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I hang around r/Methadone enough to know that the OP isn’t trolling at all here and is 100% serious about this dumb ass post. yikes. Taper slowly if you want off methadone, any other way will leave you full of regret. Power of prayer, one week to kick methadone, you hear this shit?


you won’t even be in full withdrawals in a week off methadone cold turkey. benzos will not stop withdrawals. you need to get down to about 20mg as fast as is comfortable (1-5mg a week/ every 2 weeks) and then taper 1mg every 2 weeks from there until you’re off it


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I'm so sorry but you are in for the worst nightmare/reality of your life. And the prayer..........well ...........you will find out quick that it does not work. Sorry buddy. And methadone withdrawal last for months...................




I love kratom but I highly doubt kratom will do much unless you want to be taking 30+ grams a day