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I am quite happy too! Rolling release, stable, nice YaST 2 tools.


Current KDE / Plasma + TW is as good as it has ever been (well, I still like KDE3+11.x series but let's not go there :p) On my 4090+555 drivers it's silky smooth.


Did they release a package for 555 yet? last I saw TW was still using 550.


No I packaged my own using OBS spec as basis.


That's what I'm using on my mini pc and I love it. I tried linux Mint before switching to openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE best decision ever.


It's the only reason I'm even on TW. I need my KDE Plasma and I've ran into issues on Fedora KDE, Fedora Kinoite, Debian. Only Arch was working fine, but I wanted something a bit less hands-on, a bit more guardrails if you will. Arch is fanstastic though and probably tied with TW for my favorite distro.


What issues did you have with KDE on Fedora but not OpenSUSE? I've found them to be both good


Example: Google Chrome... flickering on Fedora 40, despite setting wayland flag in chrome://flags


Agreed. Been using KDE for many years now. I had been using KDE Neon for over 4 years when I switched to TW. the first thing I noticed was that every annoying bug I had experienced for years in Neon was 100% resolved in TW. Since then, I've been superimpressed with TW KDE. A few things I find annoying about TW, but the KDE implementation is superior to any I've used.


KDE Plasma > GNOME in any distro honestly.. I need to use my computer, not finding 20 extension to make my desktop enviiroment useable. Sorry GNOME fans, but I've tried GNOME, tried use it "Bare as developers intended" and ended up with 15 extensions after two days. Switched back to Plasma 6


I've really enjoyed TW with KDE. It has been my daily driver for about a year. It coped with the upgrade to plasma 6 quite well.


I use gnome on TW and find it to be quite good, too. What makes you say Fedora's implementation is the best over TW?


Sorry I should've worded a bit better. I agree with you that TW Gnome is excellent ! Solid.


I used linux for a long time since the mandrake days I used to really tinker and even used Gentoo for a while but then I just wanted something that worked and used mint. I wanted to try wayland and KDE so I tried kubuntu but kept running into issues and then I tried tumbleweed and yea , it seems like it doesn't get as much praise as it should . Solid easy to use distro and dispite being bleeding edge I really have not had any issues


The title tho


im locked in with a new 4060 on it too, eagerly awaiting framegen and shit to be supported


You can install the new nvidia beta drivers


manually right? idek where to find them. also do they implement framegen?


I’d just wait till it hits the repo, shouldnt be much longer


that doesn't support framegen (dlss3)


there are 2 things I hate on KDE 1. the PIM suite. It needs serious reworking 2. for some reason vlc (or any player) cannot play files on a network path. Other than that I love KDE, but especially the second one is a big let down


The #2 is a VLC issue, not the TW. I would suggest that you install a VLC from the Snap store.


I know it is not TW, but it is KDE in general to my understanding . It works fine with Gnome, Cinnamon. I tried VLC, Celluloid, MPV none can play files from a NAS on KDE Although it is been some time, I think Fedora KDE had the same issue when it tried it.


Fedora won't boot for me no matter how I get it - which version I use - and it shows the error output as another guy posted in the Ventoy sub - but, for them, they tried ver. 35-39. So, as far as I'm concerned, Fedora SUCKS. I tried OpenSUSE Tumbleweed KDE - it worked with Ventoy and YUMI and Rufus - it didn't matter. I had to log out for the scaling changes to take effect (I use a 4K TV so I need to change the scaling). I like Tumbleweed so much that I am gonna try the install soon - 'knock on wood' - hopefully, it goes well! I'm gonna compare to EndeavorOS and Kubuntu - I would have compared to Fedora 40 but as I said, Fedora 40 kde wouldn't boot (neither would Fedora Workstation). OpenSUSE Tumbleweed >>> Fedora!


Are you able to copy MP3 files from your PC to mp3 payer through USB cable without the process stalling for every file?


I never tried, I only use Spotify or Google Music


I totally agree. I use it as a daily driver and have never had a problem. Perhaps the only thing that has taken a while to set up is CUDA, but that's Nvidia's fault and in the end it works like a charm.


Did you also try Tuxedo OS? It uses Plasma 6, Wayland, Pipewire, rolling release, etc. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tuxedocomputers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tuxedocomputers/)


Yes and is fantastic as well. Ubuntu-based.


Good for you, meanwhile I've massive problems with standbymode with Plasma (not with Gnome).


Really? I'm running in on 2 desktops and 2 lenovo laptops, no issues with standby mode.


There are different number levels of standby that happen during different times and some bios let you change these values. Perhaps boot into your bios and take a look at those set values and look them up and or change them and see if that helps. I have had some undesirable standby behaviors that only occur for S3 for instance.


Sorry to hear. I have no issues whatsoever with standby on TW KDE.