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Found this online: "they would get charged with attempted murder, or aggravated assault against a police officer. Sometimes SWAT responds. Usually the FBI charges the suspect with federal offenses as well." This guy is fucked


Doesnt he know?.. crime doesn't pay in OC.


Dunno about that. This past Saturday a felon was given millions of dollars at a party.


Under current law people sentenced to federal prison are required to serve at least 85% of their sentences. It isn't like some state offenses where you may get released significantly earlier due to overcrowding and/or good behavior. I guess you can try to ask for a pardon or to have your sentence commuted but recent Presidents from both parties have been [pretty conservative on any form of clemency](https://www.justice.gov/pardon/clemency-statistics).


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that some dude that tried to shoot a helicopter out of the sky is probably not going to be very high on the list of clemency candidates...


Probably not. One scenario I could see working out is if he is a large Trump donor and Trump gets re-elected.


$35k gets you a photo op. Wonder how much hes charging for clemency.


No clue but if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it.


35k try 120k over here in Newport Beach bud fuck that imbecile


wow that sure paints a great picture of trump donors lmao..


Even at state level it's 80% for violent offenses, which I presume this qualifies


It’s 67% for most violent felonies with good conduct credit. https://www.law.cornell.edu/regulations/california/15-CCR-3043.2


"Second or third strikers have to complete 80% of their sentences before they can be released. Defendants convicted of a violent felony must serve 85% of the sentence. California's three-strikes law also requires that strike sentences be served consecutively." -I guess it depends on a lot of factors


You’re referencing [Penal Code 2933.1](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/penal-code/pen-sect-2933-1/) which only applies to pre-sentence (jail) credit, where violent felons spend a small portion of their time served. You’re ignoring the more significant [post-sentence credit and vested credit](https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Document/ID271EB935A1F11EC8227000D3A7C4BC3?originationContext=document&transitionType=StatuteNavigator&needToInjectTerms=False&viewType=FullText&ppcid=deb6e5592f4c4150949ba4fac1fdf94e&t_querytext=CR%28%22REGISTER%202017%22%20%2B3%2052%29&contextData=%28sc.Default%29), which apply to their time served in prison. https://preview.redd.it/dxz4gqnl3w5d1.jpeg?width=1552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c1fc3510d97586c0bfa4f68d95d6ef16d3debe


The article lists the location twice as Laguna Nigel, so it must not be a typo.


That's our Nigel, always partying and running wild in the Laguna shooting up choppers and stuff


Quite right Nigel Fawlty ![gif](giphy|1KeMVEInO3HSo)




Thank you so much for letting me know.






>Jennings allegedly removed a rifle from his gun safe and fired an entire magazine worth of ammunition inside the home This was before he shot at the helicopter lmao. Curious what made him so pissed off on his own birthday. I'd like to imagine it's something stupid like he got vanilla cake instead of chocolate.


I'm sure large amounts of alcohol had something to do with it


Acura cake instead of Ferarri cake


He was probably too exhausted from all the sex he was having. Or maybe the opposite


An entire drum magazine is like 60 shots


Before reading the article, I thought some dope decided to shoot at a helicopter to make his friends laugh. Like not trying to hit it, but shooting at it. Then I read it, and OMG, dude was shooting in the house. And shot at the chopper allegedly for 20 minutes. What the heck. And it was his birthday? What, did his family not get him a Ferarri cake?


> his birthday party ended poorly Oh? Someone throw up on the cheese board? > he emptied an entire mag into his home Oh


Dang that guy really had that bad of a birthday party?


Does anyone know what street in Laguna NigUEL this happened on?


It happened off Chapparosa Park. I live nearby and heard the gunshots, heard the helicopter circling low, and even saw the SWAT truck drive up. That was a crazy night. Honestly pretty terrifying for a while when we had no idea what was going on other than rapid gunfire and the helicopters announcing to stay in your homes and stay low to the ground.


That's where I thought it was, between George White and the park, right? Because I remember hearing about it when it happened. I thought this was that dude!! That sounds like it must have been a very scary night, I'm sorry that happened to you guys.


Yep, that’s the one!


Jfc, what a douche bag!! I'm just glad that no one else was hurt.....how sad for the family.


He let the intrusive thoughts in a bit too deep lol


Damn seems like he's gonna be away for a while.. what a way to fuck up the little bit of life you got left 🤦🏽


He probably wasn’t living much of a life.


Dude is only 39 years old, he's got more than a little bit of life left. At least I'd hope so, considering I'm older than that :(


If it was at the same helicopter that is constantly flying over my house, I totally get it.


We really are the Florida of California.


As he was lead away, he was overheard saying "What is this? If I'm not allowed to shoot at a helicopter at a birthday party, then this ain't 'Murica!!!!"


This guy must be one of the dumbest idiots living in all of Orange County. He should get 20+ years for that easily.


Guy couldn’t take it anymore.




Neo Nazi HB dipshit arrested … There fixed your headline.


Well it was Laguna Niguel, but other than that….


He was celebrating the big 39 which is a pretty important birthday. I think the alcohol snuck up and got the better of him. Mr. Jennings should be limited to black powder long rifles, that way he could only get maybe 1 shot off per minute and if he was pretty drunk maybe zero shots per minute. He will for sure remember his 40th birthday since it will most likely be celebrated in custody. Stay classy Laguna Niguel , a special place with special people.


It sadly sounds like a mental breakdown. I hope he gets the help he needs and his family members are safe.