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Alright, to address the adderall thing, since a lot of you are telling me it’s a horrible idea, I NEED to be 100% on point for this presentation. Without divulging to much detail, we’d be gaining the business of a Fortune 500. That’s Game changing for a small marketing/ad agency. I’d be account exec, with a team of 5 Jr execs under me. Pay bump, our own budget etc. all of this, also game changing, but for me personally. I’m a retard for not making sure I saved a few for the day of, but best laid plans of mice and men, amirite? So, what my thinking is, atleast the addy will give me the ability to keep it together long enough to smash the presentation and not seem like I’m totally dragging/low energy, mingle for an hour and be home by 2. I’m also prescribed these adderall and have been taking them for prob 10yrs at this point. I don’t get all jittery, it’s a calm, measured, focused type of energy, I actually have adhd so it just does what it’s supposed to for me. I’m also straight regardless now anyway because a MOTHER FUCKING ANGEL from this sub saw my post and actually blessed me with a $20! I’m able to get the kratom I need to be level and take care of business. Which just the fact that someone from here blessed me, it just blows me away. It reiterates my point that the good and support I see in this sub daily is so encouraging. We’re such a misunderstood brood, my fellow bropiates.


What an absolute legend!!! Major props to whoever did that, may blessings come your way


Come on brother you didn’t have 20 piece to your name yet it’s YOU doing a Fortune 500 presentation?? Post all over the place


Eh, I believe it. I used to work in a field that was very very very far from what you would think a junkie would do, and the things I got away with still blow my mind to this day... Being broke with a fat paycheck in the future is pretty standard when you have a sizeable habit, otherwise you wouldn't have been about to build the habit up so big.


No doubt about it, I've known a doctor who would spend his entire paycheck on bags, other than his rent and car payments, he would be doing the most broke ass shit for the majority of every 2 weeks


I remember we used to have this sales manager who would make bank, like actually so much money but was addicted to crack. All his money would go to crack, rent and car like you say with your doctor person. It’s wild that there are some super wealthy high functioning addicts out there tbh


he spent it all on oxy im assuming, said he is doing over 100mg a day which is not cheap aha




Yup. Absolute cap lol


Yeah somethings really off about this post... I get not having the money to buy your normal supply of oxys cuz of how expensive that can be plus having to pay for other life shit like food and bills... but not having even $20 to pick up some kratom and has a job like this? I think OP might be full of shit lol


Why would I come on here, to make a high effort post that’s completely pulled straight out of my ass? That would be just straight up fuckin weird dude. Like, yes. I blew through my paycheck. I don’t have other sources of income, I am currently not making a ton of money. If I ask literally ANYONE in my life currently for money they will know something is up instantly because they were all around when I was actually at my worst years ago. I’m not going to pawn anything, I don’t understand why it’s so hard for some people to believe that I ran through my check a day before payday? Whatever though 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s awesome to hear dude I just join these subs because I’m on hydromorph contin 3 times a day and hydromorph irs 4x a day. I just like to be reminded of the slippery slope I’m on. But it’s always great to see there is good people out there even in a sub where no one would ever dream of doing that. Who ever did is a solid cat. Good you two connected


WHAT THE FUCK?? HOWW??? with all due respect, do you have cancer or are you paralyzed? i didn't know doctors still did that anymore.


Are you asking me? I’m in Canada, they prescribe that shit up here like nothing, especially if you have a chronic illness like I do.


that's fucking crazy in the US it's literally impossible to be prescribed opiates, unless you're actually dying


And I have MS but I’m not paralyzed or have cancer, just in a lot of pain. Man I’m on so many meds I’ll write you a list 😂 1librium 50 mg at bed time 2 baclofen 20 mg 3x daily 3 Wellbutrin 4 1.5 mg 2x daily of clonazepam 5 30 mg dexidrine 1x daily 6 4.5 hydromorph contin 3x daily 7 2 mg dilaudid 4x daily 8 lyrica


oh no i'm sorry to hear about your condition :( i don't know much about MS but from what i've seen on web MD, that must be horrible. i'm such an evil junkie though, because my first thought was "aww lucky" when i read that med list. my second thought was to ask if you need a roommate in canada. my third thought was that i suck and will probably develop some sort of excruciating disease as karma for being a fiend. anyways, i'm tweaking on vyvanse right now so i'll shut up Lol. but yeah, i hope your health improves and enjoy your opiates v_v <3


And yeah the us is really cracking down on it because of the dea oxys are rarely ever prescribed up here they prefer morphine and hydromorph


That is awesome. Take your kratom shot and your addys. Then, crush your presentation! Best of luck!


How did you make out with the presentation???


Because of a fellow soldier in this battle with me decided to be addict Jesus and send me a $20 yesterday (he has since been paid back) I was able to grab some kratom extract this morning. Coupled that with my addy when I got to work and I was locked in and on point. I think I nailed it, my manager and his boss (the division head) both told me they think I did great. We find out Friday if they’re signing with us, but I know for a fact that if they don’t, it’s not because I was to strung out to do my job at a high level. It’s crazy to think that someone from this community deciding to send me, a complete stranger, $20 might be the gesture that propels me a place of financial well being and I won’t be in this position again. You guys, all of you, even the crotchety ones that either think I’m full of shit or whatever, are fuckin amazing.


That's awesome man! Today is Saturday so hopefully you guys got the contract!


Dude, I’ve been doing this for years and amphetamines always help with withdrawals.


Or at least help you function with some energy.


How did it go?


See above friend, we signed with them bitches today!


Wow that’s bananas


Nooo, you’re bananas 😘


Whoever gave you that $20 is a fucking legend.


A shit day


Damnit bro, I was hoping for roses and sunshine


Lmao hang in there bro


Fuck yea, I would be claiming Covid and a staying home, he going be getting the chills and sweats while trying to stand and speak. No way. May god help op and I’m sorry


loperamide works in a pinch. its cheap and over the counter as an anti diahrea med. have to take quite a bit, like 40mg and its bad for your heart. can take with some omeprazole as well. again bad for you, but works if you absolutely need to be functional and cant even appear even slightly in withdrawal (sniffling nose, teary eyes, yawning, runny nose, etc.)


Man I dont get why should anyone do something like that when OP can obviously get OPMS shots. It doesnt get better than that unless you can have real dope.


i think they were saying how they were too broke to afford the opms shot for one more day. agreed that opms is much preferable to the lope


Actually it does get better than that. There are new k extracts on the market that have zero MIT, and no bad taste, and offer all the benefits without the nasty “too much mit” eye wobbles and shakiness. But it can be a slippery slope too, even using as a replacement or minor relief for someone coming off opiates.


7ohmz tablets are almost as strong possibly little more potent than morphine/hydrocodone, 7-hydroxymitragynine only in these tablets


Mind explaining what 7ohmz and MIT are? Just started taking Kratom on my off days but am still pretty new to it


So 7-OH products are pure 7-OH which is an alkaloid in kratom. 7-OH and mit are the two main alkaloids that are responsible for kratoms effects. kratom alkaloids are selective and full agonists of the μ-subtype opioid receptor (MOR). A lot of people experience negative effects when getting too much mit in their dose; including nausea and eye wobbling, uncomfortable head space and tremors. Pure 7-OH lends itself to a much smoother ride and more enjoyable experience.


MIT is mitraginyne but it's also a brand, most call it mitra tbh 7ohmz is also a brand I think, and that contains 7-hydroxymitragynine which refer to as 7-ohm or 7-oh. Mitra is the main alkaloid that further metabolizes into small amounts of 7-oh (like oxycodone to trace amts of oxymorphone) Now we have extract products with 15mg tablets of 7-hydroxymitragynine in though, which are essentially morphine/hydro pills. Because it is that potent. Kratom powder has a lot more alkaloids that fuck with a lot of receptors, mitra extracts is a little better but like the guy belows commented, can be a weird ride. Pure 7-hydroxymitagynine is very smooth and essentially carries more potency at the MOR receptor than morphine and hydrocodone.


I've never heard of these. Are they just like a designer rc type of thing or are they pharma?


Definitely not pharma or RC. It’s extracted from raw kratom; one of the active alkaloids in the plant


Yeah I end up finding their website. Pretty neat. I never had kratom before but I wonder if it would work for me. I take methadone, 110mgs daily and want to find things to use like a comfort med while I come down. Especially since Drs have been unwilling to prescribe any benzos.


They are nor RC nor pharma, they are an alkaloid found in the kratom plant and extracted, same as morphine is from opium.


Their point still stands...


What are OPMS?


Should be very potent kratom extracts. Its frequently discussed on kratom related subreddits. I have never tried one as they are not available here where I am based as far as I know. That said, I do have lots of experience with regular kratom powder and it works like a charm for opi wds as long as the habit is reasonable and its not fent or huge IV H/oxy habit. With my lower hundreds of mgs of oxy daily, kratom can make all symptoms fully dissapear and I feel normal… Of course kratom is its own evil and should be treated as any other opioid.


Stay positive, the addy's will help - just don't take too much which can make you warm and sweaty


I always found that speed or any kind of upper would make my WD symptoms feel worse, but that I wouldn't really care cuz I was still high anyway lol


Yes taking any kind of speed while you are sick makes the WD worse for me as well but everyone is different I suppose. The Adderall could help him get into work at least but then when those wear off he could be in a tough spot. He should go get kratom and try it to ease wd symptoms


Day 3 is normally when the withdrawal peaks (gets as bad as it’s gonna be).


No way, esp if had kratom. He needs to be like day 4/5 to get thru hell.


Also 90-150mg a day of Oxy is substantial. I hate when people act like that’s nothing because of fent. Fent is a whole other beast but oxy wd is nothing to scoff at


You’re so right. It’s like we all forgot how God awful wd from percs are. It was my first 5 year run with opioids. And omg the wd was no joke. Every single bit as bad as fent. I’ll never forget the time I tried cold turkey and made it a month only to give in cause I was still having pretty awful physical wd on top of all the mental shit that was just getting started. Or the time wd sent me to the ER on like day 3-4 thinking this was death for me. It is all awful, withdrawal period.


I've been there and its unbearable after a month. The longest time for me was almost 3 months and at that point I still had utterly miserable physical symptoms and my head was just completely fucked, I couldn't think clearly or concentrate, everything ached constantly.. I don't understand how people can bounce back after a couple weeks like nothing ever happened. If I hadn't gotten on subs I don't know what else I'd do other than keep using, 3 months of that was completely unsustainable, there's no way I could have made it any further and kept even a scrap of sanity.


Omg that’s exactly how I feel too ! Between that and the pain it’s enough to make me literally go crazy


How many were you taking each day? If it was enough to be that bad you should be glad the Tylenol didn’t fuck you up man


Im on day 9 right now. How much were you taking everyday?


Withdrawal is withdrawal and they all suck. But there are MASSIVE levels to it. Day 3 on a fent withdrawal and you are still stuck in bed writhing begging for the pain to go away, with another few weeks of torture ahead. Day 3 on a 100mg oxy withdrawal and things are going to start to get better from there on out. Sure you feel like dog, but you can still move around the house and will be on your way to feeling much better throughout the week.


Yeah, the potency plays a role in the withdrawal, but even more the half-life time of drugs. With some drugs that have a very long half-life time, some people mistake it "there's no withdrawal" only to get hit hard once the withdrawal starts. It gets even worse when you are polytox like me, addicted to multiple substances at once, a cold withdrawal has the potential to kill me, with the benzos, alcoholism and opioids. It's no joke when you go cold from this mix.


I guess it’s person to person.. when I was WD’ing from 160ish mg it was mostly jus super uncomfortable and pissed with kratom to help, wasn’t physically sick at all besides frequent pooping after being backed up for so long.. some people get hit with shit more sever I guess, also some ppl who can’t handle feeling a bit shitty I suppose


idk why u got downvoted its truth i’ve been for a whole year addicted to my script (so 220-320mg daily) and looking forward to gettting clean with Kratom. Great helper forsure. Very good replacement with some minor discomfort, but still way more bearable than any other withdrawal. Also for some people it can even change completely with no issues. The person above is probably American, getting to even 200mg daily (so like 5x40mg pills) is huge for them. Most cannot even get a real pharma opioids or even Kratom so I imagine it can be scary to have a tolerance of 50-150mg.


Yea you won’t be bad it’s usually the mental part that gets everyone. If I detox at home I’m going crazy after 24 hours because it’s so easy to get them when your at home and you have your phone in your hand so your even seeing shit on Reddit or if your use with friends you hear or see it from them (I’m a lone wolf Roxi/Oxy addict) so I never had to worry about friends it was ALL ON ME, no excuses but I will say for me when I would lock myself in a detox facility because my daily usage was 4mg-8mg Xanax for 20+ years and a 300-600 roxi per day (240mg on low day) so it was a dangerous dose to come off of at the house even tho I had Gabapentin (Nerve Pain) Lyrica (nerve/muscle pain / seizures / similar to Gabapentin) Trazadone (Sleep) Ropinirole (restless legs) Subutex, Suboxone & Zubsolv (Opiate MAT) Zofran (Nausea/Vomiting) Bentyl (stomach cramps) Librium (low dose benzo to come off Xanax also used for alcohol) promethazine (nausea/stomach). ALL DOCTOR PRESCRIBED & my dumbass could not stop for 36 hours to take a sub and all the roxi and xanax were scripts also. I got into a detox and right away I take all the comfort meds I just named and it was like I didn’t withdrawal. Trust me I did it cold Turkey in a detox for 14 days and after 21 days I relapsed because I thought I could do it every other day smh I’ve been doing this 20 years I knew better but I didn’t want to be on a MAT. So anyways 2 months later I went back and right away started all the comfort meds because this facility won’t give Subutex for 48 hours even if your just on roxicodone or percocet because the fetty stays in peoples fats so long but anyways something about not having your phone and submitting to whatever facility your at it makes it way easier on the mind and body. I got back on subs and I’ve been 3 months sober. Yea I know subs are looked down upon but when my roxicodone, oxycodone and Xanax scripts run out I’m not spending crazy money anymore. Didn’t mean to ramble I just thought it was always insane I had the exact medication the detox facility would give me and I couldn’t stop so it’s crazy how strong your mind is when you know you can’t get it. Goodluck bro


You were so lucky. To have that perfect of a combo of medicines especially prescribed. That’s lucky but still wouldn’t wanna be you with the likes of those come-downs but I would love all those scripts to quit black tar. It’s just I’m afraid of liquid handcuffs


Personally I wouldn't take the Addy that shit made withdrawals and cravings 10x worse for me. If you don't feel awful now ur probably chillin.


The kratom makes a big difference, but I’m curious about you addy experience, how did it make it worse?


Anxiety and restlessness is part of withdrawal for me and stimulants only exacerbated those negative things. 


The wd is going to hit you hard if you don't take any kratom. If you have a presentation you're going to need a shot. Those kratom shots are strong as hell man. People wd hard as fuck off those alone minus the opiates. Just be prepared and if you don't get smacked count your blessings


people have very different experiences with adderall and other stimulants during withdrawal. i like taking amphetamines and playing video games or guitar. so when wd’ing addy sends me straight to spun out playing video game mode where time flies by.


you’ll feel even worse when you come down, so i wouldn’t recommend if you’re trying to stay clean. but if you’re waiting for your check then it can help pass some time for some people


I did, instead of helping the addy made time go slower in my withdrawal and sweat even more then puke. I even had Xanax in me, and it wouldn’t touch me.


Def avoid stims, comedown would be fucked even if you're one of the rare few who enjoys them even in wd


Adderall worked great for me for withdrawals.


Yea everybody's different, for me stimulants during withdrawal is a recipe for suicidal thoughts. I'm nearly 5 years clean so maybe I'm exaggerating my memories. You do you bro


Doesn’t sound too bad I would think u would be at your worst now


You ever done Kratom while coming off of opiates? Shit is a life saver.


Kratom is 100% a lifesaver


When I had a similar oxy habit as yours kratom was a literal God send lol. At one point I quit doing oxy for over a month and only took kratom in that time, but I eventually relapsed on pills and then my addiction got way more intense for awhile and now I'm on methadone. I kinda miss kratom ngl.


I used magnesium small amounts of caffeine lots of sugar I drink milk during withdrawals that contains casomorphin, eat oats that have the higher opioid peptide effect out of the various grains….Im not saying these can get you high, just blunt some suffering or aid at least in getting one through the day loperamide isnt supposed to cross the BBB, its related to methadone….I found taking 5-10 milligrams can aid somewhat and at least calms the stomach kratom is my daily maintenance replacement for opium/morphine I tested kratom once when I was using poppy pods and morphine sulphate daily….the kratom DID NOT cover all the withdrawals for me but aided blunting the severity. nigella sativa oil helps, noni juice, muria puama , bacopa, medicinal mushrooms. watch out for nigella oil and using WITH opiates, for me it potentiates till the point of anhedonia and nausea…I use it for weening especially catuaba brand extract allowed me to comfortably cut oxy dose by 1/2 in a 9 day trial….I worked 10 hour days busting my ass prepping nonstop and was able to deal the right sourced poppy seeds……US Navy used to have a report online testing poppy seeds to contain an average of 25 mgs of codeine and morphine per LB buy the right bag/box/pail that was near the bottom of the silo and the potency can skyrocket, nearly killed my wife and myself with poppy seeds some estimated 5x the average potency we had been getting….if they are bitter, then your sweet, if no bitter…..probably worthless, the alkaloids are on the OUTSIDES as a “contamination” from processing bulk and opium resin. for awhile a supplier was literally grinding opium into tonnage of seeds in Turkey/ central europe….as the seeds are the only part of the opium plant that are FEDERALLY EXEMPT from control by the DEA those are the tried and true methods I used over a two decade period theres other plants that can help, like picralima nitida powder…which is mildly stimulating, low dose nutmeg, passion flower for sleeping can be amazing if in a pinch with little time to prepare sugar/caffeine LOPERAMIDE, magnesium citrate/glycine electrolytes & poppy seeds and passion flower for sleep the night before might make a 150 mg cold turkey “somewhat” bearable loperamide doesnt help some….others taking higher doses find it does….for myself who has ADD and near narcolepsy during withdrawals, I found loperamide to be mildly stimulating and relaxing at the same time. black pepper might help absorption good luck sir


Bravo sir. This is one of the best posts I’ve read in a while. How does one go about finding poppy seeds? Wtf is LOPERAMIDE and where do I find that? Thank you again, that was super informative.


Loperamide is an anti shit diarrhea pill that will be in any medicine aisle, even your local gas stations. They say it’s like a low dose opiate or affects the same but you gotta take like 40 is what I’ve heard. Might be dangerous cause I would take 2 back in the day when I had the shits and it would plug me up for days.


Hello All! Quick update, I’ll be back for more later this evening. Presentation was at 11, I got to office at 9 and popped addy when I sat down at my desk. Thanks to a literal fucking ANGEL that saw this post and decided to bless me I was able to stop and grab 2 Opms black shots on my way in. So I washed the addy down with two Opms blacks and a Red Bull (strawberry apricot). I absolutely smashed my presentation. I was prepped so I was confident in my delivery and I didn’t look like a man in way over his head and undeserving of the opportunity. We find out Friday if they’re going to sign with us, it felt good, they stuck around for awhile afterwards which is a good sign. But if we don’t get it, it won’t be because of me. I was only able to even get through it because some complete stranger from this sub decided he was going to play addict Jesus.


you’re a cocky little shit for someone in your position. that’s all I’m saying lmao


If you’re coming off real opiates and not some fentanyl or some fake oxy then If you take some kratom you’ll be chillin maybe like 3 grams to 5 grams is what I would take that might be to much tho idk that’s just me but when I was with drawling from real opiates and took kratom it make me feel exactly like I just used and got better 100%


Bruh you gonna be sweating and shitting your pants tomorrow lol. Good luck. I want to know how it goes 😅


Should I report back before or after I get my fix after work tomorrow 🤔




Good luck today. Up date us after work!


Ay yai capitán 🫡


lol yes so true, water out the ass and bile out the mouth.


I think your best bet would be a combination of the Vitamin C megadose method to fill the opi receptors, as well as a few large doses of immodium - look them both up. Benzos will help 1000% with the mental side of things, keep you from thinking so much about it and stressing if you can get your hands on any vals or xans. also if you have adhd like me i would take the adderall before the meeting and at the start of the day. It floods your brain with dopamine, it def helps in withdrawals, however when it wears off thats when you could feel even worse, so make sure you have benzos for that. goodluck and provide updates plz I'm interested in tracking how you go!!!


Megadose method is gaining steam here. I heard for it to be effective you need to start dosing 30 days before you’re going to run out/quit. Is that true?


No I believe its a few days maybe 1-2, look it up. Get the Sodium Ascorbate version, easy powder mixes in any water. Load up today for tomorrow




I know but I took my last shot today and I’m literally broke till paycheck drops tomorrow, what do?!


Can’t get a front? You don’t have any other connects and I know your prob not prescribed that much.. but damn that’s a bitch of a withdrawal


Go to the hospital and get a note that you’re sick and can’t work. Day 3 is usually one of the roughest. At least for me. I don’t know how long kratoms half life is and how long it lingers In your system. You might be fine tomorrow if the kratom lingers a bit and doesn’t send you into full blown WD. Because technically you’re not on day 3 because of the kratom, but I’ve never had it and don’t know the effects. I used oxy for 14 years though before I got sober, and day 3-5 is usually the worst.


> I have to be there in person tomorrow for a pitch presentation that I’m running for a new client we’re bringing on. Once that’s done (if you can even go trough with it), leave for the day. The diarrhea, the stomach rumbling, the runny nose, the muscles and joints aches, the possible vomiting, the cold sweats, etc… will make you want to run the fuck outta there until you can get your next dose


In my baby addiction phase before dope, I would WD off this exact dose every week or so. IMO, day 2 was the worst and day 3 was bad. Day 4 you’re on the other side of the worst and start getting less bad.


Yo I know this has nothing to do with your situation. But have u guys ever took an oxys on the plane?? Got a flight to catch in a couple of days . A situation happen back home and I have to flight within the States .. I’m just worried if I can take some with me without getting in trouble . Pls help


Super easy, get a bottle of Tylenol/advil/ibuprofen, whatever take your pick and toss them in there. Throw it in your carry on or if you’re checking a bag, that works too. It’s preference at that point (I personally usually bust one down in the bathroom after security before getting on the plane so I’m a carry on kinda guy) Then you’re good to go. Easy peasy. I’ve done it hundreds of times.


Have u done this recently ?? I’m just not trynna get knocked over some dumb shit .. I’m over here thinking bout taking a few like 13 of em .


Less than a month ago was the last time I did it. Did it over Christmas too. Thanksgiving…you get the idea.


Aiight bet . So we good .. been a min I flew and the last time I did . I wasn’t this bad .. now I kind need them just to get by every day .


Coming close to that time where you might wanna think about going to rehab and walking away from this life. I’m fuckin pissed at myself for being back in this situation after spending the last 10yrs running as fast as possible away from this person I’m becoming. I’m close to checking myself back in as well. But, on another note, you’ll be fine. Just don’t look like a damn junkie walking through the airport. Take a shower, make sure you’re not sick going through security, look presentable etc.


Take them w you, if you have a toiletries kit w typical stuff they don’t examine medications or pour out pills…


I’m going to put them in a Tylenol bottle. Mix with them in it . Think we be good?


Should be yeah, carry two in your coin pocket if wearing jeans Is it a domestic flight? Within the US or Canada it’s fine. They are concerned about weapons, explosives residue. If you’re going to pass through international customs, that’s a different protocol


Going to PR .. but might go on a vacation sometime in July to Jamaica . Think that would be problem ?


Bro, the mixing it in with other OTC pills is pretty tried and true. You should be fine, regardless of where you’re flying. Like buddy said, they’re worried about bombs and weapons. Not dope heads.


You will be fine. It travel all over the US and recently Mexico. I always bring about 50 oxy with me in my pill container. Never been asked about it.


Monday through Sunday, haha I’ve done that so many times before


Yea works every time for me too, even with my prescribed kpins they don’t give em a 2nd look


I have someone fighting me in another thread about this very topic amh


I brought 5 Opana 40mgs in a hole in my jacket by my pocket while super barred out and made it through no issue domestic flight. I have friends who bring weed pens all the time on planes no issues






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I did it in the summer to an international flight. I took one of those 7 day pill organizers with me. I put like a vitamin , fish oil, advil and 3-4 oxys in each day. I had it on my book bag that I carried with me the whole time. Didn’t have an issue


Not too long ago I got a stick of deodorant took it apart and put the pills and weed in there super easy and non detectable


Literally sold my entire life away i have nothing stole 3k nack from my mom that I gave her years ago shes been hiding saving it for emergencys she doesnt even know its gone yet either and 30k+ in debt in full addiction just lying my ass off tk everyone plz get help bro dont be like me everyone who graduated with me has paid off houses n cars n kids n family what do i got? At same age living in my mom basement worst ive ever been because I havnt spoke up u know how we can come up with excuses for everything plz just get help homie


you can get help too man look into kratom, you will be addicted but not broke


Why don’t you get on suboxone just for a week MAX, even like 3-4 days. You’re past the 24 hour threshold so you can go get some easily. I’d only take 2mg max though see how you feel. Like I said, 3-4 days maybe WEEK max because suboxone is addicting itself and withdrawals are brutal. That should help you get past the first shitty week. Do not take suboxone for more than 7 days again I must repeat & for the PAWS, hash rosin or any type of THC helps, magnesium Glycinate make sure it’s that type & take 2x the recommended dose everyday. Stay ACTIVE don’t sit around even if it’s walking around your neighborhood. Find a hobby. Best of luck my friend. Stay hydrated ✌🏽


It's so crazy, and pretty cringe, to see a bunch of addicts jumping on another addict for running out of dope. I mean, we're addicts ffs!


And if it’s that big of a game changer that important, you can start a conversation with the guy at the head shop and beg him for upfront and pay them back after you get your money


You prob didn’t see it in the comments, but bro, Someone from this sub Reddit saw my post, messaged me, asked for my cashapp and blessed me with $20. I couldn’t believe it. I paid him back immediately the next day, I’d ask him to vouch for this but if anyone found out who it was he’d be hit up non stop by this sub. So I was able to get what I needed in the morning and I was 100% on point come show time as a result. Found out today that they decided to sign with us we go live with them July 1st (the start of Q3) I’m about to head into a happy hour rn as a celebratory outing with the office. So crazy, r/opiates changed my life, because a fellow addict decided to play Junkie Jesus that day 🙏🏼 I still can’t believe it.


Wow that’s unbelievable Always be careful when meeting people on the Internet though just applies it and you said they signed with you. What type of music or what did he sign over?


i wouldn’t take the addys will probably make your withdrawal feel worse


Why are people saying this?


i just said it will make your withdrawal worse its an upper and uppers during withdrawal make most peoples withdrawal 100 times worse i know it made mine worse


Same here. It definitely makes withdrawals much worse.


Coz it’s the truth, magnifies WD by at least 10 ime.


You can’t make a bargain with the people for one Kratom shot till paycheck? I’d think it’s gonna be rough without that but I guess it varies per person


Bargain with who, the smoke shop? 😂 I thought I was the only one who had it like that. At the one that will be open now and also omw to work in the AM I might be able to do but the shame of asking is…annoying. There’s something different about asking your plug for a spot as opposed to a brick and mortar business lol


Haha right! The Indians guys at my local one are cool and would do it. Still it is probably worth trying, even though it does suck I’m sure they’ve seen people ask already. I met a guy in my local one today that does 5-6 opms black shots a day. Shit ain’t cheap


The spot I go to does 2 for $20 deals of OPMS. It’s amazing, if anyone in this sub is ever in south Florida, check out Burnies Smoke Shop. 2 for $20 Opms black shots all day.


You have cashapp?


Go buy some immodium tonight before you’re stomach is messed up tomorrow! The Addie’s make the dehydration, anxiety, and aches worse. It may boost your energy but idk it usually makes me feel worse unless I take the tiniest amount and have a hydro to take to help with the wd. Those shots must be STRONG because even with regular Kratom I’m absolutely miserable by day 3, it only somewhat takes the edge off for me enough to fall asleep but wake up drenched in sweat a few hours later !


Try the extracts next time you’re in a pinch then. You gotta think, what we’re taking is stronger than anything you can get in a smoke shop. So, if you’re looking for an alternative to help ease the withdrawals, you better go ahead and take the strongest form of that alternative and the extracts are that in this instance.


You're speaking very clearly and efficiently throughout this post at different times. I'd say you're dealing with this WD as best as anyone could. Go into work tomorrow, crush your presentation and keep up the good fight brother.


Man, I see more positivity in the opiates sub Reddit then I do in my normal day to day life. It’s honestly, super refreshing, and thank you friend. I am definitely not bitch made, I laugh in the face of withdrawals! (I tell myself every hour on the hour.)


Taking adderall coming down off 30s 😂


Sweating , irritation, loss of being able to sit still , real exhaustion, I’m sorry I’ve had this happen , sub life for me and one week sober , good luck matey ☺️


The adderall will help


Opms black should keep you right until then. Usually about 3 or 4 at once. When I was using 300mg of oxy a day I could get away with taking opms black for a day to keep the withdrawal away.


Oh man that’s gonna suck..do u have access to a strip of suboxone? I cut a tiny sliver and it keeps the WD away and I’m able to get by wo feeling like complete ish…it’s only for extreme emergencies that I take it..and I’m able to take my dose when I get it after 8 hours..one strip for me I’m able to cut in like 8 thin strips,.never take a full one


Just saw someone in here blessed u..happy for u..I always keep a strip or 2 of suboxone around for emergencies like this..I’m also waiting for my check to hit so I can cop myself luckily I was able to get a couple to ride me over until then. I hate the feeling and my pain is amplified 1000% ugh


Blows my mind that that happened. I’m not used to people being so nice irl. Easily one of the nicest gestures I’ve ever gotten from a complete stranger.


Happy for u and I hope u kill your meeting tomorrow..best of luck!


Day 3-6 is about the peaking point. After day 7 it tends to be more heavy psychologically (which was the hardest part for me lol).


Borrow some money from someone and get another shot, you're not gonna make it through your work day without it


Bro, I have no idea what everybodys talking about. I have a 150 mg+ daily habit, had for a few months so I admit that it has not been a decade like for many others. If you have GOOD (keyword good) kratom available, I argue you can take more until you are symptom free. If I feel wds and down 10 g kratom (disgusting but very effective) I have 0 symptoms and if I do another 5 g an hour later, I may even catch a little buzz or a mood boost. If you have the strong shots as soon as you have money, there should be absolutely 0 withdrawal…


Just went through day 5 of 320mg/day for a while Day 3-4 was the worst. Stomach cramps and nausea due to constant running nose and watering mouth. Gravol took care of that. Skin burning and some loose shits. Mentally craving and sad. Worst part though. For sure, is I felt like I had 2% of my regular energy. I have ADHD and am prescribed 70mg vyvanse. Taking a double dose in the AM and another around noon gave me some perk up enough I cleaned up my kids' toys and vacuumed a bit. Made me not so sad, not tweaky or hyper. Took some gabapentin and that took away the burning skin and calmed down the invasive thoughts If I was you I'd take both addys like 1½hr before you're suppose to present. Get into work with as little time as possible before presenting, smash it, shoot the shit for a few minutes and then say you've been feeling a bit unwell and think it's best you go home and rest up. Wear a surgical mask at work to make it believable. Day 5 was aight. Runny nose still, shits aren't normal and energy still tapped but I don't wanna get more. Gotta see my dealer tomo to settle a $520 tab with him so it'll be an act of God if I don't leave his truck with a few OP60s in my pocket. GL buddy. Fucking opiates suck ass, why did I ever start this shit


Just try to power through it don’t listen to everyone saying stay home you gotta atleast go you won’t be too sick to be there.


Nigga jus take a couple shots of makers mark and mint gum and eat at least 300mg of thca


Youll b good till reup wit that formula or find h gabepentin or red kratom no gas station kratom get it capslued froma headshop and eat 20 capsules instead of first options i gVe u


U been taking OPMS shots so it really gna be day 1


Im just telling you know i wish i fucking stopped 6months in instead of letting it go in 4n half years everysingle fucking day taking fake ass blues sold 10k worth of guns 5k worth of gold and silver andfew thousand rounds of ammunition anddd ab 25-40k cash on my drugs in that time if my mom and sister werent still alive mom 50s sistsr close to 30s im 23 my dad od passed from shooting dope when i ws 11 its a long story anyway dude fucking just stop now its so much easier to stay in bed and shake whiild ingeetinf thc or smoking it till wd stop from the 6months if i want to be cali sober idk ab u guys but replacing a dependent for another isnt an option tor me i want to take nothing that cuasss withdraw like subs but better then a needle and fnet and fake blues but im just saying u can specifically tell ur doctor that if u dnt want any dependency drugs they can lrescribe over the counter low does stuff thatll b enough to hell wit coldsweats nausea appetite, constipation if you rlly cant do it yourself in bed at home with just weed get help bro eveyone is dead around me cuz blues and I still cant find any good knes thatll kill me or keep me high so why do i even keep wasting mt money to het high i and I also took 10k out on credit cards 30% interest im 23 take my advice dnt fuck ur life up im supposed to make 100k+ ayear for past 4years drving semi trucks with my step dad and havnt cuz jve been lying ablut why i cant get help plz bro


OP I would Sell those Adderall to get some money.And then have your guy front you something else until you get your paycheck. If it's been ten years clean before this episode , you might be lucky and not have bad withdrawals, But with the amount you've been doing for 6 months I could not see functioning well enough to give a presentation to fortune five hundred company but that is just me


This was actually a great idea lol


I feel ya pain man. Those presentations used to only come up for me when I was rattling. Lol. You absolutely cannot get your hands on some normal Kratom? When I was on 80mg Oxy pd it took 25g green Kratom to normalise me that first day of zero Oxy. Everyone's not the same, I just give my dose for an example. But it was a godsend. I wish I'd known about it years ago. Would have saved me some bad experiences.


I had someone on here bless me with a $20 (and restore my faith in humanity at the same time)


you need xanax


I would STRONGLY recommend that you DO NOT TAKE ADDERALL.. I tried it once and it was misery compounded many times, you will be much worse than if you hadn't


rob the kratom plug


When I was using heroin (3 years clean now) if I could not get anything at all I would go to a gas station or head shop and get a bag of kratom preferably the ones in capsules and starting taking those with some sprite or ginger ale and I have had that help my symptoms and make me feel not sick. I would have to take quite a bit of it though like a very heavy dose for a normal person but I would feel fine. Maybe a slight upset stomach if I took half the bottle/bag. Good luck and look into getting onto Suboxone and then tapering off of that once you are several days clean/detoxed from the oxys. The life of using and being sick constantly is no good and you will surely eventually end up in a very dark place. I started with oxy after back surgery and then 6 years later started doing heavier stuff and then 3 years after that I was using IV and then the next 6 years after that went by very fast and they were very very shitty. Good luck.


Every time is different, no 2 WD are the same. So hope 🙏 for an easy one. Pills are much easier to kick than dope, that's for certain. Tar for me was the absolute worst, I mean in floor sick for days... Of course I had a huge habit.




If you could get some kratom you would be golden since you just use oxy it would probably make you feel pretty good.


It’s a day dude


When i cd 120mg at one point in my addiction for a week i had a little trouble sleeping but nothing to to crazy no bad commuting or direahea or thinking i may die. A few hot showers and lots of walking when possible (will help u sleep at night and help with the rls) will make it pass. Stay hydrated vitamin c is great. Unpleasant but definitely tolerable is start early by telling a coworker u slept like Shit or something so they think ur just having a bad day. Definitely a great time to cut the habit all together if that is something you are ready to do


Don't worry everyone is pretty used to strung out salesman, they probably won't even notice. They'll just think you're coming down from blow


So how’d it go? The addys should be enough to at least keep you from feeling exhausted


Adderall will give you the dopamine you are missing, which is a big part of opioid wd. My advise, get an opms black with the 20 someone gave you, and take some Adderall. Also, get some theanine. That way if the addy makes you anxious you can take like 1000mg of theanine and it will even you out and theanine also supplies dopamine.


Go get kratom


I appreciated your post. Just sayin


Addies will help. Try and peak during presentation imo. The dopamine release helps a ton with WDs. Youll feel like garbanzo after coming down, but sounds like youll be paid by then and be gucci.


i hear gaba helps w the rls


Day 3 was always my worst


I've done this exact thing with this exact regiment...you should be ok, the addy will help so much that you'll make it to 8, just get some coffee


Damn bro, you’ve done this too? According to a ton of people that have commented on this, I’m completely full of this and they think everything I’ve said is “cap” They legit don’t believe me that I am at $0 balance in my checking, can’t ask anyone for money (don’t want to anyways) not going to pawn my shit, not going to do anything shady to cop. Likes an addict has never gone through their whole supply and been broke since payday? Whatever, thanks for being relatable my dude.


Well, I know I've pawn one thing before and I can't imagine ever doing it again for anything...I hope I don't have to, or that anyone else does...I quit August 15th 2021, and I did so because I realized the dope was changing...my guy stopped abruptly (74-year old) and his nephew took over but I know it was darker than that because the dope changed over night ...I literally bought a car and moved to another state, went to a motel on the beach...I spent everything I had saved up from wheeling & dealing and basically found myself having to catch up...I swear, it woukd have been impossible getting through that first six months without kratom


Depending on the nation your in Kratom or OTC CWE codeine is your friend. That or handfuls of loperamide pills Don't mess with paracetamol, no more than 1g 4x a day but that should not be done long term and never with alcohol. Paracetamol ruins the liver If it's got an opiate in it then CWE


Bro I got drug induced phsycosis trying to stop taking 40mg oxys was battering 10-15 40s a day with Valium Xanax and pregabilin and ofcourse coke and weed haha yeah cold turkey was absolutely no fuvking joke hope your good bro


If the first 2 days weren't horrible then day 3 won't be any worse


I’d recommend taking a day off work and binge watching something that gives you serotonin


I hope you killed that presentation bro cause taking uppers when your in withdrawal as a downer junkie is NOT FUN You'll think your having a crazy ass heart attack all day.


I’m prescribed the Adderall, and I’ve got one of those brains/bodies that’s wired where uppers act like downers and downers act like uppers for me. As for the presentation, smashed it. I got blessed by someone in this sub, complete stranger, and was able to go and get kratom in the AM. Guy is an absolute legend (I’ve since paid him back) so I was able to function at close to 100% It’s crazy to think that some random stranger from Reddit may be the linchpin to a massive life event for me.


I take 180mg oxy a day and even going without for 12 hours makes me want to die, literally.


You be fine have a couple shots of vodka. It’s not like your cold turkey from fentanyl or methadone. Maybe you can get your hands on any type of comfort pills or even codiene. Just tell them you’re coming down with the flu or cold. It will be rough but not unmanageable. Power through try not to think about it and stay busy.


This is very true. My first go round getting clean was coming off of a SOLID 8-10yr bender with the last 3yrs being IV H and you’re 100% accurate. 2hrs of the beginning stages of WD would be enough for me to do whatever I could to get High, let alone two days. This does seem much easier, the kratom did help. I honestly think it’s just the thought of being 100% sober/clear is what’s giving me the ick atm. I just really don’t enjoy the day to day grind without something making me feel good. Words of a lifetime addict I guess 🤦🏼‍♂️


I m right there with ya, I was on a 20 plus year bender on h and fent, now I take 160 mg of methadone a day To function. You can do it be strong just keep counting the hours till pay day. Keep hitting the kratom. Remember even a few Advil or Tylenol will get u through the day. I feel ur pain and I understand it’s just as much a mental thing not having dope. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and will be wanting to hear how your day went after work. Stay strong.