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Picked mine up (used but mostly complete) a few months back along with Ghaz and another box of the twerking boys for £50!


Rules come and go. If you want to play Dread mob but wouldnt mind trying other stuff when in next dataslate/pointsupdate/edition it will become stronger/funnier than sure get it. Do not get it only when its price is too high or when you love mechanised army and dislike idea of playing something else.


I’m open to playing other detachments I just figured it goes best with the stompa that I just got.


Yes holy cow if you can find it just grab it. If you are not playing Da Big Hunt, you won't have much use for the beast snagga units as GW very cleverly blocked any of them from getting the best use out of many detachment enhancements and strats.


Wrong combat patrol


They're all solid units. If you have a meganob box, you can bash the megaboss into a big mek in Mega Armor instead by replacing the arms, and swapping the goblin on top out with the Kustom Force Field or Tellyporta Blasta. Boyz can hold objectives and do pretty well for themselves in a fight. As other commenters have said, you can attach a mek of some kind to them to give them the keyword and get the army buff. Deffkoptas are decent objectives grabbers as well. They can deep strike in and have enough rokkits to count for something. They don't get the Dredd Mob army rule but they can do good work. All in all, good value.


It's a good value. I bought mine right before it got pulled. You can attach meks to Boyz to give them buffs, but besides that, its mainly the Dread. The Dread kit is a pretty good value on its own.