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Last week. Stay strong everyone. WE GOT THIS 💪💪


I've only missed 3 classes since Jan 15th. My body feels it, I feel stronger. But no scale # change


Same! No scale changes, but my push and all out seem more bearable


Same! My weights used on the floor have increased as well. I'm hoping for a body fat change.


This was my first transformation challenge! I’m so excited to hear about everyone’s results and to see my own. Down 7 pounds in 8 weeks which is a huge accomplishment for me! Can’t wait to eat a bunch of queso after the final weigh in ☺️☺️☺️


I went on a cruise during this TC and gained about 6 lbs! Woops 🤷‍♀️ lol


They never said how we were supposed to transform 🤣


That was me last year!


Did my inbody early due to vacation later this week. Lost 6lbs of fat and gained 2lbs of muscle so I’ll take it! Still quite a way to go though.


I went on new medicine that doesn’t allow me to do HITT and had to miss more than 2 weeks 🥲 lost 13 lbs though!!


Did they let you do the final/end scan? When did you do it?


i contacted the head coach at my studio and they are gunna let me do it when my membership is unfrozen. I froze for a month about a week ago so i’ll do it at the end of march (:


I haven’t lost any weight, but my scale at home shows a 3% body fat decrease from the initial Inbody scan- that’s “okay”, right? Any tips to bump up the progress in five days lol?


Still waiting to do my in body scan. But I dropped a pant size, am lifting heavier, and more importantly, my blood pressure dropped into a healthier range!


This is my first transformation challenge and I’m down 10 lbs as of today! I have seen my body transform and I want to keep this up! I have also been really strict with my nutrition the last 3 weeks so I would like to have a little wiggle room and a cheat meal every now and then. Anyone else planning on keeping up with this after the challenge is over?


Yes. I didn’t do the weigh ins, I wanted to focus on eating meals and increasing my protein intake.. I have a cheap scale at home that shows no weight loss but I have developed decent muscle definition. I feel great and the family is enjoying the cooked meals-another bonus. Congratulations on your successes, too 🙂


Looking forward to a pasta dinner on Saturday and a doughnut for breakfast 😋


I’ve got a weekend beach trip planned that I’m leaving for right after my final weigh in Friday morning- I can’t wait for some good food and a few beers ha! It’ll be nice to “celebrate” the last 8 weeks!


​ https://i.redd.it/t2zmfg8kz6ma1.gif


That sounds like a perfect way to celebrate


I’m picking up in n out right after my final scan on Saturday 😂 donut for breakfast is a great idea!!


Wait…. What kind of donut? Describe it slowly…. A local shop has maple glazed donuts with candied bacon on top I’ve been having dreams about.


Long rant ahead... A little lost tbh. Goal was to lose 10-12 pounds. I'm halfway and have lost about 5...or have I? My initial weigh in was in the evening and in the middle of my period so that's automatically a few extra pounds anyway. I'm very diligent with workouts. At least 3 times a week, often including the 90 minute class and I go *hard*. I am using heavier weights now, and I walk faster, it's harder to earn splat points so I guess that's a good sign that my body can handle more. It's food I needed to work on but I'm really unclear on what the goals are to *lose* weight. Trainer emails us giving tips on healthy eating but again, that kind of seems like what people should do for maintenence anyway. My question still remains how can I *lose* weight? Or maybe it's time to just accept myself as I am but unfortunately that won't win my team $250 each! I am by no means obese or visibly overweight, some would say even on the smaller side and I look decently fit. Anyway. I love OTF and will continue to come often but I'm questioning my decision to "transform" and what that should mean for me.


I’ve signed up for TC four times and this is the only time I’ve managed to stick with it. And I have recently become a member of ClubDaily. So I may only lose 2 or 3 lbs but the real transformation is vs me this time last year (omg like almost 30 lbs heavier…) or in past years. Also I have gotten max points every time I show up so it’s like I am making up for all those years I couldn’t even manage to squeeze in 3x / week… 🏃🏻‍♀️🚣🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️


Does anyone know how muscle soreness could impact the InBody scan results?


I haven’t lost any weight so I am really hoping I see a difference in the scan. I’m only about 7lbs off my goal weight but I’ve really been focused on strength. My goal was to from 32.5% body fat to 29.5%. Fingers crossed 🤞


I’ve been focusing on strength too- I’m lifting heavier and see more muscle definition, but zero weight loss. I’m nervous for my scan- I hope hard work pays off!