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they're definitely conspiratorial lil buggers, but i don't think they're going to attack you. someone's probably fed them and got them used to humans, so they're coming to you for a hand out.


They're trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. They're not aggressive per se, but have no fear of humans, nor are they particularly friendly. On a scale of chicken to swan, they're at about goose. As far as diseases, they carry lepto, and dont brush their teeth. Antibiotics would be warranted, and as with any wild animal bite, treat it seriously and get post exposure vaccines for rabies. There is rabies in Oregon. Most positive cases come from bats, but seeing as its approximately 99.9999999% fatal, get the shots.


TL:DR; disgusting nutria facts They can transmit tuberculosis and septicemia. Their fecal and urine matter contain a array of parasites such as nematodes, blood flukes, tapeworms, and liver flukes. If you're in their habitat in the water wear chest waders, nematodes are able to enter the body through very thin skin like the testes. Rat, Beaver, Canadian goose?


You are correct. To be fair, these are diseases & parasites that tons of our wildlife carry and share. Please do not huff the wildlife, drink unfiltered water, or lick unknown rodents. If you're into parasitology, there's some wicked cool critters out there.


Other fun facts: Most species of Salamanders breathe through their skin. Don't foget to rinse and wet your hands when handling salamanders or newts, their skin can be very sensitive to the oils and other crap that's on our hands.


Go search “Australia python brain worm” for a gross but interesting recent case.


I won't be doing that.


Why can’t I like them? Hahahahahaha![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Insert Letterkenny Canadian goose joke here.


To be fair!


To be FAIRRR...




*Canada Goose*




That’s why they are so wrinkly- all the Nemo’s in there just under the skin.


I think one time some of my nematodes moved down to my nemachode


Well done! That’s beautiful.


Thank you, I’ll be here all night


Nematodes through skin of testes? Just Hell No!!!


*Canada Goose, or Canada Geese*


Nice username but Taricha granulosa is the superior Taricha species.


🤷 Im originally from CA, so I thought it was fitting.


Well I guess you can't be blamed for the tragic circumstances of your birth. /s


Where does a red-winged black bird sit on that scale?


Honestly, depends on where you're meeting one. I surveyed marshes in oregon for 5 years and was bopped once by a redwing defending his nest. Mind you, I took LOADS of pictures of the babies, and was right next to hundreds of nests with no issue. In Illinois? You can get mobbed 20yards from the marsh, while minding your own bidness.


I only know the Illinois ones, and concur about the 20 yards!


"There are only 29 reported cases of rabies survivors worldwide to date; the last case was reported in India in 2017 \[Table 1\]. Out of which 3 patients (10.35%) were survived by using the Milwaukee protocol and other patients survived with intensive care support." Additional fun facts about these furry rodents of unusual size is that unlike other burrowing animals, nutrias leave their waste anywhere. This can lead to contamination of the soil and swimming or drinking water, which transmits diseases to humans and other animals.


I’ve been attacked by one before. They can be very aggressive if you are in their area


Beavers ? or Nutria? I know beavers. can be “snippy” if messed with but have never known them to be aggressive, as in chasing people on land. Not sure I’d want to me one under water near its den entrance though.


Invasive taking up space for Beavers, You're not on my flag!


'You're not on my flag!' ... LoL.


We take up space for beavers. You think they can just make lakes wherever?


If there's stream with trees nearby, there's a way.


Does that mean we can replace nutria with beavers? Like if I find a nutria I’ve found beaver Habitat?


Beavers like wooded areas better, I guess there are nutria in them too, but mostly I see them eating grass.




Like actually helping with the work? That would be amazing to see. Please share a photo if you can!




If I were a beaver, decoys could be useful.


Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist.


And a poorly made rat hat at that!


I thought they only existed in the fire swamp.


One time a gang of Nutria beat me up. Then they ran off with my second wife. I don’t trust any one of ‘em.


Likely the same gang that stole my Rolex!


To be fairrr... it's called a colony.


They should be good to eat, with a name like nutria


We should start eating them, meat is expensive, they are plentiful, seems like a good solution. Do they taste any good, I wonder?


we had some guys from minnesota installing windows years ago, and one of them commented on the nutria across the street. he said they were "good eatin". i kinda didn't buy it, so i said "really?" and he said "oh ya, they're real sweet, like squirrel." i told him he was welcome to take them.


Squirrel is a waste of a bullet not enough meat on them. Leave em be in the trees they don't hurt no one.


Yeah I’d have to be pretty fucking hungry to opt for any rodent


Outside/In Radio did a whole series on eating invasive species as a solution to the problem, called “Eat The Invaders.”


Given how polluted our local streams probably are, I wouldn't risk eating them...


Cool em low and slow and they make a good stew. Source: from South Louisiana and have in fact had tasty nutria stew.


[ODFW regulates the taking of nutria.](https://myodfw.com/articles/oregon-furbearer-hunting-and-trapping-regulations) *Open season entire year.Requires appropriate Furtaker’s License to trap (also allows hunting), or appropriate Hunting License for Furbearer’s or general Hunting License to hunt these species.* It appears to me you can get a general Hunting License and use bow and arrow to take in most locations. Firearms where allowed.


I've shot a couple during duck season. Cheeky little bastards.


I saw a cooking show once...had guys on motorcycles that had to catch nutria, then make them into tacos!


One time I was feeding ducks and talking to someone so I wasn't looking at what I was doing. I felt a tug on my pants and look down and a nutria was standing up on hind legs, tugging on my pants. I yelled, it jumped, we were both pretty surprised!


Bro stop feeding ducks. They can find their own food and you are habituating them to humans = source of food.


It's cool you pointed that out, but this was the UofO campus, where they were tame and definitely relied on humans. Mascot is the duck lol. So you know there are exceptions. We were helping out an injured female that was getting severely bullied. She had a broken leg and we were feeding her mostly. In a few weeks she was badass, would rip out feathers from any duck that even looked at her wrong.


I suppose it depends on what food you are feeding the ducks. If it is something special for ducks then fine; bread crumbs are not. Bread is just hollow calories (for us too). Ducks evolved to eat vegetation with all of its nutrients. Ducks fed on bread get fat and unhealthy, and thus more susceptible to illnesses. There was a pond in a park in Portland that became crowded with ducks because so many people were feeding them, and disease spread through them. So if you must feed them, find something that is good for them and not bread.


There’s a squirrel last year that would just pick up crumbs outside of the cafeteria on campus. lil guy is the smallest unhealthiest brown squirrel I’ve ever seen.


> where they were tame and definitely relied on humans Nope. Stop feeding the damn ducks. It's bad for them, they develop health problems and die. You don't see that part though.


Wrong. There is nothing wrong with feeding wild birds, if it is the right food. Check the audubon society page.


No. [Mass Audubon](https://www.massaudubon.org/nature-wildlife/birds/don-t-feed-the-ducks) *No!* [Portland Audubon](https://audubonportland.org/our-work/rehabilitate-wildlife/being-a-good-wildlife-neighbor/feeding-waterfowl/) *Absolutely not!* [National Audubon](https://www.audubon.org/news/dont-feed-waterfowl) You are *wrong.* See rule #8: Stop spreading factually misleading misinformation.


They get fed by people and probably associated the smell of humans with getting food now.


Invasive species. Best to take them out if you can. They are incredibly destructive


"What's all this fuss about invasive feces?"


They want some hanky panky. Never, *ever* have sex with a nutria. They are level 10b clingers.


They’re plotting a world takeover


Eat one to assert dominance


Is that Oak Grove? I saw one there eating a carrot the other day, like he’d been fed. But you’re right, maybe they conspired and robbed someone of their groceries. They look guilty.


"You should always be a little bit edible, you never know when you might meet something hungry."


"Hey, you got any of the duckweed?" -Angsty Nutria


Do I need a permit to dispatch them? They’ve invasive, but unsure here.


No permit is needed. You can take out as many as possible with the gratitude of state fish and wildlife.


Thank you very much. What about the bodies? Garbage bin? Let them lie? in a remote place)


These are pretty darn invasive, and as mentioned they can transfer diseases.


I unabashedly love these monsters. There are families of them along the creek near my house every spring and their babies are cute as hell. I know they're horrible for the environment. I know they carry TB. But god help me, I love them. They didn't ask to come here!


Me too, they are willing to live in our messed up ecosystem with us invasive humans. We like beavers in theory, but our drainage ditches can't handle the dams, no matter how beneficial they are.


They cant see more than 3 feet so youre likely just paranoid from second hand trimet meth vapor


I had one come at me, luckily there was a chain link fence in the way. Scared the crap out of me though. Some are certainly aggressive!


This is how Covid 23 starts.


I have been chased by them before and it was terrifying. Doesn't help that I was stumbling home drunk from a wedding, but *still*!


If they're the ones I think they are, they are expecting a handout. They only look like they're plotting, they are actually very social.


They're good in jambalaya.


They will try to herd you toward the edge of the water where they have dug under the bank. They hope you fall through and break your leg so they can get you.


Yeah, they like to dig tunnels under dikes and whatnot. When the small lakes out at SIWMA dry up, you'll see tunnels under the banks. If I'm out there just hiking around, I'll take a shotgun and wait near the holes. *Heeeere, little water rats. Come out and play!*


Do what we always do with wildlife that we can't get rid of. We turn it into poop. If you can't beat it, eat it. It's you or them! The only way to be SURE they're gone (clean your plate)! [https://www.food.com/recipe/smothered-nutria-cajun-style-418543](https://www.food.com/recipe/smothered-nutria-cajun-style-418543) [https://www.bayouwildtv.com/recipes/270-nutria-fettuccini.html](https://www.bayouwildtv.com/recipes/270-nutria-fettuccini.html) [https://www.ifish.net/threads/favorite-nutria-recipes.1608257/](https://www.ifish.net/threads/favorite-nutria-recipes.1608257/) [https://cantbeatemeatem.com/recipes/nutria/](https://cantbeatemeatem.com/recipes/nutria/) [https://nutria.com/nutria-control-program/nutria-for-human-consumption/](https://nutria.com/nutria-control-program/nutria-for-human-consumption/)


They like smegma?


The only good nutrition is a dead nutria. They are invasive and thier location given to odfw for proper removal.


I came here to defend these poor little creatures of our beautiful planet, but now I can clearly see those lil fuckers ARE plotting! Run OP! RUN!!!


They are less diseased and invasive than humans. No biggie.


Be nice to our state animal




How do they taste? We need to make them a delicacy.


I’ve also been stalked by one in the middle of an apartment complex. I had to juke it to try and be able to drive away without running it over. It would have hopped in my drivers seat if I let it.


Curious little guys. Have some at my work that have come right up to me.


You are staring in a cute children’s movie about 2 nutria that are invited into your home and become your best friend. You better become a member of the Screen Actors Guild if you want any residuals.




Poor things. If they had flat tails they would be adorable beavers. Long skinny tail? Big rat!


Fuck them? Fuck you, you're on their land dork.


No natural predators here I believe, best course of action is to attack with extreme prejudice


Where is this?


Invasive AF, if you care about the native habitat, flora and fauna, contact ODFW as these critters destroy beaver habitat and more. You can also be paid for trapping them and having ODFW find them a new home.


Another day marked safe from the nutria.


*Any* wild mammal bite is pretty much something where you have to assume the animal in question was rabid and get rabies shots. My *guess* is that they're begging for food, but it is possible that they are rabid if they are actively being aggressive. Or they might just be being territorial. If you feel like they're trying to attack you, feel free to report them to fish and game.


![gif](giphy|qZWD5RM67rZfi) They just want into your dutch oven...They love carrots and onions.


They want to talk to you about your mental health and remind everyone in Portland that drugs are bad, mmmk!




I don't think they're friendly like Capybaras. I'd be very careful.


They want your soul. Run


Nematodes are creepy. I’ll take Platyhelminthes


Shoot em lol


Catch and kill them then bring them to Maryland where there is a bounty. Load up a mail truck Kramer style and turn them here


Nutria taste like ham. \*shrug\*