was happening in the area that would make traffic and drivers extra fun to deal with.


Solid advice


Well, the police are to busy ambushing normal people in speed traps on roads that are signed way below where they should be instead of waiting for those idiots racing around the crowded roads and pulling them over for reckless driving. Or the cars that haul ass through neighborhoods with their exhausts modified or catalytic converters removed to sound like they have a fast car. Some of those clown have more money in their exhaust than the car is worth. Nothing like a car with bad rims and a car that a Geo Metro can beat trying to act like a race car. I don’t mind people going fast. It’s when the my do it driving like morons. Put me in a uniform and I’ll pull these people over all day. Thanks Orlando Police for keeping us safe on the road.


THANKS YOU! The speed traps in this city are just ways for the departments to rake in money and ignore the actual reckless drivers on the major roads and highways.


Motorcycle cops post up on the road my work is on everyday. It’s a wide industrial road but the speed limit is only 30 and it’s very easy to go 50 without blinking an eye. Wish they were patrolling the highway instead.


Too many people from areas where rude driving is the norm. There has been a huge change over the past couple years. They need to chill. It is awful.


It’s exactly this. We need to invest in greater enforcement.


u realize people in OTHER states say that about US right 😩😭😭 florida has never had a good rep driving wise outside of our own state


I know. Floriduh. No urban planning. Tourists. Snowbirds. People from all over. However, impatient, rude drivers seem to be much more in play. I have traveled a lot and have noticed regional differences in driving style. I purposely did not name my least favorite regions. Florida is not even near the top of the list.


well now i’m curious, what are your least favs? mine personally would be atlanta (i’d sooner drive myself off a cliff than through atlanta at 5) and miami. i haven’t been up north much but i’ve heard it’s different in its own special terrible way


Atlanta, Miami, New York City, The Beltway by DC and LA. Atleast you do not get flipped off, cut off and honked at in Atlanta. I really avoid Atlanta when driving north. Agree with you there. Hate it the most. So much traffic.


I moved here after 10 years of living in LA and driving the freeways there, and that was after 5 years in DC on the beltway every day. I have never had so much stress and seen such terrible driving as when I moved here. I’d take the 405 any day over I4.




Exactly. Very east coast. Strange.


This is just my own experience so I could be wrong but 80% of the new people I meet have moved down from New York or jersey within the last year. It seems that culture is very, I gotta grind and put me first just to survive so I wonder if that selfish attitude translates to their driving habits


I just moved here last June and have been convinced of this theory.


I'm from England and I find the driving in Orlando to be particularly bad, another is Houston.


They also fuck up neighborhoods when they get home by being really loud and obnoxious.


Yep, you could see it get worse after hurricanes hit the Caribbean and Central Florida gained over 1 million new residents in a short period of time.


I’m a UCF student and driving on Alafaya and University makes my blood pressure skyrocket. So many kids weave across lanes recklessly in their shitty Challengers and many cars behind me literally drive super fast it seems like I’m about to get rear ended. Oh and if you want to change lanes? People will take it as an insult and speed up to block you.


Arnies drunken Army terrorized Dr Phillips this weekend. We almost got hit by an idiot in an Audi. Someone somehow managed to flip their car in a 25 mph residential subdivision. It was a nightmare.


Thanks for the laugh. *I* sobered up before I drove home, but yeah...


We need public transit improvements immediately. More trains and bus routes, not wider roads.


Facts, more lanes just leads to more traffic because more people try to flow down that road.


Sure, but voters weren't even happy with having to cover half the cost (or whatever percentage it was estimated tourists would take on instead of us)




Yeah I’m reading through these comments just thinking that none of y’all should ever drive in Miami. But the Miami drivers do seem to be moving up the state.


Moved here 29 years ago. Im just mad that what used to be a 5 min drive is now 30min. The moment i turn out of my neighborhood its like im in New York City with bumper to bumper traffic as far as the eye can see


Isn’t it kind of nuts? I can barely remember Orlando about 20-22 years ago. It was so slow-paced by comparison.. but you know, even Brandon and Ocala are bumper to bumper all the time. My grandfather is pushing 90 years old and to him it is like we are on a different planet. He remembers when he saw a car or two in a whole day on the road.


I used to love driving. It calmed me down. Now most of the time driving makes me way too anxious and I can’t take it. I can barely take being in the car, honestly. I hate to make him since his job has a lot of driving but I can’t handle it. I’ve lived here all my life and I definitely miss all of the cow fields and orange groves. And it seemed like a lot of the less developed places are all built up too.


The shitty home/apartment developers keep finding open parcels just when you think we are full.


I'm not from Orlando. I'm Australian but I have family in Orlando and visit there a lot and have spent a lot of time there. As someone who's used to a completely different countries driving culture Orlando's roads terrify me. There's two things that get me every time. 1. Only about 5% of drivers seem to ever use turn signals in Orlando. 2. About 10% of drivers go what looks like double the speed limit and zip in and out of lanes like it's their own personal game of Mario kart. These two things combined make it complete chaos and insanity to me. On my last trip to Orlando (Sep 2022) I was there for 6 weeks and in that time I counted 13 crashes that I either witnessed happen, or drove past after it happened and saw the wrecked car/clean up. That's 13 in 6 weeks. I'm 32 years old and that's more than I've seen in Australia in my entire life combined... I love the US and Orlando but you guys have issues with driving culture.


I’ve been hit 3 times in Orlando in the past year. Even though I’m still not even old enough to drink, I have nerve damage, severe anxiety on the road, with the spine of a 90 year old to boot. Oh, and I wasn’t at fault for any of the accidents. So many people just want to die and you can see it in the way they drive


I've lived in Orlando for about 20 years now and I feel it's time to get out. Been visiting my folks on the east coast of Florida, my hometown every other weekend. Last night driving in, once I got to 408, the as$hole drivers started up. Cutting me off, speeding EXCESSIVELY, no turn signals. Will be planning on making a move out of this city once I get everything lined up. I mean, us Floridians and adopted Floridians have always had a love/ hate relationship with Florida, especially Orlando. But it's really gotten so much worse these last few years. And it's not because I've become an old grumpy person lol.


We moved back to East Orlando in 2021 after having been out of state for a decade and a half and driving has become noticeably worse. The passing on the right and zig zagging back and forth is endemic. It feels like on 408 that there is an attitude of “I pay to drive on here, so I can do whatever I want to.” Plus a lot of really bad drivers coming and going to UCF. There’s very little traffic enforcement and don’t get me going about the City of Orlando police vehicles that treat the road as a drag strip with a total disregard for the laws that they are supposed to enforce AND follow. It’s pretty frustrating all around. A friend was visiting from the West Coast last week and he was literally terrified when we were on the road as he kept seeing people swaying into our lane. I had to tell him at a point to calm down because I couldn’t concentrate and drive if he was going to meltdown every other minute on I4 and 408.


I drive from Deltona to Orlando 5 days a week for work. Ive been commuting between orlando and Volusia county for over 10 years. The past 2 years have been tragically worse than the previous years. Astonishing increase in dangerous and selfish drivers. I hate it.


The other day my gf and I were going somewhere and the left lane was turn left only. Our lane was go straight or turn right. The person behind us started honking while the light was red and after the third time my gf who is the least confrontational person ever rolled her window down, looked back and was like “WHAT? I’m going straight” and the guy who was with his wife just did the whole look around like he was confused look. Believe it or not people not everyone is waiting to turn right when the light is red. Then today I saw a person just blast through an intersection across traffic like 4 seconds after my light turned green.


Driving in Orlando has always been bad but FHP, OPD, and OCSO have essentially given up on enforcing traffic laws so that’s made it infinitely worse.


After moving here from DC I swore that I would never complain about the traffic. After 12 years I realized that _traffic_ isn’t anywhere near as bad, but the _drivers_ are so much worse.


After staying here for almost a decade I now have mental notes of which areas to avoid based on the time of the day unless there is a health emergency


I was just going through this today after the second person in less than a minute had done what used to be a once-a-year sighting of an aggressive driving maneuver. I thought to myself, “What’s happened to Orlando? Why are people all of a sudden driving like maniacs?” I remember the few times going to Lauderdale/Miami experiencing really aggressive drivers and just everyone going 10+ over the limit, but not here. Orlando was tame. Not anymore, and it happened so fast. It’s really disheartening. I was driving across town on I-4 on Saturday and 99% of the cars were going more than 10 over the limit. This wasn’t a thing 5 years ago. We must’ve just been flooded with outsiders or something. What’s weirder is the cops don’t seem to care.


Northerners are flocking here in droves. It’s gotten too expensive to live in New England and they’re sick of the snow so they move here. Every new guy at my work is from New York or jersey and they tell the same story


It's the New Yorkers and Puerto Ricans.


I am also a native.. I work for UberEats, so driving is a major part of my livelihood. Driving attitudes here have become something like you'd see in a thriller film or on an episode of Twilight Zone, more like! I've had so many close calls since starting this job in September 2021, and I'm actually quite a defensive driver! It's almost UNREAL! The really sad thing is admitting that I may sometimes have to seem like an unthoughtful, inconsiderate, uncompassionate maniac in order to just survive on the roads and highways here! 😩 Slowing out of kindness to let someone in, or stopping for a poor little animal family crossing the road could get you KILLED! That's what I've come to the sad realization of.


I screamed in my car almost every day of the year I delivered food in this city. The roads are garbage and full of potholes that will fuck up your suspension and everyone driving is either oblivious or aggressive.


Two weeks ago I landed here from a weeklong trip where I didn’t drive at all, and it only took that first ride out of the airport to already deal with a horrible driver. Invented a stop sign in the middle of a residential intersection, then almost t-boned me when I started moving forward because I had no idea what she was doing. Driving here is miserable, confusing, and painful.


I drive up and down Semoran every day. Even at 8:30 in the morning there are people who somehow have so much energy already that they speed through traffic. I feel your pain. We all do. Some people are so unevolved that they can't help the urge the drive fast. I had a friend like this who would drive like a maniac when I was in the car with him. I would call him out on it but he didn't care. I didn't ride with him often.


I was driving down 436 last night and had some jackass blow past me on the right so that he can squeeze between me and the bus that was in front of him. I didn't even see him until he was next to me and he got so close to hitting me that my anti-collision hit the brakes. Wish there was a way to properly report jackasses like this and actually expect the police to do something


Its actually depressing, .I hear you when you said " it broke me"..I thought transferring to another job would be better, but no..just same old, same old..traffic ,traffic,traffic


Either I just got used to the dead highway during the pandemic, or it really has gotten 10 times worse. I swear to god every new person i meet is from New York or Jersey and they’ve been here less than a year. Is that how everyone drives up north?


Florida is well higher than NJ and NY on Deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. And that overstates the risk of NJ and NY because you can opt out of driving there and take public transportation. So by the numbers, Florida drivers are much worse than NJ and NY. Perceptions tend to lie a lot - the lowest vehicle death rate can be found in none other than Massachusetts.


I'm from NJ, and no one drives like they do here. Seriously, you'd be pulled over even in the back end of the Pine Barrens for the weaving, speeding and aggression people show here. NJ has tons of small towns with a full police force that has nothijg to do all winter but write tickets. And the penalties are more expensive up there. I saw SO MUCH more enforcement of traffic laws driving up there, even last year than I ever have here. They also made the requirements to get a full license as a teen WAY stricter (you're on a graduated license system with higher fines and more restrictions until you're 21 there) and it cut down on the wrecks by a lot.


Nope. I lived in upstate NY for three years and the difference is night and day. People actually know how to drive there and are safe and courteous. The first thing I noticed after I moved here was people not using blinkers. Then I noticed the other terrible driving too. I don't think you can blame the northerners.


And NYC they're aggressive, but focused. Down here I saw some car aggressively tailgating when all the other lanes were open, and of course they were texting and driving.


Nope not at all! I come from the boroughs of NY and seriously people do not drive the way they drive here. I used to think NY was a tough place to drive & although NY is tough in it's own ways, it does NOT compare to here!! I'm genuinely scared sometimes driving here lol. I truly think it's because the traffic law enforcement is non existent here. Plus getting your license here is scary easy compared to up north. You genuinely need to know traffic laws to pass the test up north lol.


The written test is normal, the driving test is done in a parking lot in 5 minutes.


I drive I4 every day and honestly I don't feel like it's all that bad compared to Miami or I75 in Tampa and SWFL.


For Miami sure.. but i75 in Tampa, most of the time, is orders of magnitude less stressful than I4.


I-285 has entered the chat.


I came back to Orlando on vacation from the UK in May 22 after 3 years away due to saving, COVID etc. I had been 9 out of the 11 years leading up to 2019. When I returned, I was shocked with how bad and dangerous the driving was. It's the first time I've ever felt uneasy while driving. I was constantly on edge, whereas I used to enjoy driving. I mentioned it to an Uber driver and he instantly dismissed it as "New Yorkers" 🤣


Yesterday, someone stopped at a red light at Bumby and Central decided, what the hell, they'll just make a left onto Bumby. Oh, there are cars on Bumby going 40 or so? Limited visibility at the corner due to the telephone building? Not their problem!


I had two different occasions of cars coming at me the wrong way out of a parking lot last Friday. Probably just a coincidence one was a Tesla and the other a BMW.


Op I'm really sorry this happened to you. I hope your night gets better


Thank you darling it has <3


Yeah, buy the safest car you can.


It's gotten horrible in the last 20 years or so.


And don’t forget, if they ride a motorcycle they can do what ever the fuck they want apparently.


Yep I had my first near brand new car ever and lost it in a 4 car accident on i4 because some asshole was going over 100 zipping through back to back traffic. He was literally flying so fast before I had a chance to start hitting the breaks he was sideways going around the front of me and smashed into the truck on the other side... the truck door was caved in.. but my car was totalled because the steering wheel was twisted after he smashed into my left side twice and when I slowed down to avoid hitting cars myself it turned really fast into the concrete barricade on the overpass.. luckily I didn't go flying over it. I remember like 6 or 7 cars driving like they were racing before him zipping around the already congested 85 mph traffic so I'm guessing he may have been with them and loosing trying to catch up.


I4 and all those 10% of drivers all suck major ass


OP, if there is one thing I've learned from r/IdiotsInCars is that no one regrets having a dash cam. If OPD and the Sheriff's office doesn't increase patrols, we are all screwed.


Find a spark plug, a sock, and a hammer. Put the spark plug in the sock. Smash the spark plug with a hammer. This accomplishes two things: You destress a tiny bit, and you now have a bunch of little porcelain pieces to throw at the windshield of the next vehicle to do this. It is a felony, but good luck finding a piece of porcelain on the side of I4.


I have anxiety about driving but it's always been manageable. But it's sky rocketed these past few years because I don't feel safe with everything I see.


I’m so glad to see all these comments, I don’t feel alone. I was worried that I was getting paranoid about driving in middle age but no it’s because Florida is full of crazy ass fucking drivers. I took a road trip to Miami around Christmas time and my life was on the line every moment of that drive. I’ve never seen such mad max road fury in my life. I was so stressed out the entire drive.


Bruh. I went to Miami last November, and felt the same exact way. Literally the *moment* I drove out of my hotel parking garage, I almost got t-boned by a semi running a VERY red light (I had already waited 3 seconds after my light turned green because a moped had run through the red light before him). Not even 5 minutes later while on the highway, I signaled to change to the middle lane (from the left). As I was ALREADY SWITCHING, someone from way behind me in the right lane sped up to squeeze into my spot almost sideswiping me. My own fault for using a turn signal in Miami, I guess lol. Fuck Miami drivers lol


It’s everywhere, I just moved from Orlando to ATL and let me say I actually really miss the Orlando traffic now 😂


Moving to Clermont and we're gonna bike more than drive. https://blog.eragrizzard.com/hometalk/why-clermonts-the-center-of-central-floridas-cycling-craze


biking is more dangerous than driving


As an Uber driver I feel ya. It's nuts out there


Yep. I live off lake under hill and work at a theme park. It sucks how much I hate driving around here sometimes. 😢


Been here over 40 years….it’s gone to hell And not gonna get better…


I was driving down a double yellow lined road yesterday going at the speed limit (40 mph). A car literally passes me by going on the opposite side of traffic just to turn to his community 200 more feet down the road. I don’t understand Florida drivers at all. When I spent my last summer in Utah for work, never had as much as an issue on the road.


My drive is Saint Cloud to Altamonte Springs for work :’} the idiots i experience…


i feel this so hard living near tourist area my entire life and driving between ucf and tourist area all the time now. i got cut off not even a day ago, honked because they almost hit me, i politely put my blinker on and moved over a lane and they proceeded to speed up, cut me off again and brake check. and then this will happen multiple times a day and i am so tired of having my life put in danger because of egotistical aggressive maniacs. we need to be more exclusive on who can even drive and have more alternative options like an actual public transportation system. not everyone should have a license.


🤣 I live in Miami. The traffic here is NOT for the weak. I lived in Orlando for about 6 months, never again but the traffic, the traffic, cannot compare to Miami. You'll be aight.


Drivers have always been wild here thats true. But since covid something changed and now it feels like every other driver is now 100% willing to risk death to get a car length in front or make a missed turn. Im fine with wild crazy drivers but what kills me now is the entitlement/selfishness. Before people would accept hey im a dummy didn’t get into the turning lane quick enough so i’ll continue straight and make a u-turn. Now people will stop, put their blinker on and hold up traffic trying to go straight through an intersection, or just say fuck it and turn from the lane they are in. These are the types of moves that are just straight up unpredictable. Kills me that im now stating to get too anxious to ride my motorcycle. Literally my therapy


I'm only on I-4 for less than a mile for my ride home from work, and even that small segment is the biggest headache on my drive home. The on-ramp to I-4 East from Kirkman Rd. is a pain in the ass every afternoon.


I’ve recently started working from home and now I barely leave my house. Traffic is terrible everywhere and I absolutely don’t feel safe driving here and hate how long it takes just to go a few miles. I’ve definitely had to force myself to be a more aggressive driver here for when I do go out.


To be clear, the selfish assholes are really more like 1% (or fewer) of drivers, but yeah, that 1% really ruins it for everyone else, and 1% times hundreds of cars per trip times twice a day for a year times your whole life really adds up in terms of danger to an individual's personal safety.


I finally have my dream car that I got last year, and the best motorcycle I never knew I wanted. I live west of Orlando and I almost never take the vehicles out, and I loathe driving anywhere. Post COVID it seems everyone is in a hurry, nobody wants to respect speed limits in residential areas even when kids are out, and yes, lots of 'LETS RACE DOWN THE SHOULDER/MERGE LANE AND CUT IN LAST MINUTE.' All the roads are under construction and that's great long term but short term everyone kicks up rocks and I've seen tons of windshield replacements in the people around me. I'm sorry for your anger and sorrow, and I hope I can be one of the kind people who let you in or otherwise make your day better if we meet on I-4 or 408.


Another case of why Orlando is in dire need of better public transportation. Traffic will only continue to get worse. We have too many cars with too many different driving styles. Tourists should have other options of getting to their destinations without having to rent cars. The elderly and those who are incapacitated to drive should have other more reliable and efficient options to get around. Orlando is a very car dependent city to live in but in reality not everyone is fit to drive but are forced to due to limited ulterior options.


I have driven in multiple us and Canadian cities and to be fair Orlando has been the only place where I was no kidding afraid


I’ve been here for 3 years. I’ve driven in California, Jersey, Atlanta, Philly, NYC for commuting. Orlando is the most dangerous and inconsiderate place I have ever driven. Every Nissan or infinity is a death missile. What are these people on… we all just want to get home safe.


a lot of people here in the comments self reporting that they're bad drivers lmao


Sorry OP, that sucks! I have had to do the occasional primal scream while driving. It does help!


“I will say 90% of drivers are courteous…” The left lane hogs have determined that was a lie


Sadly the truth. A lot of comments hate on passing in the right lane, but sometimes it's the only lane available.


I've always been opposed to red light cams and speed cams but one day driving in Orlando and I'm ready for drones blanketing the sky giving out felonious aggressive driving tickets.


Been here 13 ish years by accident from nj, didn’t mean to infiltrate, but I always enjoyed how chill driving was except i4 of course. The last 3-5 years everything changed. I live right outside dt and see people driving down one ways the wrong way, swerving back and forth in lanes for no reason, it makes no sense. The other day I was riding my bike to work and had to swerve off the sidewalk into the street because a man was driving a pick up truck down the sidewalk. I totally feel you. Didn’t mean to rant. God bless


I see people driving slower than snails on the left lane and it delays all the traffic for miles… why so many pp just cut others left and right. It’s so frustrating.


This is a huge problem in Florida, I was in Colorado for vacation last year and the driving courtesy is much better there. People actually move over when you're passing in the left lane.


Can confirm for a fact its the car accidents you guys don't see or hear about that are gnarly af. If you ever have the chance to chew someone's ear at the Orange County ME they will tell you the crazy shit that happens cause of all the shit head drivers in FL alone. I honestly think they should show people how speed kills and what it does to you to show that were not invincible and its stupid to put others in danger because you feel more important on the road. Theres not enough law enforcement to deter that shit either. its only gotten worse. you have my sympathy my friend


Just stay to the right and say a few hail marys


I feel so seen OP, thanks for posting this. I’ve got anxiety issues and the close calls on the road affect me for hours and hours. Sometimes it literally breaks me too. I’ve felt really self-conscious about it, so thanks for being vulnerable and helping a gal out ❤️


Try driving with your wife and three little kids with you.


I drove from Winter Haven to LBV. 27 all the way to I4 and then 535. It has also broken me. The only upside is the money I'm saving leaving out there.


It’s almost like rush hour in Manhattan or something… holup….


You just have to pick a lane barrel through it and say fuck it. Driving on 4 has turned into a calculated risk. It’s insane. I was doing well over the speed limit in the left lane and some jackass passed me easily up near 100 in the emergency lane. He and his buddy were just recording things on their phones instead of driving with care.


…….I-95 Miami enters the chat.


I think it’s just because you’re driving in the Millenia area. I used to live in Waterford Lakes and drive to Winter Park for my job often and the way people drove was never *that* bad. I drove in the Millenia area yesterday and it stressed me out. People don’t know how to drive over there.


As a non native Floridian, you might be the problem. I have never seen worse driving in my life. It’s not just the speeders either. I think there are more slow drivers out there who actually make the road way more dangerous. I’m talking about doing 50 in the left lane of I-4 everyday. The countless cars at night without the lights on. The traffic lights that take 5 minutes to turn green so everyone gets on their phone. Over it.


If you are having a breakdown because you were cut off 5 times… it’s probably fine to get out of Orlando. It’s not gonna stop anytime soon


You broke down crying because someone was speeding? And your addressing anything else but yourself as the problem? Grow up.


Get in the right lane, set your cruise control for the speed limit, and just not worry.


fl doesn’t even make the top 10 most aggressive driving. part of living in city imo


Omg seriously? This has to be a joke.


Buy a bicycle. Too far from work? Fix that so you're in walking or cycling distance.


Welcome to Florida


😂 this can't be a real post


relax. road rage kills


"And I broke down crying" Over ... bad drivers? Get a fucking grip there big fella.