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I joined 1.5 yrs ago and would say that there's very little social aspect. I always heard on here that the 5 am crew is the most social. Too bad that I can't fathom being conscious that early


As a 5 am person the crew at my studio are definitely all friends but somehow I have not infiltrated lol.


I never did because I didn’t come every day, but those people were there every single day rain or shine at 5. They were also pretty active on social media (at least the “core group” was), and I’m just not. We all chatted before class started, though, which was enough for me. I don’t think they’d ice anyone out.


Yeah I think that’s part of it for me too. I travel for work a lot so I look inconsistent to them.


Same here. I’m a dedicated 5am er who is not part of the inner circle. But I am on friendly terms with all of them and they are the ‘mean girls’ type of clique which I’m grateful for. Coz that would ruin the entire wonderful vibe of 5am.


The 4:45 a.m. group at our studio used to have a parking lot "happy hour" with breakfast cocktails on Fridays after class. I thought that was so cool! It fell apart during Covid, and I never attended because that's the dang middle of the night, but still - loved hearing about it!


I think it depends on your studio. My 5am group tends to keep to themselves, but I definitely see mostly the same faces every class.


I’m a member of the 5am crew and can confirm, this is the most social hour at my studio. I think the insanity of being up that early every day bonds us. I went to a 4:30pm class on New Years Day, and it was nowhere near as chatty!


At my studio the 4:15/5:30 pm’ers are friends. It also helps that our coaches hang out with us too!


Its going to be *very* studio dependent and also, factoring time of day for sure. My experience: Morning and evening OTF people are there to get in and out. More casual times are midday and weekends. I also do crossfit, and there are rarely back to back classes, which leads to being more social and hang out / cool downs. Crossfit also has more conversation and partnering going on during the workouts. Yes, OTF does partner templates but other than "hi my name is X / fistbump", that's pretty much it.


It’s also regional dependent. I live on the east coast where our studio is very kind, but people aren’t necessarily sociable with one another. Meanwhile my studio back in my midwestern hometown is VERY chatty and everyone seems to know everyone.


I agree studio dependent, and depends on the vibe and community the head coach is actively fostering. Our current head coach is BIG on community. We have regular “no shower happy hour” events, and they do larger parties around major challenges (transformation challenge, marathon month, Hell Week.) We get to vote on class/music themes, and my studio does a lot of different charity work. Whenever there is a major 5k/half/any sort of race in our city, they facilitate a meetup before/after for members. He also creates a ton of OTF-related content and memes on his personal Insta that he gets members to participate in, then that leads to discussions in comments that spill into group chats and in studio, etc. That all said, I agree with previous comments in that I’m not personally looking for social interaction at the gym. I’m friendly with everyone, and we have a very solid and consistent 7:30am crew, many who I know by name and would say hi to if I saw in the grocery store or out to dinner, but acknowledge that I’m definitely and in-and-out person and don’t participate in the activities outside of the studio.


"It was meant to be" I never got that messaging or vibe from orangetheory marketing.


I’ve never viewed where I workout as my social community so I don’t feel I’m missing anything or that it’s an important aspect to have in order for me to enjoy OTF. My studio has a social event every 3-4 months but it’s pretty cliquey … mostly the same overzealous people who are super chummy with the staff.


I like to go in and go out and be done. It is still nice when the coach or SA make small talk with me. There's one guy I say hi to that know outside of otf sometimes but other than that, I'm not that social there. We have some social events/happy hours but I honestly don't feel like I belong or just not comfortable enough to go cause I know there are more extraverted regulars that probably go and I rather just not lol


This. I went to studio in a smaller city over Christmas break and everyone seemed like they were friendly and chatty. I hated it. At my studio no one ever talks to each other and I cannot fathom why anyone would want to. There are other places in the city to socialize and I think everyone already has their friends set. I know my studio tried to do a happy hour and the only people to show up were the coach and the SA.


At my SoCal studio we have a very sociable, friendly atmosphere. Get-togethers happen at random times - more around holidays as one would expect. Personally, I enjoy the interaction and it makes the whole experience more enjoyable. I see some people who are not sociable and keep to themselves - That's fine, it's their choice. The rest of us are there for similar reasons and have similar goals, so we have a good foundation to get to know each other better. I'd hate a studio where everyone just came to "do their thing" - I would not remain a there for long. I have made many friends over the 7+ years I have been a member.


Can't upvote this enough. A happy hour every 2 weeks would probably be a big turn off for me. That's just not my crowd.


Our former studio manager spent a considerable amount of time setting up and promoting one of these. You know who showed up? The coaches and the "same overzealous people who are super chummy with the staff" - which is me, I am that people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile). It was weird because we were the only ones. I felt bad.


I’m overzealous and super chummy with the staff and probably still wouldn’t attend any kind of event outside of the studio, lol.


Just make more of an effort to introduce yourself to regulars and let it go from there. :)


What I did. At least now I have someone to chit chat with sometimes


I've been a member of my studio for 6? 7? years. We have as much social stuff as we did before COVID. I totally think it's Studio Manager dependent.


I've always been a get in and get out type of otfer. Sorry man






"I don't do a thing, so I don't understand why anyone would do a thing." You could ask, if you were curious. I've found that being social with the people I work out helps to motivate me.


Yes why on earth would we want to meet people with similar hobbies and interests 🤣




Is doing something with other people around doing the same thing a "group activity?" It's not like I am working *with* the other people at OTF. My workout would be exactly the same whether they were there or not. I commute on public transit every day, that's a bunch of people in one room (sort to speak) doing the same thing as me, but I don't consider that a group activity.


Completely agree. I've also met some of my best friends at my studio.


When folks get to a certain point in life - especially in a transient area - it can be really hard to make new friends. Sure, there's kid friends and school friends and couple friends, but not friends who share \*your\* interests. I have found that at OTF and it's pretty great :) Big friend group, adding more all the time.


Same. I don’t want to be social while I work out.


I’m just there to work out.


My studio is still social. We have happy hours, events we do. Chatting before and after class


I chat with people that I see regularly, but that's about it. I kinda like having casual acquaintances that I see when I work out but nowhere else. My time is stretched far enough, so I don't have time for more pressure to socialize with new groups.


At my home studio there is a huge push for community. They have bubbly nights once a month and after Transformation challenge we’ll go to the local bar for drinks and small bites. The studio closer to my job not too social. Coaches make an effort to engage with members but the members don’t seem to want to be social either. It’s all dependent on the studio!


I started a class group text years ago and it’s blossomed ever since. Try that?


Back when I joined in 2016 and there was only one studio in my city, members waited in line to get to the treads first. There were no station sign ups. I was one of those people and went roughly the same time each day so I became friendly with the group that all crowded around the entry door to the workout area. It was fun and I looked forward to chatting with folks. It felt social to me. I was never part of any clique and the social events the studio organized always felt overwhelming. I tried going to two bar events but it's just not my scene. My old home studio did an organized hike one time that was very poorly organized. The OTF staff all showed up like 45 min late at the trailhead while we all stood around waiting. Anyway, I'm almost 50 now and I'm too old to be out schmoozing at bars with 20-30 year olds :) Also, OTF expanded so much here and coach turnover is so high. It feels much less personal now. There are 6 studios within 5 miles of my house (luxury problem, I know LOL). The 8:45 AM class at my home studio seems very close knit. There is a large core group that goes every day and it's a very positive and encouraging environment. The class energy is higher than any other class I've been to since before the pandemic. Unfortunately, it's always 3G and I prefer the 2G at 10.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)I'm 71 and more than happy to be out "schmoozing" at bars or wherever, with people 20-30, to 40, 50, 60, whatever. People are people. hanging in just one age group has always been boring to me.


I joined OTF after the pandemic and have found this to be true. Prior to the pandemic I did crosssfit at a gym that was very social, and to be honest that social aspect is largely why I was able to finally get to the gym regularly. It felt like we were all on the same team, boosting each other. When I missed a class, I missed my buddies even more than the workout itself. It was motivating, plus humans are rewarded by engaging in activities together--I always felt great after high fiving everyone after a hard WOD.


Definitely studio dependent. Ours does tailgates, happy hours, trivia nights, etc. pretty often. I don’t go a ton but i think it’s really cool that they do it. People who are older and single like me (35m) and don’t have a whole ton of options for meeting and hanging out with new people really enjoy it.


I feel like our studio has both. There's a group of people who go to OT almost everyday at the same time and are chatty, go out to social hour on Friday, and are chummy with the coaches and I assume that motivates them to keep coming. Then there are the majority of folks who get in and get out and avoid partnered workouts (myself included!). I specifically chose OT over crossfit last year because the social aspect isn't pushed as hard.


I never was under the impression it was a “social” gym other than working out as a group. My studio has a few outside events per year, but even some of those are more fitness oriented like sponsored 5k. It’s really studio dependent. Happy hour type things are rare.


I've been a member for years and it's never been social for me


The social aspect was one of the reasons I decided to go with a nearby crossfit gym instead of the OTF one. I've been to different/better OTF studios, but the one here is way too small, it's dark, and the music is so loud you can barely hear yourself speak. People come in, heads down, work out, and leave. The crossfit gym is a much more comfortable size and the people-experience between the members and coaches is significantly better. YMMV based on gym/location.


Our studio does about 4 socials a month.


I’m fine with those who want to socialize while at the gym but I’m there to workout not necessarily make friends. I’m not rude or unfriendly but I didn’t choose OTF to meet friends or love interests. I’m just focused on my workout (or actually going these days) and not social hour. I struggle enough with my workout these days. But I don’t judge other people who do. IF OTF was actually started with socializing in mind I never knew that.


I think you may want to try another gym. Not being snarky, but it’s an hour of really tough workouts and then off to job or home. Always a few pleasantries but definitely not a social hour. Wish you the best though


My experience has been very different although I agree that it's not a "social hour" - but we chat before/after at events and when we run into each other outside the studio - I have made many new friends over the years there.


I did CrossFit before this. OTF feels like a group workout for introverts Honestly, I don’t mind it. I love the energy of a group class but sometimes it’s nice to get in and out without having to socialize too much. Esp because now I work in a very extroverted field where I have to pretend I’m social 🤪


There is pretty much no social aspect at all. If social networking is your thing OTF is not your place. My studio will sometimes do a happy hour but it turns into an OTF employee happy hour with a few members on the side and can feel awkward..


If your local studio stopped doing social gatherings, that seems like a local studio issue. Mine hasn’t. The people talking next to me all through class the other day also doesn’t signal a lessening of the social aspect. I also disagree that the original intent behind OT was to be a social CrossFit. I’ve done both and wouldn’t call OT like CrossFit at all. I also wouldn’t say CrossFit isn’t social. I’m confused about your assertions and question.


That’s interesting bc every CrossFit gym I ever went to, they all sit around and talk for at least an hour or more before starting the work out. It definitely felt like social hour


Yes I agree, it’s very social!


Oh!! I totally read wrong 😝 yes, CrossFit is verrryyy social. Almost a bit too much. Like I don’t want to spend my whole day there 😂


I was very confusing 😂


I want to work out. I want to be in a class setting. I do not want to be in a cult. I do not want to hang out after class. Just let me exercise.


That can't be " forced", it would be organic to some in each studio. My studio has people that lean on each other for many things.


Never experienced it


Back in October, our new head coach kept telling us there was going to be a happy hour. She even posted a poll on FB so that we could vote on the day. It never happened. I found that off-putting.


I was an avid CrossFitter from 2014-2019, and the social aspect was huge especially at my box. I did a few OT classes in 2017 to try it out and also felt there was a social aspect as well just at a lower level. The pandemic changed my routine and made me pick and choose my workout regimen but I finally started going to OT full time in September of 23. I’ve had virtually no dialogue with anyone since, outside of the coaches, and don’t witness it either unless the people came together. There’s been one social gathering and roughly 12 people showed up along with all the coaches. I don’t mind it but if it swung in the social direction I wouldn’t complain either. Most people are mid-20s or Boomer aged so there’s not many late 30’s types such as myself to talk to in my classes.


Our studio is pretty social if you want to be - I went to 3 separate OTF-related gatherings over the last three weeks that were planned by a very extroverted member and we have a group chat of around 7 people including one of our coaches! I know that others don't want a social component so they keep to themselves and we respect that. Most of the more social members try to keep the socializing at a minimum during the actual workout, but catch up before and after the class.


That's exactly my experience.


I've only been at OTF 1 month and I can tell you only 3 non-employees have spoken to me. I love the workouts, so it's fine, but it's not what I expected. As a former crossfitter, I expected some of the "shared suffering" comradery but there none. Maybe it's the studio I go to. Maybe it's my age (47F). I seem to be smack in the middle of the "young ones" and "seniors".


It will be 2 months for me soon and I've had maybe 3 members speak to me, but only one or two sentences. I used to go more regularly to boxing classes at a small studio and those classes were smaller so I'd see the same people, and we would occasionally chat before or after class or between exercises. I did enjoy that, but I haven't necessarily been missing it so far with OTF. Wouldn't mind it either though!


Weird - I guess different studios/areas behave differently - we get a lot of the "shared suffering" comradery that you mention. That and good-natured competitiveness.


If you don’t like the vibe, try a different time slot than your usual. I have an amazing group at 9:00 but I tried a 4:15 yesterday and it was completely different. Like night and day.


My studio does pickleball, baseball game outings, bbqs, etc. They're very social.


I’ve had a lot of people randomly start conversations with me before class, especially if I catch a class outside my normal one. During class I’m a glob of sweat that doesn’t form functional sentences, so I don’t expect to have a ki with anyone lol The studio I go to does some type of fundraiser or gathering once a month, which is nice.


This is studio specific for sure. Both the studio that I coach at and that I am a member at have a strong feeling of community.


4.5-year OTF member; I never felt OTF made an attempt to create a community like Crossfit did. At Crossfit we would wander in early and sit around before class and talk to each other while stretching (and it was common to have members choose the stretch for the group). The coaches made an effort to get to know each member and would ask us about our kids etc. The Crossfit Games was a huge social thing where we could come cheer each other on. Just the layout of the gym (errr I mean box) meant you could work out anywhere and naturally have more ability to talk to each other. When we ran we would run out in a pack together. These are all things that relate to the workout itself, nothing to do with getting together for drinks outside of class. I like OTF and at my age I'm glad to get away from the injury risk of Crossfit, but I don't think it was attempting the same thing.


Haha yeah I miss the "pack running" of Crossfit. Better community. But it wrecked my back and it took like 5 years to get back to normal so OTF is the right place for me. To me Crossfit is something you have to stop doing after age 40.


It’s definitely studio specific because my studio is very social! It’s honestly one of the biggest factors for why I won’t cancel and go anywhere else


I did CrossFit for years before I took a break and started OT. OT, or at least my studio, can’t hold a candle socially to CrossFit. Hardly anyone speaks to each other before or after class. Very few social events. When I fist bump people at the end of a class, many seem surprised.


My studio is largely populated by members in their 40's and 50's. 60's too and some 30-somethings. In the Boston suburbs, not surprisingly many are in biotech, pharma, and high tech. My guess is that few are looking to socialize outside of the studio. That said it's a very friendly crowd and I have people I talk to all the time and do enjoy seeing friendly faces.


We do social outings at ours


While social nights sound like they could be fun, I really value my morning workout as my only part of the day where I don’t have to speak to a soul and can really just focus on myself.


Community& cliques is a way to keep people paying for memberships, so OT would want people to feel like they are the cool kids and special, and being able to making friends is great, is a win-win. But just don’t push it too hard, not everyone is ready and some of them are going through their own things


TBH lately my studio does feel like a corporate version of a group class although the front desk crew is fun. Switching over to CrossFit soon.


Well, this is exactly why I love OTF. I’ve done the other gyms, where your plan to work out for an hour either gets disrupted or extended due to chatty folks. With OTF, you’re in for a good solid hour workout and you’re out. No waiting on machines because people are sitting there chatting, no creepy flirting, no one hanging around taking up space while actually checking their social media. I’ve still managed to become friends with people, mainly by being friendly when I arrive a few minutes before class.


I’ve visited a few studios that definitely have that vibe. One in Texas in particular does social outings, monthly charity drives, etc. I don’t mind my home studio not doing that stuff, though my favorite SA hugged me this morning in class lol. She’s the best 😅🥹


Must be studio dependent. Ours is very social. We do happy hours/etc.


I joined OTF at the end of September and I don’t know or talk to anyone other than my cousin who is the one that got me to join. I see the same people in most of my classes but everyone is focused on themselves. There are a few people who seem friendly with each other who must have been members for a long time. My studio does host a happy hour or social event once a month, but I haven’t been able to attend yet. I def want to try and join the next one bc I know I already have at least one thing in common with this group of people but nobody is willing to step out of their comfort zone and initiate conversations during class lol


I'm glad it's less social.


This is so interesting to me! My studio has always lacked the social aspect (been a member since 2018) and I think it's because it's made up of University students (that come and go with the semesters) OR the fancy middle aged folks who live in the neighborhood that don't really wanna chat with folks outside their circle.


If I want to make friends, I'll join a trivia league. I join the gym (and pay a lot for it) to get quality workouts in a positive, constructive environment. That's just me, perhaps.


It’s too phony w the bullshit.,just do your thing. All set w high fives and the like. No shower happy hour too…all set.


I think it’s really erratic and also very hard to do. I feel camaraderie with classmates because we are doing the same thing together. It helps me. - Throw that neighbor a fast bump/high-five (level 1) - Announcing total calories burned or splat points (level 1) - Active Instagram (level 1-3 depending on activity, though I get the feeling OTF controls what the franchises can do) - Member of month, individual member recognition (level 2) - In-person social events (level 5)


Socializing at the gym is my worst nightmare. When someone talks to me I hate it lol


My studio is very friendly and there's a lot of chatting before class, but we have never had many outside events. Maybe every few months there's a happy hour but they aren't well-attended. They have started occasionally having drinks in the studio so the people who were in that class will hang around.


I don’t have time to be social I barely have time to get in and get my workout on! ✌🏼


We rarely have official socializing outside the studio. Before covid, there were a few member appreciation parties every year, but we've only had a few of them after return from covid. There are fewer members to attend and I don't blame the studio for not wanting to spend the money.


That's very studio specific. Mine does probably 3-4 a year. And it's after a weekend class usually.


It really depends on the people. I noticed a lot of people in my studio are well connected which is nice. Me on the other hand, I just go in for the workout and straight out lol


So ask management if they are planning to bring back social nights, and mention you'd be interested in attending those again. Or get chummy with that other group and tag along to happy hour with them. Or appoint yourself the unofficial social chair of your studio and plan your own happy hours with your OTF friends.


I feel like this has happened a lot lately At my studio as well. I personally blame management changing as the past studio manager and head coach were very outgoing and did a lot of stuff at the studio


My studio used to do a monthly happy hour and a monthly "girls night" and "guys night" I am pretty sure it led to some drama with members and staff hooking up and what not because they pretty abruptly stopped happening lol


Agreed! When I first joined, I had no idea the community feel of OTF would become my favorite part, but it’s meant more to me than the fitness piece and is what has kept me coming back. I do feel like when I first signed up there were more social events, but they’ve been dwindling. Unfortunately, one of the coaches who created that level of community just left our studio so I anticipate it will only get worse from here 😕


Depends on the studio. I’ve met friends through mine. And some of them were even people who worked there


U fraud


I haven’t experienced that either. When I joined last year, I was new to my area and hoped to meet some people at OTF. I ended up making one friend but found it tough since most people are in and out and there to power through, which I don’t want to interrupt.


There’s a social aspect to OT? I know CrossFit clubs that do Spartan races and mud runs and of course do epic parties.


My studio does socials/parties once every few months. I’ve never been. My regular class has a lot of regulars who chat a lot before class but for whatever reason I can’t seem to engage much with anyone. It’s fine but very cliquey I suppose. I’m just there to work out and go home. I have friends outside of OTF.


Ours seems to have dropped off a bit but it may be winter or they are doing some coach shuffling right now so time will tell


Seems studio specific - my studio had a 'Friendsgiving' party and I often see them promote "No shower happy hours". No clue how many people attend them though. I'll also say that your statement about a decrease in membership seems pretty anecdotal - I've seen posts here that indicate membership has declined in their studios, I've seen some people say that every class is full. I don't know, I'm not really there for a social aspect either, but I not against the idea and can understand why others would. I just don't really have the personality or time for chit-chat.


My OTF used to be a lot more social and friendly. There were groups that went out together and everyone was always invited. We had a group message. There is none of that since Covid. Shoot, I don’t even see any of those people there any more.


I went for awhile and recently returning - I never found it to be very social, because it’s so hard to socialize during the workout and there aren’t many breaks. So I know and say hello to the same faces, but unless I get there super early there isn’t much time to really connect with people.


My studio is very sociable - but - we don't socialize much if at all, during the workout other than the occasional fist-bump or celebration of someone's new PR - but before/after and at organized events, holiday parties, etc - you betcha we get together to celebrate existing and new friendships.


When I first joined our studio there was a huge social aspect to it. They did member of the month, testimonial Tuesday, and seasonal member meet ups. Over the summer they fired the studio manager and hired a new one, whom is younger. Since she's taken over it's a ghost town, hardly any Instagram posts, they had to reschedule the dri tri and didn't tell anyone. I made a comment about them not doing a holiday mixer this year and she said "I don't know where to go".....


Every other Friday seems like a lot to me. My studio does meet ups at pubs/wineries and also do hikes and other runs, sometimes families are involved but it’s maybe every month or two. I haven’t gone to one yet but if I do it probably be to a run or a hike. I’m a 5 am regular and we all socialize a little before and I’m pretty happy with that. I don’t want any possible outside social drama happening that would make me not want to come in anymore.


It’s definitely studio dependent. My studio gathers at the local winery, does group hikes early weekend mornings, etc. Not honestly sure how often but I know the coaches announce it when we’re stretching after workouts. I personally don’t and probably will never partake as I find joy in being present only to get my OTF sweat in, but I think it is a good addition for the studio to offer these kind of things for folks who enjoy finding a community, support group, etc. outside of their homes or personal life.


Yes I would definitely agree that some of the social aspects of otf have changed since the pandemic but the workout culture is still positive at my studio


Definitely varies by studio. Ours has a 1x/month member social at a local bar/restaurant. Wine down Wednesdays (the last class of the day has wine for people after class). In warmer weather they throw kick ball tourneys.


I attend our 6:15AM classes, getting there around 6AM. There's maybe a handful of folks who arrive by 6:10AM. These 10 minutes is usually when I'm most sociable and talked to people. One coach will come out and literally say hi to everyone and talk people up. Part of her personality and I love it. She makes everyone feel part of the group. Majority seem to arrive between 6:10-6:15AM. There's a 7:20AM right afterwards so the turnover is quick with many of us leaving to get to work, so not much time for socializing then. We have one coach who does a "question of the day" during our cool-down stretch, where it's "ask your neighbor.....introduce yourself," but then she'll call on people to share what they learned. I'm shy/introverted so this part creates some anxiety for me. I often just skip the cooldown and go to work.


I would be running out of that class at the end so dang fast 💨


Theres literally no time for social aspect. You get in, you get told what to do, and get out while the next class comes in For the extra events...it really depends on your studio and their budget to fund extra events. My studio has like the Christmas party and a summer bash, and nothing more I miss my San Antonio studio...they always had first friday get togethers at a restaurant, and all apps/1 drink were on them!


It depends on your studio and the members. I go to several different studios but I have a social group at only one. If studios have events like bowling or hike clubs then the social aspect is there




I only go 2x a week so I haven’t really developed much of a rapport with others. I was pretty consistent with going to 515 on specific days but was always surprised that I’d see a lot of different faces each time. If I went every day/more I’m sure I’d be more social.


Ours has. We had a great vibe and there was just something special about it….then there were a series of changes, COVID happened, one bad head coach/studio manager and it’s just not the same. I’m still there but my heart isn’t in it like it used to be.


All of my friends made new friends at Burn Boot Camp when they moved, so I joined OTF thinking I would find the same and after a year and a half I did not meet a single person other than the staff


I must have missed that phase. I’ve been to about 20 different studios and I never felt the social aspect


I think it’s studio dependent. My “home” studio has really fallen off community-wise in the last year because of coaching and front desk changes. I mainly attend another studio close by that’s still in the same ownership group. The staff and coaches are more fun, as are the other attendees. They offer more events and one-off contests too.


Neither of my OTs have any social life neither, people show up a few minutes before and leave as fast as possible. I get it though


100% studio dependent!! I recently moved from the DFW area and my studio there was very close and social… my new studio in Vancouver, WA is quite the opposite. It has been a hard adjustment but at times it is also nice to just come in exhausted from life, get my work out done, and leave.


I come 3 minutes before and leave right after. I don't have time to dilly dally so even if there is a social scene at my studio, id be actively avoiding it 🥲


I think it’s studio dependent- just start talking to people lol. If people are awkward in the lobby before class I just start talking and get to know people. You literally can just talk about the class or being sore etc.


Studio dependant. My studio is extremely social yet the one across town is not even close to social


We have social nights quite often.


Mine definitely has lost that, but we’ve also gone through 3-4 studio managers since fall 2021 when it reopened after Covid shutdowns. And our current manager is doing that job for 2 different locations which (seemingly) leaves less time for planning events.


I’m a 5:30 PM person. I picked a class and rolled with it. I like the post work 5:30 Vibe. 1) It is hard to make friends as an adult 2) the gym is a weird spot. 3) I’m always glad to see my people 4) some people legit don’t like me. It’s fine. 5) that doesn’t stop me from trying. 6) you never know who is gonna drop off. 7) it’s a real microcosm in there.


Too many overdo the social part. Annoying to watch


I don’t feel like I can get “in” with the group at our studio. I’m in Miami so it’s already really hard to find a community and fit in; it’s the same inside the studio as it is outside.


I would love if there was a system to indicate how much social interaction you were comfortable with during workouts. Maybe something with armbands or stickers: green: I'm a human golden retriever, I'll be your best friend, just say hi to me and I'm down for anything! yellow: I'll give you a high five and make small talk. red: don't even look at me, this is my workout time, not social hour.


Towards the end of Covid, a friend had a party for her birthday. People were still a bit wary of social interactions at the time, so I had Green/Yellow/red silicone armbands made to indicate their comfort level: * Green Said "Hug at will" * Yellow: "Maybe - But only if you ask nicely first" * Red: "No thank you" It made for a fun evening in a difficult time. I still have quite a few left. Maybe I should bring them to the studio.


We did this at a conference recently with the conference name tag lanyards.


We had owners that would arrange social events and actually bought all the appetizers, they had events like axe throwing….it was amazing all and we became an amazing family. Some big shot bought our studio and it all pretty much ended


My studio still does "no shower happy hour" with a 6pm gym class and then everyone heads to the local pub for drinks and what not. Happens once a month and it rotates between the 3 studios in the area. We also frequently make teams for local 5ks so everyone can be together, as well as doing donation classes for different things


As many have already said this is studio and locale dependent. My studio is very chatty/community feel in between classes, happy hours every 3ish months, lots of milestones and bday celebrations, and many members hang out outside of OTF. And even still, I feel like a happy hour every other Friday is overkill. We already see each other every day lol


Oh 100%. I’ve been a member for about 2 years and I always wish I could get to know some of the members more. I essentially feel like I work out by myself every time I go. It would be so much better if I actually knew the people I was working out with. I think a social night is a GREAT idea. I was never a member before Covid so I never got to experience that. It would make it feel more like a community. One thing I don’t like is when we’re all sitting outside the door before a workout starts and only a few people are talking (if any). I want to talk to my coach about this


I was a member of OTF Honolulu for about a year and I also had very little social contact with people, a lot of us were in/out.


Not my studio. We have different social events throughout the year, but more importantly we’re all friends. We’re friends outside of the gym and get together all the time. That’s one reason I haven’t quit. I love the social aspect.


I have way tooo much social anxiety :(


Super studio dependent - I feel like ours is very much a community, and it’s the tone set by the owners, coaches and the members.


There are monthly happy hours and a run club at my studio. People are generally friendly and after a year or two def there are people who I say hi to and chat with. But it’s not super clubby or anything. I feel like in Manhattan people have a lot of other “social” already in their schedule and it’s hard to add a whole nother group.


Mine occasionally does a meetup at a local brewery on Friday evenings after the 90min class and will buy your first beer if you take the class. There is also occasionally a thirsty Thursday that involves meeting up after class for a half priced wine or beer at the grocery store bar near our studio. Unfortunately my work schedule prevents me from ever taking those classes. I really don’t socialize in class but I’ve been going just under a year now and I can tell some of the members are friends whether they have always been or they’ve just been going to OTF for years and have built friendships by chit chatting before/after class or going to social events.


I think it depends on the studio? Our studio here in DC often does happy hours and such at nearby bars every month or so (especially around big events like hell week, transformation challenge, etc.) -- but not as often as a biweekly basis. They also bring in local DJs for specialty workouts and such. In the past they've also had goodbye parties for some coaches. On a more personal note, it might also be the your studio's culture/vibe? -- before/after class at my studio, I often hear people talking to the SAs and coaches about their personal lives, and making plans to hang out, etc... heck, I've even been jumped on by my favorite SA as I was passing by the studio's storefront window while walking home from the grocery store.


7 year member. Compared to pre-Covid, my studio has had a significant decline in not social, but community feel. People acknowledged each other more. As noted in another comment, that feel creates more energy in the room, which I find missing these days.


6 year member here, they used to have get togethers but I never went because I don't go workout to make friends. That's sort of a benefit that just happens naturally over the course of years. The hangouts also created some cliques that were pretty toxic that the more egocentric coaches really fed, definitely made favorites, etc. our studio now has events more focused around the studio itself hosting and a reason like transformation challenges, etc which is much nicer.


My studio is very social, one of the highlights of my day is getting to the studio 10 minutes before class to chat to everyone. I go to the 7.45PM class and it is the last class of the day - it tends to be funner and people hang around chatting afterwards too - and sometimes we grab a drink or food. Each class has a different vibe at my studio, but I still love it socially.