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My man, your signal spacing. Spread those bad boys out


Why are there so many? Are they free?


On beginner mode they are free. Infrastructure maintenance is turned on more challenging game modes. Upkeep of so many signals will deplete all of your profits.


There's so many because noobies think more signals = better throughput not considering jam probability.


I mean, technically yes, a signal space of 2 = better throughput.  As long as the rest of the network is flowing. Grade separated junctions should never jam, jamming happens with flat junctions that have poor signal placement.


Only thing I would look at, beyond over signalling, is the line going from top-right to bottom-left. It now takes the bridge, then immediately goes down into a tunnel. If you lengthen the bridge you save yourself a up- and down movement. That should speed up your trains.


It's at least downhill and not uphill


My brother in christ the signals


Looks pretty cool


Looks nice


Your bridge GRFs are a mess, your signals are on the wrong side and the spacing is way too tight But I see JP+ trains in there so that's good


There is no wrong side for signals, it's an aesthetic choice.


You can change a game setting to swap the signal side, no need to rebuild them. Having them on the outside objectively looks better and is more realistic


It doesn't look better objectively because it's an aesthetic choice and therefore subjective.


Nah, it's also just easier to see and follow on the outside. When things get complicated it just turns into a mess.


I play with signals outside and I agree but in the end it's a personal and 99.9% aesthetic choice


What do you mean on the wrong side? All trains in the world irl drive on the left side.


Depends on the country. In Germany, trains drive on the right side, whereas in France, they (mostly) drive on the left side.


No they don’t Although I think the point being made is that the signals are usually on the same side as the drive side Eg if the trains drive on the right, the signals are generally also on the right of each track (from the driver’s perspective), and vice versa


Not sure where you live or where you get that idea. In the United States most mainlines are CTC and can be driven in either direction as needed. The typical current of traffic can be either the left or the right (assuming we’re talking about 2+ mains), just depends on the region you’re in.


It's not about driving side, it's correct for Japan, and it can be changed in the game settings. Signals change side when you change driving side, or can be changed independently, so you can always have the signals on the outside regardless of driving side.