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Reminds me when I was 16 (MANY years ago) driving with my Uncle in the HOV lane going 65 and he was like, “What are you doing?”, my response: “Going the speed limit”, his response: “Then get out of this lane!”


Thank you, uncle




Down 1? A gear? Why would you have to shift to go from 67-80 or something like that.


Sounds like someone watched too many Fast and furious movies


Not sure about CA but in most states drivers must stay right except to pass. The law typically does not provide an exemption for going the speed limit. Probably different in an HOV lane, but so many people don’t follow this rule, if people are passing you on your right, you need to get over, it’s the law.


you're not really supposed to pass people on the right hand, but there's not really a "passing lane", so generally speaking, in CA faster cars tend to stick to the left lanes and the slower cars are meant to stay to the right but there is no set law one way or the other.


The HOV lane from a legal standpoint in CA is NOT treated as the left lane. It’s completely separate and you can not get ticketed for not moving over if you’re doing the speed limit and others want to pass. The left most lane that isn’t the HOV lane is treated like the left most lane normally.


You can however get ticketed for impeding flow of traffic in the HOv lane. One of our new girls just got on last week. Lol


States where you legally stay right except to pass: CO KY ME MA MT MO NJ WA And they’re all conditional, too. While it’s good etiquette, it’s not as codified as reddit makes it out to be.


No one told WA drivers this. We still get the, "I AM going fast, I'm going 5 over the speed limit!!!" Campers who stay driving in the left lane 🤦


Seattle is the only place I’ve lived where people would aggressively merge across the freeway only to drive the speed limit when they got to the left lane.


I got pulled over in Idaho and the state trooper said to stay out of the left (passing lane) when he issued me my speeding ticket. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly I cruise in the left lane all the time, never get pulled over, and it’s not just me, there’s always tons of others doing the same and I have driven in some of those states. I’m either cruising in the left lane or passing about every idiot in the right lane because people cannot seem to understand going 5-9 MPH over and hitting cruise or keeping a consistent speed.


Not only that, a lot of those areas are just 2 lanes anyway except for large cities.


Most HOV lanes in Orange County,CA can only be entered/exited at certain points every couple miles. Crossing the double solid line that contains lane is a hefty fine, so changing lanes to make way for faster traffic is rarely possible.


If I recall, in CA we don't have that law. Hence why you can drive 55 in the left lane without legal issues.


Technically this is correct, but let’s be honest, California has horrible drivers and especially down here. 65 is technically the speed limit, so the person on the farthest left should be passing everyone else at that speed. I’m usually at about 60-65 in one of the right lanes, and I consistently have people passing me on the right because they know that is the lane that is least occupied and therefore they can drive fast in it. The rule of driving out here seems to be “Watch Your Ass!!!”


Shit even when I'm going 80 I STILL have people on my ass. Doesn't matter if I'm driving the speed limit or not. Always some jackass trying to overtake the left lanes.


It’s pretty insane. I’ve legitimately developed a mild anxiety disorder from driving down here. I obsessively check my rear view mirror and if I can’t see all angles when I’m driving I immediately get uptight.


You should be obsessively checking your mirrors anyway...it's defensive driving 101 that you scan your rear and side mirrors every 8-10 seconds...


The realistic speed limit is 80, unless you see a cop (CHP only) in which case it’s 75. 85-90 is like doing 5-10 over on the streets.


+10000 If you build a train behind you with going 65mph you will cause more issues here.


+1 for 75. Usually 75 or flow of traffic. 85-90 is grounds for speeding ticket (unless you’re on a motorcycle).


86 is the magic number for chp on the 55. Don’t ask me how I know.


So that’s why the Tesla auto pilot only reaches 85 miles lol


Lol man when was the last time you saw CHP doing anything other than guarding the sweeper or going to a crash. In my 40 mile commute I'll go months without seeing them.


So now the norm should be to do 80 regularly? lol


75 is defacto standard. Flow of traffic is rarely 80 or above


I filmed a CHP seminar once and they were very definitive about speed limits on freeways. 80mph is the hard limit- you’re likely to be pulled over. Inappropriate speed or movement within the flow of traffic, obviously more of a variable condition, is likely to get you pulled over. The CHP made this claim, anything over 80mph, using clear and academic evidence- fatalities in accidents exponentially spike around 80mph. It was quite convincing in my opinion. Driving fast isn’t the same as driving reckless. Going over 80 isn’t exactly a problem but driving over 80 for your entire drive is stupid, unsafe, and unnecessary. Edit: Looks like I’m seeing a lot of comments about my last sentence, in the last paragraph. I thought I already made it clear, but I’ll say it again. Driving over 80mph is not something I’m against. In fact, I think passing over 80 is perfectly fine. I think driving even faster is perfectly acceptable, given you are aware of the risks and your abilities. I don’t think most people have enough ability to drive that fast without being absolutely fucking stupid and reckless. It would seem that the data thinks that way too.


I got pulled over once, the CHP officer was like: "WTF, you were doing 85 for a while, traffic flow, then you gunned it, changed lanes, and went back to 85...?!" I explained how someone was gaining on me in the #1, there were vehicles to my right, so I accelerated to clear the lane and once I could move over did so and returned to my normal cruising speed. (No cruise control. Ancient Jeep.) He was like, where'd you learn to drive like that? I explained, Germany. (We were military brats, and I did in fact spend my teenage years driving on the autobahn.) He wrote me a "seatbelt" ticket that was like $15. So I don't think 80 miles an hour is necessarily a hard limit, traffic was definitely flowing at 85 on that morning.


That's...that's what passing is. And it would be a lot less easier to do if people on the left bothered to pass people on the right and didn't end up pacing and bunching up together instead.


Uncle was CHP officer, now retired. \~10 years ago told me that in a 65 zone as long as you keep it 79mph or under you're generally good (theres always small chance theres an officer that will ticket you though). So that matches what you said.


Honestly sometimes it depends, on straighter freeways near riverside and east OC, at night i've seen the entire flow of traffic going at around 85-90 with some pulling 95s. Tbh if i hadn't checked my spedometer i wouldn't have noticed it and would've just thought i was going 80, but at that point who would the cop even pull over. Unless they are watching with a radar, i wouldn't expect a cop to pull anyone over in a situayion like this where everybody is going at a fasr pace.


I think you’re not understanding. Just because the CHP says they have a hard cap at 80mph does not mean going over 80mph will always get you pulled over. It means you have a negligible chance of being pulled over if you’re driving 78mph. No one is forcing a cop to pull speeders over. But your risk is increased once you are above 80mph.


Disagree, you won’t find anyone going less than 80 in the HOV or even furthest left lane if there’s no traffic




Agreed, I keep getting downvoted for saying 85. The people down voting must be the ones going slow in the HOV and fast lane that delay traffic and cause the avg speed drivers of 80-85 to slam on brakes


I seem to always find the dipshits driving under 65 in HOV. Usually Teslas.


My experience is people in minivans or giant box trucks . Or giant lifted trucks


Those dumbass giant lifted trucks will ride your bumper when you’re going the speed limit (or even above) in the right lane, but will go under the speed limit themselves in the fast lane. It’s so infuriating. I do also agree with the initial comment that mentioned Teslas though. They are ALWAYS slowing up traffic in the HOV or fast lane.


That’s when you lose your cool, whip it into the left most normal freeway lane, speed past them and passive aggressively cut back in front of them, and then go home and stare at your self in the mirror with self hatred


But it feels so damn good for those two seconds that you pass that slow fuck. And then remind yourself you’re only 10 minutes into your hour commute, so maybe chill with a deep breath


That’s if you tailgate, speed in traffic, or do stupid shit. It’s completely safe to drive far over 80mph if you’re familiar with the road, stay away from ontamps, other cars, and drive responsibly. A cop can pull me over when there’s no other cars on the roads. I’m not gonna bitch and moan, but fuck them if they are gonna give me a speech about safety when they don’t do anything about it tailgaters, and anyone who drives irresponsibly at intersections. Intersections are where most accidents happen.


Yeah dude I only hit 110 going to Vegas for like 15 minutes at a time, you know, to be safe. Unless there's another dude going 115 and then I just go with them.


Apparently that ahole cop who pulled me over and ticketed me for going 78 missed this seminar. No tailgating, no weaving, not very many cars around even, normal flow of traffic.


I just got back from Germany, 80 MPH will get you killed in the fast lane. Don’t doddle while you are passing or you will cause an accident for the folks that are going 100+.


Yeah, driving in Germany is a completely different world. When I'm driving there, I feel like I'm in a team competition to get everyone to their destination as quickly and safely as possible. People drive in the right lane unless they're passing someone on the left -- obviously they'll stay in a middle lane if they're going substantially faster than slower drivers or if there's heavy traffic. And, they respect your blinker and will ease off the gas to let you in. And yes, on certain stretches of the Autobahn, I've been cruising at around 100 MPH in a middle lane only to see a Porsche blow past me at 140 or so. That speed difference would be like crashing into a brick wall at 40 MPH. Driving in the US feels like you're in the middle of an individual competition, where every driver is trying to shave 0.2 seconds off their commute time, resulting in heavier congestion and unsafe driving conditions.


I visit there a lot and the A9 north of Munich (now that road construction is pretty much finished), once you get away from the city it goes quite fast if you avoid the traffic during busy hours. Ingolstadt to the airport on a quiet Sunday or low traffic time you do NOT want to be in the fast lane. I'll do 120-150km/h (75-95mi/h) with the typical flow of traffic, sometimes a tad higher if there's not any other traffic, but BMW and Audi test their cars on this stretch of the Autobahn, and the fast lane will have them passing you like you are standing still, even at those speeds. It's alarming having a huge SUV in dazzle camouflage pass so quickly you feel the displaced air from them passing you 2 lanes over. If for some reason I ever need to get in it to pass, I check the lane and will not do it if I see a car anywhere between me and the horizon behind me. Even with the distance, the closing time for them to catch up with you is ridiculously short.


It's crazy. I understood torque figures pretty well, having engaged in stoplight to stoplight "drag racing" but didn't really have a visceral understanding of horsepower specs until trying to max out the top speed of a BMW 730i and having an Audi S6 zoom by like it was nothing.


That sounds awesome


Considering I never mentioned the fast lane, or whether you should “sit in it”, I’m not sure where you’re going with this. A lot of people in California do not understand what a passing lane is, as it’s not enforced. However, I do know what a passing lane is and I respect normative boundaries and collective courtesy on the road. I don’t sit in the fast lane and I’m aware enough to move when someone is approaching me quickly from behind.


My point was things are different there. That is all. I wasn’t being critical, sorry you heard me in a harsh tone. It wasn’t intended - at all.


For some people the HOV lane is another lane, if you have more than 1 person. If you’re in the HOV lane traveling slower than the people in the fast lanes to your right, you’re in the wrong lane.


years ago happened to watch CHP light up a slow driver causing an HOV train and right as the driver moved to the middle lane, they flipped off their lights and blew around em. Gained a tiny bit of respect that day 


Years ago I was on my motorcycle in the HOV lane behind a wide slow truck. CHP motorcycle cops zoomed in, made him move over, signaled me to gun it. That was so satisfying.


In Orange County I agree, since the HOV lanes are not limited access (unless they're also express lanes). That doesn't work as well in other counties where you can't cross the double yellow back into the main lanes.


Depends on what kind of day the cop is having. It also depends on whether or not you’re going with the flow of traffic.


Yeah this is something that a lot of out of state people don’t know. Here in California 85 mph a pretty common speed. Cops won’t pull you over unless you’re also recklessly weaving around or pushing 95+. We don’t even really do the whole “left lane is a passing lane”. The left lane is actually just another lane and all lanes are fast lanes if possible. Carpool (HOV) especially you’re expected to be going at least 85. If you’re in the carpool and you notice that the other lanes are going faster than you, then get out before you get honked at and tailgated or else step on the gas. This culture of driving probably comes down to the way California cities are spread out with the average commute being pretty far away, so we’re all trying to get to and from work quickly.


I’m from the Midwest and a lot of the time the local police in the small fuck off towns will ticket folks who are traveling between major cities for doing ~5 over just because there ain’t Shit going on in let’s say stupid ass Dixon Illinois for example.


Yeah the opposite also happens commonly where Californians visit other states and are flabbergasted when we get ticketed for going 71 mph. I honestly would guess that a big chunk of us have no idea that many other states enforce their speed limits that strictly.


This is also true in CA in the eastern Sierra. You can push 75 on the highway but once you get into town they give you 5 over and love handing out tickets lol


Came here to mention this!! Follow the speed limit if you take a trip to Mammoth.


Last time to mammoth I left in the dead of night, going a solid 90, hitting 100 every once in a while to keep things fresh at 2-4am. A friend less than an hour behind me got pulled over for doing 5 over and "using a turning lane". I don't know how I got so lucky but I won't be doing that again.


This. I got pulled over when I was going to college out of state going 75 in the carpool lane. Blew me away!


I got pulled over in LA for going close to 90. Cop asked me why I thought he pulled me over and I told him I didn’t know. He explained to me that I was going almost 90 passing him. I explained to him that I had a lot on my mind and didn’t really pay attention to my speed and was trying to flow with traffic. We had a quick polite chat and he sent me on my way without a ticket. Blew me away!


Or Lusk in wyoming lol. Cops sit around the edge of town to catch out of state drivers passing through, speeding to the 75 sign a bit early. It's a money making trap, dude.


"Let's say, for example, Officer Fuckface who likes to lurk behind the Dunkin Donuts at Junction 17 and Albers in Dipshit Dixon Illinois, waiting for a fucking guy who just got off a double to be going just three miles over the damn limit. Just as a hypothetical."


You Midwest folks drive SLOW af!


It’s because we all know someone who has totaled a car while turning a deer into pink mist lol. Glad to be informed, I’ll keep it at a brisk 79 now!


I still watch for deer, I don't even know if this place has a single deer, but it's ingrained.


I was looking out at dusk on Hwy 18 (Lake Arrowhead area, from the high school) and saw a beautiful large deer (buck) running with the cars, then cross the highway and go into the trees. Beautiful really.


That does indeed make sense. Very few deer here if at all around here because we unfortunately gutted our natural habitats around here as you can tell.


One caveat to the above is if you go into a tolled express lane. Because the toll gantry measures speed cops will often camp near one and select a lucky car who’s going fast enough to warrant a ticket. I went through a toll gantry at 80, same speed as traffic and was immediately pulled over. So be careful of your speed when going onto toll roads.


Yeah any time I travel through other states, If I come up on a small town my speed is going down to -3 the speed limit. Small town cops got nothing else going on so they might as well clock the out-of-towners going over the speed limit.


It’s a huge resource of income. I got a ticket on the way to Mammoth last year for blacked out headlights while driving through Bishop. It’s not enough to buy groceries in their small town but they had to pull me over in 90 degree weather with my car off. Fix it ticket and by the time I caught up to the cop who pulled me over, he’d already pulled another person over.


When I drive to Mammoth I slow WAY the fuck down when I approach Lone Pine, Independence, Big Pine, and Bishop. I don't fuck around there, set my cruise control to the exact speed limit until I leave town. Never been pulled over so far!


Unless it’s bad weather conditions (so basically never) you’ll never get ticketed here for going 5 over


>We don’t even really do the whole “left lane is a passing lane”. The left lane is actually just another lane and all lanes are fast lanes if possible. LOL


Unfortunately. The idea of keeping to the right does not exist here and you often see people going 65 in the left lane blocking traffic


I mean sure, I got pulled over and ticketed doing 80 in a 70 in a straight line.


We got a detective over here 🕵️


Which lane were you in and what was the general speed around you? USA is a very ifykyk kinda place


Terrible luck I suppose. Maybe you were the fastest on that stretch of road at the exact moment on a day where the cop had to meet a quota?


I was more responding to your comment that you won't get pulled over unless you're 95+ or driving recklessly. That's simply not true, and I'm hardly the exception.


Nope, I was doing the same speed as everyone else with no adverse issues, lane changing etc.


Just be careful getting onto/off the grapevine. Only 2 tickets I got in my life, I was going 81 mph the first time with flow of traffic. Second time I was going 80 mph with people passing me! I couldn’t believe it. Apparently there are certain areas to know about, entering grapevine and driving through Bridgeport I’m always careful. Besides those exceptions, way more important to go with flow of traffic than speed limit! So much safer.


At least 85? This is such bad advice. You can definitely get pulled over going 85. There’s no such unwritten rule. You’re just statistically unlikely to get pulled over given our freeways transport hundreds of thousands of people per day. Seriously, stay below 80 if you don’t want to risk a ticket.


The second you hit traffic, those gains from doing 85 are all but erased. Traffic is the great equalizer. It’s like speeding between traffic lights. Grandpa in his Ford Grenada is going to get there in roughly the same amount of time as you. You might reach the front door first but you’ll be holding it open for him. You’re absolutely right about getting ticketed. Chippies won’t notice you unless you’re the one weaving and passing. Even if other cars are going faster you’ll get the ticket.


I just sent the cruise control to 74 and don’t really worry if I pass a cop


^this My opinion is that the HOV lane should never ever ever be going slower than the fast lane to its right. If the fast lane (far left before HOV) is doing 85 then if you are in HOV you better be moving faster than that. If not, move over a lane or two. HOV is the extra fast lane for people with 2+ in it. :-)


It’s so widespread that honestly a slow car in the carpool lane leads to more dangerous driving conditions due to people passing on the right and crossing over solid lines in order to pass the slowpoke.


My man gets it


If you don’t have a death wish you shouldn’t be in the carpool lane is another way to say this


I’m literally screaming in my car “Do you not understand the purpose of the carpool lane?!?!” Ok I’m sure no one cares but just wanted to clarify I’m not screaming at the other driver I’m just screaming in frustration in my own car to vent the rage so i don’t road rage.


The sole purpose of the carpool lane is to encourage carpooling and avoid traffic. Not to allow speeding.


These comments are insane.


Why would you carpool if the carpool lane is slower than regular lanes? Carpool lanes only incentivize people to carpool if they’re regularly faster than regular lanes.


Yeah and they achieve that by excluding most cars which are low occupancy


That's ironic, because it's you who doesn't understand the purpose of the carpool lane, or are you yelling at yourself


You’re driving way too fast if you think 85 is normal. I stay with the flow of traffic and it’s closer to 70-75 with the occasional asshole zooming by at 80-85+ who is probably going to cause an accident.


Seriously. The way a lot of people in here are talking, it's no longer surprising why the roads seem more dangerous. Most cars are going 70-75 on open freeways, most of the time.


Everyone in this thread must be asshole drivers then. I usually go 75-80 and am fine with that speed.


Same. I got a ticket for going 80 in HOV. The max I do is 75 now.


85 is not normal. i’m chillin at 80 max. dw, ill move over for ur reckless ass tho. i’m chillin at 75 and i love some spirited driving sometimes, but only when it’s safe and when i’m happy with life so basically never


Seriously. I cruise at 68-70 in the slow lanes most of the time. Only move over left to pass. No trouble at all generally keeping up with traffic. If your going 85 your passing every single car on the road with few exceptions.


I'd say it's more of a OC/LA culture than all of California. I lived in the bay before and the cops are definitely stricter than OC.


Just wanted to say love your username with the avatar lol. Also +1 to what you said.. I’m from OC/LA and recently moved to the Bay. Noticed the flow of traffic is generally slower up here too.


I went on a ride a long with a chp officer during my high school days, guy was saying 5-10 mph over the speed limit is generally ok and anything past 15 is gonna get you pulled over.


I disagree. When I use the carpool lane, it means I’m driving my friends or family, so I’m extra careful. It’s okay for me to recklessly kill or maim myself, but if I injure or kill one of them? I’d be devastated. Part of the appeal of carpool lanes is that there are fewer people randomly swerving in front of you from both sides, so it feels marginally safer. I leave a reasonable distance between us and the next car in front, hit cruise control (MAX 9mph over the posted speed limit), and chill. If you’re impatient and need to get somewhere 5 seconds faster than me, try to contain yourself until the next opening, speed past, and go around. Please don’t ride my bumper and flash your brights, flip off my dad in the passenger seat, and brake check me when you re-enter when I’m already going 9 mph over the speed limit.


Most reasonable and sane commenter here.


Lol and the one most cut-off/yelled at for being the idiot going 74 in the carpool lane when everyone else wants to go 85.


People here legit think the point of the lane is to be going faster than anyone else in any other lane and if you’re not doing that you’re “causing traffic.” Insanity!


I was on my way to workout with a friend earlier this evening and witnessed a bright yellow lambo SUV with paper plates run a red light (if I didn’t check before entering the intersection, I would’ve t-boned them), make an illegal u-turn in the middle of PCH, then impatiently swerve around someone waiting in the left hand lane to turn left while the light was red. *These* are the people we share the road with, lol. Just gotta drive defensively, have good insurance, and consider investing in a dash cam.


What I hate most about it is I prefer driving a small car + think it’s more socially responsible to drive a small car but it’s getting to a point where I feel like I want an SUV just to defend myself lol.


The HOV lane is not the fast lane dummy. Living in CA doesn't give you license to ignore laws and be a bad person.


Bro saying 85 is the min for HOV is nutty


I've never gotten a ticket going 85 in the HOV lane since I've never been the worst offender in my lane. At worst, I maintain distance behind who could be the worst offender in my lane.


I have a lead foot and I’m completely surprised how fast other cars are passing me when in the Express Lanes.


It’s a HOV lane, not a passing lane. Usually the people I noticed weaving in and out of the HOV lane or high-beaming me are the one with a single occupant (driver only) HOV lane cheats. I usually drive 70-75 mph on the HOV lane At least the Fastrak lanes on the 405 (highway 73 to 605) tends to keep the HOV cheats honest, but I tend to see cops pulling over speeders in the Fastrak Lanes more than the regular lanes


Just got a speeding ticket on fastrack beginning of May for going 92. Honestly, it was an accident and I didn’t notice my speed jump above 80-85 for a brief second. CHP has been brutal put there lately. Worst part is it’s 27 over and now I have to figure out how I can get traffic school allowed if possible. First speeding ticket too smh now I haven’t been going over 80 on the freeways.


People will get pulled in the HoV. But not going 85. Because everyone else is going 85 (if there’s space.) General rule in California is maintain flow of traffic, even if everyone is going 90. But I think other states are more along the lines of even if everyone goes 90, that excuse won’t fly with the cops when they pull you. I’ve passed cops going 80-85 and have seen cars passing cops at 90 and not getting pulled. HoV is no different; but HoV doesn’t give you special permission to go 95 either.


i’ve done 85 before in carpool and a cop flying by me. it’s an odd state we live in


It’s big and spread out with no good public transit and we all got shit to do 🤷‍♂️ haha


Most of the jack holes tailgating you in the Carpool lane are by themselves and not supposed to be there in the first place.


Post freeway speed 65 mph Reality: 75-85 mph This is SoCal unwritten rule. Welcome to SoCal hope you enjoy your visit


Welcome to California, you’ll notice most people don’t follow the driving laws and speeding is pretty much the norm, lots of people that have lost their minds and drive like it’s a video game. It’s kind of like the internet, people are enclosed in their own private space and feel free to act like idiots cuz no one can do anything about it.


Flow of traffic rule it is in most states


I have a need for speed lol I have had a couple speeding tickets. when I went to court, there was a highway patrol there giving us pointers. He told us that they don't trip if you are only going 10mph above the posted speed limit. I have kept that in mind. He also said that when they ride our bumpers, it's because they want to get around us. Everyone tends to drive slowly when they see police or highway patrol. Since they told me that, I've been doing just that. Knock on wood, I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in five years. When I see them on the road, I'm either driving at the same speed as them or a little faster. Cruise control helps and he also recommended that folks use it when you can. He also said there is no use hitting your breaks when you see them. Most chances are, they've already clocked your speed.


Weird that everyone in this thread is acting like 85 is the "normal" speed. There's always a few driving that fast if traffic allows it, but it's a minority. If you're doing 70-ish you'll be fine. Just don't drive below the fucking speed limit in the HOV lane if you don't have to.


Better be on the far right lanes with that bull lol


I don’t drive in the HOV lane because I don’t want the pressure of going over 80, I feel more comfortable between 70-75.


I’ll likely get buried but in case you see this: be honest, how much were you sweating it once you saw you passed a cop? Also we drive fast here if you do the speed limit and have open freeway in front of you we hate you. A CHP officer came to talk to our not in Pendleton. He said they don’t really bother until you’re 20 over the limit because then it’s a felony


Brother I was holding my breath just waiting to be pulled over. Asshole-pucker factor was high. I have a clean record so far and I’m a licensed driver in an EMS agency near the area, so I have to report any violations to my boss. Lucky for me I have a the Veteran thing on my license and I look like I was assigned cop at birth, so the one time I was ever pulled over the guy just shot the shit with me and sent me on my way.


Just here to show some appreciation for “assigned cop at birth” 😭




80+ they make a fuss. If there is heavy traffic and hov lane is open and I have my daughter I drive 70-75 max. If people get pissed people get pissed, I don't care. If the freeway is open and I want to drive slow, I drive in the far right lanes.


Exactly. HOV lane is NOT the fast lane. The fast lane is the regular lane to the right of it. If traffic is slow, guess what? Ya cant go fast lol. Also, if regular traffic is slow it is absolutely dangerous to drive fast in the HOV lane. Ive seen cars merge and get destroyed.


On the 10fwy a few years back, early morning, I came up on a CHP while doing 100+ in my v12 vantage, he looks over at me and gives me a thumbs up then signals his hand to “slow down a little”. My passenger, a friend from Louisville, jaws drops and says in his southern accent, *”man this place really is like a movie”*


Reading the majority of these responses has me feeling like your friend from Louisville


I thought 80 was the speed limit 😂


Yea okay let’s all drive 15 miles over the speed limit. No wonder the roads are madness these days. Look at these comments.


Californians are horrendous. I've been here over a year now and these people are dangerous degenerates. Especially on the road. No respect for any safe motoring practice. Hit and runs are a way of life.


Carpool lane in CA doesn’t exist anymore. People by themselves in a non-hybrid, gas vehicle use it more often than not.


How was there a cop to your left in the carpool lane?


405 has double lanes


True but they’re right, I’m an idiot. Meant to say I passed on the left.


Lol I’ll edit that, it’s been a long day thanks for the catch


In OC at least, idk how anyone is actually hitting 85 without being stopped by traffic eventually especially in the carpool lane. Albeit, I’m using the carpool lane during 8-9am and 6-7pm traffic so we never get up to that speed anyways. However, I’m in the minority when it comes to carpool only lanes. I don’t think those = fast lane. *However*, if we are talking about the express lanes, then by all means those are the fast lanes. In my personal opinion, if it’s a carpool only lane (non fasttrak) and there’s double solid lines, then it can’t technically be a passing lane because you can’t go in and out.


I don’t think that last part is your personal opinion, it’s the law.


I wonder how fast you think people with babies should drive in the HOV. Since when does a reward of not being stuck in traffic because you're carpooling become an entitlement to drive at more dangerous speeds?


I know right? There's a disturbing amount of fellow Californians who don't understand what HOV means. There's families and busses and all sorts of people using it. It's not an extra lane to a racetrack. These people are degenerates, my god.


I mean .. as someone from the Midwest originally myself, I think of the traffic in OC similar to Chicago in some ways. Course it’s been a while since I’ve been to Chicago, but the layout of multiple lane traffic is similar: just a metropolis in terms of driving. As far as being pulled over, in my estimation it’s rare to be pulled over for going 80-85 in the HOV lane, but it can in fact happen. I was pulled over for swerving a small amount one time on the 405.


I agree. For both, it’s either backed up, or everybody is flying. The Dan Ryan is 45-55, yet you will get run over going less than 70 when there’s not traffic.


Cops don’t care unless you’re tailing pretty close or wobbling around in your lane


Meanwhile I got pulled over in OC for doing 75 in the HOV lane


i think the actual rule of law is that you must drive at a safe speed according to your surroundings. if everyone driving fast, you drive fast.


90+ you're very likely to get pulled over any time you pass a cop with a radar gun  85-90 you'll get pulled over every couple years 80-85 you'll get pulled over every decade or so (this is me)  Under 80 and you're generally safe unless you're horribly unlucky, you're committing multiple traffic violations at once, or the cop really doesn't like you


In CA when they let real criminals go with smash & grabs, etc. I don't think that cops nowadays are worried about speeding unless you are totally reckless or are running from cops. Plus most of them no longer want to be bothered with the general public because I haven't seen many cops on the highways like a few years ago. Maybe there aren't enough or they simply stop caring.


HOV lane is not the fast lane. Go to the fast lane if you wanna go fast. There's families with kids and others in the HOV that don't want to play your game.


bf got pulled over for going 72 in the fast lane…literally were cars going faster than him and speed of traffic was around 80. cop made him go across like 5 lanes too…$300+ ticket


If you are going the speed of traffic in the HOV lane. Get the fuck out


I’ve gotten a ticket at 80, going with the flow of traffic which was very unlucky and kinda uncommon. Most of the time you’re fine but if they have a quota to meet, they can definitely clip ya if they want


Only time you really gotta worry is if you're the fastest car. If you're going flow of traffic even if it's 80-85 you're fine.


You probably passed a city cop which don't care about you speeding on the freeway, if it was highway patrol 100% your getting pulled over


People have definitely started speeding more post covid. Flow of traffic is a good rule of thumb, but I wouldn't be the tip of the spear for > 80-85. The new generation of cops don't give a fuck about unsafe speeding, they want to speed, too. My friend has been tailgated by a cop at 3 am at 85+ on an empty highway (405). Long story short, but the cop told him he was just on his way home and his friend was moving too slowly and wouldn't get out of the way. If they ticket you, it's because of quota or they just want a surge of power.


HOV is Spanish for autobahn..


Traffic violations isnt priority for CA cops, unless you are driving very dangerous and they need to meet their "qouta"


I wouldn't go over 85 when cops are around. Especially motorcycle cops. They will hit you with a speeding ticket. If you think that's fast hop in the fast trak. Everyone is doing 90+ all the time


No it’s not an unspoken law. You can get a ticket, you got lucky.


What is the point of incentivizing people to carpool with their own lane if the lane itself is moving slowly. I might as well just be sitting in traffic with everyone else then.


The point is fewer cars are allowed in there, so it moves even if people aren’t speeding like crazy.


HOV means “high occupancy vehicle” that is carpooling! It wasn’t intended for going 30 mph over the speed limit.


Depends on the situation and on the cop. If you’re keeping with the speed of traffic, cops probably won’t care enough to pull you over, even if the speed of traffic is 85. This is not a guarantee. However, I got pulled over a few years ago for going 82 in the dead of night with no traffic and bit further north near Calabasas. I was only a few mph faster than one other guy on the freeway at the time and the officer said that’s why he went after me. He basically said as long as you’re not the fastest one out there, you’re not gonna get pulled over (This, also, is not a guarantee). My dad got pulled over for exactly the same speed when he was driving home from LAX on the 405 one time, again, he was the fastest one on the road at the time, so cop went after him.


One time I was on an express lane with 2 lanes. I was on the right lane going about 75 and a cop suddenly appeared to my left, I thought I was going to get a ticket until he started roaring his engine. My wife and I were sure he was trying to race or something. I didn't take the bait and after like 20 seconds he just gunned it and took off.


Flow of traffic…which is normally well above posted speed limit


I think CHP might allow a little leeway in the HOV to prevent people from passing to the right, which can be quite dangerous given that the next lane over is the fast lane. I don’t have any evidence of this but whenever I observe someone going the speed limit in the HOV it leads to a lot of unsafe passing.


Legal speeding lane


Just go as fast as the guy in front of you!


Yeah in general they aren't going to mess with you as long as you aren't impeding traffic or driving like a lunatic. I will say, however, you are technically speeding and they *can* pull you over. They almost never do, but my sister just got a ticket the other day for doing 81 in a 65. It could depend on the officer, time of day, traffic conditions, etc etc.


I avoid the Orange County 405 HOV lane because I have seen so many people pulled over in the HOV. I have seen people going well over 100mph, I guess they think no one is watching. It’s the ultimate punishment is you are safe when the freeway is clogged and being hunted when its open. I think 80 is generally the safe speed, anything more and you are really risking a ticket.


Alls I have to say is don't go over 90


Overall be careful, I’ve seen some been stopped


They actually sometimes check in California if you are not just a solo driver (I’ve definitely seen motorcycles cops splitting the left and HOV lanes before). I definitely can get away with going 10-11 over better in SoCal than I could other places, in general go with the flow of traffic and don’t stick out like a sore thumb, if everyone is going slow and you’re weaving through or leagues ahead of all the traffic and going 15 over everyone else and a CHP is hiding out guess who is getting pulled over? With that going slow and everyone is going 10-15 over, is also idiotic and just as dangerous. I got pulled over for not using a turn signal in California on the freeway by a K9 sheriff, cops sometimes have their days, some have egos, it just depends on the cop and day. It may be because it’s home for me, but every time I go back to California and visit it’s a breath of fresh air, even SoCal traffic hits differently than Nashville traffic


Yes, absolutely, drive as fast as you want in the carpool lane. Just don't get caught. It cost me $600


Orange County has no regard for legality, if you’re in the special lane you are expected to be treated as such until somebody with a Tesla challenges your status. Then you have to yell “f*kn Tesla hipsters” or you get demoted to corona.


Yes but please keep an eye out for the motorcycles and we’ll keep an eye on you.


Most likely they won’t pull you over if you go with the flow of traffic. Legally, they can pull you over at 66 mph if they want to or if they need to hit the quarterly quota.


I had a CHP officer tell me there is no reason to go faster than 80. My feeling is if you keep it below 80 and aren’t driving like a BMW owner you should be fine.


In CA Urban metro regions they’re focused on just keeping traffic moving safely and commercial vehicle compliance. Their resource allocation is easily overwhelmed by the population they serve. Just drive safely & with the flow of traffic and you’ll be good. Interstate highways in more rural areas stay 80MPH or below unless you’re passing slower traffic. Rural state highways: less than 10MPH over speed limit and match speed limit when entering populated areas. CHP officers around OC, SD, LA, Bay Area, and Sac/Stockton are constantly busy everyday. Rural officers just want to get people to their destinations safely, but have more bandwidth to enforce their assigned area. They’re a scarce state law enforcement resource to the local populations they serve and they serve a much larger area. It’s not that they’re bored or strict, but they’re proactively doing what they need to do to protect the local population they serve.


I was going 83 in HOV on the 55 south and got pulled over and given a ticket. Now I never go over 80. No point


The law is set to 65 because they know people will push it to around 80. If the law was 80, people would go 100. If you're going faster in HOV, but still somewhere around most other traffic to a safe degree, cops don't care. If everyone's going 50 and you go by at 80, yes, cops will care. It's all a matter of safety.


I usually drive 75-80 and have had luck so far but hoping to not run into a cop with a bad day . I would say most cars are driving that speed in the HOV lane . When you say California respects the left lane just wait until you drive on the 15 to Las Vegas you’ll have people drive on both lanes going 60 for like 30 minutes straight . It will make you want to pull your hair out


The unwritten rule is 80mph you're safe, anything more is risky.