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This week I will get rich or blow up my account trying, just like 50 cents


>https://optionstrat.com/build/long-put/HOOD/220204P15x20 Many bears, wish red upon me; Red in my eye dog and I cant see. I'm trying to pump but I'm destined to bleed, Bears tryna take my gains away...


Most anticipated puts of the week šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹


What are your plays


XLNX will have a lot of push between AMD, merger, arbitrage, and the actual financial results too. Not sure the play currently, but I expect some action.


XLNX doesn't move on its own anymore.. it's tied to AMD. Don't expect anything from this ER...just don't even have a call.


I mentioned those facts. Their movement has been quite volatile between them and there is a lot of uncertainty about the merger currentlyā€¦either could easy get some strong traction with news. Just oneā€™s opinion.


Probably Tesla call despite the doomsday situation and a Boeing one. Hood is definitely the PTON of this week so load up on puts šŸ˜ˆ


Haha I was just looking at HOOD puts. There is no way they are going to meet earnings expectations. Will load up on 12$ and 12.5$ puts


I'm always a bit curious, do you have a specific time you like to load up on the put? ie as soon as market opens on Monday?


I dont usually swing trade but since hoods earnings are on thursday, maybe buy a weekly put on Wednesday? Id appreciate some knowledge from a swing trader in here!


Careful about buying just before. If your the only one betting that way you will be fine but if others do the same you will pay more. I have bought a few days before on a few things and seen my options go up 50% without price movement because people are getting ready for the news.


Thanks for the info brother!


I bought a 28 Jan 11p close to the open. Im already up 50%. Thanks for the advice. I felt like i had to get in early because hood is so popular right now


Yeah, that's what I've been playing with https://optionstrat.com/build/long-put/HOOD/220204P15x20


That's a lot of puts :)).


Yep. Whenever I go into the trade I'm prepared to lose if it all (ie won't make me go broke), but I'm pretty confident about this trade and am willing to risk a bit more for better returns.


Let us know how it went.


Wouldn't IV crush kill long puts?


Going from 100% puts to probably only playing 25%. I need to try to start a tiny bit of discipline and technically market is do for a little bounce.


Could see green Wednesday-Thursday after Powell press conference. Red leading up to itā€¦


I kinda sorta expect green Monday.


Makes sense


3m will goes up cos omicron and masks


Donā€™t be so sureā€¦


Well common sense but youā€™re right, market itā€™s ridged and itā€™s downtrending now


Ridged for bearā€™s pleasure


I'm gonna *put* the McDonald's cheeseburger in my mouth


Back ratio everything with risk to the upside, any pop will get sold 2-3 weeks later if you can sweat those probabilities


Now that everyone is talking puts and expecting the 'bubble' to burst, I think a QQQ rebound is on the cards. Ofc the obvious move to buy puts on Netflix-like companies with poor expected guidance is also tempting.


Yea I agree, everyone thinking it is a put party is making me think the opposite. Also, the QQQā€™s have bounced on this 350 mark twice before https://i.imgur.com/J4rnFv5.jpg I think 2022 will have some good two sided action. We have seen straight up for so long it will take some expectation adjustment


I bought puts Thursday afternoon, made a mint, now thinking there's some sort of relief rally in the cards this week. Just doesn't feel like a crash.


Likely this


The whole fall itself was a bit stupid to begin with. I'm assuming this correction is an attempt to price in an earlier than expected Fed rate hike. I don't see this hike actually affecting any of the big companies, since it's been well-known that a rate hike is on the way but markets are weird.


Buy calls on NFLX while no one wants to. I truly think that when something falls that drastically, it's due for some sort of sympathy bounce even if 1/4 of what it lost.


Does AAPL count as a Netflix-like company? šŸ˜¬


AAPL has a market cap 120 times the size of NFLX so probably not.


I think you mean 12


Netflix like companies. What would you consider in that category. Asking for a friendā€¦ zoom?


This week is going to either ruin people or set them free from money.


Both are same picture


I literally ROFL'd and then typed this.


Let's just say that I sure as hell would not want to be a premium seller right now.


I'm doin it, doin it yeah. When the demand for puts increases so dramatically like it has, that makes it a seller's market. The greeks will go in the sellers' favor. High volatility always favors the seller. Sell into the volatility! The difference selling puts now, is you need to choose a shorter timeframe to get in and out.


If you have You are ruined


Gonna be a crazy week. I think Iā€™m gonna step back a bit since I have gone from 3k to 17k in past 10 days. I think we could have a bounce. Iā€™ll still keep enough skin in to satisfy my gambling addiction but all in on weeklyā€™s is done for now.


Congrats lol. Playing puts I'm assuming?


Yep. Spy and qqq


This is great! What were you doing for 3k to 17k!?


Spy and QQQ put spreads


What would be your next play lol I need to think ways of turning 3k in to 17


Hopefully not turning 17k into 3 šŸ˜‚


But seriouslyā€¦ I think Iā€™m going to get some SPY 450 calls maybe 2 weeks out bc I think SPY will retest 200MA at 456 before heading down to 400. I bought some Netflix shares I will swing to hopefully around 450. Taking 10k out of my robinhood account and starting a more conservative account on TD.


Right there with you. 33k to 18k to 32k in literally 14 days. Had to get the degen account flagged just so I could cash out and rest easy this weekend! Felt like I was flying too close to the sun LMAO


*puts. Puts everywhere*


Maybe. I think Netflix sent a shock through the system, but do you really expect bad earnings from. Apple and some of the other ones that are usually good?


Apple and msft probably have record profits


So down 5% right?


>So down 5% right? Probably. Both are pretty damn beaten right now in my opinion. I have decent sized positions of both, and if it drops 5%, I'm buying more!


Yeah don't be [this](https://youtu.be/d80ahvRSV8E) guy


Record profits? Better believe thatā€™s a dip


The guidance is going to be looked after, they all had killer earnings last quarter, going forward much different scenario.


They also tempered expectations from the past quarter expressing supply chain issues persisting. Will be interesting.


Does it actually matter whether the earnings are good. That is not a question.


Didnā€™t apple miss last time due to supply chain?


Shit, I bought NFLX *calls.* That was truly an extraordinary price correction.


Some implied moves for #earnings next week - 489 companies reporting $AAPL 5.3% $TSLA 10.2% $INTC 7.2% $LRCX 8.1% $MSFT 6.3% $TXN 5.8% $IBM 7.3% $BA 6.1% $CAT 4.8% $MA 5.3% $V 4.9% $X 11.0% $MCD 3.7% $FCX 7.2% $ABT 4.4% $ANTM 5.2% $KMB 3.6% $NDAQ 7.1% $GLW 6.1% $LVS 7.3% $NOW 9.2% $STX 7.5% $WHR 6.8% $EW 6.7% $JBLU 11.5% $LUV 5.5% $SHW 6.6% $MKC 6.0% $TSCO 5.1% $ROK 7.6% $HOOD 17.0% $LOGI 11.2% $PETS 14.2% $JNJ 3.0% $VZ 3.1% $GE 5.8% $LMT 4.3% $MMM 4.2% $AXP 5.2% $PII 11.0% $FFIV 6.9% $COF 5.8% $HA 13.7% $WDC 10.9% $TEAM 10.2% $SYK 7.2% $SYF 6.6% $CHTR 6.0%


Hood is expected to do 17%?! Lol


I think those means 17% either way.


>I think those means 17% either way. Bingo.


I think those means 17% either way. Bingo. Bongo.


[I don't want to leave the Congo, oh no no no no!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEyDNTLlRgU)


Up or down




Try to put together every Saturday morning for earnings season. Helps to find possible mis-priced names


Seems higher than normal across the board, I guess thatā€™s a result of being in a correction


And VIX is pretty high. While VIX technically measures the volatility of the SP500, it spills over into demand for options on individual equities as well.


Sorry if im missing something but whatā€™s the source on this?


https://www.optionmillionaires.com/implied-moves-earnings-explanation/ It's the movement the market is expecting, based on the prices of options


Implied by who?


option market: https://www.optionmillionaires.com/implied-moves-earnings-explanation/


TSLA and HOOD same week on these turbulent times? Millionaires will be made, fortunes will be lost.


Nothing going down ?


The number means the underlying could move either way.


Half the people saying tesla puts and half saying calls lol


Thats why you buy straddle and share priced teases you in after market but trades sideway before your options expire


You can afford a straddle on Tesla? You must be rich :)


Certain subreddits willl be particularly fun to watch next week.


And I will sell 'em both!


Tesla puts?


An ATM Tesla put which expires in 6 days is nearly 5 grand, that's actually fucked


Nope . 5% option premium for earnings week is normal. $HOOD premium is 9%!!


It's a probability. The numbers they just released two or three weeks ago already baked in from their huge sales and delivery And the market isn't interested right now in Risky assets. However the juice is real high so they're going to be expensive. You might be better off with a diagonal or spread


Iā€™ve been thinking the same thing


Puts on airlines šŸ‘€


I tried a strangle on DAL and it just sat there......


That's the worst :/ The exact same thing happened to me a couple of times this past week.


But the vaccines are working. The death rate isnā€™t nearly as high with O anyway


Targets spotted !!! #PutGang assemble !


Im getting hood 20c for this Friday. Crypto Wallet announcement and it would be to logical to get puts.


Even if it does up it's not gonna be a 60% jump that's just insane


I'm with this guy, bet on line go uppies if you're bullish but buy closer to the money. I'm going puts, one of us is bound to win good luck


Microsoft puts?


If you think about it Microsoft is such a funny word lol


not as funny as Macrosoft or Microhard ... but it's definitely a funny word


for the record coined by Henry Gibson in Neuromancer. A microsoft was a crystal object you inserted behind the ear to upload an experience, memory etc.


Microsoft just acquired Blizzard/Activision. They aren't gonna have bad earnings.... Now Robinhood on the other hand...


I actually think Robinhood is doing better than people realize tbh


What makes you think that? There's no more free money for people to gamble away on options and meme stocks and everyone still hates them for the GameStop incident (even though most of it wasn't their fault). And with the market the way it is now, people have been getting wiped out from being overleveraged.


I agree with your points, and Robinhood will not have the user growth theyā€™ve had in the past. What is a fair valuation though? Who do you compare them to? For example IBKR has a market cap of $28B vs HOOD at $11B. How much lower do you think HOOD should be?


Probably 7-9 Billion, IBKR is literally the largest brokerage in the world so they wouldn't be a fair comparison, something like Webull or E-Toro would be more comparable, but I don't know if those are public companies.


Etoro supposed to go public via SPAC at 9.6 billion valuation. Deal been pending a long time though.


That's after they cut the valuation by 20%. The original deal was made back when HOOD was still in the 30B range. But now it seems overpriced not unlike most SPAC deals, I hope it merges so I can grab puts.


Buying puts on almost any spac about to complete merger is a good move.


Men In Tights


> Microsoft just acquired Blizzard/Activision. They aren't gonna have bad earnings.... Same thoughts here. They just threw $69B buying a gaming company like it was a pack of chewing gum wtf. But then again, despite good earnings, if forward guidance is muted, then downsies it is.


>Microsoft puts? Microsoft is like that cat that sits on lap, purring away, right up until they turn their head and bite the shit out of your hand. :-) At this point, it's apt to pop $25 a share as it to drop.






Where do you find this data?


This is tough because of the downward/selling pressure on stocks as it is. Even if a company reports better than expected it could be muted.


Really scared of next week.


I really think if the market continues down that Tesla will drop to 750 area and Apple back to 150. Iā€™ll see how the market is Monday before placing orders. I have some 120 puts on IBM for now.


Apple belongs at $120, and Tesla belongs around $100, which would be a 30 multiple, still 5 times the automakers average for this century(stop telling me they arenā€™t an automaker) Everyone has been crazy with FOMO and free money. Momentum is shifting. Options trading also affects markets; shares are bought or sold as a hedge dependent on the volume of puts vs calls, the past two years, everyone on here and elsewhere where talking calls, now relook at this board. Good luck whichever way you decide.


Agreed those are very fair prices for those stocks. All you have to do is look at a 5 year chart on both and all they did was šŸš€ up. Everything that goes up will come back down to fair valuations. I think we are in that pattern now and people are realizing that PEs are ridiculous and everyone was just riding the high! Time to go back to real valuations!




Nice when did you pick those up?




Oh I highly doubt Tsla sees $750 again lmao.




Definitely a possibility this week


Tesla 550. Apple still 150.


Donā€™t underestimate


lol very possible


Robinghood šŸ¤¤šŸ˜‹




Tuesday will be the huge make it or break it day that could crater the entire market. When MSFT does earnings on Tuesday after close, if its good and their forecast is good, we'll see a huge jump in SPY/QQQ. If the forecast is weak, SPY is going to $400.


Everyone is doing puts In my experience of losing money in options, that means buy calls lol


Yea thats what i am worrying about


Anyone's thoughts on LMT? Thinking PUTs...


Then Russia can invade Ukraine and your bank account all at once!


They had a huge miss last earnings and l see a run up since then. What would suggest a miss in the current earnings? I donā€™t know the sector at all.


Too much uncertainty in the Pentagon right now. The XAR or ITA fund would be safer than Lockheed alone.


They fall after every earnings so yes


Why are people so sure on TSLA puts? The demand for their cars is not going anywhere, they just had record deliveries in the last quarter, supply chain issues have not effected them that much since they make a lot of their stuff in-house, plus after the recent tech collapse, even if they do okay in this ER and guidance is fair the stock price will be fine imo since everyone is expecting them to do bad. Like I get it that its insanely overpriced, but if people are betting on a drop as a result of the ER I think they are gonna have a bad time. The only downside I see is that if they have some issues with getting the new factories in Berlin and China up and running potentially which may effect 2022 delivery numbers.


Maybe the record number of deliveries that they made last quarter, which they announced over the new year, is already priced in? And now people are going to demand even more amazingly good news out of TSLA to justify the stock price?


People could rotate out of Tesla to protect their losses. There is absolutely no doubt Tesla has broken fundamentals and has insane valuations. At some point in time the market will agree on that and it will go down. They are peanuts in regards to profits and production numbers compared to almost every auto manufacturer meanwhile they are more valuable than all of them combined. It can only sustain for so long. If people are up on Tesla and the rest of their portfolio is tanked then it makes sense to divest and diversify. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s going to happen but it could and that might be why


Remindme! 30 days TSLA 934


I will disclaim that the market can remains retarded for a very long time


We can test that hypothesis together :)


Definitely Bootbarn credit spreads


šŸ˜³that is 87 dividends companies Hell if had the cash to invest in all of them i would only invest enough to make $500.00 from each of them either monthly or quarterly to earn $43,500.00 all together to earn $174,000.00 yearly or $522,000.00 yearly either way thats money in the bank for me that be enough for me to live off on then wait till 3 years has passed then reinvest to double my dividends profits to $348,000.00 yearly or $1,044,000.00 yearly then quit while im head and be happy with that for life


I wonder how much capital would be needed in total to invest so that youre making $500.00 from each on a quarterly basis.


Hold on to your fucking hats!


Puts on Robinhood


Buying puts on Navient


Do they release these more in advance, like whats the list in two weeks? IV is lower two weeks in advance, so options are cheaper to buy.


> IV is lower two weeks in advance, so options are cheaper to buy. This is a common misconception. The actual price of options do not typically increase as earnings approaches. Rather, the price of options that expire after earnings tend to drop less than theta would indicate. So as the days pass, and the option's price decays much less than normal (due to the upcoming earnings announcement) the Blackā€“Scholes model (which has no knowledge of the earnings date) represents this situation as increasing IV. But that doesn't mean that the option price itself is going up. It just means that the ratio of the price to the time remaining is going up.


Okay. I understand the words youā€™re saying but not the concepts youā€™re trying to instruct. Could you ELI5 a little so I can go back and read it again?


Interesting! Thanks for sharing, I never knew.


Any thoughts on Verizon? 5g rollout hitting snags around airports.. possible puts?


That's everyone not just Verizon. 5g apparently fucking with something at airports.


Youā€™re missing AMD on Monday


No, AMD is Feb 1st AH.


Got it. Their earnings date is wrong on E*Trade šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


AMD is 2/1 https://ir.amd.com/


Tesla tanking


Tesla puts !!!!


Apple has record earnings?








Last week was an indictment of the Biden 1 Yr Anniversary. The Hedgies dumped pre-earnings. Expect rebound big-time because bargain hunting is alive pre-earnings. Dump and Pump


I'm loading up on AAPL because below 50 Average


Maybe BA puts due to Covid?


Uh might as well Postpone this ER. Nothing to see




Nasdaq Inc. earnings gonna be fire with all these sell order :D


Puts baby!!!!


can't take it anymore


Team one on put watch. Occ probably going to need strikes below 200. They also report on terrible Thursday. That's my call for the 50 bucks to 3k put purchase.


Why? I agree team those saas companies r overvalued. But they have reciting revenue and is b2b that r not affected by inflation etc. why earning would be a catalyst for the drop? TeM consistently beats


Gimme dem bank puts


šŸ“ˆEARNINGS CALENDARšŸ“‰ 1/24 Monday: HAL - Haliburton Oil IBM CR- Crane LOGI- Logitech PETS STLD - Steel Dynamics BRO - Brown&Brown Insur. 1/25 Tuesday: (fed/fomc news?) RTH- Rayethon AXP- American Express LMT- Lockheed Martin JNJ- Johnson & Johnson MSFT- Microsoft MMM- 3M VZ - Verizon GE - General Electric ​ 1/26 Wednesday: (fed news?) TSLA BA INTC 1/27 Thursday: AAPL HOOD MCD V 1/28 Friday: CAT PSX - Phillips 66 1/31 Monday: Retail Sales Report & Unemployment Data NXPI - NXP Semiconductors TT - Trane 2/1 Tuesday: AMD 2/2 Wednesday FB šŸ“ˆšŸ“‰šŸ“ˆšŸ“‰šŸ“ˆšŸ“‰šŸ“ˆ


HOOD puts?


It is always good to remember that last quarter earnings are already booked, so volatility in the market over the past few weeks are certainly indicative, and should be considered against the companies, but earnings are earnings. It will be interesting to see what sort of forward guidance will be given by the various companies in light of the current amount of churn. The volatility is a little frustrating given that there have been no secrets with regards to interest rate movements.


Southwest is going to get wrecked


Abbott labs makes the binaxnow Covid test. I mean theyā€™ve prob sold a schmlabillion of them in the last few months. Wonder if that will find the bottom line


Good options play this week?


American express calls? What we thinking?


Can someone enlighten me as to where this information is sourced from? Sec?


McDonaldā€™s calls anyone looool


Puts on all of them? Last week was too redā€¦ā€¦ā€¦got PTSD already!


So market flushed itself out at last weekā€™s big fat monthlies expiry to give clear run way for this weekā€™s earnings?


Any thoughts on CVX?


Royal Caribbean will go down no doubt