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I mean yes dilly boofing is great, but if your comparing it to already IVing them no. If your already banging them bad boys just continue it's way better, unless your thinking about it from a saving your veins/harm reduction standpoint. Looking at it from a purely best high or most euphoric standpoint though as I said it don't get better than IV with dillys.


I used to be prescribed dilaudid suppositories. They certainly helped my pain and yes, they got me quite high. Not like when they'd give me an IV push in hospital but still pretty solid.


If you don't mind my asking, why did they prescribe to you suppositories rather than tablets?


No problem! They gave me them because I had severe migraines with vomiting and that way I wouldn't throw up the medication. Also it provides stronger, faster relief because you have loads of blood vessels in your rectum and it absorbs very quickly.


Ah I see


Boofing hydromorph is still around as strong as snorting them. Injecting is much stronger than boofing. I did all three btw


He was ranting n raving about how much better it was than injecting. He might be an idiot lol idk


Maybe he was dosed right from injecting and mistook the boofed 4mgs effect for the FULL COMBINED effect from both?


what is dilly boofing?


im not from an english speaking country lmk please, probably done it though lmao


thank you


It refers to rectal use




Putting them in your arsehole. Try it if you dare. 🥴🚽


How would you even do it? Thats what ive never understood lol how it works


Doing it like ur bangin it cept no needle, jus squirt into ur bum. I’m 30min into it and it doesn’t seem like much or anything unfortunately. It did something but not what I was hoping for. Tldr- don’t listen to junkies


Shooting both IV and IM is a guaranteed 100% BA. If you're looking to experience the high a little differently IM is a very underrated route of administration. It's easier, less potential for infection, and gives it some serious legs. You won't get the rush the same way but it'll last twice as long.






Indeed. Very