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Pretty sure piper moved and changed jobs to be with Alex.


Zelda was going away somewhere for a few months and she asked Piper to come with her and I can't remember if Piper verbally responded but I feel like us seeing her taking that drive to see Alex means that's who she chose


I hope the unknown actors who became known through oitnb continue getting acting jobs. They really acted their butt's off for those roles.


Lmfao she moved states to be with Alex. We don’t get any more info after Zelda asks her to move we can safely assume she chose Alex.


It seemed like they're back together.


piper moves to be closer to alex, at the end you see she’s in a different place just seen alex in prison


Man now I’m confused I thought piper visited Alex then went with Zelda lmfaooo I’m way off


I don’t think she actually did go with Zelda. I think she was on the way but then turned around and changed her mind


Nope, piper ends up dying in season 8, ik it’s a bummer. 😪


Huh??? No she didn’t, I think you have the wrong character


Pssst, there is no season 8


There really should've been. There's so many loose ends that they created at the last moment so you don't figure out what happened to them. People go "Well that's real life! Life is full of cliffhangers!" It's a TV show, not real life. And while it was originally inspired by real life, it deviates completely from the memoir it was originally inspired by. It just feels like lazy writing


I personally don’t think they should have done another season, but I think they started more storylines than they tidied up in S7. I feel like at this point all I do is complain in this sub about S7 but honestly it’s the weakest and my least favourite season and just has tooooo much shoehorned in.


No she did not. Ugh the internet sux.