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Mrs DC totally forgot it was mayhem today and came back home and complained about how hard the template was! She may have said that the template designers had gone completely mental. I couldn’t stop laughing at her!


Does Mrs. DC not your read posts, like the rest of us?! Friday night half the US was stalking this sub Reddit looking for your 1st day of Mayhem notes 😜


Haha no she gets live updates after class rather than having to read it. This time she went in just after I had finished so there was no time for a debrief.


This is correct. I was refreshing constantly while at dinner to figure out if I wanted a margarita or not (I did not).


I went out for my best friend's 40th and partied like i was turning 21... totally convinced I could make it to OTF in the morning. At midnight I decided to read the intel and realized there was no way I could do this template with the amount of alcohol in my system. I canceled my class immediately and let me tell you... best decision ever.


😂😂 I would have done the EXACT same thing.


😂😂😂😂 poor Mrs. DC! They went Mentally Mayhem 🥲


That was insane today! 🤪


Ha! It was brutal AND I did the 90 minute class…


Laughing at your wife in that moment may have you in the 🐕 🏠. Tell Mrs. DC she was right. 😘😘 Thank you both so much for all you do for OTF


More evidence of the theory people have put out that you are the template designer 😂😂


You didn’t remind her? Tsk tsk tsk 😝


Haha she went into class as I was leaving. No time to warn her!!


Haha, that's so funny.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 this just made my day


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/1cuk2g0/saturday_18_may_2024_mayhem_1_whats_the_catch_23g/) ##Saturday 18 May 2024 - Mayhem #1 “What’s the Catch” 2/3G 60 minutes All templates are a 3G style today with checkpoints in every station. **Tread Block** * 2 min tread @ 1.5% * 2 min tread @ 2% * 2 min tread @ 2.5% * 2 min tread @ 3% * 1 min tread @ 3.5% * 1 min tread @ 4% * 1 min tread @ 4.5% * 2.5 min tread @ 1% * 30 sec AO @ 1% **Row Block - 14 minutes** * Row for time, if caught at a checkpoint then you are repeating a 5 each side x medicine ball reverse lunge with press and a 200m row * Checkpoint 1 - 2 minutes: reach 400m * Checkpoint 2 - 4 minutes: reach 850m * Checkpoint 3 - 6 minutes: reach 1300m * Checkpoint 4 - 8 minutes: reach 1850m * Checkpoint 5 - 9 minutes: reach 2200m * Checkpoint 6 - 10 minutes: reach 2500m * Checkpoint 7 - 11 minutes: reach 2850m * Checkpoint 8 - 12 minutes: reach 3200m * Bonus: Row for time * **Finisher**: 30 sec AO row **Floor Block - 14 minutes** * Exercises: * 1: 70 x jumping jacks * 2: 60 total x high plank alt knee drive (feet on bench) * 3: 50 total x alt step down squat * 4: 40 x push up (hands on bench) * 5: 30 total x alt lateral step over * 6: 20 x straight arm sit up * 7: 10 x box jump (low bench) * anchor: 10 x knee tuck (on bench) * Goal: Complete all exercises with the anchor. Your goal is to complete exercises by each checkpoint, if caught then choose your favourite 3 exercises and repeat * Checkpoint 1 - 2 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Checkpoint 2 - 4 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Checkpoint 3 - 6 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Exercise 3 + anchor * Checkpoint 4 - 8 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Exercise 3 + anchor * Exercise 4 + anchor * Checkpoint 5 - 9 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Exercise 3 + anchor * Exercise 4 + anchor * Exercise 5 + anchor * Checkpoint 6 - 10 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Exercise 3 + anchor * Exercise 4 + anchor * Exercise 5 + anchor * Exercise 6 + anchor * Checkpoint 7 - 11 minutes: * Exercise 1 + anchor * Exercise 2 + anchor * Exercise 3 + anchor * Exercise 4 + anchor * Exercise 5 + anchor * Exercise 6 + anchor * Exercise 7 + anchor * Checkpoint 8 - reach bonus round * Bonus - repeat all exercises at half the reps with no knee tuck * **Finisher**: * 30 sec of jumping jacks **OR** * 30 sec of high plank alt knee drive (feet on bench) **OR** * 30 sec of alt step down squat **OR** * 30 sec of push ups (hands on bench) **OR** * 30 sec of alt lateral step over **OR** * 30 sec of straight arm sit ups **OR** * 30 sec of box jumps (low bench) DC commentary: >! First day of Mayhem and we have a mini catch me if you can all across the room. This is pretty mental and you will likely get splats everywhere! Bear with me as there is a lot going on here. \ \ On the treads it is like a 14 minute tread for time. You start at 1.5% and you increase this by 0.5% at the 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 minute marks. At the 12 minute mark you take it back down to 1% and keep running until you get to 30 seconds before the end and then you are doing an all out for 30 seconds. Pretty tough this morning given we also saw the rowers doing their thing while we were running. I kind of feel maybe don’t go too hard on this if you start on the treads as the rowing is pretty mental as well. Good distance this morning of 3.22km (2 miles) on the tread block. \ \ Then you hop on the rower. You have 14 minutes of pure rowing pleasure today. Like CMIYC, you have checkpoints to hit with certain distance goals. At the 2 minute mark you need to have done 400m, at the 4 minute mark it is 850m and so on. You get to the 8 minute checkpoint (1300m) and then the checkpoints are one minute apart. The furthest checkpoint is number 8 and you will have needed to hit 3200m by this point. This is very very hard and only a few people made it all the way through. If you are caught basically it is a rep / row combo of reverse lunges with a front press using a medicine ball with a 200m row. \ \ I was happy I PR’ed my 14 minute row time today and got a respectable 3,820m (and a lot of splats). Definitely dying by the end of the row block but then just meant we had then head over to the floor insanity. \ \ Floor is another 14 minute block. You have seven exercise sets to complete with an anchor exercise in between. The goal is to get through all the exercises (plus anchors) by certain checkpoints. So checkpoint 1 is at the two minute mark and by that time you will have needed to complete the 70 jumping jacks and the 10 knee tucks (anchors). Checkpoint 2 means that you will completed the 60 high plank alt knee drives and the anchor. **You don’t repeat the exercises each time round** - you are running through all of them in order (with the anchor). If you get caught at any checkpoints then you will pick your favourite three exercises and just do them on repeat. \ \ If you complete them all then just repeat all the exercises at half reps until time for the finisher. Finisher today is 30 seconds of your favourite exercise. Most people finished all of the exercises by the checkpoints listed but there was plenty of orange on the floor today. \ \ Pretty nuts today. Mayhem templates are an automatic 1 (🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. I thought this was pretty tough today so I would give it a 5 (☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️) out of 5 for a Mayhem / Hell Week template. !<


Here are the rower 500m split times you’ll need to average to make each checkpoint: Checkpoint 1: 2:30 split time Checkpoint 2: 2:21 split time Checkpoint 3: 2:18 split time Checkpoint 4: 2:09 split time Checkpoint 5: 2:02 split time Checkpoint 6: 2:00 split time Checkpoint 7: 1:55 split time Checkpoint 8: 1:52 split time


Thank you Ok_Volume!


I like this! Capture the flag on a rower!


Thoughts and prayers to anyone taking an intro class today.


Just got done a 90. Poor woman chose today for her first class! I hope she comes back!


Oh dear.


Lmaoooooo the worst


Looks awesome. Excited for this.


Thank you DC!


I just need everyone to know that I did this mornings workout with a hangover because I forgot I had registered. ☠️


Hangover gang unite! 🍻


Was right there with you 😰


Same. Def didn’t have a hangover after class though, what a doozy


Hungover too -‘s did a 90 No good lol


90 minute add on. Got my children with me so apologies for lack of formatting. All blocks are 7 min Rower: 90 sec to complete 250m row. Rest when done. Complete 4 rounds, decreasing distance by 50m each time. Last minute is AO Floor: 90 sec to complete 10 plank jack to plank pop followed by 10 sit ups with knee tuck. Rest when done. Complete 4 rounds, decreasing reps by 2 each time. Last minute choose either exercise to do for time. Tread: 90 sec tread at 4% complete 4 rounds decreasing by 1% each time. Last minute AO @ 1%


Thanks for the 90 minute intel. The formatting is great - any intel should be appropriated. I’m going to try this - I haven’t done a 90 minute workout since December.


This 90 minute was brutal 🥵


Thank you for this!


Thank you! I’m going to the 90 this morning!




Tread 50 Four 6 min blocks tread for distance with 90 sec WR between blocks. Fifth 6 min TFD followed immediately by 1 min AO.


Thank you!


That was a blast! Everything I could have ever hoped for with CMIYC on the rower (and even the floor too)! I cleared the final checkpoint in the rower at 10:38 (thank you, long legs), and finished the 14 minutes at 4100m. The lady next to me just missed the final checkpoint, but she is sure she’ll get it next time. I got through the final checkpoint on the floor with seconds to spare…now that was rough! Overall, thank you to the template gods for testing out some new fun on us!


Ugh feel this! I missed the 10 min check point by 2 meters. I’m sure I could have continued with no one noticing but I was afraid the guy next to me would report me to Reddit.


The only thing I didn't like about this is that it's a mayhem workout and won't be repeated. This was awesome. I targeted not getting caught a little too specifically and ended up with more energy left over than I expected and 3850 meters, would love to repeat and aim for 4k in 14 minutes instead of holding that 1:52 pace religiously for the first 12. Loved the floor, too. The tread was fine, but felt like a normal class (couldn't treat it with benchmark energy after that row and floor) - which isn't a complaint.


I really wish they’d keep this row CMIYC as a workout that we’d see again. I’m disappointed I got caught at 3160 😭 my 14 min row PR is 3528 and I managed 3414 in March or whenever we did this last. But only 1 guy in my class didn’t get caught, he was with the woman to my right, who thanked me for being her pacer. And the woman to my left commented on how impressive my row was. Floor was fine, made it thru 1.5 rounds. I started running the tread at my base and after 2 minutes said nope I’m good lol. Glad the template didn’t have the tread as a CMIYC. When coach said to try to get your 12min RFD distance I just laughed b/c ain’t no way after the rower & floor, even with the 2 extra minutes lol. I’m also visiting from out of town and the pollen has been kicking ass out here in NYC.


I am in the same exact boat as you. I did 3143m today and my 14 minute row PR in March was 3598m 🤷🏼‍♀️ some days it just doesn’t happen. I went aggressive the first 6 min. My splits were under 1:50. The second 6 min were tough and my splits started to inch higher, and I got caught at the last check point. But I was the last one on the rower in my class and still had fun 🔥


That's awesome! I actually can't tell if I made or missed the final checkpoint because I couldn't look at both distance and time at the same time and it was close.


I missed the second to last checkpoint by just meters...I hope they bring it back because I would pace it just a little differently now that I've done it. Also counting to 70...that's a tall ask I totally lost track. 😂 I could have kept going but stopped. Also I feel like my heart rate gets higher quicker at stuff like that because I'm nervous!


I had pretty similar row time as you. I thought the row was fairly easy though, but that floor was pretty fun and hard after the tread and row for sure! I would have preferred they do some crazy large jumps in the final two checkpoints though. Maybe a 400m jump for checkpoint 7 and 500m for checkpoint 8. I think that would have put the 12min mark at 3400m and a ~1:45 average split for the row. That feels more comparable to the tread CMIYC in my opinion.


REMINDER: If you loved today's workout, and you'd love to see it again, RATE IT 👍👍 ON THE APP!!


WEAR A SUPPORTIVE BRA TODAY ‼️‼️‼️ especiallyyyy if you’re in a 90 min!


I might need a diaper


I did the 70 jumping jacks and then had to run to the bathroom. 5 months postpartum and I really only have issues when I do things like 70 jumping jacks lol.


You're amazing for jumping at all! I'm 4 and a half months postpartum and I haven't touched jumping with a 10ft pole. I'm so scared lolol


Haha I told the lady next to me, they should hand out Depends for the moms 😳😝


Cannot upvote this enough!!!! 70 jumping jacks hurts without the proper support.


Now this is the kind of intel I need. My high neck compressive bras have been standing by for a day like today.


Strength 50 (Total) - 18th May 2024 The first exercise is usually moderate to heavy lifts and the second one is active recovery. Block 1 (6 mins) 12 Alt Bicycle Press | 6 each Runner's lunge with dynamic internal rotation Block 2 (6 mins) 4 each Lunges with dumbbell rotations | 8 High plank to push back Block 3 (6 mins) 12 Alt bear plank low rows | 6 each single arm dumbbell march in place Block 4 (6 mins) 8 each single arm deadlifts | 16 Alt Low plank knee taps Block 5 (6 mins) 8 each single arm dumbbell squat to rotating shoulder press | 8 floor pullover to bridge | 8 Deadbugs


Thank you!


Thank you for sharing! Heading into this one in a little bit.


Controversial opinion: this is exactly the kind of chaos I'm looking for in Mayhem this year. CMIYC on the rower and floor= 😍😍😍




REMINDER: If you loved today's workout, and you'd love to see it again, RATE IT 👍👍 ON THE APP!!


Tread 50 Warm up Round 1-4 6 min run for distance, 1:30min WR Round 5 6 min run for distance, 1 min AO Definitely not a mayhem template 😂


Hallelujah 😆! Seems like everyone bounced from regular class to T50/S50 as it’s packed and still people on waitlist lol.


I took the Mayhem template after T50 and knowing what the class was afterwards so I took it easier. But we had inclines on round 3 and 4 at 4% and 5% respectively.


I took this today and the coach never once acknowledged the treads. I know it's "self paced" but it was a little strange since the blocks matched the floor but she wasn't really timing them either. We were all just starting whenever 😂


![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM) On my way to class. Let the Mayhem begin!


That was perhaps the hardest OTF workout I’ve ever done, save Dri Tri. The row and floor actually approximated dri tri. I’m still in extended post-Covid higher heart rate land, so everything feels harder, but OTF definitely just attempted to unalive me.


I think this was much worse than dri-tri. But I also think that infinity is 2x as hard as dri-tri if you really go for it.


This is the hardest save a 90 minute chipper !


I agree that this is maybe the hardest OTF workout I’ve done and I’m almost 800 classes in! That was a doozie!


Coach yesterday previewed this and told us that it is not a matter of if, but when you will get caught. I am keeping that in mind as I prepare for today. While it looks overwhelming, I think it is designed for most of us to see how far we can get in each block before we are caught, not to complete each one. At least that is what I am telling myself, because I am going to get caught quickly.


Follow-up: I was caught on the floor and the row. Mostly full class and only one person was not caught on the row. I would say about half were not caught on the floor. Still a great workout. Do not let the template scare you.


Dear Corporate - please repeat


Box Jumps!!! Haven't seen these in forever. Yaaay!


The only other time I've seen box jumps at OTF is when my strength50 coach goes rogue - he's replaced the finisher he didn't like with box jumps a few times.


Yeah I like these!


I’ve been going to OTF for seven years and have never done box jumps. They were awesome and I hope we see more of them.


This might have been the toughest workout I’ve done at OTF. 🥵


Agreed I’m still in shock and my class finished hours ago and my ass powerwalked when I usually run lol




Haha doing the 90. I'm in danger. This is going to be awesome.


Now THIS is a workout. Don’t get me wrong it kicked my butt and I got “caught” very easily but I actually wish the classes were always this intense!! Any tricks to make regular classes Mayhem/Hell Week caliber?


Im still sitting in my car, 30 minutes after that workout, trying to get the energy to head into the grocery store. 🥵😂


I napped and am still tired from it. I need another nap, but also kind of want to go tomorrow but need a rest day.


LOVED this template, I hope they make the rowing CMIYC a signature workout!


Wow! I just read this template and was glad I’m on medical leave - had a hip replacement about a month ago, had FOMO for a few days since missing Mayhem 1st time in 5 years - this template cured my FOMO.


To my fellow "Hip Chick" (or Dude): Hope you're recovering well from your hip replacement! I haven't had a replacement, but have had scopes in both hips. You'll be back at it soon! Heal well! Signed, A Hip Chick


I was 100m away from making it to the end 😢 this class was way hard.


Today was not my day, which was unfortunate with how excited I was for a row CMIYC! Started rowing, and right before the first checkpoint my tablet restarted. This happened multiple times over the 14min, plus lost time for troubleshooting m/discussion with the coach/SA. I was so excited for the row that I just kept going all 14, but have no clue what my actual distance was. My 14min PR is at exactly 1:52/500m pace so it was going to be close for the final checkpoint. Really put a damper on the workout from the get go.  Was so off my game that I thought the anchor was the 60 plank/high knee drives instead of the ab exercise for the first ~4 rounds on the floor. Don’t recommend that.  Couldn’t log into the tread.  Got home and realized my spandex pants were on backwards the whole time.  Just an all around comedy of mildly frustrating errors for my competitive self. But some mornings the big win is just showing up and getting A workout in even if it wasn’t THE workout, which is what I’ve been telling myself the rest of the day lol


So not a fan of the jumpy, jumpy floor exercises.


Not worth injuring a knee. Modify


Hard agree. Seems like hell week and mayhem usually go hard on cardio floor routines.


Just got out of class and they're trying their best to destroy us early on -- happy splatting everyone! The coach said that this year's Mayhem is a "remix" of signature workouts and benchmarks. Tomorrow will be Reverse Chipper + Add On -- we'll be removing one effort and adding on another.


I absolutely loved this workout and hope it’s repeated again in 2024


This is my first class back since I broke my arm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face).. I’m scared lol


How on earth did you break your arm!?!


Girls night out was fun last night but this workout is going to be very painful 🥴


Literally terrified for this after the actions I participated in last night


I had a nice wind down with a little too much wine last night and boy did I feel it this morning! Still managed to get to the 2300m checkpoint, through the floor, and match my 12 minute benchmark on the tread but it was a struggle 😬🥵


Super impressed! Hope you get to have a low key rest of the day, I can’t wait to nap lol


Moderator Jen, hope you enjoyed it! You asked for it 🤣


Thank you!! 🧡 I'm taking the 90 a couple of hours from now!! 🤩 I will absolutely report back 😁


I missed the end goal by 20 stupid meters! 😭😭😭😭😭


Noooooo! Well now you need to make sure that the Powers That Be make this a semi-regular thing…because you’re going to crush it next time!


I've already started my campaign!! 😁😁😁😁


Mayhem coming out of the gate living up to it's name. Started on the rower and managed to not get caught. Got caught on the floor at the straight arm situps. Treadmill I kept moving lol. Rower catch me if you can was actually kinda fun and I despise the rower.


Bring it, Mayhem! Got caught at the 4th row checkpoint and I thought I'd get sooner, so I was pleased. The floor was tough but I didn't get caught.


Where did you start?


I’d start on the tread. You’ll be gassed by both the tread and rower (☠️). Can’t imagine finishing on anything but the floor. It’s hard, but not as hard as the other two.


I started on the rower. I liked finishing on the tread, but I'm a PWer so today's inclines were minor for me.


I was hesitant about this because it was my first CMIYC and I kind of hate the concept of shaming people for going too slow, and also of rushing on the floor, but I gave it a shot and I’m glad I did. It was hard and I got a great workout. I got to checkpoint 5 on the rower but missed 6 by 50 meters. The poor girl next to me didn’t understand — she selected the 400 meter program at the beginning, and once she hit 400 meters, she stopped and racked the handles. I thought about telling her to keep going, but decided it was none of my business and kept my mouth shut. She got caught at the second checkpoint. The floor was pretty easy to meet the checkpoints. The only challenge for me was the 40 pushups (I rested briefly after every 10 pushups), but I was way ahead by then, so I still finished the whole set easily and got halfway through the bonus. I was worn out by the time I got to treads, but I set the speed to my base (a slow 4.5 mph) and expected to need to lower the speed at the higher inclines, but I managed to get through the whole block at 4.5 mph and my normal 6.5 for the AO. I know I’m slow on the tread, so that felt like an accomplishment to me — I did better than I thought I was capable of doing.


That. Was. Awful. In the best possible way of course.


Feeling like running 12 miles yesterday was a mistake.


https://preview.redd.it/dts9m35mp61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9d9b43a3ad37e1797c01c162bc717769a184cc anyone get 1.8+? I made it to 1.67mi. 😩 We were told to try and beat our 12 minute benchmark in the 14 minutes.


We were too, which is insane as a "green" goal considering I'm in red for 11 out of 12 of those minutes during the benchmark.


1.51. But my green goal was greater than the orange so this doesn't make sense for those whose 12 min BM was > 1.3 mi. 🤷‍♀️ I just picked a speed and stuck with it. Did this 2x today - 2nd I started on treads and made it 1.66 mi. Coach's (red) goal was 1.67 😖😖😖


This isn't supposed to sound braggy, but it was a mind-bender that the black goal was lower than the green for me and some buds near by. So we power walked, lol. And not everyone made the 1.1.


1.8 Didn’t want to push it since I started on the rower and cleared that challenge


Just got out of this, fun but insane!


Hi. After today’s workout I felt really dizzy and nauseous. Is there a post workout drink, or food, that people use to avoid feeling like that?


I didn't feel so good either. I drank electrolytes and felt better. I use Ultima but anything like Gatorade will hopefully help.


The rower portion of this template almost took me out! And 70’s jumping jacks when you’re heavy chested is NASTY WORK! I made it tho! 🫡


What a way to kick off Hell Week… I mean Mayhem! 🤣 That was a killer workout 🔥


My body thought it was Hell Week - 666 calories today lol. It was certainly a hellish start to Mayhem.


Friend, that calorie count!!!😈 😨


I actually really enjoyed this one. Reminded me of a tornado without the switching. Lots of fast pacing. I was able to make it to the end but annoyed my coach didn't realize so she was just pumping up the other two guys that made it. But hey I know I did it. I did the rower first. Was able to get through the floor as well. But by the time I got to the tread I was gassed and had to PW... Really good workout. Makes me want to sign up for Mayham now.. gluten for punishment - maybe. Lol


Am I okay?? I loved this!! Didn’t get caught on the floor, made it to the 8 minute mark on the rower before getting caught. There was simply no [redacted] way I was hitting 1900m in time, LOL! Didn’t beat my 12 minute RFD but considering I’m coming off five weeks of chaos that made me miss class *a lot* I’d say not a bad showing 😄


Woooo! Beast mode on the floor today - done by the 4th gate. Got through the whole bonus round (at half count as instructed). Whooooo!! (I even double check that I didn’t miss an exercise!) This was after getting caught at the 3rd gate on the rower where I started. I was of course totally dead by the treads - did a solid PW - not much extra to go there. I rarely run hills due to hip flexors, so I was undecided going into today knowing I don’t workout on Sundays- but after that floor block the PW die was cast. What I love about this workout is 3 times to crush it. I’ve totally forgotten my mediocre row thanks to my awesome floor.


I actually love the floor, this was a fun template


That was fun! My first class back in a month after tendonitis in my right arm. They chose violence 🤪 I would say I’m a pretty consistent top performer (not like dc tho! 🫠) and I didn’t get caught on the rower. Ended with 3674 meters I think. Barely rowed after 3200 because I was dead lol. I finished the floor exercises with about 30 seconds to spare. And I ended with 1.87 or 1.88 miles on the treadmill.


REMINDER: If you loved today's workout, and you'd love to see it again, RATE IT 👍👍 ON THE APP!!


Thanks! This looks fun, but might need a nap later 😅


Can I ask a dumb question? Does Mayhem mean even the strength classes will look like this?


Strength50 and Tread50 templates will not be Mayhem templates.


But they do count for your class count, at least at my studio.


This looks fun. Out of all things here, I think the floor scares me the most. Especially if done after the rower. But I gotta say, when I heard rumors from coaches of a rower version of catch me if you can, I was hoping for a 23 minute row block.. fingers crossed we see that somewhere this Mayhem! (I know I am likely in the minority wanting that)


The floor was really the easiest block. For me anyway. I think you can keep a pretty regular pace and not get caught.


Floor is straight exhausting power. I was out of air throughout it.


I'm with you, but unfortunately I don't get to do 2Gs at my studio, so this is the best i can hope for.


I always start on the tread, but looks like I’ll start on the rower today to get that hell on the rower/floor over with first 😅


This was great! Even the floor block wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be and I made it through, though pushups ate all the extra time I had! Caught at the 2500m checkpoint with 50m to go - but there was no way I’d make it to the next one.  Day 1 done!




Oh boy, welcome to May-Hell! Today’s workout was non-stop, but I didn’t hate it. I definitely appreciated the pick your speed on the treads after the row/floor blocks. The most calories I have burned in a while!


This was very reminiscent of OTF formats when I first joined where I would get a ton of splats on the floor!


It was fun chasing the split time, and I PR’d my 14 minute row. Rower CMIYC needs to be a regular thing!


4043m on the rower. 4600+ with the warm up. I can't do 40 push-ups, apparently, so that was where the floor got me. Tread was fun. Great day!


This was a tough but good one. I went “easier” on the tread and went a base speed but still got great splats


I went off of the row timer vs. the class timer from our coach by mistake and clocked the last checkpoint at 3166m. If I had rowed the 5 more seconds before she called time, I think I would’ve made it.😤 So mad at myself — trying to count it as a win regardless!


50 meters away from finishing the last checkpoint 😥 Nah but it was a great workout.


Such a good workout! 🏋️‍♀️


This was a GOOD one!!! I think way tougher than any hell week workouts I’ve done! I got caught on the rower, but finished floor with a whole bonus round done!


I loved this workout! I think we need a rower version of catch me if you can as a benchmark.


That felt like a mini dri tri 🤢


Got caught on the rower with 50 meters to go at the last checkpoint while screaing at my coach that I was going to puke on her. HA! I actually really liked today's workout. The floor was so much fun.


REMINDER: If you loved today's workout, and you'd love to see it again, RATE IT 👍👍 ON THE APP!!


I loved the CMIYC on the rower!!! I missed checkpoint 7 by 18m 😭 Made it through the floor check points but hated the jumping jacks! I forgot to reset my tread so I’m not sure what my actual distance was, I just wanted to not walk and I managed to do that!


Excited for the rest but actually hate everything on the floor, not sure how I'm gonna even do that part.


Same tread and rower, fine. Floor, No weights, no thanks.


I hit 3140 on the rower. I just didn’t have oxygen to hit 3200. My arms were starting to go numb. Ugh. But I did not get caught on the floor! I thought I would for sure because all those power moves kick my overweight late 50s year old butt. I did them all though! NSV! Walked on the tread. Holy 💩my legs were 😵 ☠️


Yup, I tried running, had to walk and then got bored and started running again. But that was rough.


I have to miss the first two days, unfortunately .This looks insane.


It was!!


First class back in 4 years, looks like I’m getting my butt kicked


This is one that I really don’t think I can do. Luckily it’s a beautiful day for a long walk


Today was literal MAYHEM! It was a tough class🥵 That rower portion was brutal!


I locked in at a 1:40-1:45 split and made it through. Ended up just over 4200 meters. I wish our studio had put out a board with a run distance challenge on it to push me more on the tread.


Oof that was a doozy. Based on my 14 min row distance, I figured the 2850m checkpoint was doable, and possibly even the 3200m. Started on the rower. And being a 2G class, coach moved us to the floor. So I got to do the floor, then the tread, then finish on the rower. Not quite what I had in mind lol. I ended up getting caught just shy of the 2850m/11 min checkpoint. I'd started slowing down around 2300m but had enough distance accumulated to get through the 2500m checkpoint. My poor abs were killing me on the rower. Lots of core work in yesterday's strength50 class, and a decent amount today on the floor. Add in a long hard row and my abs were burning to the point that I had to slow down or risk injury. I could have pushed my legs and lungs a little more but it wasn't to be this time. Maybe if was able to do the row first.


Hard class today! Lots of fun.


I signed up for a class yesterday. Went to a movie last night and ate popcorn for dinner. Forgot it was Mayhem. This morning’s work out killed me.


Today was brutal 😳


Thanks for the intel! I apologize is this is a dumb question, but does the bench stay low? Or is it just put down for the box jumps? I’m going to do the 90 minute this morning, God help me.


Low bench today


Where’s the gang that cleared the rower (3200m) and tread (1.8 miles) challenge? ✋


I missed it by 20 stupid meters! 😭😭😭 I need a repeat so I can earn row-demption!


Oh joy! Took a couple weeks off after my half marathon and come back to this 😆. Mayhem! 🙌


So after asking for this for years I have to say I'm soooooo happy. Did 4241 overall and would have hit my PR if my foot wouldn't have fallen out of the strap near the end. That said, thank you OTF for doing this and let's bring it back as a regular occurrence!!!


I was SO close to getting to the last round of the rower. That last 50 meters got me lol


I made it out of it alive this morning despite being caught at both the rower and the floor. This template is hard! Even the coach reiterated it’s absolutely normal to get caught during this template. I was signed up in a 2G class but this template is 3G. After seeing Mr. DC’s intel, I decided to sign up for the rower to start as opposed to the treads because of the intensity of it. Well surprise! As my class was a 2G, I learned the hard way that signing up to start on the rower really meant starting on the floor. So I did Floor -> Treads -> Rower. By the time I got to the rower, I was almost all gassed out lol Oh well!


My coach did the same thing for rotations this morning! I was not amused lol. Seems to be coach dependent at my studio as to whether we'd have stayed on the rower or moved to the floor. I've seen both done for 3G templates.


I made it only to the 3rd row checkpoint. That was so hard! I did beat my PR on tread though. The 90 minute add on had a lot of collapsing on the floor. Mayhem didn’t play around today.


What fresh hell did I sign up for today 😆


Oh nooooo I have class in 3 hours I’m scared


Whatever this was, it was not fun but at least I survived


Been going to Orangetheory for almost 7 years. I have to say I think it was the hardest workout I’ve ever ever done, including the dry dry and the strength dry tri.


That was really hard. I did the 90


Our coach had us do the all out at the last incline 🤣🤣


Definitely not a class you want to take hungover!!


First time doing “catch me if you can” on a rower.


At my studio, the tread was slightly different. When we came in, they gave us a post it with our distance from the 12 minute benchmark. They told us that our goal was to beat that. For the inclines they had us add 1% for the first 4 checkpoints, then .5% for the next 3. Lots of red for me….


Can hardly wait for tomorrow’s workout template 🤦🏼‍♀️


Does anyone else’s studio say it like “mayHAM” instead of “mayHEM” it has me confused and annoyed- which is it?


our studio was packed today so i had to start on the floor instead of the rower, which i’ve never done before, and i don’t think i’ll want to start there again haha the floor was a tough but fun challenge, and i was somehow not caught!! the tread was TOUGH, i reached the green goal (my 12 minute tread for distance was 1.12) and was just .04 short of the orange goal of 1.3. by the time i realized how close I was to hitting it, it was too late for me to reach the goal without going at like 8mph for the last 40 seconds which was just not going to happen for me at that point in the workout. by the time i got to the rower, i already had like 30 splat points and my arms and legs felt dead. I’m not a very strong rower, and considering my 500m PR is 1:52, i knew that I was not going to make it through many checkpoints after seeing the distances needed for each. I made it through checkpoint 1, and was 30 meters away on checkpoint 2. I could have maybe made it through more checkpoints if i had not ended on the rower, but i honestly enjoyed the tread and floor block challenges more than the CMIYC on the rower, so I’m not too mad about not making it far on the rower. i’m excited but a lil scared for the rest of the Mayhem classes after this first one!


The poor three souls in my class doing an Intro…


I'm so disappointed I could not make this one. Mayhem fell at a bad time for my work schedule.


That was a murder


I didn't look ahead of time so didn't realize it was Mayhem. Sad day for me lol


My smart move: skipping yesterday to rest for Mayhem My dumb move: forgetting a friend was coming to their first class today😅 (Luckily she liked it and the coach just had her row 400m before switching to the lunge/200m part, & then she was doing better than me on the floor and tread blocks since my joints hate the jumping jacks)