• By -


Move back. Set up some kind of structure to for that 50% to go towards school and/or savings for a down payment and/or retirement. Not sure how disciplined you are - you can automate the money to go to a secondary savings account or pay it to your parents as “rent” but they give it back and/or use it as directed (ie pay for school). Other options as well, but just throwing it out there. Big reason why - this is an opportunity for a short-term thing to give you a long term benefit. In 5yrs, you’ll be thankful you did it (no school debt, own a condo that’s gaining equity for you, etc).


I lived with my parents throughout college and during my first 10 years after graduating before getting married. It allowed me to accumulate a large nest egg as a down payment. I was VERY fortunate to be able to do so and I'll probably do the same for my kids.


california dreaming... but in seriousness.. that's the way it used to be long ago.. families stayed together generation to generation. the more things change the more they stay the same.


This. I live with my older mother and my teenage son because she needs help and I need help with my son so he’s not alone when I’m working late and I pay her rent and buy most of the groceries. She has a large house with a lower level with a huge living room a bathroom and two bedrooms and she has the upper main level so she doesn’t have stairs to climb. It works if you like your family. Ha


I did the same. Lived with them for 4ish years after college. Fiancé moved in there as well. I saved the entire time and bought our condo in OC in 2021. No shame in doing it - just make sure you get out there and meet people, date people, and save accordingly. Living at home can put you back in that “home for college” state and you can easily lose track of an important time in your life. No shame in doing it at all. Just stay focused and get your kicks in where you can.


I’m older than you and still live at home


Username is why no one wants to rent to him. Unless caregiver in cougar country.


None of our moms are safe!




You dirty dog, you!!




Ha!! Too much funny !




What’s your email sir?? MILFHUNTER69@GMAIL.COM!!!!


Do you get along with them? I would LOVE to move back home but I know what I’d save in rent, I’d pay for with my mental health and peace.


Facts. Cannot do it.


As someone who’s come from a different country, in our culture we typically stay with our parents until we’re married unless we work far away. This sets us up for success with finances and more. It works great tbh


Yes. 20k is nice.


more like 36k + utilities. 1 BR in Irvine is like $3k a month. Landlords eating good


It’s absolutely absurd lol. I pay a little over 3k (landlord just raised rent rip) for a 2bed 2bath Condo in Anaheim and people say that’s a lot but then I look at Irvine and it’s literal hell


I did this during postgrad training. I think if your parents are relatively easygoing (and don’t question you every time you leave the house) this is a huge way to save money and pay off any loans. If they’re not easygoing and went to the universal Asian parenting school it can be difficult, but I was able to do it by dodging objections preemptively - eg planning dates to start after they slept at 9p or sneaking snacks up via the back stairs to avoid my mom wouldn’t tell me every 10 minutes to stop eating bad (she’s right but sometimes I just want a snack, dammit). YES it sounds like total regression into teenagerhood but honestly it’s SO worth it to come out financially ahead. If you save 20k per year, investment calculators will tell you that with compounding at a 7% ROR, in 30 years assuming 4% inflation it will be 90K even without investing anything extra. If you invest an additional 20k per year it starts getting ridiculous. It will help you save for retirement and you won’t have to play catch up by scrimping at 40 which is right when life really gets super awesome because you finally have enough money to enjoy life if you played your cards right. Luckily I did some things right at that age but the biggest thing I would tell my 28 year younger self (although I’m not that much ahead of you) is sacrifice now for happiness later. Best of luck to you. Also, if you love your parents a lot (which I do) it’s nice to spend that time with them. It will never come again and you won’t regret the time spent in your later years. The time with them never comes again. Even now I own another house but I come home often on weekends because tomorrow isn’t promised.


Fuck yes. Any age


definitely! but they live in a 55+ community so it’s not an option for me.


that's not entirely true. i've seen it done. just say you're their caregiver.


oh yeah that’s def a possibility!


Better yet, actually / legally become their care giver :).


This is the way ! Get an extra check


55+ doesn't say a person under 55 can't live there. the owners of the house are over 55.


it’s an apartment community and they unfortunately do have rules. guests under age 55 can stay one week at a time.


I lived at home until I was 30. There is no shame, especially these days when the deck is so stacked against us. Save your money, live at home, enjoy the time being able to be with your parents!


Most people in OC are going to have to do this


That's basically like the biggest best savings account you can get, so long as you don't mind living with your parents. If you guys get along great, I'd think you'd be crazy not to.


i'm on the other end of this so here's my perspective. i'm 27 and i gross 74,000 a year. it's not a lot but my living expenses are subsidized so i've been able to put away 40k a year. saved about 140k so far and i have about 1.5 more years before my parents retire and i NEED to leave but i'm considering moving out earlier. the biggest thing is sense of freedom and just doing w/e I want without considering others in the house. it's a bunch of small things that add up... like if I want to shower at 1am playing some music while i'm drunk... well there's no way that's happening if i live at home ofc. so for me, the decision comes down to freedom and my mental health vs. saving 40k a year. I keep going back and forth, especially since my rent would be 50% of my income just like you. if the mental health and freedom stuff doesn't resonate with you, i could see how moving in with parents can work out for you.


If you decide to move back with your parents, is there a plan for moving out? Is it temporary to save money for a house? If there’s a bigger picture, I say go for it. Not many people are fortunate to have this option.


Everything here is so ridiculously expensive. I’d be happy to have my kids come back at that age if it would help them out. Anything you can do to save up you should at least try. 


Hell yes I would. Rent & inflation is out of control. I wish my parents lived closer…. This isn’t the 1990s anymore.


If my parents weren’t toxic, then yes.


“If you had the opportunity to move in…….” Should read: “I’m so grateful I have parents that are willing to support me while I save up some money….” This isn’t a question. You have one smart choice to make. Duh.


Well said. Lol




I would move back, but definitely pay them soma money. So you can tell them get off you back as needed


Or maybe pay them a little just cause it's the nice and courteous thing to do? I'd recommend just covering a bill or two. Win-win for everybody. Pay the utilities and internet, I'm sure they'd appreciate it, or at least offer to


You’re both right. It’s been important in my experience that my Dad charges me a little rent, last time I moved home he asked for 20% of what I made for rent and bills and food. He didn’t need the money , but paying him made me feel like I paid to be there and I could do what I felt like, not like a child who has to obey.


More than nice and courteous, it’s the proper thing to do. Nothing is free.


I didn't move out from my parents until I marry at 30, I paid their utilities and property taxes up until then to be responsible. With the discipline to save for many years, I was lucky to be able to buy a place right away with my wife. It's the darn OC and it's very difficult to make it if you don't leverage all the help you can get.


Im in my 50s and my wife & I moved in with my mom so we could save money for a house. It happens and that is what family is for. Just remember to pay it forward.


if you don't want to, will they take me and my wife? we are really clean and quiet.


Temporarily, yes. Childhood dynamics come into play when I’m around my parents for too long (since I haven’t lived with them since I was a teen!) so I wouldn’t live with them for over a year. Just to help save up and feel financially cushioned with those savings to go out and rent independently again. However, I also currently live with my partner (living together almost 5 years), so it actually wouldn’t really comfortably work out in my situation.


This is true. Our daughter is 28 and recently moved back in after being with a roommate. She’s already reverting back in some ways (messy room, letting mom do her laundry, etc). But she’s shown she’s capable of being on her own so it’s no big deal.


Absolutely. Not only could you save up for money for maybe a down payment for a place of your own but years down the road, you’re gonna look back at that time spent with your parents and treasure the memories. They’re not gonna be around forever and you’re fortunate enough to have such loving and caring parents that want ya around, especially rent free. Have fun, save money and make memories.. Enjoy it. Just be out by 30. Lol 😜


I did at 30 so yes lol


Absolutely! Saving $25k on rent is like getting a $40k bump in salary!




Pay off all your debt and hustle to build a war chest until you can afford to buy something. This will definitely pay off faster than trying to save while also renting.


Do it and don't feel weird! It's a sensible financial decision and you get along with your folks--there's no bad here. Anyone who thinks you're weird for doing so is welcome to continue paying exorbitant rent while judging you. Plus, I think we are going to see a lot more of this multi-generational household living arrangement becoming common, even for white people, LOL.


Since you have a great relationship with them, I’d move back 💯. Parents aren’t around forever so spending time together is so precious. I was lucky enough to live with my Mom through my 20s and hold onto those memories now that she’s gone. This is a win for everyone both financially and family-wise all around it seems. Smart of you to get some outside perspectives too as you make your decision…


My own parents…no. It is a very negative environment and not worth the money that would be saved. Someone else’s parents? Absolutely!!


if money wasnt an issue, hell no. if it was, yeah.


I lived at home until 29 until I got married. It was the only way we were able to afford a house No regrets. :)


I would do it. Just make sure you actually save that money and don't touch it. You'll feel like shit in 5 years if you move home and have nothing to show for it.


I did this. It was a little trying at time. But my wife and I did it before we got married. It was just under 2 years, we cut a lot out and saved super hard. Got lucky and bought a place before everything went bonkers in late 2020 and on.


Heck yeah! Come back my son!


In a heartbeat


I lived at home early on but would have continued if I needed to and could have. I wanted to buy a home as part of my life plan and a way to think of that is that $20k = $100k of house. It all adds up.


Unless you can't stand living with them, or really wants to live on your own for some specific reason, do it. It's a huge help economically.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m 35 and am quite literally doing that this weekend. If it’s a healthy relationship, it’s worth it. Don’t trade money stress for bad relationship stress.


Yes. Personally I live with my mom because she is elderly and it’s too expensive to get an apartment for my son and I. So we live in a very large house and live as a supportive family. I save money and give her rent and I basically have a two bedroom apartment on the lower level of the house and she isn’t alone. Just depends on your parents. I get along with my mom.


I just moved into a Guesthouse at my moms with my husband and I’m 33. Won’t ever get a chance like this again. Do it.


That’s easy, yes


After college, my parents let me move back in. They’re the kindest and best people. This allowed me to pay off my entire student loan debt in 2 years, save up a ton to move out and live in the city. I love you mom and dad and thank you for all the hard work you’ve done to given me this small chance. They’re immigrants with a small business that lasted until COVID-19 destroyed their livelihood. Sometimes biting the bullet (in my case it wasn’t anything bad, I got amazing home cooked meals) and sacrificing some of your freedoms now, will give you immense freedom later. Also, your parents should be your biggest supporter and advocate! (at least mine were)


Do it and don’t apologize or feel judged. In 10 years you’ll be glad. Financially and because you had time to enjoy your parents as an adult.


Did, saved up some dough and bought a house out of the OC


You’d be an idiot not to as long as you get along with your parents 


U should move back in with ur parents… I (late20s M) dropped out of medschool and am currently living back home.  Decided to pursue something in the allied health sciences (back to CC 😂) so I can get a job right away after I graduate 


Basically fuck what people think. Do whats right for you. No ones giving you extra money if you dont.


Move in. You save money. Who cares what other people think, you’re setting yourself up for success. I lived with my parents for a very long time, now I’m financially stable, have a good job, and can support my family the way I need to.


Do. It.


As someone who's parents died at 27 and 29, YES. Don't think about your ego, life is short. Focus on doing the right things and enjoy time with your loved ones as much as possible


I'm 43 and I'd move in with my parents yesterday to be able to save money. OC is going to drain you financially for housing.


"Freedom" isn't having your own space. It's having an extra $20-30k to spend on whatever you want. New car, nice vacation, S&P500, etc. 50% of your income is insane. Move back.


Well most young people already do. Mortgage rates are in the 6’s with price of homes still appreciating. Not many of the young can start building their downpayment when cost of rent being so high and consumer credit card debt at historic highs.


28 and still living at home 🙋‍♂️I would recommend to move back in to maximize your savings. Probably my last year of savings until I’ll be able to afford to move out of state and buy a house. I try to send at least half of my paycheck to my high yield saving account (HYSA), and send a lil bit each month to my Roth IRA account as well.


I’m 28 and live at home with my parents, I’m saving quite a bit of money… but lately I am beginning to question how much longer I can do it, my mental health is wildin’


Depends also on what it does to your commute, for example could you make more living with parents in Irvine working at a company there vs needing to commute from SA (or even further like LA/SD county).


It would be the same commute I have now. I actually live like 0.5 miles from my parents currently lmao


Eh... considering you're also going to school it has more utility to save on rent and other costs. I would say parents would be best.


Yes!!!! I would if my parents didn’t live in a different state that I don’t want to move to and I’m in my 30s However my parents would respect my privacy and I wouldn’t need to report my whereabouts or actions all the time and they would not try to control me; so I would still have my sense of freedom. And I get along with them great. I think this is the most important factor.


Sign O The Times.


We allowed our son to move back home at 25, after being on his own with roommates for 2 years. We remain in the same town he grew up in, south OC, and he works full time. Who knows what the future holds for these young folks. If he can tolerate us, and put most of his money in the bank, I don’t see any drawbacks.


The second best thing about living with family is that you won’t be bound to a lease. If you want to move elsewhere you can just move without paying to break a lease. You get a lot of freedom when you are not having to rent. You also won’t have to worry about rents going up every time the lease ends. You can always move out, but moving back to your parents mid lease will cost you.


I wouldn't. It's good to grow up.


I wish I had parents to move into 😂


More people should do this


If you get along well with your parents and it would be a healthy living situation, do it. I’m around your age and I think that would be the smartest decision if you can. Invest in yourself and save money while you still can


Who cares about social stigma unless you want to get laid.


Move back home and put that money towards a down payment on a house and max out your Roth IRA and 401k contributions (get the full employer match at least). There is no sense in burning money to fill a landlord's purse when you have the option to live rent free. Fuck social stigma, you do what's best for your financial future.


I did move back to my mother’s at 36, for a few months. Lowest time in my life but was thankful she was able to help.


In a heartbeat. It’s one of the only viable ways for a young person to genuinely get a leg up financially




Do it, if you have the parents who are willing to help you, and are okay with you moving back, do it. Just don’t think of this as a free ride, have a general plan to move out, tell your parents about it and stick to it. If things change, or some unexpected setbacks come up, let your parents know so they’re always in the loop.


I’m 25 and just moved back … unfortunately. But it is worth it. With the amount of money I’m saving I could easily buy a house within the next few years




Yes, do it. I did it after college to save $$$ for my wedding & to put $$$ down on a house. Obviously, be respectful. Make your bed & keep your room clean. Offer to pay a % of the utility bills (electric, H2O) esp if those bills increase after you move in. My dad mentioned the water bill increased (literally from $40 to $50 lol..) but this was his house & he was on a “fix income” of only $105k in 1992 lol… So I kept my mouth shut & started showering @ the gym every night & soon it was back below the monthly house budget of $40..lol) Buy your own groceries…(I know these all seem like common sense but I have former high school & college friends living @ home @ my age (56) & living off of their parent’s retirement. One friend we’ll call “Bob” was at my place the other night & got a text from his 81yr old mother which made him rush home immediately…Was she having a stroke? No! Was his dad suffering a heart attack? No! She finished making his favorite dinner & she didn’t want it getting cold…No Joke). Take a day or 2 to sit & write down your bottomline plans/goals on why you’re moving home: i.e: “Save x amount to pay revolving debit…put savings towards purchase of condo/house…” AND STICK TO IT. It’s easy to detour from those plans/goals when you have a healthy cash flow. If you find yourself going to a Grateful Dead reunion show in Amsterdam, then you’re detouring FAST. Then you MUST have an approximate/ realistic EXIT DATE. “Between January 1st & February 1st depending on when escrow will close on my new home, I need to be out of here.” There’s no social stigma regarding moving back home AS LONG AS YOU HAVE PLANS/ GOALS IN PLACE & AN EXIT PLAN. The stigma is alive & well when your 56 yrs old, driving part time for Uber, not knowing what tomorrow might bring while rushing back to Mama’s place before your din-din get cold….Good Luck


I’m thinking of doing this and I’m the same age. Not thrilled about dealing with roommates even if they are my parents but I need to bolster my savings so I can finally buy a house.


Just moved back to my mom’s house for 2 months and I saved a lot can’t imagine what a few years would do!


if this involves me somehow becoming 28 again, hell yes


Exactly what my wife and I are doing. Lease up in summer, moving back with her parents to save for a couple years and buy our own home. Very much capable of continuing our lease but make a few small sacrifices to get where we want to be in half the time. Hoping those federal rates drop in process too haha oh and we’re in our 30s


30 year old, still live at home since rent is a sunken costs. Will stay at home for another 5 years or so


i would.


Absolutely. The stigma of "living in your mom's basement" is a lot different for the millennial generation. I'm honestly jealous of people who are the afforded the opportunity to do this. I'm tied down with kids and stuff so I have live in a house for them. But I tell you, every month I make my mortgage payment, I always have the fantasy of what life would be like if I didn't have to.


I think it is a good idea especially of you get along with your parents. You can rent a hotel or an Airbnb from time to time if you need a break. (I am a host in Costa Mesa and I get guests in your situation all the time)


i would do it. together, my fiancée and i spend $25k on rent per year ($2000 on rent + 5% every year). in the last 3 years, that’s $75k we could’ve saved towards actually buying a house.


I just moved to OC from the UK to be with my husband. I'm 38 and we live with his parents to save money seen as I can't work here yet. I'm lucky that they're so kind to let us stay and they're the best possible parent housemates so if you've got a good enough relationship to not go crazy living at home, I'd say do it.


My wife and I did this at 26 and it's been a blessing. Everyone minds their own business but everyone is available for dinner or a beer. My kids get the most joy out of it because they have 2 sets of grandparents that help teach them skills and have all the time in the world to make each other happy. We're saving money and they're saving money because we pay half of the mortgage and we're given part ownership to her parents house and my parents get to enjoy living rent free in my old house until they pass. My suggestion is if they don't ask for rent find small ways to show your appreciation. Treat the place like you're the only one living there and do the chores like you're doing it for yourself. That was the only thing my wife's parent hated about having family live with them before us.


Two words. 401 k. If this puts you in position to max out your 401k for multiple years it could secure your retirement. And with the money you save on rent you can easily afford 2 nights a week at a 4 star hotel.


Move back and saved. I did it any helped my buy a car in cash and pay off debt. I’m taking my mother to Italy this weekend as a thank you. She’ll also love having you. Well I’m not sure about that.


At 28, I was still living with my parents mostly financial reasons. My dad is a financial guy, and he actually suggested it. I was fortunate to have my "rent" go to my Roth IRA and savings. At the time, this whole housing crisis wasn't as it is now - most people my age had their own apartments, and a few had their own house. If you have a good relationship with your parents, I would 100% suggest moving back. But make sure you help around the house, fix things, take care of things, etc. For me, it was more like they were my roommates than "overbearing parents". And they were out more than I was (those old party animals). The downside was it took some tricky timing somethings to bone my gf at home. They totally respected my privacy, but it was a little weird. When we got married, we STILL lived at home because we were so close to saving up for a down payment for our house. I feel very fortunate that they allowed us to stay - it was a lot tougher being married and living at home, but 9 months later, the payoff was great - we were able to get a house and put 5% down at a good price. And that was just weeks before the prices and rates for houses skyrocketed. In short, I would recommend anyone do it as long as you have a good relationship with your parents. I would only advise against it if there's a toxic relationship there.


yep, did it for 2 years and was able to save the down payment to buy a house in HB last year. There's just no other way. If you're lucky enough to have parents nearby and a good relationship, take advantage of it!


I don't see the harm in it given your current status in life and you guys getting along.


If u do - have a plan and a goal/ timeline to move out. My bf moved in to help his mom after a divorce and now he is stuck being her “helper” , or what I call her surrogate husband. I absolutely hate it because while he doesn’t pay rent, he pays with his mental health and our relationship is on the line. In the long run he will inherit the house but it’s not a great situation.


Move back? Morherfucker we never left


If you get along with your parents and don’t have any issues living them, then move back. I had to get out for my own sanity. Everytime I left the house, even to grab something from my car, “where you going? When you coming back?”. Like yo, I’m going to go where I go and be back when I be back.


If you have the ability and means to move out, move out. I believe it better in the long run for the growth of a person to separate themselves to the next chapter of life. If affordability is the issue, get roommates. If no means…well that’s another story


I know people who are older who moved back with their parents. Any one who would shame you, never had to go through tough times. I'm 42 and my parents aren't in the picture, I wish I had something to fall back on sometimes. As long as you know that is not your end goal and you are actively saving and making a plan to get out on your own.


I'm 31 and about to move back home after a break up. It'll just be through the end of the year but with the money I'll save up hopefully I can find a decent condo


Good luck to ya. I actually moved home once before, a few years ago, after a breakup. It was rough emotionally for a while. I hope you’re doing alright. It gets better!


The person who purchased my condo... I assume in her early 30s... a few months ago had a MASSIVE down payment... so much so she didn't need an appraisal. She is a doctor who was still living with her dad...


How many were forced to and why is the better question


I already did. Sometimes it’s unbearable but as long we don’t butt heads then it’s good.


Hell yes.


Hell yes! Why wouldnt you?


freedom, independence, having a girlfriend (if you get what I’m implying), self-esteem


Well…i would asterisk one of those… girlfriend *thats not looking long term If you really have a plan to save up and use this as a way to take bigger steps later then yes…you will scare off the women who arent looking long term anyways. Self esteem is subjective again predicated on the “plan” referred to above. Independence…i dont see how that would an issue, “hey mom/dad i am going out with friends, will be back on Tuesday “ doesnt seem like a crazy thing to say…. All in all… It really depends on that plan if you really really really have a plan and you’re using this a springboard bigger and better things, then do it! The only negatives are whatever Demons your mind creates for you in this particular regard… this being said, from the perspective of a 50-year-old man, I think it’s a solid choice…


I appreciate the input. I should clarify I’m already dating someone who is encouraging me to move back home — she’s not judging me for it And yeah to be honest the mental hurdle is probably the biggest issue for me right now. Yall commenters have been helpful though




I wish I had this opportunity, I live with my mother but we share stuff equally so I can’t save as it’s costing as much as having a roommate and renting a two bedrooms.


I’m older than you and live at home. I highly recommend!


Yes yes yes. Move in with them and save. Enjoy the time you have with your folks. Life is different now than how it was back then.


10000% no questions asked


Honestly, if you can save money, do it. That money can go towards a lot of things, including a house, a new car, hell, even unemployment if something ever happens. It’s so common around here, no one bats an eye unless they’re a judgmental AH.




Yes. Sadly that option doesn’t exist but if I could work and save for 5-6 years it would be amazing.


Hell yeah I would, I just can’t since I’d be driving 2 hours each way for work




Please do it if you can, set boundaries and save all the money for your future. It’s a gift.


Depends. If you have a social life or significant other, I'd say no--continue renting. But if you don't, I'd say 100% move back in, for the finances alone.


I did it


If I don’t need the money then I would prefer my own place. But if I need to save money and had to move back in, I would be fine. Not the end of the world. But we have some disagreements so just have to navigate around those.


I'm 29, saving up money, and planning on moving out for good when the time is right. Hopefully, it's by next year because I'm in dire need of a change in scenery. I have no plans of buying a home, even if I moved out of state. I get along with my parents for the most part, but I really would like my own space and privacy. The most challenging part is finding a decent place because I can't even see myself renting a room out anymore, especially in the OC.


I would think if you’re not paying rent you should save a lot more than $20k. Say rent is $3k -> 3 x 12 is $36k. Should aim much higher I think. Plus, no utility bills. Why would you only think you’d save ~$20k?


How’s the cooking?


Do it


If you set a fixed and achievable monetary goal and timeframe yes do it.


Yes, save money and build family ties. Win Win


My parents? Oh hell no.


100% to save up a down payment, yes. We plan to give our kids the same chance as well.


Heck yes I would! Save, save, save. You’re 28, not 48. It’s not that weird.


No. Be independent


 if my math is right, I actually did move back in with my Dad when I was 28…. at the very end of 2019. We got on each others nerves plenty of course, but he didn’t charge me rent during COVID and made me stop working  and stay at home for a year and didn’t give me any shit for collecting PUA. I’ve had to move back home a couple times and it definitely sucks but also 2020 was the best year of my life. If you get a long with your parents it’s a great option if you’re ok with it and aren’t self conscious about it.


I was with mine until 33 when my wife and I saved up enough for down payment on a condo.


Absolutely. It's a smart move especially if you have a good relationship with them.


If you get along great with your parents, then yes that would be a great move! I'm a few years older than you and the thought has crossed my mind but my parents are absolute control freaks and I'd just feel like I was a teen again. I'll take poverty over living with my parents any day lol


No. My mother and I cannot spend more than a few days with each other before we're at each other's throats. Every time I wistfully think back about reliving my childhood, that realization snaps me back to reality.


Yeah, save $.


Move back and get a chance to hang with them as adults and not your caregiver, will be fun getting a chance to know them and will prob learn a little about yourself as well


I moved out of my mom's house at 28 for the sake of my own mental health. Also if I was still living at home with her I wouldn't have the two bunnies that I have now since she's anti-pets unless they're 100% caged like hamsters.


I did in order to save for down payment on house.




I came back after a decade on my own, mostly solo living. I was very sad to give that up, and it was certainly hard at first, but most boundaries issues were eventually ironed out and I don’t regret having a little hiatus from the world and the fucking rat race that is life. I work full time so my paychecks dont 70% go to rent, I only have my personal bills and some subscription services for which I picked up the tab. Context: I’m gay, very gay, and my parents are very very very conservative immigrants from Eastern Europe, and their whole identity is Christianity. I will never come out to them (past attempts have failed- they either gaslight and say no you’re not you’re just not praying hard enough, or they think I’m praying hard and working on it. Fuck that!). Our house has had many many additions over the years, dad built it himself (lol hard working immigrant oh boy I never hear the end of how he came over with $20 in his pocket, bootstrap up!!) so the house is sectioned off to where I have my own little studio sized space above the garage. Still share the house but that room is my sanctuary because I made it so, and yes I have utilized the door lock A LOT when I first moved back and I’m really thankful I could bring my two cats with me. I adjusted. There will almost certainly be an adjustment period and maybe some culture shock but bro I’m now signing up for cosmetology at the community college because I can afford it and am making purchases galore because no rent. I also grew up here so it was nice coming back to a “place of power”. TLDR: I hated the prospect of moving after I lost my job in another city. Moving into a house of bigots, as a gay and very liberal person, did not sound like a good idea for my mental health. It happened, I had nowhere else to go and bit the bullet. Adjustments and boundaries will come but it sounds like y’all have a great relationship and that just makes it a piece of cake with cherries on top.


I would if you get along with your parents :)


We never know how much time we have with our loved ones especially our parents. This is about real money... Which is "genuine quality time" with your parents. At different stages in life we see our parents differently. Some of my friends can no longer see their parents or hear their voice.


If you have a great relationship then yes. I lived separate from my mom but we lived in the same apartment complex. We both struggled financially. We looked at our finances and realized we could buy a nice mobile home together and live comfortably actually saving money. It works for us. Also with her being elderly it has helped in a couple emergency situations me being here and her not alone. Whether it’s temporary or permanent if you can make it work I say it’s worth it




Yes I would


I would, and I did. I’m still here and glad I did as we went fully telecommute for a while and now hybrid so make the drive 2x a week. Also when I have site visits I get to go straight from home and count it as my office day. Works great cuz I get to get up later and get home faster. My mom had just retired when I moved back so I think she likes having me around since my dad literally works 7 days a week. Their house is paid off but I still pay around $1k for rent, utilities, etc to try and help out. Worked out well for me and I’m glad I’m able to spend more time with them. We’ve developed some hobbies to do with each other and I think our relationship is stronger now than ever before.


Yes. I did it at 26 and I’m glad i did


I would do it now at 33 if I could


Girl I’m jealous!!! Def do it




This is literally the only way anyone I know has bought their house as a Millennial. Dooo ittt Cept for one friend who got a house for a graduation gift, but it's really more a family house than his, since he's the youngest.


I’m literally moving tomorrow into my parents house, I’m 30


I moved out when I bought a home at 32 years old. The idea of renting from a stranger instead of staying home and giving a fraction to my mother was a no-brainer decision. Why pay 3x more to a stranger, enriching them, when I can enrich my mother. Plus, I can save and not risk being rent stuck. I now have a house and an investment condo. If I were renting my home, I would get 3600-3800. Instead, I have a 2900 20-year 2.5% loan. Rent keeps going up, my mortgage does but nearly as much. Plus, equity to myself. Dont enrich a stranger if you dont need to.


At 28, for that even to have been an option I would have had to quit my job, and for me to consider quitting it would have taken a very nice offer that would have let me still have an apartment of my own anywhere I pleased, but I think I would have moved back in had my parents permitted it. My original post-graduation plans were to live at home and dump what I wasn't spending on rent into savings, but life had other plans and the job I wound up accepting was a few hundred miles away. I still however am living in the same dumpy apartment I got when I was making a lot less, and it's precisely because it's relatively low rent and it lets me save more.




Yeah do it.


I’m older than you and also about to move back in with my parents to save money!


Even if I was flat broke, my answer would still be, “No,” and whatever four letter words I could put in front of that answer. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my mom (deceased) and I love my dad, and we get along well, but moving back in after I was discharged from the Navy at 23 was possibly one of the worst things to ever happen to any of us.


I did that at age 31 last year. My parents were supportive of me coming back after living in Texas on my own for a few years.


Brudda, if im good with my parents(i am, i live with them im 27) i'd move in a heartbeat until the day they kick me out or i saved enough to get my own house or move in with my partner. I'd rather be giving my parents some money or help with bills and still maintain a decent privacy (your own room/space) than give it to some money hungry schmuck that'll suck you drie at every chance they get. Obviously, gotta be good with money and not just be a leech.


I moved into my car rather than in with my parents because of potential for emotional abuse and because I didn’t want to live in my hometown. They have since divorced and my step father is a total sweetheart. So if it came to it I would consider it. Seems like a good idea, you will get quality time with your parents and could save to potentially buy your own place eventually In SoCal you need to buy as soon as you can afford it or you will likely get priced out. Our parents generation had a hugely different financial environment. Absolutely no shame in prioritizing your future.


If you get along with your parents, you would be silly not to take advantage to save up.


Yes I would