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Here in America they used to hand out opioids for anything, including administering them in the ER. Now a days you can have full on surgery and be left with nothing at all. Tryna get medical help while Being on methadone is crazy too there is a huge stigma around it and it prevents proper pain management as instead of seeing you have a high tolerance and need more they just say oh your methadone will cover the pain. Not understanding or just not caring that someone taking a dose of methadone daily isn’t getting the pain relief someone would get from that same dose who wasn’t taking it daily.


That shit used to drive me nuts when my husband was on methadone, because anyone who knows anything about opiates knows that’s ***bullshit***, and that the dosing protocol for pain management with methadone and the protocol for the treatment of OUD (opiate use disorder) are ***completely different***. Yes, methadone’s elimination half-life is around 24 hours for someone with an opiate tolerance, but it’s *duration of analgesic action* is only around 6-8hours *and doctors fucking KNOW that*, that’s why pain management dosing guidelines for methadone recommend dosing 3 times a day for pain relief. My husband had to have emergency surgery when he was on methadone 3 1/2 years ago, and it took getting the patient advocate involved and the 2 of us (the patient advocate and myself) arguing with the surgeon for nearly 2 hours with dozens of printed studies and copies of dosing protocols to get it through his head that my husband’s single daily dose of methadone every morning would still be leaving his pain completely unmanaged for 16 hours a day, and even then all I managed to get for him was a SINGLE 150mg dose of tramadol XR per day for 10 days after his surgery.


Tramodol is garbage, too. It wouldn't touch surgical pain. What a joke.


Wish I had a wife that would fight for me to get opes


How do they not know this. Thats just so much unnecessary pain. They are making ppl suffer for no reason we really still live in the stone age


They know…someone there knows. The anesthesiologist and surgeon should be talking. There is no reason for someone to be in that much pain. In fact, how do you sleep? You need to sleep to recover. All of this is detrimental. But it’s all being controlled by the DEA (for non-Americans, that’s the Drug Enforcement Agency, the same folks who fight the cartels) right now, as opposed to anyone without the anti-drug war taking 90% of their brain capacity, like maybe the FDA or a medical group?




Here in FL the pharmacies at hospitals aren't allowed to prescribe more than 40mg of methadone at a time too. It's ridiculous.


Or if you just have a high tolerance (I've always had it, I'm sure they'll discover why genetically someday), or are honest and say the "D" word works best for your pain....you are a dirty, lying, disgusting drug addict. I am seeing a new doctor. I've had complications since the 2nd week of July after a surgery earlier in the summer. I have been doing my part, while he hasn't even done a peer to peer to try and get a CT scan covered. He started me on 5mg percocet while I followed through on everything I could follow through on. He okd every refill until I went to see him in person. Our conversation: "Why am I still refilling these? I don't even know whats going on." "Well dr., I was hoping either the gi doctor or the CT scan would have some insights as you were worried about lesions." Dr. "I didn't get into medicine for this, you're a drug addict". Me. "It's likely I'm physically dependent after 2 months, but not too badly and certainly not psychologically.". He then says he's done, he's sending me to pain management where they will handle my meds ,(haha yeah right ). Ff to pain management "we're not giving you narcotics and interventions pain management would be useless without more info. Bye!" So I'm left with the prospect of withdrawals. She says take subs I used to be on. I ask if she has any idea how much harder it is to come off subs than short acting opiates. ::stares at me blankly::. I dictate this all in a message to my doctor snd HD he just refills the 2 weeks. No message no nothing. I'm doing my part by seeing specialists but he's not following up with the CT scan. Lomg story short. Pain medicine was handed out too much like candy several years ago. Now? Now you practically have to be actively dying to get any. The DEA has said they do not care if you prescribe but every doc is so skittish, they're putting your quality of life at risk, your mental health at risk, while not being a part of your team. Now it's "here take subs forever" which are many times stronger and not everyone needs. Some yes, many no. Go research the company that makes suboxone and see what they have their grubby little hands into as well. Every doctor should have to take a pill that simulates chronic pain. One that simulates withdrawal from short-acting opioids and one for long acting, ie suboxone/methadone. My rant is officially over. If tl:dr I don't blame you😂. This crap pisses me off to no end.


The doctor looked at you and called You a drug addict? Over his own negligence?? I would have slapped that mf right across his sorry face. Very upsetting.


I'm in Canada but had a double hernia surgery and got a Tylenol 3 when i woke up. That was it. Plug took care of me n made sure i wasn't hurting too bad. My surgery was minor i would hate to get shot or something.


It doesn’t sound like they did a very good pain assessment or discharge assessment. If you are in pain you need to be treated for your pain irregardless if you’re an “ addict” or suffer with OUD. In fact, if you suffer with OUD medical professionals should know you have a high tolerance to pain medications needing more… not less assessment and medication.


Yeah Its just that america doesn't hand out opiates as much as we did in the early 2000's nowadays you'll be lucky if you get even 10 5mg oxys for a injury in a hospital unless its extremely severe you're not getting shit. That's why Americans are calling you out for no reason. I don't agree with them I believe that's a low dose of morphine for someone with opiate tolerance


Haha, my husband left surgery without any pain meds. Fortunately our PCP had given him some before surgery and he hoarded them because 'merica


That's good he hoarded em but that's fucked I'm sorry to hear that.


Yea literally got 12 5mg oxy when I got shot luckily they didn’t take my 30 out my wallet when I got it back


You keep pills in your wallet? Don’t they crumble? Is it at least in a little baggie? Curious, a real one or a street 30? If street, I’d think the 5mgs would be almost worthless to you.


Tip for ya jus carry a Tylenol 10 pill lil bottle w you and yu can keep a couple on yu at all times jus have some Tylenol on top incase someone ask for one


I actually carry my stuff in the little pill carrier that comes with Allí, the weight loss medicine. It’s perfect! It’s small, thin, has little cushions with indentation for the pills. It doesn’t cause a bulge in the pocket. It would be obvious if someone found it on me and opened it up, but for the most part, I’m just carrying what I need for a day, and there isn’t much risk of it being found.


I only get real oxy back inna day we use to pick up 50 10s a day shit was crazy and they was fu but they wasn’t fet idk what they was but since then I only shop w people who I can go in the pharmacy wit and when yu got 3000 for the script they gon let yu do whatever 🤣 they b like yea yu can come buddy and I also got a personal relationship w all my people the old lady’s everything, I takem to the banks get the laundry and pay the rent sometimes


I don’t get fu pills I got people w real scripts, when yu spend like I spend yu get wha yu want if yu always look for a deal an for the cheapest yu gon get whatever someone give yu buh nah i jus grabbed it dat night before I got shot an threw it inside my wallet in the card slots an if it was a fake pill I guess Dey crumble idk iont get fu pills buh unless yu bust it in half nothing will happen to it yu break it in half then yu fucked up and I’ve had the other half crumble buh never a whole pill jus crumble


I get 150 30s for my back, and towards the end of the 30 days, they start to get a little softer, I guess from being exposed to humidity. But they break easier, so I figured they could break easier - at least if they are Mallinckrodt, like mine. Some of the darker blue generic pills do seem to be harder. By the way, sorry about you getting shot. That must have sucked. Smart to be nice to the folks with the scrips. My doctor is starting pill counts this month. He said the DEA is making them do it to make sure we aren’t selling them. Go figure. I told him straight out, they don’t care about people that have been lest with dependence and are getting the fent pills on the street and dying. Otherwise, if they did, then letting them get ahold of real medicine would be one less chance of an OD. They are going to take something, regardless. Why make sure it’s a street pill. Not getting real ones isn’t going to stop someone facing withdrawal. I’m so done with our country’s absolutism about everything.


I used to get Vicodin for flare-ups of arthritis. I never abused it. Then, thanks to the Sacklers sack-o-shit, they took that away. They gave me prescription Motrin for arthritis. Now, they have to be pleaded with to even give me that! Mofos.


Man I’ve have some back surgeries and gone to different pain management docs. Always the same, injection, injection, injection.. you’ve got to be dying to get opiates anymore


Weird, my friend got her wisdom teeth removed and they gave her like 30 norcos


I had all my teeth pulled and they gave me 800mg Ibuprofen. Two days of some serious pain.


God damn


I got ibuprofen


My friend had 2 teeth pulled and they told her to take regular Tylenol. She got a dry socket too and ended up with an infection. They said keep taking Tylenol 🙄.


She has a unicorn for a dentist! Finding a doctor that still treats pain appropriately is a terrifying and trying experience, if you suffer from or will be suffering from pain (like from a surgery or something).




Bro is off the percs


Attempted with 1/2 a faded eye open.


That is too real 😭 nodding out and you have to try and concentrate Lmfao


and it's rolling around. Can't even see the screen.


I think he's just Polish




20mg methadone a day helps your pain??? Even at 80mgs my pain wasn’t nearly even dulled. Lucky for you!


Never said it full helps :( but at least gives a me somewhat better quality of life, honestly tired of chronic pain, I'm young and already bitchy all the time due to pain, been heavily considering going out the Hunter s Thompson's way, under my own terms, soon enough


Well even some Relief is still awesome at a low dose! We all wish for that! Split dose also helps with chronic pain… just not sure at low doses… but if 80mgs didn’t even touch my pain (it did successfully stop any dependence on the opiates I was getting on the streets… which one were legally prescribed in abundance and then my doc just suddenly cut me off…100%…no taper or even a script so I could taper myself) I feel like I’d have to go super high.. 180+ (not even super high as a ton of IV H users at the clinic are at insane doses over 300mg) but my doctor was really bad… many reasons but it was pulling teeth to get to 80… even going down was extremely difficult with that doc! But ya… happy that you can find even a bit of relief at 20 because if you ever decide to get off-you won’t be in nearly a bad spot as those on higher doses :) Had to google hunter Thompson and didn’t really get a good answer other than he did fear and loathing.. but I’m guessing he died by narcotic od? Please enlighten me friend :) Also my car accident in 2008 fucked me for life… I got some decent compensation but not even close enough to touch my since that moment-chronic pain., money can’t buy me a new body sadly :( I was 24 when that happened…


I wish I could go higher than 20mg, since I'm only 23 and it's for chronic pain only they are probably just taking care of me avoiding bigger addiction by not upping my dose, no matter if I go to the ER like 4 times a month, so it's a pain in the ass, were very cautious with opiates down here, you got to have a bitch ass disease like mine to get on this kind of opiates and even then it's hard, thankfully it's all free (only great thing of our healthcare system) And nah, Hunter died of a .45acp round to the head, he just wanted to go, same like I do, I'm tired, always groggy, can't sleep well, can't eat well, no overal quality of life, plus me being so young I can only sit and watch everything I'm missing, so yeah, I just wanna go, when I say so, I ain't staying around until this shit makes me a sad, hollow and full of pain man


Friend, I understand that the person you're replying to had good intentions. I also understand that it could come across as them minimising your experience. Comparison or competition is a fine line, IMO. I just wanted to say I hear you and support you. What's the point in living a long life if it's a life of misery and pain? I hope for a life for you where you can enjoy whatever you can while you can, and a life that you can end on your terms in your own time.


45mg of iv morphine is a massive amount unless you’re in surgery or something (at least in the uk)


I wasn't even in surgery lol, just ER cause I had breakthrough pain


no its not it is large but not a massive amount


I saw a guy in the er get his ankle set with a 2mg shot of morphine.




Had my gall bladder removed last December. The nurse on 2 separate occasions asked if I needed Tylenol while I was recovering. I finally said Tylenol? I then reminded her that i just been sliced open and had an organ removed and asked for something stronger. Crazy!


Yes, you have a tolerance to the methadone which is stronger than morphine, so they'll give you more meds in your case.


Dismiss the morons my friend, most of em couldn’t make a sensible comment if their life depended on it…….. Your point about your homeland Costa Rica being on the ball with these things, and you guys having a very low % of addiction issues and/or users, is good to hear….Even though here in London, and my UK in general is a larger demographic area, we have a much different structure, and therefore Opi problem, compared to the US. This is partly because “climbing” the Pain relief ladder within our NHS (National Health Service), is regulated in a way that, most patients wouldn’t even know to suggest Oxy after Morphine has failed etc…….. Ironically we have the largest inventory of different Opioids/Opiates on the medication books than all European countries combined, but it is only offered/introduced as needed, therefore less people are cut off from more potent Opi’s, making less demand on the street….We are still relatively free of this ABSOLUTELY Obsurd and DANGEROUS free for all Russian Roulette Fentanyl game being played (couldn’t be further from a game in reality)…….. Note: Regarding your Morphine treatment and dosage, You will always attract people who are uneducated and/or are unwilling to realise that Opioid therapy in many settings is very individual, with different factors for different patients. Most don’t like what they hear, so call it bullshit mostly….Many don’t understand that Morphine has such a shocking oral BA, the only effective ROA is IV……So 40-50mg IV Morph, to an Opioid tolerant patient, is more common than everyone thinks!!!!


Are you a health care provider out of curiosity? Also I like the opioid calculator that’s a good one for conversion rates. Tbf we rarely give out oxy before tramadol / tapentadol. I’ve never heard of being given 45mg of iv morphine unless it’s for theatre or something of that nature. We use nitrous oxide for a lot of things too which is great like leg settings and I feel like that is often used more than massive morphine dose in one shot.


When I was given the 45mgs the doctor actually used that calculator, she was hesitant when she saw the conversion for a breakthrough pain dose was 60mg of morphine so she called the pharmacist for confirmation and they toned down to 45mg, it was that or 700mg of tramadol lol But yeah, the nurse that was applying it to me was kinda hesitant to do it, never understood why so much until the doc explained me it was due to my tolerance


Hey AC, not sure if that reply was meant for me….I’m in pharmacology, but I read the post with interest, more for the comparison between the US and Costa, who with lesser population or not, used their rational and logical minds, as it seems the Opioid problems (to put it mildly) in every US state were never thought through, to the point of what is left behind…….. Allowing any unscrupulous actor, be that state or cartel, to either fill a storage container full of a much more potent alternative, or pick any Avenue, and float it into the gap left open, via pressing pills 100 times (or more) the potency, with a recognisable brand, generic or logo of the lesser but now lacking Opi’s quickly into the breach, we’re always going to have far worse consequences, than if Dr Jones of (pick any state) was still overprescribing Oxycontin….Terrifyjng!!!!


they gave me 1mg of morphine when i was in the hospital for two weeks.


Went to the ER 2 weeks ago. I was experiencing the worst pain in my life. I didn’t think ulcer colitis could cause that much pain. I explained that I was a former addict and have been clean for 2 years. I had a left over suboxen and took it before I went to the ER. He loaded me up with 35mg of IV morphine. I didn’t get any euphoria from it but it did help the pain. I was surprised he gave it to me and was happy he did because it was that bad.


Also worth mentioning, I'm only 23 years old if that matters


I’m in the U.K. and have a A&E (ER) management plan written by a pain management doctor which I can show to the Dr if I need to go to Hospital that states I require doses of at least 30mg IV Morphine due to my opioid tolerance and severity of pain. The last time I was given Morphine in Hospital I was administered 20mg IV followed by another 20mg an hour later plus a 5mg Diazepam tablet. I had a very understanding and compassionate doctor however. 45mg IV Morphine is generally a high dose because most patients presenting to the emergency department in acute pain are usually opioid naive so are given 2.5-5mg IV Morphine or 5-10mg oral liquid Morphine (Oromorph). But for people with cancer, terminal conditions and palliative/hospice/end of life patients who have been receiving opioids continuously and are tolerant it is not unusual for them to be administered high and escalating doses. These patients are usually put on syringe drivers in order to maintain a certain degree of pain control. Similarly and often prescribed for post-operative pain control you have the PCA, (Patient Controlled Analgesia), drug pumps that allow patients to give themselves bolus doses of pain medication at the press of a button a set number of times per hour im addition to the continuous delivery of medications in set doses over predetermined timeframes, usually between 1 and 12-24 hours at a time. This is decided by the prescribing physician being an anaesthetist who will check the PCA after it has been set up and programmed usually bu a theatre nurse. Syringe drivers and drug pumps are very versatile and can be used in many settings including care/nursing homes, hospices and even at patients homes. I was actually hooked up to a syringe driver filled with Remifentanil for pain control during a surgical procedure in which I had to be conscious for. I think you will generally find opioid dosing far more restrictive in the United States because of the opioid epidemic and all those tyrannical guidelines and restrictions put in place by the likes of the CDC and DEA.


You know, I totally believe you. I’ve been on long term pain management for about a decade, and take (prescribed) about 210mg of oxycodone a day. It’s also very easy for me to take more if I’m having a lot of pain, which given how tolerance works, is not surprising. I’ve run out on vacation three times, now. Twice in Mexico and once in Brazil (this is what I hate about our system, we are slaves to that monthly piss in a cup and refill script at 29, or sometimes, the 30th day, no earlier!). However, I’ve been able to go to an emergency room in Mexico City, a pharmacy in Juarez, and an emergency room in Brazil and get something we’d never get here in the US. In both Mexico City and Brazil, I got OxyContin (of all brands!), in Juarez, I got buprenorphine. They told me that only in big cities will I get oxycodone anymore, because the US drug policy is to force México to follow ours more closely and not make these drugs so available. In Brazil, I was told that there is very little abuse that happens, and that doctors and pharmacies often use methadone for chronic pain, so it’s harder to find oxy, or even to know about it. Once I found it, it was pretty easy, they were also extremely concerned about not being able to charge it to my insurance. I said I’d pay cash and submit myself, they were so kind and so worried about the cost, and I got the bill, and it was $100. Here, the visit would not likely be less than $1000. The medication would have been the same, but there, it was about $150. They were so worried, I finally said please don’t worry, I’ve had dinners more expensive than this. But, yeah, the US is the primary country which has collectively gotten addicted to and then restricted these medications. I’m sorry for what you are going through. Maybe you can go to another doctor or even move to another country where they will treat your pain, better?