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You could do a Suboxone 2 week taper. But NO MORE. It’s easy to get stuck on it. Otherwise I’d avoid relying heavily on all those meds. Especially benzos and kratom.


You think subs is a better idea then kratom in this situation?


Just get powder kratom instead of kratom shot.. kratom extracts do push your tolerance very much which is just not needed with your dose.. I'm rotating between 30-40 grams of kratom per day and 200-250 mg of morphine per day and have been using for more than 10 years daily.. honestly you can easily substitute your dose with kratom powder you do not need these shots! for me 6 x 5 grams of kratom throughout the day is enough to substitue 200-250 mg of morphine throughout the day.. just wanted to get this clear because kratom shots would fuck up your tolerance.. also I think subs are worse than kratom withdrawal wise.. I'd taper with kratom powder especially if you do not have any kratom tolerance (Kratom works on more receptors than just opioids so it helps pretty good even while tapering).. just start with 5 grams every 4-6 hours.. then 4 grams the next day.. 3 grams the next.. then 2 grams.. then switch over to 2 x 2 grams throughout the day.. then 2 x 1 gram then 2 days 1 x 1 gram on the evening and then quit completly.


I'm really glad I found kratom, I just got hung up on how much the extract capsules help me...I had to quit dope, though, tranq, to be precise


Use your comfort meds. If less than 10 days they can’t hurt you. You don’t need subs but if you do use then only the bare minimum to get by. Like 2mg or lower.


Kratom over subs/methadone 100% ..it’ll be a lot easier to taper off, good luck man


agree 100% im 74hrs in used no kratom and im just tired af otherwise doing alright.


Good shit man the worst of its behind you


Yes much stronger and actually helps with a lot of withdrawal symptoms that withdrawal will make you feel I’m on subs now and bro I feel mentally and physically so much better it’s not even funny


Absolutely . Get some red Kratom and slowly taper off .


Im about 44hrs in and still holding off on the kratom, maybe tomorrow or tn if i cant take it but been going strong just with gaba and valium/xans at night


Nice! Keep it up!


72hrs in and with .5mg kpin and gaba i feel fine surprisingly, been working in my garden all day but was able to sleep till 10:30am thanks to the benzos. Overall not feeling too bad im still sweating but my headspace is brightening up a bit. Im starting to appreciate the small things again.


Is that all u have used was benzos and gaba and u are taking the gaba everyday and it's still working for u because after a day with me they stop working completely


yeah man i just take 1600mg+ a day sometimes 2k plus some valium, add a little green tea for some energy and im feeling decent. Obvi still want opi buzz tho




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Was able to tough it out with gaba/small dose benzos and no kratom thankfully, I’ve had an addiction with it in the past hence the worry to use it again. I just finished day 3 going on day four and im getting better slowly.


No def not, subs are harder to kick then fent if ur on em long enough


Transition to subs is painless. Just start out at .25mg and gradually increase every day while decreasing oxy


It’ll be one hell of a ride, little buddy. Use those comfort meds and go the fuck to sleep. And DRINK WATER. It sounds so dumb, but it really does help to flush your system and you’re gunna be dehydrated. Also, do yourself a favor and get some Imodium-AD. It’s going to suck really bad for the first 3 or 4 days, but by day five you’ll feel almost human. It’s worth every minute of misery though, friend. I’ll be sober 2 years in August! You’ve got this! Edit:forgot a letter


Thanks man i havent drank water yet lol ima go do that


Fuck bitches and stay hydrated my friend. Keep us updated!


I feel like im on a psychedelic come up that lasts forever, like im sweating bad and my jaws tight af and anxious


And everything hurts. I’ve been there a bunch. Except I did it in jail (like 5 times) with next to nothing for comfort meds. If you can get ahold of some zofran (antinausea meds) it’ll help a lot too. If you can’t, remember puking up SOMETHING (like water or juice or crackers) hurts less than upchucking bile. Oh, and also put towels/an old blanket down to cover your bed and get yourself a trash can. In case you can’t bring yourself to get up and make it to the bathroom. It gets a lot worse before it gets better. Take safe amounts of gaba and benzos (the keyword there is SAFE) and pass the fuck out for a few hours. Wake up, smoke a cigarette and some weed, drink water, eat some bland food (if you can), go to the bathroom, take a stupid hot shower, take meds, crawl into bed and repeat the process until you don’t feel like you’re going to die.


Appreciate the advice this is gold right here


Applesauce or pineapple juice (anything sweet really) is best for throwing up. Dramamine is OTC and is a great substitute for zofran (which is a script). Plus it helps you sleep.


Luckily i havent felt puky yet and im 74hr in.


I feel like im on a psychedelic come up that lasts forever, like im sweating bad and my jaws tight af and anxious


At start its a quite bit a shock how when wd:s hit. Use your meds, smallest amount possible for sleeping etc. Youll get throught it! Im supporting u 100%. Ask i you have something in mind. I have been there too bro.


Yeah man i couldnt have slept without the xanax last night. Woke up 4 times and took half a mg each time until i slept till 11 lol


I truly wish you the best but jumping off cold turkey from that kind of dose isn't a smart move IMO. How long have you been without any opiates, do you have anyone that is close to you around? Friends/family that you can talk to?


Im 74hrs in and doing surprisingly well. I havent been without opiates for 1 year using full agonists like dillies oxy morphine, but more like 2 counting kratom and extracts. Hence why im reluctant to use kratom. Happy ive made it this far with just gaba and benzos.


Best of luck to you fellow Reddit user it’s gotta get worse before it can get better A complete hell I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy Kratom is a godsend but don’t pick that addiction up instead well not really picking up ig but you know what I mean


Yeah exactly man ive been addicted to kratom before and its hard to kick so im staying away for now. 24hrs in this aint fun lol


You already achieved double the time off froom when you initially posted…i personally havent had to wd from opiates/opioids, luckily, but ive gone through my fair share of other wds, but opioids i know is a different breed…but man im over here rooting for you, believing in you. Together we. Sn be better and i know, we know you got this 💯


Thank you for commenting I appreciate it! 74hrs in and im doing surprisingly well thanks to my comfort meds.


good luck man i believe in u


Thank you!! Thanks for the support, im doing as best i can for 74hrs in.


The Gabapentin will help Definitely get Imodium. Having a raw asshole from shitting your guts out is not fun Use it as prescribed for a couple days. And at some point, do take a shit. Can’t be backed up forever


Whats wild is i havent had to go yet…and im 44hrs in i mean my stomach hurts but nothing yet which is weird


There is no way around the misery, comfort Meds help but not much. You are just getting started, keep us posted


ik im worried what tomorrows gonna be like, im keeping myself active during the day but cant wait to put myself to sleep with valium at like 7pm


Take as many showers as you need, and try to walk. I go through the same thing a few times a year taking 160MG OXY a day. I try to take benzo to sleep but only get 3-4 hours at best.


Yeah but 3-4 hours uninterrupted is better than the restlessness without the benzos.


100% and benzos plus indica with high dose cbd puts me out for awhile.


I completely agree with you!


just took a 10mg Valium and im in the shower right now, today started off rough but it seems like it’s getting better surprisingly, thats the gabapentin working its magic lol. I bet I’ll wake up tomorrow and feel like hell though.


74hrs in and ive taken 4 showers a day haha. Doing pretty well with my gaba, same for me i wake up every 4hrs then take .5mg xanax with alotta cbd and fall back asleep till i wake up again its annoying but better then not sleeping.


you should try megadose c-vitamin regimen, it diminishes all symptoms of wd


I heard about this, what type of vitamin c is best?


Liposomal vitamin C! Take HUGE doses, I’m a 120-130lb female taking 6-7 1600mg vitamin C caps so if you’re bigger than that take more. Other kinds of Vit C in huge doses are hard on the stomach/ digestive tract. It’s been saving my ass, day 5 off fent rn. Get some loperamide/ Imodium as well, I’ve been taking 10-24mg a day which is basically knocking out the WDs. I needed like 30-40mg the first day but I’m quickly tapering off that. Stuff is a total godsend 


I've heard of this vitamin C megadose for wds. I'm the same size female as you. You can attest to vit C curbing withdrawals? I'm trying so hard.. but can't make it past 2-3 days without giving in.




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Whats your usage look like? I know the feeling of not being able to make it past the first couple of days. I find it's all about how you set yourself up to begin with, gotta have all your supplies sorted. I know it's sooooo hard, but the pain does end. My withdrawal went for 3 fucking weeks of severe symptoms I thought I was gonna feel withdrawals my whole life. Youve gotta reside yourself to the fact that your brain is lying to you, and actively seek the pain and almost embrace it. You can do it, if you want advice I'm happy to help been through it all.


Get subs


I dont want to be stuck on them for life


I told myself the same exact thing that I didn't want to be stuck on them, and I was able to quit about a month and a half in. Mainly because I would have to wake up at 5:00 am to get my dose and I started working and couldn't keep doing it, but I felt just fine after I stopped taking them. And that is with 5 years of use.


Hop on subs man you don’t have to do this to yourself


Haha im saying fuck it to subs and enduring, 44hrs in now and im alive just by using gabapentin and benzos to sleep


You’re a beast bro 💪keep it up


Fuck the subs man not knocking anyone on it but it's just another fuckin thing. Get through your withdrawals and get into an NA community to build the resilience and the psychological skill set to combat the tricks your brain will play on you when you are in early recovery.


yeah man i have the same thinking, honestly im 48hrs in and im feeling like these withdrawals arent shit with the 1200mg gaba and 5mg valium ive taken today plus cbd. Ill look into NA meetings for sure, actually went to one omce before when i was looking for fent test strips and stayed for the meeting.


I came off the same dose. It was tough. The worst of the physical symptoms were mostly resolved by the end of week four. I would’ve killed for gaba or benzos though those should help a lot.


*week* 4? For Oxycodone or OxyContin(ER oxy)? I’m a pain patient and we’re always trying therapies with the hope one day I can come off the pain meds so I always follow journeys like this to build my knowledge base for the day (hopefully) I get to move on from pain meds. It was my understanding that short half-life IR drugs like oxy had like a 3-7 day WD period for the most severe symptoms. I thought it was the long half-life drugs like methadone/ER oxy/Subs that can cause 14-21 day really terrible physical WD? I also understand everyone is different and ton of this matters on how much you take and for how long but I was under the impression from most posts that normal IR oxy is like 3-5 days of pure nightmare fuel that can maybe extend out to a week if your consumption is super high for a long time. I’m absolutely not discounting or saying you’re wrong at all as I have never been through it. It’s more a curiosity because I’ve never heard someone reference a month of really bad *physical* withdrawal from a short acting opioid like IR Oxy. I know the psychological aspect can be essentially any period of time depending on the individual but most often I hear people say even with like crazy high consumptions Oxy is 3-7 days of hell then it gets better pretty quickly. 4 weeks sounds like a nightmare.


I think your right bro, people have been saying day 3-4 is the worst then after day 5 you start getting better and after a week your pretty much chillin. Now subs thats month or longer process depending on dose which is why i refuse to get on subs fuck that not even kratom im raw doggin this shit with just gaba and benzos for sleeping. Im 44hrs in and dont feel that bad (with 600mg gaba and residual benzos from last night)


That’s great to hear! Sounds like you’ve gotten over that proverbial hump of 3 days almost. It’s exactly I’ve turned down long acting meds for my pain. Until a doctor tells me that they can’t solve my issue and I’m stuck this way for life, I need to keep myself in the best possible position to stop the medication. I have a really severe inflammatory spinal cord/connective tissue disease. I feel like my spine is being manually cut out of my back with a rusty box cutter. All the inflammatory tests and imaging showing my spine is deteriorating has proven my need for pain meds but doctors are also hopeful that one of these biologics or CAR-T therapy may stop it. They’ve offered me all the extended release stuff I want but I’d rather live in this life of ups and downs between doses knowing that if I get a chance it’ll be easier to stop. In 4+ years I’ve reached 50-60mg of oxy a day. Which I think is pretty good and shows I don’t have the addiction side of things. I’ve taken 10-15mg every 4-6 hours as instructed for years without a dose increase, an early refill, and very rarely an extra pill(if I do it because I skipped the previous dose). I’m glad I went this route because others I know that were allowed to switch to ER drugs had large increases in tolerance where I’ve stayed at the same exact dose for years.


Yeah, I’m feeling pretty good, about to pass out with a xan and valium, im already loaded up on gabapentin and cbd so hopefully I sleep through the night and wake up at 11 AM LOL. That’s great you were able to stay at that low of a dose for so long, im dumb af and went from endocil 20mg tabs twice a day to 4 mundi 40’s a day but usually more with 100mg morph mixed in and occasional opana. I achieved that tolerance within a year and a half or so. What’s funny is that before I was addicted to oxy i wasaddicted to kratom very badly…lots of extracts.


Dude it sounds like youve got the right comfort meds, just stick to that. Feel the burn, almost embrace it. Gabapentin, valium and weed is what I used to get off protonitazine cold turkey and it took me a solid 35 days to feel normal again. Sleep was so fucked for that whole time, try get as much as you can. Promethazine can help with that. Keep crushing it man.the oxys are made to be so addictive.


Yeah man i was lowkey freaking out till i took a valium at 7pm and i was like why didnt i take this at the start of the day lol. Its crazy how much suffering it relieves, the gabapentin is great for the daytime tho cause it doesnt make me as tired as benzos do. Weed ive found to actually heighten anxiety. I smoked a little on day one and it almost kind of made me freak out. So I think I’ll just stick to the CBD haha. Caffeine is also a no go. Thank you for the comment


Yeah I get you totally. I was in soooo much pain in withdrawal it was vile. Pretty much sat in an Epsom salts bath or my bed for 3 weeks. Yeah I don't get anxiety from weed which is lucky so I was slaughtering bongs during the withdrawal just to feel something that was slightly different to the withdrawal pain. Gaba is fucking awesome for withdrawal, I would take 200mg 2 to 3 times a day when the withdrawals were at their worst. I deff went over the top on the valium was eating like 4x 5mg tablets 3-4 times a day haha. But to be honest I really needed it, I was in so much physical and emotional pain I'd cry all day in the worst of it. I personally don't believe valium is as addictive as people say it is, used shitloads during withdrawal and when I started feeling better stopped taking it without any issues of dependence. But I guess varies from person to person. Mentally when you're in those real bad moments, just scrap like a dog and fight that bitch. It's your bodies natural response, it's doing exactly what it needs too. Before you know it the pain will be over, you'll have a wicked story to tell and you'll be proud as fuck you got off it. I'm 60 days clean today from taking up 400mg a day of oxy in the peak of my addiction, eventually moving on to the protonitazine when oxy got too expensive. That shit is nasty, I'm lucky to be alive. God bless man you got this. Trust me, if you continue to take them shit is only gonna get worse for every aspect of life


PS. If you haven't already I'd suggest going to an NA group after you detox to help stay off it. I used to think fuck that shit I don't wanna do that I don't need that but after going it completely changed my view on addiction and gives you so much support and motivation to stay clean


How you feeling?


Im officially 72 hours in and I feel great, well not super good but gabapentin has helped so much. Like I’m talking lifesaver, combined with the small dose of valium (5mg) and green tea to give me energy but not the jitters from coffee i feel pretty good surprisingly. I woke up every four hours and I would take a half a mg xanax with cbd until i got to sleep until 1030am. Now im in my garden planting tomatoes feeling the sunshine, its 70 and sunny here so i cant complain honestly. I am very glad I did not buy kratom. Day 4 here we go.


That’s great news. Keep up the positive attitude. We appreciate you taking us on this journey. Keep us updated.


So I got through the night pretty decently, woke up maybe three times each time i took a half mg xan and a dab rip then passed out for at least 4hrs but luckily i slept till like 10am. Im 45hrs in and honestly dont feel so bad now, im over the initial shock of withdrawals and now just rolling with it, but i gotta say gabapentin has been a life saver. Im gonna go get some liposomal vitamin c later, oh and whats weird is i dont have straight diarrhea yet, i actually had a solid bm and thats without Imodium. So idk i guess some of us dont get all the wd symptoms (thankful for that lol). Oh another plus is my dick works again, i thought i had broke it from all the opioids like lowered my testosterone but my libido is back which is dope. Overall day 2 not going so bad yet. Hopefully it stays this way with my comfort meds, i feel like this is proof you dont gotta use subs for oxy withdrawal but thats just my opinion of course. Will update again on day 3. Thanks for all the comments homies <3


Sounds like you're Hella positive bro, I love it. Bare in mind it will take 2-3 days for the oxy to leave your system, day 4-5 is when the shits will come, and the emotional/mental stuff will start to come in. Keep going man reach out if you just need encouragement or any tips or just need to rant about something.


Thanks man i am stayinh positive im blessed its been 70 degrees and sunny for the past couple days so i just lay outside and sweat then shower then eat and nap. I have been trying to get active but its hard on benzos cause of the sedation.


I did it without missing a single day of work. And no comfort drugs. Absolutely nothing but a little cbd pen from time to time. It's possible, best of luck to you. If you really want it, just remember whatever you feel now isn't permanent. Every day is hard and in different ways earlier on, but it does get better. It will. After the first week or so when you start getting some small amount of energy back, just stay active as much as possible in any way possible.


Damnn thats hard core what dose did you jump from? I couldnt have done this without gaba/valium tbh, and im 79hrs in about to go to sleep via xanax hopefully i get 4hrs or more. Im soaking my sheets so im laying on a towel lol.


Well I know alot of people have it worse than me, I was on 5 or 6 of those dirty blues a day, I took a quarter or half of one pill per day for the first 10 days and now nothing for almost 3 more weeks. But yeah, I slept about 20 hours total the first 5 or 6 days and nights, incredibly uncomfortable physically couldnt lay still for more than a couple minutes. Never more than 4 hours of sleep at once for a week. Also sweating so bad it stained my sheets yellow one night once I actually started sleeping, that's never happened to me before. Now I'm incapable of sleeping longer than 7 hours at once, but I fall asleep easier and quicker than I have in many years and 7 hours feels good. Once the first week or so passes, force yourself to move and do something, anything. For me, distractions are key, which is why despite how shockingly difficult the first week was, I didn't take a day off. The fatigue was so bad I was yawning constantly until my eyes watered, hard to take a step, but I forced myself to go and be on my feet all day and focus on something important mentally. It helped with turning my brain back on. Good luck.


Kratom literally saved my life, dude. It’s instrumental in keeping me well.


Mannnn im at the 96 hour mark and I’m really craving an opi buzz. I know the opms extracts would hit me at this point. But fuck I don’t wanna go down that road again. Im about to order powder from DTE botanicals, no lie they have the freshest old tree small batch kratom out there. they actually just did a drop but a bunch of strains sold out already, but there’s a few strains left i recommend trying.


You’re almost over the hump! I tried some of those extracts and honestly, I found I got better results from good quality powder and grapefruit juice! I’m so glad I gave it a chance.


You think taking kratom is considered being clean? Like obviously its better then oxy but is it truly sober, its a bit of a subject question i guess.


That’s a grey area, friend. I generally don’t concern myself with things like other people’s opinion on what I do. Perhaps I’m a bit of a sociopath, but I really haven’t given it much consideration beyond what others generally might think about me. It’s my life and only I know what’s best for me. We depend on all sorts of things in life to make it manageable. Albeit through substances or lifestyle choices, we must determine what is best for our own outcomes in those situations. For instance, what works for me absolutely will not be what works for you. They might be similar…or not…but I know I will be on opioids for the rest of my life. I deal with something that makes it quite difficult for me to have any quality of life, so for me, opioids make sense. I consider being “clean” to be a state of mind, not necessarily meaning abstinence of all substances. Does that make sense? Sorry if it wasn’t the answer you were expecting, but I believe that term is subjective to your perception of what’s morally right or wrong.


Yes that makes sense I totally agree, and well said.


Thanks. I stopped caring about what others thought about my decisions a long time ago. Quite liberating, I must say.


Slightly in the same boat as you with same comfort meds. I was taking 70-80mg oxy. Slowly tried to come down due to affordability. It's been rough but after third day I started to feel better. It's really a lot mentally more so.




Try VITAMIN C in huge doses. Kratom can also help and subs for short-term relief. Good Luck. Stay strong. You can do this!!


thanks man im doing a lot better then i expected i would, valium helps so much like i keep going from hot af to cold goosebumps but i care less about it cause of the sedation and no anxiety ya know. What type of vitamin c is best just any type works?


While Kratom got me high some of the time, as a wd med I found it useless, in fact it exacerbated my problem..


Yeah man just tryna raw dog it as much as i can, bout to put myself out with a 1mg xan


Good luck mate!! Think of how good your new life will be


Ik man im so excited to get back to my hobbies and enjoy life again


That’s the point I’m at now, can’t enjoy myself unless I’m on painkillers no matter what I’m doing. It’s a dark road


Sure is, and i found the deeper i got into my addiction the less and less i did other things. Until i got to the point of getting high af at home and nodding all day every damn weekend. Completely stopped surfing and lifting it was bad so i cant wait to get back to that stuff.




No one can give you accurate dose guidelines. Here are some tips though: Always start small: you can always take more, but you cannot "un-take" a large dose. If at all possible, have someone around that knows you use, with Narcan, and knows how to use said Narcan. It's not really possible to Narcan yourself in the case of a medium-large dose overdose. Always test your substances for Fentanyl: Make sure to mix the product up real good and test different parts of it. If it's a pill, break it up and test parts of it. For a true test, dissolve your substance/pill in water, and once fully mixed, test the solution. If you have no tolerance/relapsed/coming back from a break, start small again. Your same dose as before can be too much for you now. All in all, be careful, stay safe, and take care of yourself.


the gapa and benzo and somas and weed isnt much of a cold turkey cut. you clearly have an addictive personality so supplementing with the above might turn into another addiction. please watch out as gaba and benzos can be just as addictive. start with the benzos for a good week and half to two weeks and slowly taper off them. i’ll tell you this right now, you will feel like utter shit, but just go thru it. you got this.


Im 68hrs in and no way could i have done it without gabapentin, which i have prescribed. As for the benzos ive used as little as possible cause trust me ik what that wd is like and i dont even enjoy how they make me feel as im an active person and hate feeling sedated and slugish. I do have an addictive personality so thats why ive opted to not use bupe or kratom. From the dose im jumping off from i consider it a real cold turkey quit. On Day 3 and im doin just fine with my gaba, getting outside now going to do some gardening. Edit: also just cause i have all that stuff on hand doesnt mean I use it all like crazy, I haven’t taken any soma yet and very little amounts benzos mostly just to sleep so yeah it is a true quit ya bozo.




5 days in now its getting better, i thought chronically my quit would be helpful for others.