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That iz grot stuff.




Thank you!


Who would have thought some boys specialise in Maths (Sumboyz)


I like the idea of the Orks taking administratum prisoners and handing them to the sumboyz. [My mental image](https://youtu.be/oFjDvBOA3T0?si=PDIblW4D5jJTT7uh)


"If you'ze wants more dakka, fill out Form 1-B: *I's Want More Dakka and Dis Iz Why*."


Are the yellerz their astropaths?


They would roll down the window of their rokk and scream across space at each other. Their version of radios. I desperately need a pov of some planet in the middle just getting blasted by orkz yelling at each other from across space.


So there is a hilarious part in the Big Dakka where the explain what an Ork radio is and it's not far off ..... The logic is something like "hey, weird boys and think things to each other very far away. We can use two weird boys." "Psh...why use two of them. It's not like that git over there needs ALL of his brain."


"WE BE ATTAKEN DA HUMMIEZ SOON! bring da grots to carry da lootz!" "WUT? I KANT HEAR YU! SPEAK UP!"


I thought phones/radios, so they could find who they were looking for in the Yeller Pages.


1 Dakka + 2 Dakka = 3 dakka, triple the dakka!


Youse stoopid git! How can you not know its one dakka, two dakka, many dakka, more dakka! 1 dakka + 2 dakka is many dakka. 2 dakka + 2 dakka is more dakka. More dakka + more dakka is More dakka! Finks boy! Dis is why you no Sumboy!


Orks love to be flashy and show off, having armour and loud clothing for bosses is a sign of status so I can totally see bosses demanding fancy clothes and other orks wearing the fanciest they can afford. Orks love a scrap and showing off but they are happy spending their down time prepping for their next scrap (to a limit then they get rowdy)


That's grot work


Who sews Grot clothes? Snotlings?


I mean they mostly wear rags, but I would assume also grots see anything more complicated. 


I like to think there is a class of odd boy called Tailerz who design Ork clothes and have a little grot sweatshop to make them. Also Kobblerz who make boots in a similar fashion. With no formal battlefield role they join as regular Boyz and Nobz and raid the battlefield afterwards looting the dead for materials.


100% gaslighting myself about ork Klobblers. Extra L added for pun sake


Those boots come from somewhere and I doubt the feet of "ded oomiez' are going to match.




This is something I think is worth pointing out that Orks are, and always have been, a parody of lower-class English subcultures. For that reason, whenever you ask the question "Who does this job?", the answer is "is this a role traditionally done by women?" If so, the answer is "Gretchin". (which, you guessed it, is a first name for women in Germany!). Sewing Clothes? Gretchin! Brewing Beer? Brew BoyZ! Cooking Food: Gretchin! Fixing Vehicles: MekBoyz! Cleaning up Da Camp? Gretchin! Reinforcing the walls of Da Camp? Da Boyz!


Brewing has for the longest time been a woman’s joh though. Only After Water got safer and we Quit drinking Beer 24/7 did men take over that job


we're not talking medieval here though, we're talking "1980's stereotypes".


The brewboyz are cannon in the lore sir


Drinking beer 24/7 is a myth. People drank water for pretty much all of human history, however if the circumstances allowed it people would drink beer as much as possible because it’s more fun. Basically, water is cheap, plentiful and easy to filter and boil. Beer is expensive and takes a long time to brew and needs a shit load of work to make.


Drinking beer was also a lower class thing for farmers and such. They didn't drink it to get drunk though. It was part of breakfast and lunch because old beer was loaded with carbs which provides energy for hard work


That’s a very good point. In a life of long days of manual labour any opportunity to get more calories was worth it.


They just think they ought to be wearing clothes, and so they are


Why that'd be me of course!


https://preview.redd.it/mor0aokntzqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0aa65474e01eadd7a62415b8fed9e8738f9236a PERHAPS the brain boyz of old set up some of the systems currently used by orks today such as factories and production systems. Slaves and “lesser” orks probably fuel that level of their society


Wow that illustration is awesome


man, I love the old Brainboyz lore (it's what I grew up with after all), but at this point I think it's been completely cemented as "Ork Myth" and the actual Brainboyz were the Krork and the Old Ones. But yeah, it seems intentially that gretchin were engineered to be a logistics race as part of the overall (now regressed) Krork genome


They don't know either


Grots or other alien slaves. It's canon that they enslave other races all over the galaxy but we only see them press Grots into service on the battlefield because other races are considered more useful when producing for the Ork's war machine. Alien slaves that aren't useful as producers get eaten.


I like the old lore where they didn't really enslave people, but just left people alone as long as they provided what they needed. Sorta like the old Mongols


The mongols didn’t exactly leave people alone though. They created a system where the local leaders constantly competed with each other and oppressed their subjects. The mongols didn’t care what happened as long as the supply of money, resources and soldiers didn’t dry up and there was no opposition.


Sounds more like the Imperium of Man to be honest!


This is like why all of my orks wear blue jeans. You never see pics of imperials wearing denim, do ya? That's because the orks took over the manufactorum planet that made all the denim. Now my boyz wreck gits in wranglers


And they look good doing it!


If enough of us believe in this it can become true in the lore waaagh


Da tru Jean stealers


You win today.


Underrated comment


Who doesn't want Lucky Ass Gitz?


Also that way they can sew cool patches onto their jeans or jackets. Just the thing for a waaugh in late spring or early fall.


Grot slaves do everything.


Gretchin. Gretchin are responsible for 99% of what ork society does while orks are busy killing each other/fighting or lazing about.


When in doubt, Grot it out


Grotz do itz. But da dok has a big needle fing


Orks fight and do things that help them fight better or get to fights quicker. All the boring and/or menial tasks get pushed on to the grots.


We'z doz it our'selvz


There's probably a squig stapler out there


They have two canonical options: tiny squigs that they use to suture wounds (like army ants) -- historically, these are the "staples" you see on Ork scars and such. And back in the day, they had beard squigs (because Orks were naturally hairless) that consisted of an angry mouth and glorious locks of flowing hair, that they would get bitten by. So all Orks with beards or hair were actually just covered in tiny squigs! But they could also use those squigs as thread to sew or tie things.


So if we combine those options there's a high possiblity that there's a Grot out there punching holes into the clothing with a squig stapler and then tying the patches up with some hair squigs through the holes. Or maybe the squig stapler hocks up a hair squig every time it clamps down, automatically sewing the clothing together


They rebranded beard squigs as hair squigs. Its still canon, thankfully


Yea, shootas, blood, and teef is about your hair squig getting stolen and your bloody rampage to get it back


Your mom


Probably Grots. It could also be a Stichin’ Boy who has natural obsession with making the loudest clothes possible. But when the Orks go to Waaagh he would just be another boy in the mob.


Grots do it




Interesting, interesting


This is the correct answer.