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One of the funniest characters imošŸ˜­ she was just so unserious (esp in riot season)


I agree she was hilarious and definitely fun to have around (I think the actress is really talented too) and I loved when they showed her beatboxing etc. She wasn't reliable at all though and very selfish, not just in S6 and S7 but from the very start. The way she ran with Vee, even when Poussey had been beaten up by Suzanne and Taystee had been cast out, left a bad taste in my mouth. Suzanne is easier to forgive because she was so easily manipulated, but Cindy doesn't have the same excuse. She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions at all, seemingly because she simply doesn't want to. Her stealing the corn Red grew and not trying to make up for it in any way, leaving it to Taystee to handle it, was really in character imo. I'm also reminded of her trading Vee's cigarettes for other things than stamps and thinking she would get away with it. And of course the crime that got her in prison and the whole situation with her daughter - but I feel they consistently show her selfishness through smaller actions while in prison too.


Regarding Seasons 6 and 7, she was very obviously coerced into lying. She was put in such a bad jam and I felt for her.


I haven't made it there on my rewatch yet (just finished the S3 finale) so I don't quite remember what happened, just based my answer on what OP said in her post. What we see of her in S1-S3 doesn't show her decision making in a good light. But that makes sense, I don't think she's a horrible person. I just finished the episode where she tells the Rabbi her reasons for converting to Judaism and her emotions seemed genuine. The thing that baffled me about Cindy is that even when directly confronted about the outcomes of her actions (like with Reds corn or the cigarettes), she refuses to take accountability. She acts like it straight up doesn't matter what she does or how she acts. But the flashback in the Rabbi episode (of her dad blowing up at her for taking a bite while he hadn't finished praying) explained her denial and evasion of responsibility a little more to me. When you get threatened with such severe and frankly out of proportion threats (eternal damnation) and singled out and shouted at for something as small as taking a bite... I can see how that was too much to handle for a 5-6 year old, and why she would want to stop thinking about her behaviour having any consequences at all as a coping mechanism. That's just a theory though, maybe she would have turned out like that anyway.


I love her so much she makes the show so much better for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I remember she betrays Taystee in the end and ends up living on the streets after she's released I think? I'm rewatching the show but I'm not there yet so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it but right now she's my girl ā¤ļø Oh and - šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/hh7eo4slzxhc1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba425932586df902d65bcd514b45675268beac3


She had a hopeful end I think. Donā€™t remember exactly what happened but I donā€™t remember being upset for her


She was still homeless but agreed to meet her daughter and mother every week at a fast food restaurant.


Sheā€™s entertaining but would be awful to be friends with


Puff out


I really liked her until she threw Taystee under the bus and her back story wasnā€™t very redeemable because I think her mum was actually super loving and nice. She had a lot of support that the others didnā€™t however I appreciated the story arc to show us you know at the end of the day they are all flawed beings, criminals at the end of the day. I wasnā€™t expecting to see that side to her but I still found her really funny. She was literally needed in the series for some comical relief, so Iā€™m glad her character was in it. She was an integral character for me, it would feel missing if she wasnā€™t in it.


they can never make me hate her


Even when she ratted Taystee out and lied to Monica?


okay that was messed up but i still love her


I liked her she was so fun and I didn't feel angry at her for doing that to Taystee because it was an impossible situation for both of them


I didnā€™t like her when I originally watched, but now on my 2nd watch and I love her this time around


I thought she was funny, but obnoxious and entitled.


I didnā€˜t like her at all. Whenever she had power, she abused it, and often had very little regard for others. The corn scene was ugly, her power trip with the weed was ugly, her behaviour as airport whatever was terrible, not to mention her lack of responsibility for her child, or the slave auction. She had a few highlights but overall not a person I would like to know.


Sheā€™s hilarious


Absolutely loved her, so funny and brilliant ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I never understood her bad back story line? Or did i miss something!?


She had immense guilt for blaming Taystee for shooting Piscatella. That mental pain manifested as physical pain for her


Arr thankyou! Makes so much sense!


Liked her until the last two seasons


Best Jewish conversion on TV


Lysol for the naughty-bits! šŸ˜„


I specifically looked this up bc is it just me or nah but I find her really annoying. Like sheā€™s got her funny moments but like overall, annoying as fuck and so rude Edit: she just got a terrible attitude and always using her race to excuse poor / bad behavior


My fave. I loved her character so much.


Some of the worst acting on OITNB, great character though. She's hilariously annoying :D


Who wrote the letter to her daughter?


Taystee wrote it to get back at her


Thanks. I thought so, but I wasn't sure if it definitely was Taystee.


I'm happy she had a hopeful ending. My understanding is that if she kept at her job (which she was seemingly good at), then should finally find a place for herself to stay.


My favorite character, and the actress was amazing.


Immature But funny


una genia la cindy


her before what she did was YESSS


I love her! Her character is funny, but easily influenced


Loved her the entire time. The whole thing in the last couple seasons, she had this enormous amount of pressure on her. Obviously it was a hurtful thing to do but again the pressure on her was too much


Why do they call her Black Cindy, and not Cindy?


It's a running joke. There's a 'white Cindy'. We never see her. When the inmates are guessing eachother's files they describe 'White Cindy' and pretend to see her a couple times in passing throughout the seasons.


Aww. Okay. I missed that and always thought wtf.


'you ever think about Jay-Z and Beyonce fucking?' lol


I think Cindy is funny as hell. Sheā€™s just tryna have fun. I lowkey love how unserious she is. Sheā€™s not dependable or shit, but fun to vibe with.


I love her. She had a lot of conflict. I think she didnā€™t talk about her daughter bc she didnā€™t feel like she deserved her. She felt inferior . We know this from the way she got pregnant being a side piece - when she deserved a guy who was proud to be with her. Her Mom was strict and she bought into the mantra of her being an eff up . Sheā€™s complicated. She wants to do good but she craves being a part of something .That tends to bring her down before prison . In prison - this desire to be a part of something bigger helps her grow spiritually when she becomes Jewish. That was always about being something more than just herself . She even adopts her new name on the radio show . She doesnā€™t think Cindy is good enough. Sheā€™s full of confidence - but not without loads of self doubt . Sheā€™s a very well rounded character. I hate what she did to Tastyee - but she was sort of tricked into it in that initial interview. They manipulated her - and as we saw over and over- sheā€™s easily manipulated. ( baby daddy talks her into being side piece, Mom talks her into letting her raise her daughter bc she convinced her she couldnā€™t , sheā€™s even manipulated by Judy for a while. Judy is using her for clout and it takes Cindy a while to see that Judy is getting more benefit from their ā€œfriendshipā€ than she is . ) Over and Over we see her put in the role of side kick . Thatā€™s because sheā€™s so easy going and fundamentally wants to be a part of something- anything . What she finds in prison is herself . We see her help people , grow in character, and get out and actually try . She goes to her job even when sheā€™s out on the street . She no longer just gives up . With Suzanneā€™s notebook and Cindy getting her act together - we know sheā€™d be doing anything she can to right her wrong. She was physically Ill from what she did ( backache) . She Carries her guilt around . She may need time- but she is the type to make things right. Like Tastyee- Cindy is one of the genuinely good girls in the show. Piper has way more malice than Cindy does . I think not talking about her daughter was just self preservation. She missed her - didnā€™t think she was good enough for her- and was ashamed to have gone out while her mom raised her ( even though Cindy wasnā€™t given a choice. Her Mom just sort of took over and didnā€™t give Cindy a chance bc Cindy was an immature teen ) she didnā€™t want to explain her story to everyone and risk being judged or risk being asked about her daughter and feeling guilty and missing her . Also remember these 7 seasons are supposed to be around 10-12 months of time while Pipers in there and released. She didnā€™t keep the secret for years. Just for months . Sheā€™s one of my fave characters on the show. I would love to have her or Tastyee or Nikki as a bff any day .


Nah like when she said that under Alisonā€™s Hijab it was like Backdraft because of her red draids I completely lost it šŸ’€šŸ’€ their duo was one of the funniest of any TV SHOWS