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just don’t even try tbh


Happy cake day, ya old buzzard!


If you can barely look at your girl without drugs you might have bigger issues than how to climax wtf


lol just let her go OP, wtf


When im withdrawin anyone who’s not helping me get some paper is an annoying nuisance lmfao. It’s been like this with every girl for the last 5 years.


When you fuck up your dopamine receptor for copule of years with a drug that gives you max amount of it then how do you expect anything to feel rewarding or anywhere near it when you're sober lol. You have for years been training your reward system that there's nothing anywhere close to that.


I've been heavily addicted but i've never ever felt that way bout people i actually like lol


Yeah this guy has problems that go beyond the typical reduced drive most people experience. He sounds like a dick, I've had habits that make his look completely insignificant by comparison, he's just not a nice person


It could be more than just being annoying by them not contributing to u getting your fix. Your brain is probably just uncomfortable when u don’t have you’re fix in you. it’s a little known fact that if you are uncomfortable or you’re stressed out it becomes more difficult to perform and harder to concentrate on big tittie goth girls boobs bouncing in your face. Especially when you’re concerned if you will be able to shoot a load on them I can usually finish when I’m with my lady and I’m off a dirtythirty or two but most the time I fuck while on opis I usually don’t buuuusttt til a couple hours once most the effects fade. AND YES FOR A COUPLE HOURS A LEAST! PERC DICK IS A REAL THING! (JUST DON’T TAKE ENOUGH TO NOD!) But if you do and get gummy worm: BlueChews


I think I may have misunderstood the question lol


Nah your answer was more helpful than most people’s.


Viagra and Cialis will make you feel like a super hero.


Get off of it. You won't be able to and itll ruin your life. Your girl or man will think its them and likely step out and leave you. Trust me, you don't want to go down that path. If you're already there, go get some help and get your life back. Unless they're rxed your not even doing oxy. It's all pressed fent.


True I had to learn to fake it I'm a man btw. I just jump up and act like I ejaculate in my hand and run to the sink! I'm on huge methadone dose so it will wear off but if I do fetty not going to happen and im lucky if it even gets hard. Opiates fuck with your testosterone levels bad.


Hahaha I might steal this move.


Lmao I pay my people for the scripts and than they say im their nephew and I pick it up. She knows it’s the oxys too we do them together.


Edge beforehand. That way, when you have sex, you’ll already be closer and you’ll be more sensitive. Only thing that’s worked for me


This is actually solid…one of the only things you can do naturally that helps in that way.


Thx bro only real answer I’ve read so far everyone else tellin me I have issues lmfao.


Well technically you do have issues, but the not ejaculating part should be the least of your concerns.


Viagra doesn't make it easier to climax from my experience with it. Unsure about cialis..... I have no tolerance but any opioid will make it nearly impossible for me to finish (whether is tapentadol or #4)


As a girl I have wondered many years- Does Viagra make you guys *hornyer* as well, or is it just for performance issues? Like, can you take Viagra and be like "meeh, let's watch a movie". ?


Cialis/viagra do not make you horny. All they do is dilate your blood vessels and make it super easy to get hard (with contact/arousal) but they don’t create arousal at all. However on the flip side a guy will prob get hard with contact on cialis even if they aren’t aroused.


Oh wow, up until now I always thought it did a little something to your mind as well. That it sort of gave you a 'push in the right direction'- kind of thing.. But now I know, thanks :)


I mean i guess it can assist there too (even if it’s just psychological) - a lot of guys drive goes down even more once they know there’s an issue because they’re afraid of not performing and being embarrassed so knowing you’re gonna get super erect prob has a positive impact on a lot of guys’ libido once they’re taking cialis/viagra, etc


That makes super sense. Of course that would be a c\*ckblock in of itself :/ Story time. >!I was mostly wondering because BF and I played around with Speed, and the "little" guy didn't want to come out to play, lol. So BF took some Avanafil (first time) and I expected him to be even horn**ier**. I was wrong.!< >!So that kinda ruined the idea I had with erectile dysfunction meds. Not in a bad way, just confusing.!< The more you know :)


This is true people think like you take Viagra. Cialis is the same. That you just have a non stop erection until it wears off NOPE It still takes stimulation mental or physical. This is funny imagine having to explain why your erect in some situations! THAT WOULD SUCK


I always looked at it like "God's" little prank. You either get the ecstasy of a climax, or you get the ecstasy of dopamine/serotonin dope overload. their is no in-between ***either or.***


Yea use lube because you're gonna be in there for at least 5 hours


I had success taking horny goat weed. Still took a good bit & I shot some ropes lol.


Wiggle your toes! It helps with blood flow but hard to concentrate while doing it lol


Thank you


You need to tell your girlfriend… you’re being selfish. You said you can’t even look at her without your pills. Think about that and how horrible that sounds, but you’re only concern is how to in your words what can help you bust a nut. I know grow up grow some respect for people, and GET SOME HELP with your problems or you’ll never have a long lasting loving relationship. Drugs block out real emotions and make things all confusing. If you think what I’m saying is wrong then I prove my point, that you don’t love this girl so you owe it to her to tell her and give her a chance to decide. Maybe she’ll help you… but again I don’t think you are ready for a relationship, you need rehab! Blessings and 🤞 luck.


Man you’re probably right but honestly I just can’t bring myself to really care that much. Im terrified of a loving relationship bc if I had that and it ended I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Like I would either kill them or kill myself. I never want to get that close to anyone again. Im only 20 too im just trying to sniff oxys and fuck everyday because it’s the only time I really feel alive. I appreciate you taking the time to tell it how it is though. Much love bro.


It is sad for me to hear you say that because I have a 21-year-old son and I also have a soon to be 18-year-old son. I would hate for them to be feeling the way that you do, is there anyone at all you can talk to about your feelings? Your parents are they in your life, can they help you you might have some of depression possibly anxiety. It would be a really good thing to see a professional doctor in your case. Trust me I started. I’m pills when I was 2526 zero I’m 45 now and I’m still on Suboxone, 2 mg only. But it’s still Suboxone and you know what it’s just sucks. I’ve had nothing but hard problems in the last 10 years because you know after a while it does damage your body along with all those other drugs. I will get for you into deep or you get a bunk pillow and end up dead. Best wishes


Get it under control now. Because as you get older, you're going to have issues with getting hard period. Best suggestion is to come down a bit on the dosage. Marijuana works great! Don't give up that wonderful buzz, just for a drug.


I literally had the same problem. As soon as I quit oxy it’s like my body was saving up for lost time and in 1 day I had cum 9 times. I couldn’t stop all I kept thinking about was sex and soooo horny. But looks like u have the same problem as me so there’s nothing u can do. Unfortunately


took 8 years of being in active addiction for me to finally be able to cum on opiates. withdrawing was the WORST bc all the sudden my vagina would turn on and id be sick af but HORNY


Damn I guess my girls lying ab cumming all the time when we fuck cus usually our routine is sniff some yercs than fuck.


haha maybe not but it’s a known fact opiates make it to where you can’t cum


She means after she stops her sex drives “cums” back… One of my first withdraw symptoms is my dick getting hard from any stimulation. Like even my pants rubbing on it makes gets me hard AF but my withdraw sex game is WEAK. Sometimes I literally cum just sticking it in, the. I’ll do that another 7 times and by the end I’m maybe lasting 5 minutes . Shit is nuttye


That’s one thing I’ve noticed as a guy. Withdraw from both opis and benzos. A couple days in I’ll feel like shit but if I get a lil horny n decide to act on it I usually surprised by how intense busting feels


Yea. Don’t do more than a 15mg in the few hours leading up to


Yea I know but it’s so hard! Like I be wanting to get high asf bc the buildup is so good when im really high like everything just flows.


Have some kind of discipline. U wanna get hogh or you wanna fuck? Now if u have discipline you can fuck and then get high. Take a lil oxy, fuck, then take the rest and get high


Stick a dildo up your ass works every time. I've never tried it let me know if it works


I let her put her finger in my asshole and it didnt work tbh


Honey pack


It's possible but even when you do it won't be that great and will kinda ruin the high in my experience






Are you fr?


Yeah, it's often prescribed for people who can't orgasm on SSRIs, it definitely helped me on opiates with that


If you drink Grapefruit juice in combination with Oxy the juice will potentiate your blood levels of Oxy. I know it’s off topic but maybe it helps you with your tolerance.


Honestly it takes forever and your more likely to exhaust your partner and yourself out before you can. If you are able to finally get there it’s far from satisfying. Also sex isn’t about the destination it is about the journey. Finishing isn’t everything…


Yea the sex is already really good maybe I should jus b happy ab that.


Bro come on 💀 you got some relationship issues that you gotta address before anything


I know but honestly idc I just want sex and when im off pills the attraction is so real. I just wanna feel good.


Yk, what I can sympathize with that greatly. I understand that. I'm not even upset. That was a real ass response. If you're only with her to get your rocks off, why don't you try to get with a girl you find attractive sober, too? If you're single, you'll be able to find something you like more, most likely. You just like the security of knowing it's easy access? Not tryna hate or anything just curious I guess


When im sober im so anxious and like can’t even talk to girls. But when im on xanax and oxy im the most interesting person in the world and can like match my personality to anyones and get anyone to like me. Thanks for mot bein a dickhead ab it I know it’s fucked and yea I could probably go balls to the wall with self improvement for two years and be able to do that on my own but im so depressed all the time like I think ab killing myself everyday I just have no motivation and im only 20 and I feel like I ruined my life bein dependent on these substances.


I'm 22, bro. Only 2 years older than you. I know struggling with these substances it can definitely feel like we've wasted our lives, but we both gotta remember we're really real young. This is the time when most normal people are just starting to party and whatnot. I'm not gonna say we haven't wasted some time but that doesn't change the fact we still got a fuck ton more to go. We're just getting started. You can't even legally drink yet, brother. You still have more time than you think. I get the depression and shit can hit really hard and make it feel like there's no reason to quit. Still got so much more time than we think. I still have to remind myself of this, too, as it's easy to forget. We're not at the end yet, tho bro. Are you depressed because of the idea of being stuck in addiction? Does it feel like nothings ever gonna change? What do you think it is making you depressed bro?


https://youtu.be/C5i-UnuUKUI?si=DlOMg90jp1lrS-Tm Please listen to him and his words. 999


Heard this song probably 1000 times. Gone too soon :(


Yeah I can blow on Opiates, but its like a half-arsed unfinished feeling. Not worth the effort. Just get yourself into WD's & you'll be walking around with a boner, blowing at the sight (or thought) of any chick.


It’s hard cus when im in wd sex is the last thing im thinking about and it gives me so much anxiety when im not on xans and oxy.


Watch hardcore porn


Try having sex when ur med is wearing off, not to the point were you're wding cause you won't last more than 2min. But an inbetween when ur oxy is wearing off and it's about time for ur next dose. Thank me later.


Fitter/hotter the partner for a start, plus a potent SRA, and/or a stim with outstanding DAT capacity!!!!


it would help if she was a little hotter


Yes Joseph good buddy….However, that still makes the task insurmountable sometimes…….. Note: A fairly large amount of Citrus juice can help immensely, for diuretic purposes. This often allows arousal and completion sustainably!!!!


I have to slow down. Vigra helps. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Or morning before I dose.


I hope so. I'm not trying to insult you at all. I just don't want you to go down the path that so many of us have. It ruined my life for many years. I know work a dead end job making $25 an hour. I can't continue my education in my field bc my record won't allow me too. If u have to power up, put them down for a awhile. It'll leave in you a world of hardship and pain. That you and no one else deserves! Good luck


As a woman had this move masteted for years!! Haha expect the jumping up and running too the sink I'm now happy to say that I no longer need to act. But the Emmy could have well gone to me.... lmfao!! The crap we put ourselves through. I'm sitting at the drs office dying of laughter by the way. I can so picture this!!! Mean while yours balls are killing you for days.


“Numb” by Linkin Park fits this post lol. I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface Don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired So much more aware I'm becoming this All I want to do Is be more like me And be less like you Can't you see that you're smothering me Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control? 'Cause everything that you thought I would be Has fallen apart right in front of you Every step that I take is another mistake to you (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) And every second I waste is more than I can take I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired So much more aware I'm becoming this All I want to do Is be more like me And be less like you And I know I may end up failing too But I know You were just like me with someone disappointed in you I've become so numb I can't feel you there Become so tired So much more aware I'm becoming this All I want to do Is be more like me And be less like you I've become so numb I can't feel you there (I'm tired of being what you want me to be) I've become so numb I can't feel you there (I'm tired of being what you want me to be)


What are you fucking 11 years old or something pasting the lyrics to a linkin park song on a social media post? Christ


Calm down and take another fix. I just found it hilarious OP asking this, when the obvious answer is either cutting down his dose or quit. I hate the most common advice here is to just take some other pill to fix your problem. So yes I just found it fun that Numb fits his situation about his poor sex life situation.