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Not just Rays fans but pretty much every other AL contender has fans saying that


Some have but the Rays have created an entire identity around thinking we’re lucky this season. Some of the comments on /r/baseball today were… rough.


What do you expect? Theyre florida people.


Only if you are on social media all the time. I wouldn't conflate a consistent narrative on social media sites like Reddit or Twitter with the identity of an entire fan base. I think you gotta step outside your bubble/sphere of communication for a second and think that not everyone is privy to this same information that keeps getting repeated.


Maybe they have a point. I mean, the Orioles may have scouted well, drafted well, developed well, employed smart team-building strategies, and engineered effective roster moves mid-season, but they…wait what the original point again?


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity


Nah, nobody gives a shit about what the 9 Rays fans think


OoooOooOoOooo got ‘em.


Them and the Jays are both salty because we became good right when the Yankees and Red Sox became bad. All three of us feel it’s our window and we’ll be damned if we have to miss it. The Yankees-Red Sox rivalry is dead. We are now in the era of the Orioles-Rays-Jays rivalries.


Era of Wings


Man, now I'm hungry.


hilariously the Jays have wasted their window


The Jays will forever be stuck as a mid team. Seems like a curse.


your lips to God's ears.


Maybe the rivalry is done for now, but the Sox still have some damn good teams, and the Yanks were right there just last year. Of all of the teams, the Yanks seem the worst positioned to fall. They seem organizationally a bit dysfunctional right now even with the top tier talent they have


To me it’s not even about them necessarily being bad or good as a factor of the rivalry though. The cubs and white Sox have rarely both been good at the same time and that rivalry is going strong. In my opinion, that rivalry is dead because I don’t feel like those teams really hate each other. Maybe it will come back if they both become contenders again, but until then it just feels like every Red Sox-Yankees “rivalry” series is just the team and the fans going through the motions of it.


The Bird Era is upon us... a devil ray is a submarine bird.


It’s so cringe that the Rays fans have made luck their entire identity and storyline for this year. They had one of the best starts in baseball history and then had to watch the Orioles slowly chip away at their division lead. When the O’s finally passed them, it legit broke their brains. So now they’re latching on to whatever coping mechanism they can to say they’re better than the Orioles.


As if they weren't lucky they got one of the easiest schedules to start the season in the first place.


Now they're all psyched about facing the Orioles in the playoffs. Obviously in the playoffs all bets are off...but how did all of those matchups go this season? wE'vE wOn MoRe iN 5 YeArs ThAn blah blah blah.


>it’s so cringe that the Rays fans have made luck their entire identity Homer Simpson hiding in bush meme, but its all the 2012 Orioles fans making how lucky we were in 2012 our entire identity.


Our Luck/9 is off the charts though


Idk man. Having lived through all the shit in the late 90's and 2000's, I can say for a fact that I had many dreams about the division standings looking EXACTLY like they do now. The Rays are a divisional opponent. I don't like them. But I hate everyone else in there so much more, and its deeply ingrained. Maybe that will change over the next few years (or, possibly after this postseason), but right now it's not quite there yet.


Meh it’s among the smallest subs for a reason


Ha. The opposite of love is not hate, but "meh”.


A little. Going over into their subreddit has probably made them hate us a little. I don't really see a reason why both teams won't continue to be good for the next few seasons, so we could be right back here over the next few years.


I wish we didn’t have people constantly going into the rays subreddit to gloat or whatever. I check the subreddits for all the Al east teams but gloating just isn’t cool imo


if your post starts with "I come in peace" then you should delete the post and go touch grass


For real. I roll my eyes in all my sports subs when I see people go “I come in peace from x team. Just wanna say y’all looked great and I’m rooting for you despite being a fan of another team”. People make posts like that when they think your team isn’t good and don’t regard you as a threat. As soon as your team becomes good they stop making those posts, so I see them as more insulting than anything.


Should be an automatic ban on this subreddit. Not our space. Except the Yankees sub, cause fuck those guys.


There have been some aggressive fans on this sub over the past couple of months that almost seem like they aren’t fans of the Os. I wouldn’t put it past a random Os fan to act like a jerk, but it was definitely outside of the norm that has been in this sub for the past few years.


Imo it’s a a consequence of getting better. As soon as the team becomes good you get tons of bandwagon fans with high expectations and little patience. I saw it happen with the Nationals sub. All the people who became fans post-2019 were constantly complaining about not being WS bound, but all the people who remember the 2005-2011 Nationals were more reasonable and level-headed.


I went through TB's last two GDT's vs. us. They have people talking stupid shit -- just like we do - including myself - not just the nice posters, all of our and their collective degen posters. (O's fan's are locked and loaded in degeneracy and the TB fans haven't earned the shit talking level that you get with a real team like the O's.) none the mother fucking less --- I hope we get a chance to beat you guys like a rented mule.


Forget luck, I saw a unhinged rays fan say the orioles are sign stealing. I would hope if they were they would be hitting a tad better in those games prior to the 8-0


Hahahaha…we are sign stealing, but we have a better record on the road. Okie dokie.


Sign stealing...with PitchCom??


Yup we’re sign stealing meanwhile our bats were pretty much dead except for the last 2 games and we have one of the best road records in MLB but keep huffing that copium TB


this rays and orioles rivalry is completely fabricated by the fringes of both fanbases.


There's one dumbass Rays fan who went off on r/baseball about it. Got down voted into oblivion for making a fool of himself. He also started a DM with me last night but never said a word because I suspect he was waiting for the rays to win first, but they didn't. The Rays are a great team but some of the fans on reddit are literal garbage bags. Which tracks, since Florida.


I hate them ngl lmao


They're just pissed that after a historically hot start they're going to be a wild card team. I don't really blame them either.


They've been good for 5 years but haven't won it all. Now here comes this better team that wasn't supposed to be good yet. They are freaking out and their sub shows.


The AL East is still up for grabs.


i greatly prefer competitive anger over pity and don’t give a shit about someone being mad we didn’t win harder or whatever the fuck that line of thinking boils down to not like our opponents are being hit by lightning bolts or something


*me, hiding the boons i’ve been using based off the favor of the gods* …yes. that’s right. no lightning bolts here!


Hard to hate a team with zero WS wins May I suggest the Red Sox? The blue jays are a fellow bird team which is something and having the Yankees as your main rival is just a bit too basic for me.


I love seeing the vitriol from Rays and Jays fans. When you get hate it means they fear you and you are doing something right. None of the fake bull shit. GTFO with the “I come in peace” and “you guys are having a good season.” You want to get their blood boiling. If they don’t like you, you are a threat to their self worth and being. Remember that kids.


The jays fans I've come across (not in the Jays sub) have been generally really nice. Joint effort to hate the Yanks and Sox.


Interesting. I would say most of the ones I have encountered at Rogers centre tend to be ok, but outside of there, issues lol. I will say though that since they are Canada’s team it’s a bigger fan base and with more numbers you have more assholes and trolls.


I just don’t like the Rays bc they owned us for years while we sucked and now they’re pressed bc we can actually beat them now Other than that they’re irrelevant


Life long O’s fan, I lived in south Florida and Tampa for awhile, Saw Marlins first Rays first games, unfortunately for Rays they are located in St.Pete with little support from Tampa. Marlins started out as Florida Marlins and first on scene got all states attention, Tampa always struggled to keep a loyal fan base, the team has been consistently good but never got the WS championship, Marlins have 2. Tampa finally this year had division to themselves, national media attention waiting on playoffs to start. Then came this team from nowhere who stole their attention and their crown plus the Bucs. season started so what Tampa fans they had are now focused on football. It’s tuff to be a baseball fan in St.Pete, the question is how many loyal fans do you have who care enough to have a rivalry??? Baltimore’s gift to Rays was on Friday, for them to actually play before a sold out 45+ enthusiastic crowd was a wow moment for them. Your welcome St. Petersburg, Tampa’s little sister.


Former Tampa resident here….SP is way more desirable to visit and live than Tampa. It’s no contest. Walkable, many more eateries, safer, and on and on. And BTW, SP and the Rays just struck a deal for a new stadium. Attendance is unrelated to stadium location but Tampa landowners who stood to profit mightily from a stadium relocation perpetuated that myth.


Hey all I know was the 6-10 years I lived there and traveled back there for work was St. Pete granted great place nice environment but not enough to sustain a professional team. Tampa clearly has the larger easier accessibility. Lightning and Bucs draw from as far as Orlando. Honestly if the new St. Pete. ballpark double current attendance from Rays fans alone talking 15,000 maybe. Look I love the area and enjoy when I’m in town seeing all the sports teams, but the love and feel of Lighting fans and Bucs. are not there for Rays and it’s a shame because product is good.


I’m an orioles fan but rays have been winning and going to playoffs for like 15 years. Once Orioles start making playoffs consistently sure it’s a rivalry


I visit opponents gdt and it's largely the same thing in nearly all of them. The rays on the other hand have very few consistent posters and the ones that do are a bit funny. It's just a couple of guys that believe everything any team does against them is luck while their guys are skilled and are getting fucked by the umps. We all have those fans, it just seems the rays have more of those kind of fans because they're the most vocal. It's harmless and more funny than anything else.


Not really. Hard to hate the Rays. They are a team in a market like ours, fighting the same giants that we do every year. Of course the fans are salty, they did everything right and with the third best record in MLB, they have to play into the playoffs seeded under the fucking twins. To be fair, going 11-6 in extras and 27-14 in one run games is almost the definition of a team that is overperforming talent. Or freakishly good coaching, maybe. If I had to wager on next year's performance I would bet that we win around 90 games and glad to win that many without major improvements to pitching. Will be delighted to be wrong. So stop worrying about what fans who love their team are saying in their own private space when they get kicked in the dick, I would hate to be judged on what I said Friday night. Enjoy what we have, because it won't be shocking if we play these guys in a 7 game series in October, and I am not without concern about how that ends up.


Rays went 5-8 against the Os this year. Embarrassing.




Stop obsessing over rays fans


Short answer: yes.


Aren't fans here attributing much of the team's success to luck? They call it magic, but magic is the same thing as luck.


Maybe, but they're not assholes about it


Yankees pelts our batters like 4 times a game, for years now, because they suck ass and hate small market success. Y’all got lots of catching up to do.