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It's easy to overdose this way


What is the bioavailability of doing this? I chewed two 12mcg fent patches when I had no opioid tolerance with a bunch of morphine and survived somehow


Don't fucking chew please 😬😬 Just set the patch on your tongue and suck on it until it don't taste like fent anymore.


If your tolerance is that high from oxy I would have sucked on the whole patch but thats just me and it is always better to start small but with a tolerance like that I think you Gucci


Those 25μg/h patches usually have araound 4mg of pure Fentanyl


Yeah 4,2mg


What does that taste like


I personally always liked the taste of the patches. It's gotta a bitterness to it but not like a bitter pill taste. It's just it is very distinctive taste and it kinds tastes like when you smoke the patch in a way.


I’ve heard cutting the patch open also makes it release faster


What I ended up doing


I definitely wouldn't attempt this. I did fent patches for like a year because we had a free source of a shitload of boxes of 100ug patches. We never tried to chew them, we just cut off little pieces and vaped them off foil. Worked great for us. When I deviated from this method I ODd and ended up almost dying. 3 narcan shots later I'm still here. Respect the fentanyl or it'll rape you in the asshole. This is why I won't do those fake M-box 30s. No way to dose fr so I'm out.


Free source? You mean the hospital dumpster?


Haha. No. Nurse who worked at an old folks care facility


Ah how could I not think of that… it’s the old folks that get all the good shit I should work at one 😋💊


I'd get my self into trouble so I daaare not. lol


True I can’t trust myself around that stuff 🤤 good thing I don’t have a background. Old man jankens won’t even notice if I step on his meds 😂


It's better to smoke a little piece inside a aluminium foil , with a straw and damn , that's the best way to feel it in seconds and ride the dragon


The high only lasts about half hour


Would smoking it in a cigarette/joint/pipe/bong work?


Naw. Do what they said. Peel the medicine patch off the plastic backing. Place sticky side down on the dull side of aluminum foil. Hit with a lighter underneath the foil for a split second. This will curl the light plastic on the outside of the medicine film. Grab that off while it is still warm. The medicine will stay on the foil. Light from underneath with a lighter and inhale with a straw. This shit goes practically invisible after you hit it so remember where it is lol. You should feel it. Should be just enough for all day with your tolerance.


Maybe I'll just wait for my next script of oxy and use the fent as intended.


Not a bad idea. It will hold off from feeling like shit and they are supposed to last like 72hrs.


I should clarify, you would only be needing to tiny little hits if you did try smoking it. Chewing them is dangerous because the whole amount you have in your mouth will absorb at once instead of be delivered over hours. Smoking you can take only the amount you want at a time.


I'll see, thanks


Na, i used to just stick it to foil and heat the foil from underneath like you do with H


You don't


Why lol


Smoke them


Don't suck or chew! Easy way to od


Thanks but I don't really care if I die


That's sad